Does This Annoy You?

The line between being savvy and being cheap: I do not consider myself cheap I believe that people get these things confused however there are two extremes on Ozbargin and I wonder if annoys others too.

Their are a bunch of people on this forum who earn big wages +150k have loads of equity in property and stocks and are still driving a 1999 Hyundai excel, wearing $3 outfits and living with there parents because they don’t want to pay for utilities in one of there 6 investment properties and basically always trying to squeeze $200 of value out of $10 note – these people I honestly cant stand in real life they are the type of people you are at a pub shout them a drink for $10 and when they go to shout you a drink it has to be under $9.95 so they make a moral profit or even worse they just take off and never off a round.

On the other side (these people are less prevalent on this forum)

Are the exact opposite these people make barely earn over min wage or just simply don’t want to work so they sponge of the government buy almost everything on credit couldn’t save $12 to save there life, and cant understand why there landlords wont let them have a dog in there rental even though they haven’t paid there rent for 3 months but can somehow afford to look after a pet – these people equally annoy the shit out of me.

Now they don’t have to fit the exact picture I painted but we all know people who are excessively cheap and those who are over spenders do they annoying you in real life/on ozbargin would you put yourself in one of those two categories?

Poll Options

  • 283
    Yes they both annoy me
  • 14
    Only those who are cheap annoy me
  • 139
    Only lazy underproductive over spenders annoy me
  • 16
    I don’t mind
  • 86
    I like cookies


  • +50

    I agree that both types are quite annoying. A surprising amount of people don't understand how to reciprocate favours but it helps to learn who these people are so you don't make the same mistake.

    More importantly, could you give more info on this $3 outfit?

    • Kmart T-shirts I guess?

      • +1

        I've got plenty of $1 t shirts (and some which were free) but getting everything else for under $3 would be difficult.

        • Pricing errors possibly, op shop,or second hand Ebay auctions with free local pick up

          • @Gotchas: Imagine being a millionaire and buy a 2nd hand t-shirt in op-shop…
            Of course it has happened.

            • -1

              @Ti-au: Can you please define what you would call a millionaire? However, it would need to be a good t shirt.

              • -3

                @try2bhelpful: Does it matter?

                If they have assets over $1M, even with a 90% LVR mortgage, they would have $100,000 worth of equity.
                Which still means they should Not shop in an Op shop for 2nd hand clothes.
                If they need some cash sell the house and spend $50,000 ($50k loss) on tshirts.

                • +2

                  @Ti-au: I don’t buy t shirts from op shops but nothing wrong with buying good quality coats. Reuse of quality stuff is much better than buying new rubbish. I got a great pure wool rug for $20 that would’ve cost hundreds new. Buy quality furniture instead of IKEA stuff. It isn’t how much money you have but how you get value for money.

              • +1


                Can you please define what you would call a millionaire?

                A million dollars in liquid assets.

            • @Ti-au: I used to know someone worth 10s of millions and wore shoes with holes in them

            • @Ti-au: Hands down, I would be that millionare.

              I grew up well under the poverty line. My habits don't change with money. I'm not one to squeeze $200 of value out of $10, however. But I can sacrifice a lot to get the things I see as valuable.

    • Got an ettamoogah pub t-shirt at an opshop today for $2 and there were shorts and trakies there for $1 so could get an ok outfit for $3. suits were plenty ut all double digits.

      • +10

        So freeballing with no footwear? Niiiiice!

        • Billionaire found!

        • +1

          I didn't really think that needs to go on the outfit price, but just a pair of thongs and old bonds (both bought new years ago)
          I guess most ozbargainers would be sporting the $500 rmw boots they buy once every quarter century and a pair of the xiaomi smart undies

    • +1

      More importantly, could you give more info on this $3 outfit?

      I'm regularly still sporting my $2.50 outfit.

      My $1 grey shirts and shorts now have holes, though the white's are still going good. Luckily I lashed out and bought $10 worth of tshirts/shorts, so still have spares.

      Undies are a typical Christmas present.

      Footwear 50c.

      Total: $2.50 worth of dignity.

  • +40

    people lie on the internet… don't you find it amazing the number of people on this forum who are looking for investment ideas with their spare $400k? or their first job out of uni is a $300k role?

    • +1

      Doesn't everyone earn $300k in their first job?

      (if we find them can we shoot them?).

      • +1

        Username…oh, never mind.

        • i see you @orly

    • Well, everybody over at Whirlpool earns 200k plus…

  • +7

    If I had to choose, it would be the latter as spending more than you are earning is completely illogical for me. However, the too savvy cohort, I will be avoiding them as they are most likely trying to take advantage of me anytime they could.

    • +2

      yeah, it's ok if they ruin their own life, but they will come to you asking for a loan. And when they have extra money, they splurge instead of paying you back first!

  • +15

    the second type bother me a lot more than the first one. Chances are the first type got that wealthy through being stingy - that's a skill like it or not - running up a debt while sponging off the government isn't.

    • Where are the creditors giving this debt to people recieving only benefits?

      Is it payday loans? The type of loan that is only used by the most desperate people in our society because the dole does not provide enough to eat or feed children?

      • +11

        Please do not eat children.

  • +105

    I find it annoying when people confuse the words "they're", "there", and "their".

    • +6

      Perhaps they have had too much Ozbargin

    • +1

      Hey you're right, I didn't spot that on my first read…..good job English teach. ☺

    • +3

      I find it very very annoying when people confuse the words "they're", "there", and "their" and have NO IDEA when to use Dots and Commas.

      • +13

        Or capitals.

        • +5


          Happy now?

        • +1


      • +2

        Also annoying is when people mix up "bought" and "brought" and "draw" and "drawer".

        • +1


      • +1

        But at least he used paragraphs instead of huge wall of text.

    • +5

      And of and the word off> "they sponge of the government". So annoying.

      • +1

        Maybe the Y is a typo and they meant to say the sponge that belongs to the government?

      • +1

        Not quite as bad as using "of" instead of "have" - e.g. He should of used the correct word.

    • And 'do they annoying you' - wrong verb form for a question. Seriously, though, people all make mistakes when typing quickly and autocorrect does some weird stuff. And don't get me started on advice and advise…

    • +6

      Peepel hoo carnt spel shood bee band on ozbargin

      • +1

        Lol, you must be so mean!

    • Yes, your right about that. They should of paid attention at school. Reading my own sentence right there annoyed me.

  • +12

    i20 came out in 2008. That annoys me :p

    Hyundai Excel maybe?

  • +13

    There's a big difference between someone who claims to be on 150k and someone who is actually on 150k.
    Don't believe everything people tell you on the internet.

    • +5

      Why is it so inconceivable that people earn 150k? That's the average senior engineer rate in the current market.

      • +9

        It's inconceivable that just about everybody on this site claims to make 150k+. Surely they can't all be senior engineers?

        • +10

          Actually I think you got the facts wrong, we're all on 300k+ jobs, including me!

          • +3

            @Zachary: pay day was yesterday……………. so good so so so so so goood

        • Tend to find the people who earn big money like to tell everyone about it. It's why there is a perception on the forums that the average earner is 300k.

      • +2

        That's the average senior engineer rate in the current market.

        Citation please.

  • +33

    i sometimes walk 3 km home from work to save the $2.50 bus fare…. that is ultra cheap but is the only way ill exercise.

    my plan backfired eventually when i blew a hole in my shoes.

    but then i put my plan back into action by buying cheap tape from the dollar shop and taping that shoe up.

    i'm solid cheap, but when it comes to paying my fair share or getting a round, ill always be the one who pays more or at least the same… anyone who tries to avoid this sucks and ill never go out again with em if its a deliberate pattern.

    • +5

      I sometimes walk 3 km home from work to save the $2.50 bus fare…. that is ultra cheap but is the only way ill exercise.

      I do this too.

      my plan backfired eventually when i blew a hole in my shoes.

      Same here, and the soles especially at the heel all collapsed in :(.

      but then i put my plan back into action by buying cheap tape from the dollar shop and taping that shoe up.

      I bought a tube of silicon and a silicon gun all for under $5 at Bunnings, now have springy shoes that are now more comfortable =).

      i'm solid cheap, but when it comes to paying my fair share or getting a round, ill always be the one who pays more or at least the same…

      Same here.

      anyone who tries to avoid this sucks and ill never go out again with em if its a deliberate pattern.

      Big same here too.
      I've loaned money to some "friends" and. actually one comes to mind loaned him money, every time we went to the movies it was me who bought the movie tickets and all the snacks, bought him birthday presents, even brought him back a real gas mask from Russia that he especially wanted.
      After everything I've done for him he can't even remember the amount of money I've loaned to him he really, really pisses me off 😡.

      • +1

        I know that feeling :(

      • +1


      • +2

        Can I be your friend? Plus, I really want one of those Russian gas masks.

      • +1

        I get annoyed when people form a verb from a noun, then that practice is taken-up by others eg 'loaned'.
        The noun is loan (ie 'the money was a loan'), the verb derivative is 'lent' eg I lent a person some money.

        Other examples are 'action'. 'Action' is not a verb, it's a noun. If you can put either the indefinite article (a or an) or the definite article (the) before a word, then it's a noun.

        We do not 'action' something, 'action' is a noun.

        Let's not all follow the Americans with their appalling corruption of the English language.

        • +1

          Bravo, thanks for your advice. Good help is hard to find nowadays. Much appreciated!

        • I'm guilty of using the word "action" as a verb just a few hours ago and truly am sorry that it may have annoyed you.

          But in a world where both Oxford and Cambridge dictionaries accept the word "google" as a verb. It's really hard to know which words and their usage are correct and which are the result of following the Americans.

          I looked up "loan" and "action" and both are both nouns and verbs. So I'm very confused now. :(

        • He actioned something lol

    • +2

      I used to walk an extra stop in the morning and evening to save a buck each time.

      • +3

        Why did you stop? I've just started doing this too!

        I didn't realise the bus charges on straight-line distance between stops, so if I get off a few stops beforehand and cut through some streets (my bus route zig zags near my home), I pay $2.20 instead of $3.66. Winning!

        • Started driving into work because I kept getting screwed over by connections and wanted to learn to drive manual.

    • +8

      Yep, something like instead of parking at the university car park just park in the suburb parking and take that extra 6 min walk.

      People laugh at you saying you are only saving 4$ but that adds up to a lot over time.

      • +2

        adds up to a lot over time

        And also adds healthy years to your life with the added physical activity.

      • And you annoy the residents in that suburb who now can't even find a park outside their own home.

    • +1

      “The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money.

      Take boots, for example. He earned thirty-eight dollars a month plus allowances. A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an affordable pair of boots, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. Those were the kind of boots Vimes always bought, and wore until the soles were so thin that he could tell where he was in Ankh-Morpork on a foggy night by the feel of the cobbles.

      But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while the poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet.

      This was the Captain Samuel Vimes 'Boots' theory of socioeconomic unfairness.”

      ― Terry Pratchett, Men at Arms: The Play

      • +4

        These days the expensive item is just as likely to fall apart as quick as the cheap one.

        • Not necessarily. Really depends on what it is.

          Tools are a good example. Good quality tools last a lot longer than cheap ones.

        • Nuh. Target clothes last longer than kmart clothing

      • My favourite author.

    • +2

      i sometimes walk 3 km home from work to save the $2.50 bus fare

      You are not a real bargainer. It is more "profit" thinking you save nearly $20 taxi fare!

      • +1

        taxi isnt in my vocabulary … i walk

    • Likewise! 4.1km walk door-to-door between home and work. I walk both ways to get some exercise in and it saves me $7.32 per day in bus fares.

      $7.32 x 230 work days per year = $1,683.60* saved

      (*) Which is ~35 extra Nintendo Switch games for my collection based on current average buy price for non collector's edition titles. ;-)

    • There is no need to spend $200 on new shoes, but a $50 pair of sneakers from an outlet is much better on your feet and joints than using a pair that break from walking, and then continuing to use them.

      That is the difference between the frugal and the cheap, I think you need to put a value on your health

      • a good pair of shoes for $200 or even a $100 is better than a poor pair for $50 that will last a quarter of the time.

        what quality sneakers can you get for $50

  • +21

    I would be more annoyed for the first point if you added more to it like - Gloating about paying $0 in income taxes because of their investment properties and saying it is "stupid" that we should be helping the homeless or poor, because it is their "own fault."

    • +18

      You are not going to like HighAndDry.

    • You don't know how they became homeless or poor. They may have crafted up a pyramid scheme that blew up in their face and now all of their assets are frozen to pay the debts.

      • +2

        Or you know, it could be the other 99.9% of people that are poor…

  • Their

    • thank you

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