It is currently $29 at the (AU) eShop, combine with 10% off to get the final price $26.1.
Thanks argonide for the direct link.
How do you get these links? I can never work out how to find them on the Nintendo website.
Ok I found the secret.
1) Use this website to find the game you want via the top right search box:…
2) Once you're on the game page with a purchase option (e.g.…) press F12 (in Chrome) to bring up the source page of the site.
3) Ctrl + F "NSUID" in the source page. If you followed this step immediately after Step 2, there's no need to click anywhere before doing this. E.g. Golf story NSUID is 70010000000775. You simply double click it (might take a few tries to get Chrome to do what you want. Press Esc once or twice if it's not wanting to be selected) to select it and Ctrl + C.
4) Insert NSUID after this URL: where the Xs represent the NSUID.
5) Enjoy!
That's insane. Why is it not easier?
But thank you so much!
I just picked up a pre-owned version from EB for $36 (wanted hard copy). Can't wait to play it, just need Celeste on sale too.
As long as you're counting deals that usually aren't allowed to be included on top of the actual deal, may as well subtract a few pennies for the gold coins too.
Yeah I think OP/mods need to update the price.
We can go deeper. By counting points you earn on your credit card or PayPal vouchers.
Great game, but finishing it requires luck……
I put in about 16 hours and never made it past the 2nd boss but I was satisfied enough that I haven't picked it up since.
what do you mean finishing it requires luck? Based on that guide it sounds more like gimping/cheesing it requires luck…
Isn't this more of a deal "hack" made up of 2 distinct deals then a straight up deal?
That's pretty normal on ozb
Its a god damn effing awesome game! Its Dark Souls meets Castlevania! I purchased it for PC via Steam though, often cheaper there.