• expired

NBN 50/20 Unlimited $59/Month First 6 Months ($79/Month Thereafter) @ Aussie Broadband (New Customers)


Same deal as this but with a later expiry date of 30th April 2019.
Received a letter from Aussie broadband for the $79 plan reduced to $59 for the first 6 months with the code SOGOOD20.

$79 plan is unlimited data on NBN50 with no lock in contract.

Applies to 50/20 & 100/40 Unlimited Plans Only.

NBN 50/20 Unlimited Plan: $79/Month ($59/Month for the first 6 months)
NBN 100/40 Unlimited Plan: $99/Month ($79/Month for the first 6 months)

Referral Links

Referral: random (251)

$50 each for referrer & referee apply afterwards.

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Aussie Broadband
Aussie Broadband

closed Comments

  • Off-topic but I'm switching to this ISP from TPG when I get NBN (FTTN), they any good?

    • +15

      One of the best!

      • +9

        Because it manages its CVCs https://www.aussiebroadband.com.au/cvc-graphs/ and does not under-purchase capacity.

        • +3

          They currently go above and beyond that too! There was a great whirlpool article they published on new POP/POIs they're deploying in a few countries.

        • I'm curious about real world difference vs marketing - this seems to indicate a fairly limited difference, but with TPG coming out ahead:

          (Individual experiences on specific exchanges may vary, too)

          • @bondiben: TPG have less than 40 100/40 plans being tested which helps them pump those numbers up.

            • @DogGunn: Thanks for the reply.
              I can't see that figure in here for the Feb data.
              -the number of whiteboxes seems to be similar for Aussie Broadband and TPG (less than 10% difference in each case)

              -or is that a different measure you're referring to?

              • @bondiben: See page 13.

                AussieBB have a majority of their boxes on 100/40 as only 100/40 is listed.
                TPG have a majority of their boxes on 50/20, as only 50/20 is listed.

                The only reason why the ACCC might not be doing anything about it is current overall 50/20 results (amongst all RSPs) are worse than 100/40 results.

                And anyway, these results are not being replicated in the real world as far as I can see. From my own personal on multiple PoI on multiple RSPs, TPG does not often get a leading result.

                • @DogGunn: Do you have NBN with both TPG and Abb on the same premise?
                  Interested to know how you make the comparison.

                  • @cloudy: Not at the current premises, but I have. Also at work. All different PoI.

                    ABB was definitely better during peak periods. On ABB now.

                    Also better pings too on ABB.

          • +1


            I'm curious about real world difference vs marketing

            Ever since NBN started bundling CVC with AVC it's more a marketing thing now. What separates ISPs nowadays is when you start speedtesting international servers, Aussie Broadband will get way better bandwidth to other countries compared to TPG.

      • That's what I hear. Which is why I switched. I just want a reliable stable internet connection (don't care about speeds) and good support for when it fks up. I've been hearing good things about these guys and I'm just fed up with TPG support.

        • If that’s the case you may still be paying the premium pricing and be disappointed.

          Plenty of poor experiences detailed on Ozbargain too. I see some below, but I read some shockers on the other prior deals.

          I think the truth is, most ISP are pretty similar now days, in terms of speed and reliability, the differences are marginal, overall, as you can see by the ACCC report. Most real world differences you read are 1 in 1000 user who has a one bad experience after x years of use. So a 99.99% of no problem ( my guess)

          • @cloudy: Well at least the good thing is that these guys don't force you into a contract. If I feel it's not worth it I can opt out at any time. I'm willing to pay the extra $10 from TPG if it just means better costumer support in case anything goes wrong.

        • -1

          Ha! Well despite what people say (who probably rarely if ever had to deal with support), their support can be crap and their complaints area seems to have the motto "delay, delay and hope they go away)

          Have a look at my previous comments

          Hardly the awesome customer service which people bang on about.

          Also their wait time can be 30mins+ and you have to listen to them drone on & on & on about how inclusive they are and how people call them racists because of their name (something I seriously doubt)

        • +1

          Being a small IT business i interact with several ISP's on a regular basis.
          Aussie has the best support quality by far, though wait times have been getting longer.
          Dodo have been disgusting, not uncommon that i'm stuck on the phone at a clients premises for 1 hr plus.
          Optus seem a little better than Telstra, but they're both crap overall.

          I generally recommend Aussie based on good all round value, no contract, local support, quality support.
          Their hold times are getting longer, but are still better than others, that said i'd like to see them work on it.
          I consider anything over 15-20mins excessive, whilst that is a short time when looking at some of the shockers out there it still is a long time for me, and when i charge by the hour it can make many jobs more difficult and expensive than they need to be.

          • -2

            @virtual81: ABB failed to notify me that NBNco had pulled their 2nd visit to fix my NBN that’s been flaky for months. So I spent the day at home not getting paid for no reason. When asked why they didn’t notify me, ABB said they are severely understaffed and have a massive backlog of notifications. The staffer said more often than not they fail to pass on these responses. ABB is clearly going to crap.

  • +10

    ($79/Month Thereafter)

    Not looking forward to NBN if these are the typical prices for one of the better ISPs.

    Currently getting unlimited cable, phone line, all calls and foxtel cable with IQ3 for $99 with Telstra

    • +11

      JV that’s a good deal

      • Yep, it was available about a year ago on a 2 year contract.

        By coincidence, NBN is planned in my area around the time the contract ends.

        • +1

          I am on optus cable on the $90 plan. Unlimited 100 Mbps plus unlimited calls to everything national,mobile and international plus fetch tv included as well.

          Even optus cant give me anywhere near to that price once i get NBN.

          • +1

            @techno2000: Im the same plan for over 3 years, the cable speeds have been amazing. I got my final termination notice so I was forced to downgrade to the NBN. Still in the process of migrating but definitely in no hurry.

          • @techno2000: Im in the same boat with optus, really don’t wanna switch. Just curious if you’re planning to stay with optus for nbn?

        • +3

          I am with telstra $70 per month plan, getting NBN 50 , unlimited calls, phone lines, foxtel now, telstra tv 2 box, no contract.
          I had recontracted for $99 plan with $20 discount last december on 24 months contract, however was able to renegotiate the above plan last week.

          • @NPB: they also gave a google home mini then again received a random google home mini at the same time, basically received 2 google home minis.

            • @NPB: How did you go about negotiating this? This is an excellent deal

              • +2

                @Adamiam: I was on telstra website just checking their current promos. I happened to chat with this sales consultant and explained him that i was on $99 plan with 24 months contract and if he could release me from the contract as there were very good offers from other telcos. He said he will try to help me out, offered me $90 plan with no contract. He even said nothing in my current service would be changed. I then requested since i had $20 discount on my current plan and if he could apply this on my new plan. He asked me to wait for a while and then agreed to apply the discount as well. So from this month i will be paying $70 for the plan

          • @NPB: Ditto can you please share ?

          • @NPB: How? Currently on the website they offer $90 for nbn tier 50.

            • @gguu: I was on telstra website just checking their current promos. I happened to chat with this sales consultant and explained him that i was on $99 plan with 24 months contract and if he could release me from the contract as there were very good offers from other telcos. He said he will try to help me out, offered me $90 plan with no contract. He even said nothing in my current service would be changed. I then requested since i had $20 discount on my current plan and if he could apply this on my new plan. He asked me to wait for a while and then agreed to apply the discount as well. So from this month i will be paying $70 for the plan.

              • @NPB: Do you have reference number? I'm on the same plan and unsuccessful in getting any discount :(

    • Sadly, the only way to get something decent for under $60-$70 is by ISP-hopping. I'm on my 5th in less than 3 years.

      • +1

        I'm on sixth in two years! Beat you!

        Three went into administration lol. And I jump around whenever I see a deal. Good thing about fttp and month to month. So easy to change.

        • How do you switch ISP at no cost, aren't month-to-month charge you a router fee when join?

          • @Meovel: You don't need to buy a router if you don't need one.

        • if i was with aussie before and currently with someone else would i be eligible for the above deal (for new user)?

          • @keishton: How long you been away for? Can’t hurt to try signing up again, it’ll let you know if the promo code isn’t accepted.

      • I'm on this deal with Aussie and it's about to end.. considered Kogan but think I'll go exetel.

        • Such a hard choice! I've only hopped three in two years but need to again. On 500GB with Aussie but it just doesn't stack up when I have to watch my usage in the last week of the month. Exetel would be great without the 12 month contract at that price but I just don't know whether I'll move before then.

      • Could you please enlighten me how you do this? Join for a month with say MATE, then switch back to ISP who gives sign up bonus?

        • Not quite.
          Left exetel for MyRepublic because Exetel had congestion and MyRepublic offered unlimited 100/40 for $60. Left MyRepublic because of price hikes and congestion, and joined Telecube at a special price (below cost in the end). They went bankrupt so I joined Barefoot, who have the best Customer Service of all ISP's. The introductory price ran out, so then I joined Aussie BB.

      • Is it really that easy to switch? Do you not lose a few days of service by switching? ( or does ISP pro rata days now?)

        • Most ISP's don't pro-rata, so you try to time it with the end of the month. Yes, it's that easy to switch. For Aussie BB, you can tell them when you want to switch. I'm on FttN, and I had an outage of maybe barely 15 minutes.

      • Do any of you ISP hoppers ever try calling the provider for a deal first? Anyone have luck with that? I like the look of Aussie but they are that bit more than their competition, and a lot more after this deal expires if you factor in the potential to ISP hop for similar temporary deals.

    • +2

      Not all of us have cable sadly.

      • +7

        Sure, but the ones that do don't really have a reason to move across to NBN.

        • It'll be interesting to see how you go when you're forced across. I was previously on both Optus & Telstra cable on the 100/2(?) Plan. I could get those speeds inside their networks, but outside and OS it was 20-50mbps (down) during quiet times

          When I was with ABB and now the superior Superloop, I crack 95/40 to UK, Netherlands, Germany, US and ~85/40 to Singapore, Honkers, Japan. This is during evening peak. I pulled a 700mb ISO from Germany yesterday evening in under a minute.

          Most people won't use those speeds yet. But in a few years it will be the expected norm.

          • +1


            It'll be interesting to see how you go when you're forced across.

            That'll be 18 months after it's eventually made available, so probably around 3 years away… By that time, the internet will be obsolete.

    • +1

      Yes I am also on cable so holding off the switch to NBN as long as possible. Currently get 115/5. I don’t really care about uploads, already did the photo library years ago (took weeks at the then 2.3 or whatever it was)

      Most people don’t have cable though, so this is a very good deal for them. I would put my father, who is on his own now, on the 50/40 plan.

      • Have Optus cable here, on a 100/2 plan. At night time it really sucks. The speed can drop to as low as 10. Previously it was erratic, during peak ranged from 5 to 30. How do you manage to get 5 for upload? On a good day mine is probably only 2.

        • Telstra.
          The downloads can get congested, dropping to about 60 on say, a Sunday night. Otherwise usually full speed. Never any trouble with maxing uploads.

    • I'm on Telstra 50/20 NBN unlimited, phone line, no calls (who needs em anyway), Foxtel IQ2 with entertainment for $84 per month. Suits me.

      • Link?

    • +1

      That's what happens when you have to subsidize regional area's. Telco's built cable networks where it was financially viable to do so and be able to offer at a reasonable price point.NBN builds it everywhere, even where it's not financially viable so people like yourself end up with a lesser product for more to cross subsidize others.

    • I'm a similar plan, but think it's capped @ 30Mbps down, and the Foxtel only gets used during a storm when TV reception is bad. I only got the basic channels, and their is never anything worth watching, the phone line is never used and only receive spam calls so I actually unplugged the phone.

      My contract is now up and NBN available so I switch to ABB HFC NBN next week on this plan. Each to their own, but I'd rather save the $20 which recoups the Netflix monthly spend. I did actually consider Telstra as the Smart Gen Modem 2 with 4G backup seems like a good idea, but figured I could live without the internet occasionally.

      • but think it's capped @ 30Mbps down

        Shouldn't be.

        They changed all the 30Mbps plans to 50 about 6 months ago… I often get around 55Mps

        • Yeah you are right, getting solid 57Mbps.

          • -1


            getting solid 57Mbps.

            Doubt you'd get that consistently with NBN.

            • @jv: I'll find out next week. Either way you are getting booted from HFC eventually, so enjoy it while it lasts.

            • +1

              @jv: You'd get faster on a 100M plan and slower on a 50M plan

            • @jv: Rock solid 47-48Mbps down, 18Mbps up (from 58/6). Ping is 1ms better, and jitter improved by 5ms (possibly due to new router)

            • @jv: jinked myself, it's been flapping so much since last Thursday it's been unusable, and I've reverted to a 4G connection whilst waiting for NBN to fix it. Adding insult to injury, Telstra are now handing out free Speedboost upgrades.

              • @su3050:

                now handing out free Speedboost upgrades.

                short lived.

                back down to 50.30

      • -1

        I only got the basic channels, and theirere is never anything worth watching

        I get hooked surfing through the lifestyle channels…

    • I had to move to HFC because my contract was finished and they removed my free speed boost. :(
      No point to stay in cable without free speed boost with same price for my case..

    • That's a damn good deal.

      I'm on an NBN plan, $69/ month, 50mbps speed pack, 1.5tb downloads plus landline etc. I download and stream regularly and have only gone over 1.5tb once (but used one of the 3 per year free top ups). So I figured I'd rather keep paying $69/ month rather than paying more for unlimited.

  • +2

    Wish they would look after their actual customers

    • -4

      Can't see the forest for the trees.

      • -3

        can't see the truth for the sheep


    • +7

      I agree.
      They promised me something, and they confirmed it was in the recording, but "we're not actually obliged to honor that" .

      They may be technologically great, but customer service is in the negatives.

      And before I hear " all reps are different" i was talking to the CEO, so no.

      Exetel provided more reliable speeds in my area, cheaper, and did 5 follow up calls to "make sure we were ok" with their service.

      One lied and took our money, and didnt offer any sort of follow up service once connected.

      One offered "free" to "see if we like them" and then followed up often.

      Night and day.

      Everyones experience varies, but man, mine was SHOCKING.

      • +4

        Yes everyone's experience varies and luckily yours with ABB seems to be the exception rather than the norm.

        Just looking at product review, Exetel are currently at 1.9/5 from 800+ reviews and Aussie Broadband are 4.5/5 from 1900+ reviews.

        Both myself and the friends/family I've referred to ABB have had nothing but excellent customer service.

        • Curiously; once they 'had your money'. what support did you request that they provided well?
          A lot of people rate a company as 'good' because they hook up smoothly and never talk to them again.
          Even 'old' Dodo managed to do that with a lot of people, lol.

          Exetel got that star review (to the benefit of it's continued customers) back in the ADSL days.
          They had a 'far use' clause in their contract, however made the mistake of offering 'unlimited' when they were new….
          Some people were reaching up to 1TB a month; for a new budget ISP, over ADSL, it was literally killing them; and they kicked those people.

          At the time, 'Unlimited' ADSL was almost unheard of, so of course it attracted thousands of leechers, and they had to kick off the worst of the worst to stay alive.

          This got them a LOT of online backlash; which is where you see continued hatred\neg reviews and so on.
          "The Internet Never Forgets".

          For someone like me, who wasn't mass leeching; My experience went like this:

          Phones them
          Call answered within 5 seconds
          "speech speech speech, How can I help?"
          "Hi, I'm noticing an attenuation of X on my line; and I'm using a SNR hack on my Broadcomm modem to target a 9db profile. I know it will be slightly unpredictable, but Can you move my line to a profile targeting 7 or 9 SnR please?"
          "No problem, that's done, anything else?"

          And we had the same sort of experience setting up the parents on NBN recently.

          'Level 1' is the only level. There was no escalation, no red tape, just confirm you're the account owner, and request the changes you want.

          For no hold times, no 'tier'd support, good english, tech skills to match my own, and price?
          I couldn't really ask for more.

          I know I sound like I'm fanboying, and I guess I AM a little, but they really went above and beyond, 3 times now, at 3 different addresses, and provided MORE than they promised.
          I'm allowed to be impressed when they do so well.

        • -3

          Have a look at my experiences.

          Sad thing is they grew too quickly and unlike their CVCs they didn't put a stop order on until they had new staff up & trained.

          Like all ISPs they're gone down the greed route (fair enough they're here to make money).

    • Forgot to mention I had two people on ozbargain ask me personally recently for my referral code so thank you ozbargain and its wonderful community !!

  • +3

    My 6 months is nearly up…. So I'm looking for a new ISP.

    • Same!!! Might move to Kogan… hope I’m not making a bad mistake

      • +1

        A ‘bad mistake’ is a tortology.

      • Is that foreshadowing?

        • +2


          At the MCG, during night games, the players have sixshadows !!!

        • Not on the backline though, only the forwards.

      • I've put a few people i to Kogan and no complaints yet.

        If it's about money try Spintel

        Or have a squiz at others in Whirlpool

        I've moved to Superloop. Similar speeds to ABB,
        Have their own infrastructure like ABB, have local customer support like ABB, but less $'s.

        I'm paying $80 for 100/40 500Gb, static IP
        I called support the other day, 4mins from dialling to hangup with issue fixed.

    • +1

      Same. I'm going to give these guys a crack https://www.fliptv.com.au/nbn/ $59.90p/m unlimited on 50/20

    • Tpg

  • They need to fix their weekend tech support. Waited in a queue for 30 mins on Sunday with the excuse, "We're just busy". Never had such issues with iinet.

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