Asking for a friend… What's the best hangover cure on a budget?
Best Hangover Cure on a Budget

mousie on 26/03/2019 - 09:47
Happy Friday everyone - I'll see how they go this weekend with all the tips :)
Late sleep if you can, rub one out, then head for a bacon & egg roll and a Bloody Mary… Makes things right and you're good to go again.
Blue Powerade in the morning (keep it in the fridge).
Food on the night (eating is not cheating, it's strategy).
Water throughout the day prior (lots and lots of water).This is the solution for me as i'm mid 30's and hangovers last at least 2 days
Hydralyte tablets with water before i go drinking
Drink water in between drinks
Hydralyte tablets with water after drinkingNever really have a hang over anymore just tired
Party pies
Depends on if you have to wake up at a certain time.
I usually drink when I have no plans the next day, and so its us usually a write-off.
I drink a heap of water before bed, a bit of food (nothing heavy) and then set up a couple of litres of water on the bedside table.
When I wake up, if I feel like crap, I drink a lot of water then its back to sleep.
Rinse and repeat until I feel good enough to face the world again.