This was posted 5 years 11 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Sony A7 III Mirrorless Camera (Body Only) $2,324.25 Delivered @ Sony Store


Sony A7 III Mirrorless Camera
Login to sony store to see the price else it is showing different prize
After Cashrewards : $2184.795 (Cashrewards: currently 6% expires tomorrow normally 2%)
i think this is the best price for this camera so far.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Great price for a great camera!

  • Oh wow, I paid circa $2400 back at Christmas and I thought I had a bargain, this price is insane!

    AWESOME camera too by the way, and worth every cent

    • what lense would you recommend to get?

      • +8

        Tamron 28-75 f2.8

        • Can second this, this lens and a primary is enough to replace a whole bag.

          • +1

            @tightm8: Heh, depends what's in your bag…

            I wouldn't find photography any where near as enjoyable as it is if I only had one or two lenses.

            But as a 'walk around' lens, yes, 20-75 at 2.8 is a pretty good lens.

        • Can third this.

      • If you're looking for a great allrounder you can't go wrong with a 24-70mm 2.8 lens of most brands. Great for portraiture, landscape, etc…

      • +1

        This guy provides an excellent overview of all the compatible lens, check it out

        Personally I have
        Sony 16-35/4 for walk around/landscaping
        Sony 55/1.8 for portrait
        Sony 24/1.4 GM for walk around/low light (amazing lens I might add)

        If you just want a single lens to cover it all, yeah I agree with others to go with 24-70 or 24-105

        Hope this helps

  • -3

    shows 3099

  • Note that all the cameras are on special
    from $2,349.00 to AUD $1,879.20 AUD

    • -3

      That aint a bargain

      • +2

        What would be a bargain? The body goes for $1500ish and the lens itself is $850-900ish (for Aus stock that is).

        I'd say it's a good price.

  • +2

    ‘…each Cashrewards Claim will be capped at AU$30.00 in value…’

  • +1

    logged in and shows full price.

  • +1

    expired. probably price error

  • Damn. Did anyone get one?

  • Dang and missed! Great price for a camera of that capability!

  • I have A7RII , but was not happy with ergonomics, now happy with Nikon Z6, was deciding between Z6 and this one.

    Z6-better ergonomics, EVF, colours, touchscreen implementation, menus
    A7III: better lens selection, battery life

    • Nikon is still early in the Mirrorless game. I would wait a few years to see how well they fair if you don't need to upgrade right now. Otherwise for instant gratification and less chance of disappointment get the A7III.

      • Z6 is very solid first attempt comparable with A7III (apart what I mentioned above) and this comes from Sony shooter.

        this biggest difference (and improtance to me) is that Nikon is more engaging to shoot, ergonomics is so much better than Sony (menus, grip, touchscreen, EVF),

        I got Z6+adapter+ 24-70/4 (+free XQD+adapter)lens for 3455$ minus 300 Nikon cashback. No brainer and very happy

        • If Nikon has the eye auto af, even if it’s not as good as Sony’s I’ll still be all over it. Now just waiting for next generation of their mirrorless cameras to come and see if I’ll upgrade.

          • +1

            @tencents: Nikon z6 already have eye AF in their latest update.

            • @tyb1987: Dang you’re right. It looks promising too

        • Where did you get that price and when? I checked out a few stores last week and they were all quoting around 4k.Thanks

    • Sony continuous and low-light AF is much better. Also the Sony lenses will be more compact in general

  • wow that went fast…….

  • Great price… got mine shortly after realease for $2700 and no regrets. Such a good camera.

  • What photo/raw editing tool you guys use?

    I don't want to subscribe to Adobe for lightroom.

    • Sony cameras come with capture one, limited to .ARW files

  • Kicking myself I missed this great deal :(

  • Wonder if this deal will come back

    • +1

      it wasn't a 'deal'. it says partner discount applied. it was a glitch.

      • ^ this.

    • -2

      Dont fear, this will be the new price. Competition from the new canon RP (being $1000 cheaper) has caused sony to split the difference (worldwide) in the hope you value in body stabilisation that much (nope).
      of course the A7III is a tweakers delight, but if you want to just take photos, then save the money for better glass. I recently went back to kit lens, and OMG they are awful. you decide.

      • in the hope you value in body stabilisation that much (nope).

        so, IBIS is the only difference btw a7 III and the RP. you must be joking and no need to reply.

  • +2

    Just thinking, but with Canon, Nikon and Panasonic+Co in the FF mix now, do you think there might downwards pressure on price?

    I'm personally thinking yes. The way Sony discount previous gen models makes me think there is a lot of profit on these things.

    IMO, $2.5K for a A7m3 body, seems a little step considering what you are getting….Hmmm, but then again compared to FF SLR's it doesn't seem too bad. I think I would feel better if it was $1.5K and the A7Rm3 was $2.5K, yeah I think that is right….I'll wait it out ;-) ..this price collusion can't go on forever.

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