Hi all, not a life or death matter, but what do people think about people "stealing" other people's photos, and using them as their own on Facebook? An example is where I take photos at a social gathering or event, process and touch them up in Lightroom, and then share on Facebook. Next day, one or two of my friends (it's usually the same people) will post their own Facebook posts featuring my photos, and there's no attribution or credit given.
I'm not in it for popularity, internet points or even Facebook likes, but I take pride in my skill as a photographer. It's more a lack of acknowledgement or common courtesy, especially if they get lots of compliments for the photo. I'd be more than okay with it if they would just send me a quick message like "hey I really like your photo, do you mind if I use it?" or even just credit me in their photo description or comments. So far it's been a pet peeve for me but I'm not losing sleep over it… and I just wanted to see what everyone thought.
EDIT: Ok thank you everyone, I think the general consensus is that if I'm posting on Facebook then it's fair game, and I should be less precious of my photos. After some reflection I agree - I should just be happy that people are enjoying the product of my work.
Get the art removed.