If you pick up any health magazine, the discussions regarding Breakfast are extreme - from people criticizing cereals as being extremely unhealthy to people having a zero carb breakfast.
Sooo..what do you have for breakfast and why?
Let me start:
I have two Weetbix biscuits along with Milk, nuts (Pumpkin seeds, Chia seeds, Almonds sliced, Goji Berries), Blueberries, bit of honey, youghurt and a seasonal fruit cut into pieces.
I have been told that Weetbix are full of Carbs and nuts are fat blah blah but I don't care.
Reason: For my metabolism, it seems to keep me almost full till lunch or I might have a protein snack in between if I have an early Breakfast.
Plus it's easy I don't have to cook anything.
2 pieces of white toast with butter and raspberry jam. 1 flat white either on my home nespresso pod machine or the fancy coffee machine at work.