• expired

NBN 50/20 Unlimited $59/Month First 6 Months ($79/Month Thereafter) @ Aussie Broadband (New Customers)


Same deal as this but with a later expiry date of 30th April 2019.
Received a letter from Aussie broadband for the $79 plan reduced to $59 for the first 6 months with the code SOGOOD20.

$79 plan is unlimited data on NBN50 with no lock in contract.

Applies to 50/20 & 100/40 Unlimited Plans Only.

NBN 50/20 Unlimited Plan: $79/Month ($59/Month for the first 6 months)
NBN 100/40 Unlimited Plan: $99/Month ($79/Month for the first 6 months)

Referral Links

Referral: random (335)

$50 each for referrer & referee apply afterwards.

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Aussie Broadband
Aussie Broadband

closed Comments

    • +5

      Unfortunately a result of the cost of Aussie quality support vs India.

      I rarely wait with iinet, but I never get any useful support from iinet. They nearly always just lie to me to make me happy.

      • -3

        But their support in Aussie is only so-so.

        When you can get better support with 0 wait time, while its nothing to "hate on" theres just no need for the wait.

      • Aussie BB staff can actually do stuff to fix your service from the initial call too rather than have them log it and then wait 3 days.

    • +5

      Never had such issues with iinet.

      funny you say that, Once I was with iiNet and was experiencing constant drop outs (

      I waited in queue for 67 min with iiNet before to get cut off (yay requeuing!!) then second call I requested for a call back… and received nothing.. Did a 3rd call 24 hours later waited for another 30min connected and the girl said they will log with technician and ask them to call back in the next hour. Waited another 24 hours… nothing, called back and was told there is no issues logged with my account and the issue number I gave is invalid (cant be found), and will log one again and technician will call me in the next hour, another 24 hours of nothing. Called, waited for 40 min, Ask to speak to the technician and not gonna hang up, waited for another 40 min, technician told me oh its just a minor thing they need to switch the line off and on again to get a more stable IP.

      So a simple switching the line over to a new IP at their side took me 177min of waiting on the phone and 4 days to resolve.. oh and did I tell you the technicians don't work on weekends so it was actually over 6 days

      Yea i'll be more than happy to have my issues resolved in 30 min on the weekend.

      • -5

        funny you say that

        I laughed too :P

    • +1

      I’ve had some awful issues with iiNet. They just don’t care and always want to blame you every time you call them.
      I can’t wait to get a different supplier.

      • +3

        ABB are great, no issues here.

        • +1

          Ditto, coming up to 2 years with them here

        • Going with ABB as soon as my NBN in connected in a couple of months.

    • I had an outage on sunday, called them and heard the wait time and hung up.
      Posted the query on their fb page and they replied end of the next day

    • 30mins is nothing

    • It's not just w/e

  • I’m switching to nbn ABB from adsl TPG.

    Do I need to manually setup my router TPLink Archer D7?
    Or it would be plug and play?

    Nbn will via FTTP.

  • Can I move from Unlimited to 500GB one or two months later and still keep the 20$ off promo in my billing?

    • +1

      Nope. It's for the unlimited 50 & 100 plans only.

      • How about if we went for 100 and didnt get the speeds, could we move down to 50 plan?

  • We have just got NBN available in our area. I rang Aussie last week to get connected and they are coming thursday to do it. Do you think I could ring and get them to give me this deal?

    • +1

      Yes they will do it. I did so by ringing up about the same deal earlier this year.

    • Just message the Rep here on OzB.

    • +1

      Not a chance in hell I'm afraid.
      This is their customer service downfall.

      My request was for less than you're asking
      WITH A RECORDING promising me what I expected.
      And I was rejected.
      Our 'missed offer' (promised to us) was less than 8 business hours after the inital phone call.

      Went all the way to CEO level, where I was advised that although I was told one thing, they weren't going to honor it.
      Tried to call and be passed to the person to whom I was already speaking? Nope!
      No one would forward the call; despite having proof I was talking to them already.
      I know he's the CEO, but HE opened the discussion (not heated); and won't continue?
      Ah, guess it was more of a 'I'm the CEO, I say this, now shut up!' nice….

      I even offered a 24 month contract to ensure I wasn't "taking the deal and running"; wouldn't work with me at all.
      Lied, took money, and run.

      The OzB rep copy and pasted someone elses reply, including their name, details and salutation and just sent it to me as a PM; so even the Rep couldn't take the time to write my name or handle.

      I also let the fellow Ozb member know that the rep was leaking their details in PM's to other users…..

      • Oh you made it up the food chain ?


        I did eventually get the complaints guy to admit that after he eventually bothered to listen to the recording, I was right and there was a constant lack of accurate record of the conversations in the notes, not just once but every time.

        Their customer service and complaints are very sub par. They have an excellent network. But Superloop have a similar network and much much better local customer service. For less money. And they've got plenty more experience in running a large network.

        • Wow, that's sh!t.
          Mine is much more simple; I was just made assurances that were broken, and then spoken down to.

          It was still enough to have my buy a plane ticket and arrange a meeting; but they refused.
          I had mates to visit down there anyway; I'm not silly enough to fly down there JUST for that.

  • +3

    Exetel offers NBN50 for $60. Isn't it better than Aussie Broadband?

    • +2

      It's even cheaper if you go down to 500GB - $54.99.

      I've heard good things about Aussie Broadband and bad things about Exetel, but at the end of the day, is the service similar?


      • Hello,

        How are you getting the price for $54.99?

        The best I can see is $57.99.


      • +2

        Don't expect service from Exetel. it is terrible. You need to be IT savy.

        • But when you are, expect the BEST service you've ever had!
          No "Have you tried X" "please turn it off, wait 30 seconds" nope!

          "I'm IT savvy, please apply X change on my line" (in my case i was asking for a 9db SNR target)
          "Thats done, anything else?"

          Try getting THAT done with Telstra, I'm a business client at work; it can STILL take a week to get a line profile changed!

    • -2

      Isn't it better than Aussie Broadband?

      Signifcantly, in my personal experience at least.

    • +1

      Try AussieBB for 6 months then switch to exetel?

      • Yep or one of the others

  • +1

    Thinking to move from TPG NBN HFC to Aussie Broadband. The only thing I am concerned is that the service desk advised me that there might be a few hours to 48 hours outage during the migration. It means that my Internet and telephone(voip) will be disconnected for up to 48 hours - which is really long outage than I thought. Anyone who has migrated from a different ISP to Aussie Broadband? Internet connection is very important to my business so I can't accept more than a half day outage during the cut-over. Any idea ?

    • +1

      Have a chat with them and ask for a sms when it's about to go live. Mine switched over in 15 minutes, though YMMV.

      • Thank you. I will try to ask them.

    • Interested to know, if internet is really important to your business, why are you switching?( and risking 2 days outage amongst other switching risks) TPG speeds crap?

    • Make sure you check how long your phone number will take to come across. It can be three weeks yep! Personally I wouldn't move my phone across to these clowns.

      Here's my experience. Note the issues, the promises, the unwillingness to help sort it out and the pulling teeth like experience trying to get it sorted, especially the billing!


  • Been with Aussie BB since January and it's been incredible. Way way better than the 10 years I was with Optus.
    Highly recommend these guys!

    • explain what exactly is “way better” pls thanks!

      • +3

        With Optus I was on the speed boost on cable. Every night my speed was about 3Mbps. This lasted 2 years of me constantly complaining about my speed. I was supposed to be getting up to 100Mbps. The excuses were either congestion or "upgrades" which was total BS.

        Anyway since going to Aussie, every single day and night my speeds are 95 down and 39 up.
        Optus were absolutely pathetic and leaving was the best thing I did.

        • Just an FYI, that's not an ABB thing (and I'm not badmouthing them here) that's just an NBN thing.

          If your area has enough CVC then you all sort of get your own connection, just like ADSL.

          Where as on cable you share a significantly smaller backbone.
          So if little timmy down the street decides it's a good time after school to torrent interracial midget porn; then you slow down to a crawl.

          So long as NBNCo properly provisioned enough 'backbone' in your area, you're just enjoying less bottleneck.
          Any 'decent' ISP would have done the same there.

          Just FYI :)

          • @MasterScythe: Yes I know. Aussie will sign up customers until they reach about 80% capacity so they don't affect customer speeds. I guess once they buy more bandwidth in an area then they will sign more up. Unlike Optus and others I am sure who will just keep signing up customers no matter what it does to everyone's speeds.
            I was on HFC with Optus and same with Aussie.
            I am extremely happy with my choice.
            OPTUS are trash.

    • i fully agree optus are the worst. im on optus cable and at least 4 times a day get high ping/1mbps waves and 20 minute disconnect, 4 TIMES A DAY EVERY DAY. nbn is still not available and my house's phone line has dropout issues for adsl. will never use optus again ever.

      • When i had NBN come to my place, the guys installing it had to put in a new line to the wall separate to the Optus one. And ever since it's been exactly what is advertised with them.

  • Everyone should join Aussie Broadband, cos TPG sux.

    • I think there are more ISPs than TPG and Aussie though?

    • +1

      If you’re a rich kid

      • …with plenty of time to waste waiting on the phone.

  • Can any fellow renters describe their experience with the NBN rollout for me? I'm in an apartment with really terrible ADSL2+ (less than 1mbps down, up doesn't even register on speedtest at peak times) at the moment, and the NBN site says I'm due for HFC in May of this year. Should I expect it in May or is it likely to be much later due to strata and the landlord themselves? I know it's probably a case-by-case basis but god, I want usable internet soon…

    • How much are you paying for that shit sandwich? Perhaps in the interim look at a 4G data plan that provides the data allowance you require.

      • +1

        Unfortunately I use a lot of bandwidth as I watch a lot of TV shows and play a lot of video games. On the plus side it has led me to look for other (healthier) hobbies since I basically can't do those whilst living here?

        I pay $60 a month which is pretty painful - but I've gotten in the habit of setting things up downloading before going to work in the morning (which is probably spiking my power bill too, I suppose.)

        Basically, I'm very ready for any NBN even if it is only HFC.

        • Yeh I gather $60 may only get you 100GB per month on 4G.

        • How do you use alot of bandwidth with 1mb down Adsl ?

        • This may be of interest to you Quinn.

    • My unit was marked ready for HFC in Dec 2016, finally got connected August 2018. YMMV, largely depends if foxtel cables were already run to your apartment or not as that last 20 meters is the hard part.

  • +1

    This is the second time in a row ABB is doing the $20 off promotion, before they've been rotating between one month free, $10 off and $20 off. Should I be concerned about the 'future' of ABB? There's probably no one who knows, but is ABB in danger of going down? I've heard a couple of baseless comments saying ABB must be in trouble due to more aggressive marketing and questionable offer deals in emails. I'm already with them and am happy to pay the premium price, but just wondering if I should research a backup isp..

    • The space will never be void. I wouldn't be too concerned.

    • +2

      I've heard a couple of baseless comments saying ABB must be in trouble due to more aggressive marketing

      NBN Co is planning to release just shy of 200,000 HFC premises a month from April to June this year.

      That's why they have aggressive marketing.

    • +3

      They are currently in the process of an expansion so I don't think they are on the verge of going bust and more likely trying to raise revenue to fund that expansion or finding new customers to justify the expansion. https://www.aussiebroadband.com.au/blog/aussie-broadband-ann…

  • +2

    I did get an offer from ABB to prepay my internet for 12 months and I would get 1 month free but I'm not really keen on paying about $900 worth of prepaid internet. Do these deals have any conditions attached that you need to have not been with ABB for 12 months etc to claim them? I'm tempted to switch to someone else just so I can sign back up in a month and get one of these new customer incentives.

    • Do these deals have any conditions attached that you need to have not been with ABB for 12 months etc to claim them?

      Yes they do.

      • is it 12 months confirmed?

        • I think it is 6 months.

          You would need to check the older deals as it has been mentioned by the Aussie rep.

    • After reading that other comment who churned 6 providers in 3 years I’m tempted to join the wagon too.

      Paying 12 months in advanced is stupid, at the risk of them collapsing you lose your $900 prepay.
      I know the risk is small etc, but there’s ALWAYS the risk of businesses collapsing, especially ISPs

      • Exactly! And you can get comparable RSP for less money anyway without having to pay up front.

        I pay $10/mth less on Superloop… which is $120 less/yr… better then 1 month free

    • I received the same email was on this deal which expired a couple of months ago so have been paying $79/month. I have been really happy with abb so reluctant to change.

  • How easy is it to switch from Telstra to ABB? Are there any downtimes?

    • +1

      How easy is it to switch from Telstra to ABB?


      Are there any downtimes?

      That depends what NBN connection you have.

      • I'm on FTTN

        • Can be signed up anywhere from to a couple of minutes to a few hours after signing up with FTTN. Folks signed up with them a couple of years ago now and churned from Internode to AussieBB and was transferred over within 5 minutes.

          You can set the date you want to churn over when you sign up so you maximise the month you paid for with Telstra. Just don’t cancel your connection before the churn is done, then make sure you cancel with Telstra afterwards or else you could still be charged.

          • @Nousernamehere: What happens if your connection is cancel before the churn, I’ve heard instances of them being late in starting the churn process.

            • @cloudy: I’m not 100% sure to be honest. I don’t think it’s really that much more difficult if the previous connection is cancelled beforehand, nowhere near the hassle it was previously with ADSL (being the landline number and ADSL components being separate).

              You mean Aussie being late in the churn process? Surprising that as it’s all automated and the churns I’ve seen have gone through extremely fast (along with new connections on FTTP, but that’s a diffeeent story entirely..) Although yeah delays can happen from both sides.

              Best to just churn a couple of days before the month with the previous RSP to make sure. Also just be aware if people use VOIP with their current RSP that does make it a bit more difficult with the timing of it all.

    • Do you have a phone you wish to port?
      Then read my previous comments here

      Also can you use your Telstra router or do you need a new one? They cut my dies across before the modem arrived, so they were suddenly without internet for 2 days (and their phone for nearly 2 weeks).

  • I'm using Flip Tv 50 for $59.
    Nothing problem~

    • That's the 3 or 6 month promo yeah then good up by $5 or is it $10?

      • Nope! Forever ~ :)

        I don't know why people don't know it.

        Money magazine recommends it 1 year ago already.

        • +1

          Oh did you lock in that deal over a year ago when they were first advertising it?

          Damn yeah that was a good one but this is their current promo now for new users as at Monday evening 18th March 2019

          Source https://www.fliptv.com.au/nbn/

          Promotional pricing for the first 3 months of service and will revert back to standard price in month 4 of your plan. Standard monthly cost as follows: NBN 12 is $54.90, NBN 25 is $64.90, NBN 50 is $69.90. Promotional pricing applies to new customers only who have not previously held an account with us.

  • +1

    What do people recommend for the modem - Use theirs (at $149 + shipping) or purchase a different box?

    • +2

      What NBN tech type are you on?

      • FTTC. I've had a look and it turns out I don't actually need the modem component (which is provided for as an NBN box) so just looking at a decent router at this stage!

        • ASUS RT-AC68U

    • also keen on this befofe i sign up today

  • -1

    I buckled a few months ago around December 2018 and just went tpg on an 18 month contract for $69/month 50/20 unlimited fttn just because they said they could port my number from siptalk aka Telecube bungle when no one else can (some other cheaper phone companies like the whirlpool $5 a year one my net phone said they couldn't so tpg it was was a weird time and I lost a bit of money looking for ISP's and switching every month mainly for the phone line)

    Pay extra $10/month for unlimited local calls to landlines and mobile but no international anything.

    Total $79/month for 50/20 unlimited and local calls unlimited 18 month contract so I paid roughly extra $180 just so I have peace of mind. Fail. Yeah that really got me.

    But I cannot afford any downtime because house mates will rage at me for even 1 minute of downtime it is hell. So basically paid roughly $200+ for rage free hassle. Activation and sign up cost.

    • Lol, sounds like you’re a good house mate.
      Is TPG absolutely garbage and unusable internet like everyone here says?

      • Solid for me so far but their online account system and even phone process is pretty barbaric and feels like 2009 rather than 2019 with some of the navigating and overall information given.

        I would find a more flexible isp if I could.

        But I know tpg will still be here in 10 years so there is that.

  • +5

    I had signed up for Aussie Broadband earlier today and then later found this info about the deal….I emailed Aussie Broadband and asked them if they would honor the deal (even though I had signed up under the normal price p/m)…. They accepted without a quam and adjusted the first 6 mths price to suit…… seems Aussie Broadband`s great feedback is warranted by their actions…
    Happy new customer here….

    • +4

      Yeh well if they didn’t honour it you would most likely cancel (cooling off) so it’s a no brainer for them to honour it

    • Wow, they honour their promos. Good service!

      • Yeah they used to be "bad luck"

        • So much for premium sevice huh? but a change now is good, i guess

  • What would be the use case for 100/40 plan? Is 50/20 too little even for 4k video streaming? Just wondering

    • +4

      50/20 with ABB is juuuuuuust passable for 4K Netflix. Other ISPs who don't always let you hit close to the max 100% of the time, you'd struggle. Plus, if you have multiple users, then it won't be sufficient. I'd say 100/40 would be for families with a couple of heavy-ish users.

      • 50/20 (with a few other devices) should be fine for 4K streaming.

  • Is there a credit card payment fee?

  • -4

    79 for 50mb isn't a bargain

  • -1

    Tpg is 69 for 50mb unlimited and 89 for 100mb unlimited

    • Which would be 10 bucks a month more expensive than this deal in each case?

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