• expired

Heroes of Newerth FREE This Week 13th-17th


Mod: O.P. posted a referral link, and I have changed it to non-referral link. However if you are happy using O.P.'s referral link, click here.

Heroes on Newerth is celebrating their 1 year anniversary by having a play for free week (normally USD$30)

I have been playing this game for 6 months and in insanely addictive. There is quite a steep learning curve but the update two days ago has made the initiation a lot easier for the expected new player influx by providing guides and recommended hero builds in game.

If you ever played DOTA of LOL this is a great time to upgrade or give HoN a go for free or even try a new genre of game.

Also don't take it to heart if people rage at you for not knowing what your doing, once you get to your level in matchmaking or public games you will find it a lot more enjoyable.

Have Fun!!

EDIT: For those of you who are raging, it is a referral link. Here is a non referral one if you really don't want to be generous http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/trial.php

Also, the difference between this week and a trial is that trial accounts only allow you to play public games. this allows you full access to matchmaking and all other features.

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closed Comments

  • Referral link? Tsk tsk..

    How long is it "free" for? Do you have to start paying later?

    • -6

      :P no harm in using the ref link
      It is free for 7 days starting yesterday, then you would have to pay the usual account creation fee of $30. It is a one off fee, you will never have to pay more to get any heroes or functionality like LOL

      • http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/referral_login.php

        Well.. It's a link that will earn you in-game goods. I certainly know that referal links for other items are not allowed, so I don't see how this is. How much would 500 'goblin coins' cost in real world dollars?

        • 500 gold coins is about $10. coins go towards buying skins for heroes but there is nothing wrong with putting my referral link from anyone else's point of view. I would have posted the sign up page anyway so why is this a bad thing?

      • +3

        It's unethical to post referral links without warning. People don't take kindly to it, as you can see. If you had read the rules or observed this website at all, you would know that.

      • +1

        DO NOT post the affiliate link the the main URL

        Affiliate links are generally not welcomed over here in OzBargain. Not that we do not want you to make money, but instead we already have a very good cashback scheme in place that is partnered with many affiliation networks in Australia. Therefore by using your link, our members might miss out the chance of getting cashback, which makes your deal more expensive!

        However, if there is no affiliation network that can provide cashback to our members, i.e. they will have to pay the same amount anyway if they don't click through your link, then the moderators here might turn a blind eye on it. Please make sure that you put enough declaration in your post about the affiliate link.

        Affiliate links are to be posted in the body of the deal, not the main deal URL. They must also have “AFFILIATE LINK: <url>” written next to it.

        Moderators have the right to remove any Affiliation Links at their own discression. Occasionally we find “post and run” users posting affiliate links on the site. This is one of the quickest way to find yourself in the penalty box.

        To reduce the amount of spam, Group Buy Sites are not allowed to have any affiliation links whatsoever.


  • judging from the poster's experience, he has been playing for 6 months and still find it satisfying.

    hardcore DoTA players will stick to DoTA until "dota 2" come out later this year.
    newbies would find LOL easier to pick up since there is a great beginner's help section. You can even play by yourself with AI bots as your team mates.
    HoN is somewhere in between.

    I don't know man, 1 week is too short

    • I think 1 week is too short too. In that week if you have no experience from DOTA or LoL you will be getting raped and raged at, unless you can get in the noob no-stats games which is what I recommend. Once you participate in a few good games with awesome teamwork it worth it

  • So is it a free game or just a free game for 1 week?

    • Free for one week only. (as in you can play for the next week for free, after that you will need to pay to continue playing)

      At least that's how I understand it.

      • correct after the 1 week, it will be the usual one off $30

  • +1

    I guess its useful to try it out and see if you like it but you still have to pay after the week.

    I prefer League of Legends, its completely free.

    • LoL is free but you have to fork out to get heroes and unlock game play features to my understanding. HoN is a one off $30 after this 7 day period and you get 100% current and new features forever. I think HoN is a much more complex game than LoL, but lets not start a flame war

      • nope, you don't have to "fork out to get heroes". LoL is completely free, you either grind in game (which if you are just starting isn't a grind at all and is more of a learning experience until you get to max level.) You have the option to pay money to get Heroes, Skins (purely visual) and other things that don't affect gameplay. Heroes can be bought with the points you earn in game too.
        Stop lying to get your referral link going.

        • I didn't know that, I said 'to my understanding' I have only watched streams of LoL, yet to actually play. how many games would you have to play to be able to buy a hero? what is the cost to pay with real money?

        • a win can get you anywhere between 100-250 IP (influence points, used to buy champs and runes), and there is a "first win of the day" bonus which can be claimed once every 22 hours (150 IP).
          the new champs are usually 6300 IP, yet there are some at 450 (good starting champs, many champs at 1350 and 3100, a few at 4800, and the rest at 6300 (as i said before, they release new champs at this price MOST of the time.)

          This leads to buying in game currency. New champs cost 975 RP (Riot Points, aka your money in point form.)
          You can pay in many different ways to get RP, and the ratio of dollars to RP isn't the same for all of them, so I can't help you on that. At the moment $10 USD gets you 1380 RP. Overpriced yes, but its up to you to use RP or IP.
          They have sales on champs too every week.

      • +2

        You can very quickly get the champion of your choice.

        The only reason people ever pay is because they want every single champion that exists, or they want to buy skins etc.

        There's nothing wrong with HoN, but I personally don't see the point in paying for anything when IMO Valve's Dota 2 will be 10x better then both.

  • +2

    C:\Users\NGPriest>CURL -I -L http://www.ozbargain.com.au/goto/44830
    HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
    Location: http://heroesofnewerth.com/ref.php?r=C2AYGJDD

    HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
    Location: http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/ref.php?r=C2AYGJDD

    HTTP/1.1 302 Found
    Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=4459df0bae54b02837dc5de08e12657f; expires=Sat, 21 May 2011 09:05:41 GMT; path=/; domain=.heroesofnewerth.com; HttpOnly
    Location: create_account.php

    Seems the cookie is valid for 7 days?

    • PHPSESSID is just a generic cookie, used by most sites to retrieve global server side variables. Seems like an odd place to be storing a referral ID, as it would put extra load of the service that was realistically unwarranted. It's in the referrers best interest to have the ID saved, not the game devs.

      • -1

        C:\Users\NGPriest>CURL -I -L http://www.ozbargain.com.au/goto/44830
        HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
        Location: http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/

        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=633dbc9e86ff359aefa07e3d76bc245b; expires=Sun, 22 May 2011 03:36:14 GMT; path=/; domain=.heroesofnewerth.com; HttpOnly

        Wow, another cookie…
        Wished we could eat these cookies…

        • As I mentioned, it's a session ID… You may want to read up on it, considering how wide-spread session ID's are. >_>


        • Wow, my 1st post got +2 votes
          My 2nd post got -1 votes…

          Oh wells, i'm too lazy to play that game…

  • +1

    meh. I think I'll stick to dota. waiting for dota 2 like a boss.

  • These games sound like they have a steep/complex learning curve. Hardly accessible to the masses of gamers and a 1 week trial is not really long enough to get into it.

    • League of Legends has a leveling system, so people new to the game can play it quite well.

      I'm guessing HoN is the same.

      • hon's leveling system is aweful tbh. Ive tried hon and lol and i reckon HON is overall a better game and the most similar to dota. LOL has cartoon like graphics, the gameplay is slow and sluggish, but the community is more helpfull.

  • +1

    Please avoid using referral links here and be more honest OP.

    • +2

      I don't understand why people give a shite if it's a referral link. It's not costing you anything to click it.
      Yes if the link was spam then I can see an issue but that comes under the rules for spam.

      • +4

        Because we need to know that his intentions were to post a bargain.

        Think of it this way.

        What would you think if ozbargain was filled with the same sort of thing you get in your junk mail every week?

      • using a referral link can often be a sneaky way of getting bonuses in a game or some kind of scheme. be honest and upfront, regardless of whether you receive a bonus or not.

  • +1


    "First Blood!!"

    Your Hero has Fallen

  • It may be worth mentioning the following:
    If you choose to upgrade your account (normally $30 USD) you can actually purchase Goblin Coins for $40 USD (and get 2415 Goblin Coins) and this will upgrade your account as well. So this means, for only $10 more you can get a massive 2415 Goblin Coins instead of the normal $30 for account fee, and 485 GC for $10. Just my 2 cents, er … coins?

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