This was posted 5 years 11 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Kayo Sports 2 Month Basic Plan $5 Using Voucher (for New and Inactive Kayo Customers)


UPDATE 23-Mar: I’ve marked this expired ahead of the time originally stated. It appears they’ve altered the way this code works, so it can no longer be applied to inactive/existing accounts. It seems from comments that even though it states that you’ll be charged $2.50, you actually get charged $25, and they’re not providing refunds.

This kinda leverages this deal posted a few days ago, so apologies if this breaks some sort of etiquette (this is the first deal I've posted).

Just click the "Got a voucher?" button on the Kayo site, and use the code TLSTFF
(I'm guessing it stands for "Telstra Two For Five")

Here's the description after entering the code…

Get 2 months for $5!

Sign up to our Kayo Basic service before Sunday 14th April and get your first 2 Months for just $5^

^New Kayo customers only. Kayo Basic only. Customers will be charged $25 for their third consecutive month unless they cancel prior to the third month billing date

Even though it says new customers only I was able to apply it to an inactive account I'd used for a previous trial (the $5 Feb deal).

I found the code by attempting to sign-up for the Telstra deal.
As it said "new customers only" I figured I'd setup a new Kayo account using a different email address. But I couldn't get through the Kayo sign-up process, it wouldn’t let me verify the SMS code as my mobile number was still linked the account from my previous trial.
And there doesn't appear to be a way to login to inactive accounts and change anything (like deleting your number), or even to delete the whole account. Presumably you have to contact their support to have them do it for you.

As I only have 1 Telstra post paid account I thought I was out of luck, but after taking a look at the URL Telstra use to pass you over to Kayo I noticed the voucher/code.
So I logged back into my old/inactive account that I'd used for a previous trial, put in the code, and it worked like any normal renewal.
I can see 2 pending charges on my card from them for $1.00 and $2.50, and the invoice history in the billing screen in Kayo shows the $2.50 charge. Unlike people in the comments of the other thread who were saying they got changed the full $25.00

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Works great for inactive accounts

  • +6

    Reactivated my account 2 days ago for the F1 season. Doh,

    • Just a note: since the deal runs until mid-april, you could wait until you're about to roll over and quit/renew.

  • +3

    They've been billing this at full rate quite often when people aren't eligible…

    • +1

      Just happened to me.
      Said $2.50 all the way through and then the email came through saying I’d been charged $25.
      They wouldn’t refund and cancel the sub either unfortunately

      • +1

        Happened to me too.

    • Just happened to me - both TV's at home weren't receiving the channel for the footy, so I signed up for the $5 a month for two months, checked my bank account and i've been charged 25. Have contacted them to get this sorted but I don't like my chances.. happy to completely write this service off if they don't do something about it though.

      • +2

        Happened to me as well. I have lodged a complaint with the ACCC for false and misleading advertising due to the fact that

        1 - there is nowhere on the page to enter a telstra ID
        2 - the voucher code should not be able to be processed without the ID

        • I should do the same - already started the process of filing a dispute with my bank (Ubank) but they said it can take up to 120 days. Is it complicated lodging stuff with the ACCC? I haven't had to do it before, but I will likely be doing this too.

          edit: nvm, fairly straight forward. Hopefully more people do the same because businesses should be held accountable for doing shady shit like this.

          • +1

            @NedStark102: Exactly, the more people that complain the better. It is very straight forward to do so with the below link if any one else is interested.


            Kayo's ACN according to their live chat is 072 725 289

            The key thing from the ACCC is this line

            "It makes no difference whether the business intended to mislead you or not. If the overall impression left by a business’s advertisement, promotion, quotation, statement or other representation creates a misleading impression in your mind—such as to the price, value or the quality of any goods and services—then the behaviour is likely to breach the law."

  • +1

    Thanks OP

  • +4

    Using this code under an inactive account with the same credit card which paid for the initial subscription I can confirm it only charged me $2.50:

    16 Mar KAYO SPORTS $2.50

    Also this is from the confirmation e-mail:

    Hi Reveen,

    Welcome to Kayo Sports.

    You have purchased the Basic package which costs $25 per month.

    You are also receiving a Telstra $5 for 2 months offer.

    Your subscription will be renewed monthly via your preferred payment method. Your first payment will be on 16/03/2019 and repeat monthly.

    We'll send you more info about getting the most from Kayo shortly, but for now - it's time to get into your favourite sports.

    • +2

      Thanks for posting this, good additional info I should have included it in my post.
      I also used the same card as my previous trial.
      And the email confirms it’s related to the Telstra deal.

    • Hey, same thing happened to me. Did you get an additional 2 months for $5?

  • +2

    Reactivated my account after being dormant for a couple of months. Thanks op. As described, I see $1 & $2.5 charges.

    • ?

    • +5

      Kayo is an Australia only streaming service, so you going to be waiting for a while mate ;)

        • +4

          Yes Kayo has sports from other countries. What I mean its a service owned by Foxtel, so is only available to sign up in Australia and is paid in $AUD. Its not like Netflix and Youtube Premium that is available in around the world in different currencies and you can sign up using a VPN for the best price, like @katz is referring to.

    • wow no-one picked up the sarcasm there :/

  • Whereabouts is the field to enter the code? Or does it only appear on dormant accounts?

    • +1

      Front page says “got a voucher”. Click that and enter code.

    • Do you already have an active subscription?
      If so, I’m guessing this won’t work.
      Only for new and inactive/dormant accounts.

  • Oh nice - cheers OP :)

  • Cheers OP!

    Worked a charm on my inactive account, previously had a $5 month deal on it

  • Worked for me as well (inactive account)!!

  • Legend, just reactivated my account.

  • Thanks OP! U d MVP!

  • +1

    Sorry if its a stupid question but will this work if I am not on the Telstra network?

    • +1


    • Yes, i signed up without having any telstra service

      • Cheers. Just signed up.

  • +1

    Thanks, this will be 4 months without paying full price.

  • Thanks OP. Just rectivated my account for 2 months successfully

  • Got this on my Telstra account. Checked a sister's and another brother's account and they had it to. (under my offers)

  • Thanks. Watch the AFL on Foxtel last year but $. Didn’t know this existed. Signed up.

    • +1

      This did not exist last year. I think Kayo has been around since nov- dec last year

  • +1

    Have they got Smart TV apps yet?

    • +4

      There's Android TV app

      • Thanks.
        Alas my tv isn't android based.
        The only thing holding me back (full price or not) has been the inability to watch smoothly on my new Smart TV.

        • +3

          If you have an Xbox One or PS4, they'll be releasing an app for consoles soon.

          • +1

            @smogg: So they keep telling me, but I got sick of waiting.

            • +1

              @2024: The Kodi work around works a treat on xbox.

              • +1

                @hunters: Yeah theres a browser trick as well for xbox, but its the ps4 app I'm waiting for.

        • Chromecast works. Plug a PC/laptop into the TV via HDMI.

        • Same. Can't stand using Chromecast or a laptop to access apps when my TV can do most things.
          I'd probably pay full price for it if I could access it straight from my TV.

  • When is this active till? Cricket world cup is in June

    • +3

      Offer expires 14 April. So if you were to subscribe on that date, your plan would expire June 14. World Cup is on till July 14…

    • +2

      Expires 13th April.

  • +1

    Ooh this is great.
    I made a new Kayo account with a different Telstra ID to get the deal from the first one that was posted.
    I will just cancel that at the end of the 1st month then sign up for this deal reactivating my old account on 13/04!
    Ends up being 3 months at $2.50.
    Thanks OP!!!

    • Yeah same. Does it expire on 13th April then?

      • +1

        OP mentioned it and it's shown once you enter the promo code:
        "Sign up to our Kayo Basic service before Sunday 14th April and get your first 2 Months for just $5".
        So just make sure you sign up for new account with promo code on 13th and cancel your old one before it renews for the next month.

  • Great first post OP!

  • Thanks OP.

    non Telstra customer and it worked.

  • You are a legend mate, now I can watch entire IPL for $5 in HD!!! Thank you.

    • Not 'entire'… YuppTV has full IPL license for Australia while Fox Sports is only showing 'selected' matches unfortunately.

      I dislike YuppTV due to their stream quality and way too many ads.

      • Update: Seems like Fox indeed has all matches of IPL on! my bad.

  • Nooo I just paid for a full month because I didn't have a Telstra account :( rip

  • Nice. Worked for me as an Optus guy.

    Great work OP.

  • I am currently on the 14 day trial. Does anyone know if I can cancel my trial and apply this code in order to get the promotion price?

    EDIT: Sorry, I did not notice the cut off date for the promotion. I'll just let my trial run out and try it after that.

  • +1

    After the cricket, these guys are HAEMORRHAGING!!!!

    • +1

      NRL is back. F1 is back this weekend. AFL starts next weekend. V8's started 2 weeks back. I'd say these sports are the big ticket items in Australia.

      Anyone who knows anything about AFL knows you need Foxtel or some other non free to air option if you want to catch all the games. They've gotten sneaky in the past year with very lengthy 3+hr delays of games on free to air.

  • +1

    I considered Foxtel Now barely OK…. but Kayo was just horrible last night, a day into my trial. Guess I won't be moving to Kayo any time soon.

    • +2

      What was the issue?

      • +1

        Low rez/quality every 5 mins, a couple freezes. Nothing wrong with my NBN, I reckon its Kayo bandwidth

        • I've had Kayo for a few weeks now runs via Mi Box S (native app) & Fibre Internet…works fine, no real dropouts…sometimes it freezes if i keep skipping 10-15mins at a time to skip things but nothing to write home about. Maybe you have too much running on your network? try running it off a different bandwidth?

        • +1

          I got the same issue here, tried to stream on Nvidia Shield yesterday and got constant low res drops (down to like 360p) although my internet was 50/5, really wasn't a good experience and wasn't sure why it was happening.

        • +1

          Using it on my xbox one with the web browser.

          friday saturday were fine

          sunday i got the same, quality kept dropping every 5 mins

    • +5

      Yeah please explain the issue? I have found recently that most people's poor reviews are down to user error or not having premium products to support what they have purchased.


    • +1

      What device are you playing with? I use an AppleTV and NBN and it looks beautiful better than FTA by a country mile

    • I found the opposite. Have had Foxtel Now for the last couple of years for the footy and Kayo is miles better. The quality is significantly better plus it's just more user friendly (e.g. easy to watch replays of games/start from the beginning of a game etc.). Would highly recommend.

  • Thanx OP, got in on this and sideloaded the apk onto my vodatv box for footy tonight. Funny how the mibox can get the app through the play store but voda cant.

    • +1

      Ah I was waiting for a reference to mibox, so it's a direct download from Google play to mibox and you're set?

      • +1

        Yeah mate, on the mibox just search for kayo in playstore and install. Im using the shield apk for the vodatv and it works, but on the one game (nrl) I have tested it on was limited to 720p when the native kayo app on the mi goes to 1080p. Will extract the mibox apk and test it on the vodatv to see if its better or not.

        • Haven't tested switching the apks as I watched Sundays NRL live at 1080p so all good. The earlier game I might have had some internet issues or the stream had issues.

  • Can you cancel from Kayo at any time and just be charged for the remainder of that month?

    • +5

      You can cancel any time and still get to use it until the end of the billing period. So for this deal you can cancel after the first month and still get the rest of the second month.

  • +4

    For those unaware, a Kodi add-on for Kayo was recently released, which works on the Xbox One and cheap Kodi boxes (as well as the Shield / Vodafone TV / Mi Box etc):…

    • +1

      Ooh. Thanks for this. Gonna try it on my Xbox since it's got a wired internet connection; may be a bit more reliable than using Chromecast.

  • Has anyone successfully cancelled a current account and immediately resigned with this deal?

    • No I used my other email and my wife's mobile because I wasn't sure this would last until my sub expires

    • What Im gonna do is cancel payment, then try this on April 1.

    • Yep, my account expired overnight and I reactivated immediately after midnight with the code.

  • Worked perfectly with my inactive account. Thanks OP

  • Thanks OP - worked perfectly on a new account (hadn't signed up prior to today)

  • Anyway to sign up without a credit card

  • Thank you worked for me.

  • +1

    with the influx of cheap belong simcards, I am just signing up for free trials for kayo every 2 weeks.

    • Don't you have to use the same credit card details? Wouldn't they find out?

  • Anyone keen to go half with a new kayo account?

    • Try checking your messages.

  • Thanks op. :)
    No lacrosse or hurling.

  • Awesome thanks!

  • NBA playoffs begin on 14th April 2019!!!

  • So wait for my trial to expire on the 29th? then i can sign back in and use this code?

    • Yep should work.

      I originally signed up with my fiances email and cancelled after the free trial. The voucher works on the inactive account.

      So i'll wait for my free trial to expire on the 29th then sign up again. Gotta maximise that free trial time.

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