If you pick up any health magazine, the discussions regarding Breakfast are extreme - from people criticizing cereals as being extremely unhealthy to people having a zero carb breakfast.
Sooo..what do you have for breakfast and why?
Let me start:
I have two Weetbix biscuits along with Milk, nuts (Pumpkin seeds, Chia seeds, Almonds sliced, Goji Berries), Blueberries, bit of honey, youghurt and a seasonal fruit cut into pieces.
I have been told that Weetbix are full of Carbs and nuts are fat blah blah but I don't care.
Reason: For my metabolism, it seems to keep me almost full till lunch or I might have a protein snack in between if I have an early Breakfast.
Plus it's easy I don't have to cook anything.
Depends on the pizza storage medium, it probably requires three axes, utility on Y, time on X, and temperature on Z. Room temperature pizza is not great (much like room temperature hard cheese, disregarding soft cheeses which don't typically apply to pizza), but fridge temperature pizza is great, and freezer temperature pizza is inedible.