10% off Nintendo e-Shop cards @ JB Hi Fi starting Boxing Day. Only available on the currency it seems; no discount on the online subscription cards
Courtesy of Vooks!
10% off Nintendo e-Shop cards @ JB Hi Fi starting Boxing Day. Only available on the currency it seems; no discount on the online subscription cards
Courtesy of Vooks!
No rumours, I see most of these store catalogues reasonably early I just can't post the deals :-(
You can use this eshop credit towards the online subscription right ?
What features are there for the online services?
Cloud save, certain game online features require online subscription and a list of nes games you can play on switch. Not a whole lot but also the reason why it is cheap.
Also some "special offers" they have some retro Bluetooth controllers who's only point seem to be to play the new games in a more classic manner.
if i can use jb gift card to buy the eshop card, that's even more discount. however i prefer hard copy
There are 100's of games available only digitally
i know. well if digital is the only way, then i guess have to go with it. like dlc's
And they are all significantly cheaper on Steam.
At least it’ll make the Smash DLC prices more bearable.
that's good one.
yeah i didnt even think of that, will buy it and then see if it goes on sale at any point..
If you don’t want to wait you can’t buy the $50 e-gift card with 10% off at this Paypal https://www.paypal.com/us/gifts/brands/nintendo-egift-card
That is for the US cards.
How does using one of the US cards work? Do you get a USD balance and pay the USD prices? Or does it get converted to an AUD equivalent balance.
au eshop only takes au eshop card.
You can create a 2nd user and eShop account in USD and use the credit there. It then applies the game to your switch for all users. Done it many times to take advantage of the much better prices sometimes.
@McBanjo: So having a second user who is created as being from the US will mean all purchases made by them also get added to your main account?
@theknight27: Pretty sure that’s not the case. You would have both accounts added to the one console and can play games from either, but your library is spread across two logins.
Thankyou, I have been waiting ages for a discount on these.
I remember last year I grabbed $800 of JBhifi gift at 15% off and then had 15% of eshop cards… Good ol times
Poor you, you actually lost over $500 that day.
lol i bought 1000 jb card, but did not own swith by that time. still have some left, guess it's good to buy this time. however find myself still have $120 eshop card with 15% @wws with 5% wish gift card bought couple months ago. never use.
I can get JB HIFI gift cards throughout the year, though not always at the same % off (sometimes its just 5%, usually 10% even 50%). I'll stock up and attempt to save them for any big ticket purchases (granted most of the time I just pounce when there's 20% off dvds/music cds!).
The fun part (and I'll probably get negged for this) is the subtle brag at the register where I mention how I'm saving a bundle because of not paying the full price FOR the gift card(s) itself). Even though they were acquired legally :P
where do you get them from?
wonder the same, where do you get them from?
Since OP said sometimes 50%, it's probably stolen/fraudulent transaction. OP just thinks it's legal which it is not.
@Blitzfx: The 5-20% ones are purchased legally through my employer. The default rate I pay 80% of the time is 10% off the base value. The 50% off cards are purchased legally through a friend's company. Bottom line JB HIFI (and even other companies like Colesworth) would be spewing about lost revenue!
Anyone know if big w will price match these?
On boxing day? dam. Time to line up at 6AM
Starting Boxing Day.
will ebgames price match these? i know never to get your hopes up with eb, always disappoints. -_-
Mid this year Woolies had 15% off eShop cards and I price matched them OK at EB Games (I paid using 9% off suncorp gift cards :D )
I went to eb games today and they wouldn't price match gift cards (Southland, Victoria). A bummer since I also had Suncorp gift cards for eb games.
Parramatta, Westfield EB Games refuse to price match.
How much money do you guys spend on these discounted gift cards?
its the ozbargain game. discounted jb hifi cards for discounted e-shop cards…. also cashback as well for maximum points. All to be reamed by the Nintendo tax OFC.
Can I use JBHifi gitcard to buy this giftcard? The term of ise didn't says anything about it
yes, i did this morning.
Out of all the screenshots it has to be Princess Peach. Seriously props to the OP
Thanks op. Bought using Suncorp gift cards.
Sorry for the bother… but does anyone know where to buy discounted JB HI Fi gift cards?
… or 6.5% off using ‘youi dollars’ (gained when holding insurance policies with youi)
5% off from suncorp - just need to open up a txn account, the same as Macquarie
Few stores I checked were sold out. Come on!!
Parramatta Westfield, Out is stock. I picked up the last 3 X $15 Cards.
Update: The JB Hi-fi on George Street Parramatta had heaps in stock.
The rumors were true.