Asking for a friend… What's the best hangover cure on a budget?
Best Hangover Cure on a Budget

The best hangover cure I've found is a good lengthy session in a dry sauna and a heap of water during, followed by a plunge into the pool.
Sweat it out by doing nothing.
That's what my wife said.
followed by a plunge into the pool.
Oh I read this as 'a purge in the pool'.
That sounds like it could stress the body and damage your internal organs.
3 main components of hangover, dehydration, low blood sugar and acute withdrawal from alcohol.
Hair of the dog is a mustGet hammered on home brew, no hang over
As a semi-pro homebrewer, I can confirm this is false.
As a fellow brewer I drink circa 1 litre spirits a day give or take no hangover for me.
You are a brewer but drink spirits every day? What do you do with your beer?
So what do you do for fun?
@mousie: Brew… Spirits(Vodka)… Brew Beer, Brew Cider… People say I have a Drinking problem but honestly, I don't have any problems with it.
Big glass of water the night before, or a good 30 min stint in the sauna.
Those two things have completely opposite effects? One hydrates the other dehydrates?
No arguments from me, I don't know why it works but it does…
Solarium. I always felt much better after 20 minutes of Lamps.
Is that you Tim Bailey?
Waiting is free.
I always have some Hydralyte handy. Good for hot days working outside and for hangovers. Opt for Gatorade or similar on a budget.
when you get home after being out, drink a bunch of water.
Then set your alarm for early. Force yourself up and drink a beroca and a bunch of milk, then go back to bed.
This was told to me by my brother who is a world-class drinker.
Sounds like he wants to throw up
Grandma said: "Hot Milk". Me: "Why?". Grandma: "Makes you throw up"
Water or even better Hydralite before bed.
Fresh fruit, something like those juicy long watermelons with seeds (seedless watermelon isn't real fruit) will have the best rehydrating effect. Stay away from tap water it's laced with chemicals like chlorine, fluoride, arsenic etc that will only prolong the hangover.
What about VOSS water- is that OK?
Nah, you want Brawndo…. it's what plants crave
No, all bottled water, as a processed product, will be acid. It may well of been alkali in its natural state but the bottling process unfortunately turns it into acid. Drinking a bottle of acid isn't very healthy and alcohol is also acid too so acid + acid won't solve any problems.
Remember, alkali solves acid. Fresh fruit picked directly from a tree will solve your acid problems from a night on the booze. Rain water is also alkali but catching it my introduce acids. That's the good thing about fruit it's already bottled up so to speak with a skin that simple needs to be peeled with your fingers or teeth so there is little chance of acid contamination before consumption.
Just try to avoid the fruits containing…acids!
Go for a surf in the morning, kebab lunch, afternoon nap.
A decent meal and a Berocca before drinking. Another Berocca and a crapload of water before bed. Bacon and eggs in the morning.
Go for a jog. Sweat it out.
Hair of the dog 😎
If I wake up w a hangover a bowl of Miso soup fixes it up quick smart :)
A good old yak
Coke again
What about the head of a bat Ozzy?
this is my combo, no clue if it actually has science but 90% of the time it works everytime, large cup of coconut water, 2 liver detox caps, and before i sleep 600ml bottle of water. The next day use hydralyte and you'll be shweet.
Exercise and rehydrate with powerade or coconut water
taking a shit the next morning
Make sure you get up and out of bed first.
Accidents do happen
Two or three glasses of saline before bed and another two when you wake up:…I leave a juice box or two near my bed. Have one before bed and one in the morning
bacon and eggs
-Drink water after every alcoholic beverage you have, or
-Spicy bowl of ramen in the morning, or
-A bloody mary.Blend yougurt with just a pinch of salt and water.. that will do the trick
Give yourself a brain freeze with a Slurpee/frozen coke - it works!
I keep travacalm original in my side drawer. The Dimenhydrinate ones, not the herbal ones. Take one of those when you first wake up and realise how bad things are.
The travacalm does two things - zonks you out for three hours or so to get past the worst of the hangover, and stops you getting nauseous so when you do wake up you can chug fluids and eat greasy food without fear of bringing it all back up.
Trust me, it's like God mode for a hangover.
Sex and lots of sleep.
Water and food (its hard, but every bite is a big help)All at the same time?
Sex and Sleep? Which now ? Certainly any precise insertion will be very hard ( pun ) to execute.
Monkey brain soup.
I find that I tend to wake up early (~5-6am) the morning after heavy drinking. If I smash down as much water as I can then go straight back to sleep, before my body realizes it's hungover, I'm almost always fine.
In the spirit of Ozbargain do not buy Hydralyte.
Buy this:…
Same main component and heaps cheaper.Take a salt tablet, have a nutritious meal and plenty of water at least an hour before drinking commences.
Slip in a glass of water after every 2 drinks. Avoid snacking.
Take another tablet before bed. Avoid eating anything at this time. Take 2 ibuprofen. Drink more water.
In the morning either hair of the dog/2 ibuprofen (not both), another salt tablet, bacon and eggs, more water, go for a run/swim, more water, should be right for the day.
In the spirit of Ozbargain do not buy toppin salt.
Buy this:…
Same main component and heaps cheaper.With bonus Anti Caking Agent (554)!
ie. Aluminium
The only thing that really helps me is a nap, a swim in the sea and a lot of food. It's the psychological effects that really kill me. I can't think, I can barely form sentences, I feel anxious - that isn't being cured with a berroca and a glass of water. Hangovers are the worst
It appears that Ozbargain is a forum of tight arse drunks…
Cheers 🍺.
The more I read here, the more I'm happy I don't drink anymore :)
I'm really concerned if the next OzB meetup there's dirty kebabs & lot of berocca and hydralite being popped..
The London at Adelaide has free entry on Friday nights and vodkas with soft drink/juice are $2.
I've only been once.BTW how much $$ did Scotty provide for each of the last meet ups, was it $500? lot of people could get really hammered on $2 vodkas.
Panadol works most of the time
One tablet of men's multivitamin with a glass of water before sleep.
I use blackmores men's multi, works wonders.Saline drip.
You'll feel better than did before you started drinking.
half a loaf of bread and a bunch of water, then a gatorade in the morning
Random completely unrelated question but are you by any chance a research professor at some university who deciphered a rock? (a pretty cool rock at that) Your pic just reminds me of his pic on the university forums for a class I had.
I'm an importer exporter. I'm thinking of quitting the exporting, and just focussing in on the importing.
Damn must just have the same initials to have a similar profile pic haha
Induce vomiting to clear any pending alcohol then drink water a pinch of salt.
For prevention next time: Fry some flour and eat that. Oil helps breaks up alcohol once it enters stomach. It's also why people eat fatty foods. Also, drinking water. But these may dull the alcohol effects ;)
Late to the party
I read on Reddit that Xanax (~ 0.5mg) was a legit cure for nausea and hangover. Personally, I never tried it using that way. I prefer either some mid-strength sour beer or any strong NEIPA. Other option is a decent cider. It works very well on me after a big night.
If I don't feel like drinking anymore, I go to a Korean restaurant for a Kimchi JJigae (Kimchi Stew). It's a good detoxTravel pills against nausea?
Before bed, do up a hydralyte and a big carby dish (my go-to is an Aldi oven pizza). Slam that all down, and chase it with as much water as you can get down. A couple of preemptive ibuprofen also doesn't hurt.
Your friend has been poisoned.
Induce vomiting.
Eat plain burnt toast.
Hydrate with water.
Recovery position.On the road to recovery thanks to the OzB community :)
1) cook a bowl of rice. Worst case, around $3 if you're lazy and buy one of those microwave-ready packs of rice. Best case, around 10c if you buy big bags of rice.
2) Chips. Hot, crispy and salty. Melt a chunk of mozzarella over them. Worst case, around $20 if you go for hipster cafe fries and organic buffalo mozzarella. Best case, around $1 if you chop potatoes into chips yourself and use generic shredded mozzarella (and it will still do the trick).
A litre of Hartmanns, a gram of paracetamol, and a medical certificate from your local doctor does wonders.
We also do this in ED but expect to wait 5 hours, by which time your hangover's probably over anyway
My preferred hangover cure is a solution of RL with added Vitamin C, Magnesium, B1 , B2 , B3, B5 , B6 , B12 , Folic Acid and L-Glutathione. Shake and drip-feed. Works a treat!
Otherwise, a big glass of water after each alcoholic drink.
Simple - water (for the dehydration) and time.
I try to have 1 glass of water for every drink I have, followed by 2 before bed. Helps so much.
There is no cure.
Dehydration might worsen the effects of a hangover a little but the reality is the hangover is caused primarily by your body processing the alcohol and not being tolerant to the byproducts.
Prevention is, of course, best. But there are two methods of prevention. Some suggest not drinking. I suggest drinking a fair bit every single day. Your body will learn to tolerate the nasty bits booze breaks down into.
The cheapest way to up your tolerance I'm aware of is to make your own simple sugar fermenting operation. Get a big food safe container you can seal with the addition of a bubbler (drilling a hole in a cork or a plastic lid is fine). Clean the container with some sodium percarbonate. Put a ratio of about 1kg sugar to 5kg water in it and make sure it's all disolved). Add a bit of champagne yeast. Seal up the lid/cork with the bubbler installed and wait 2-4 weeks. Siphon into other containers to store in the fridge. Congratulations, you can now get wasted every single day for about $1 a day, thus preventing serious hangovers when you go on a real bender.
This post does not constitute medical advice.
Or does it?
Thank you MacGyver!
If u are drinking spirits then you should have it over ice, but consume the ice as well before the next drink.
Keeps the water up while the alcohol tries to dehydrate you.Bacon, lots of bacon.
Cornflakes with warm beer does the trick for me.
Breakfast of Champions
Vegemite on buttered toast, eggs n bacon, sleep, water, Powerade.
Drink water and sleep. Works and is the cheapest.
Back in the day I had a bachelor pad in the heart of the city, and mates would often crash out after a big night out. I regularly had to recover mates simply to get the house back in order. Problem was often that drunk mates don't know when they should pull the pin on a night out.
I'd offer a round of "Russia Bouncers" back at my place. Tall glass of ice cold water, small shot of vodka, and a red Berocca. The vitamin B gave them a boost to depleted B12, the water helped, and the booze was an easy way to make them think it wasn't the end. They'd sleep like babies and bounce back much better the next day. A supply of bulk pack bacon and eggs with a budget pack of rolls usually meant I could find a volunteer to make me a breakfast fix too
Bowl of ramen is my cure all for hangovers. Filling, nourishing and hydrating. A bowl of a ramen post-drinking and you will wake up feeling like a CHAMPION (until the self-loathing and regret kicks in)
You know, you could always drink as much as you like, and then eat a really saucy kebab before bed. Make sure you sleep on your back! The next morning, you'll be hangover free. Heck, you'll never have a hangover again!
more alcohol
Big drink of water with a teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of salt in it. Keep a big bottle of water by your bed and drink that all night too. If you've got more money than that, salty meal and really really big drink of water for bed. And if you own a solid gold toilet, big drink of water with a Berocca in it before bed.
But the truly cheapest way is not to get that drunk at all and stick to the two drink NHMRC guideline ;)
Nurofen (or generic if on a budget) for headache; not Panadol. For some reason Nurofen is much more effective then Panadol for this kind of headache.
If you have nausea use Eno. Severe nausea I would suggest metoclopramide, but you will need to get it from a GP/pharmacy.
I find that the hydration and salt tips above don't do much for me.Drink 1 pint of water with 2 paracetamol, wait 30 mins then drink 1 or 2 beers.
Most hangovers will be gone, although extreme cases are unfortunately incurable ;)
I have been having a lot of luck with 200% vitamin c packets. Also don't mix drinks, don't even switch brands of beer or wine and you might notice a particular brand triggers bad histamine headaches not just the standard dehydration ones so switch to another brand. Sleep is free
That guy in the video had kidney dialysis to filter his blood after the beer transfusion.