This was posted 6 years 1 month 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Toyota Owners - Save 8c/L at Participating Caltex Outlets via myToyota App (Free to Join)


Same as this deal and this deal

Blatant copy/paste, cheers to original OP's:

Terms and Condition from previous post.

Toyota Owners!

Did you know that the NEW myToyota App let you save 8c a litre on fuel at participating Caltex service station?
All you have to do is register and add your Toyota to myGarage on the myToyota App.

And its FREE for all Toyota Owners.

List of Participating Caltex Service Station.…

Couple of info you need to register and link your car in the APP.

  1. The VIN Number of your Toyota
  2. Your Batch number or your Registration certificate.
    You can find your batch number (sometimes referred to as the stock number) on the retail delivery card in your Service & Warranty booklet or by contacting the Guest Experience Centre.

How to register?

You can register via
via the myToyota App.



Offer T&Cs

  • Offer is limited to a discount of 8 cents per litre of fuel (unless otherwise stated) purchased in a single transaction.
  • Offer is limited to one transaction per vehicle in myToyota account per day.
  • Offer is limited to the filling up of the fuel tank of one vehicle at a time.
  • Offer applies to transactions on eligible fuel only. Offer applies to: Unleaded (ULP), Vortex Premium 95 (PULP), Vortex Premium 98, Diesel and Vortex Diesel, up to 150 litres.
  • The Offer is only available at participating Caltex locations. For more information click here. Participating Caltex locations are subject to change without notice and is at the sole discretion of Caltex.
  • The Offer is only available to guests who:
    have a myToyota account;
    have a vehicle(s) registered in Garage (including VIN and registration details);
    have installed the myToyota app on a compatible smartphone or device or have accessed the Offer via myToyota online.
  • Toyota and/or Caltex reserve the right to refuse to provide the Offer to an individual if, in its reasonably opinion, it cannot verify that they are eligible to receive the Offer or believe the individual has engaged in fraudulent activity or are otherwise in breach of these terms.
  • Offer is not available in conjunction with any other offers or fuel discounts unless specifically stated.

Mod Update 4/3: Offer has been extended to 7th March 2019

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Toyota Australia

closed Comments

  • -2

    Is it just a coincidence that the discount is 8c now that fuel prices are spiking.

    • +12

      This is aimed at a relatively small pool of the population. Tin foil hat down…

      • +4

        I like wearing tin foil hats though. It protects my head from my Toyota reading my mind as I drive.

      • +1

        I admire your trust. I'm going to leave my sceptics hat on for the time being especially when the Caltex near mine is 12c more than the cheapest 7-11.

        • +3

          No worries.

          Cheapest ULP in Perth is 116.2. I see 2x Caltex servos at 116.9

          But your pool of 1 servo is really gonna skew the stats of your survey!

          • +2

            @spackbace: Quite a few Caltex servos around my work, home, mall, commute, etc are selling ULP for between 124.4 to 131.9. I guess majority of Australia doesn't live near the 2 Caltex servos in Perth.

            • +2

              @bigbadboogieman: shrug

              16 Caltex servos in WA are below your 124.4 price

              Long story short, and the reason for this discussion, is it has nothing to do with the 8c/L off for approx 100,000 users of the app.

              • +2

                @spackbace: Actually It came out recently from NRMA or ACCC , I cant remember which but was on the news comparing the different brands of servos. Overall In Australia Caltex was actually the most expensive on average, which surprised me as i thought it would be coles / Shell, followed by Coles / Shell. The cheapest were the independants.

                Saying that, quite a few of the Caltex near me are on par with 7-11 and BP, so i have generally been filling up with Caltex as i get these toyota specials or the NRMA specials.

                • @lonewolf: I live in south Brisbane. For me Caltex are nearly the cheapest. Independents are usually 2-3c/ltr cheaper but then I'm using the 4c/ltr Woolworths voucher.

                  The the Shells here are typically 10-12c/ltr more despite all of these stations being in close proximity. The 95 at Shells around here is also typically 15-17c more over 91 here,

                  Caltex is always 12c more for 95 over 91 at any that I've been to in Brisbane.

    • prices went down from $1.25 - $1.14 after i filled up… the other day.

  • +2

    i went to one of the stores, and they told me that they are not accepting this even though it's listed on the toyota app

  • +3

    Same here. One of the servos I went to said their machine was not working to read the bar code. Waste of time.

    • +1

      yeah it's all over the shop. the caltex near my work will look out the window to check my car is a toyota. most just scan without bothering, one of them even just typed in a code instead of scanning the barcode - so at least you know they have an override code if they try to use the excuse that their reader doesn't work.

      • See thats too overzealous. It doesnt specify in the t&c that the fuel is going in a toyota…

    • The servo close to my house appears on the participating outlets map but after filling up and entering the store I was told that they aren't participating. Boo.

  • +11

    I hope you guys gave the cashier a straw and told them you wanted to return the fuel.

    • I giggled! :D

  • Is it stackable with 4c off?

    • +1

      Nope… Unless someone found a way. Been using this to get the normal 4c for quite a while as I don't spend $30 regularly at Woolies.

  • comment about using 7-11 app, gps lock yawn

    • I have never tried the 7-11 and lock, but does it work well? Is it useful?

      • very useful, must 'load' money onto app via eftpos first via app

        • Oh? really? So you cant just lock the price on the app? You need to have money in it?

      • Good to lock a cheap price and not having to worry about price rises for 7 days. If the price drops further then don't use the fuel lock voucher. Works best "travelling" around Australia

      • Useful in the sense that I regularly save between 12-20cents/L each fill up yeah.

    • And be stuck with using 7-11 fuel.

  • +1

    Can you only fuel up a Toyota with this? Or can you fuel up another brand car with an app registered with another of your (or someone else's) Toyota VIN?

    • I did that once with my other non toyota car, try to fill up on a damn busy day and just walked in and say pay for pump#, they got no time to even look out, it worked !!!

    • +1

      Only ever use this to fill my Subaru, never even been questioned.

  • +3

    Last time I tried this, the petrol station staff refused to accept it, claiming they knew nothing of the app.
    I showed them that they were, in fact, one of the listed service stations, but they wouldn't budge. Filled up my tank as well.
    I later wrote an angry email to Caltex and they have now supposedly provided "training" to the particular Caltex servo.
    I still gave the app 1 out of 5 stars for the inconvenience it caused.

    • Happened to me the last couple of times. I told them i'd done it at that calves before pointed to the machine to scan and voila in worked…

  • +2

    You guys are very unlucky, all my Caltex stations in my area never have any issue scanning my app discount code, filled up, walk in to cashier counter, hold my phone with the QR code, they all automatic bring the scanner pointing to my phone, no question ask. In fact last week one girl at the counter even told me from this month on, it will be 8c discount before this post is out! Can't complain …

  • +1

    You failed to mention that this only works during the month of February.

    • -4

      You didn't notice the expiry on the deal huh?

  • i own an off the road toyota. can i fill up my holden?

    • Yes. But the Toyota app will require details only from a Toyota (VIN etc) manufactured within the last x number of years.

      • Or like me, any toyota rego number from gumtree ads.

        • or you can just use TOYOTA as your plate

  • Can't use at Caltex/Woolies, that means no 5% discount

    • +1

      can get 5% caltex gift card at Suncorp

  • +1

    And its FREE for all Toyota Owners.

    Apparently this is not correct. I downloaded the app and it says this:

    Vehicles manufactured prior to 2001 cannot be added to myToyota.


    • I was about to add this. My 1988 Coaster doesn't like it.

    • Try using TOYOTA as your plate

  • Can i use the code for another vehicle?

    • Yes

  • Used at Canberra airport Caltex. Made it 3 cents per litre cheaper than Costco plus earned Woolies reward points on purchase

  • +1

    App Offline

    Toyota Australia's corporate IT systems are still offline as remedial work continues following an attempted cyber attack earlier this week.

    At this stage, we do not believe that customer and employee data has been compromised.

  • error

  • error for me too :(

  • App offline on cheapest fuel day smh..

  • +2

    This offer has been extended till 7th March 2019 (probably because the app has been offline for a week)

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