Does OzBargain Have a Toxic Culture?

You wake up, wash your face, replace the old water and turn on your kettle, etc… and click on your Ozbargain reading tab. When you open the highlighted forums located below the highlighted deals for the day, you are met with an array of forums titled from, ‘best new car under $60,000’ to ‘advice for my ailing investment property.’ You soon begin to realise that the forum is buzzing with activity simply due to the plethora of sly and sarcastic comments from users who reply to with criticism, such as, ‘why are you on this website if you’ve got 60k to drop on a new car?

All in all. is it possible maintain a positive environment within forums or at least keep advice forums, a place where legitimate advice is shared? This forum is intended to advocate for positivity, rather than rant about online users.
Since this is a discussion, by all means share your opinions whilst remaining respectful of each other.


        • Before April 2019 when AmEx gets nerfed.

    • +4

      Then you have become the very thing you swore to destroy.

      • How does charging for an account = toxic?

    • +1

      I have a better idea. Sign up by using your passport / driver's ID and implement China's Social Credit system

      Then we can live in a harmonious 1984 society.

      • +2

        I'd say that'd be a funny April Fools joke but we learned what happened last time.

        • +3

          Hilarity ensued?

        • I'd have loved see jv's face when he woke up in the morning and hoped onto Ozbargain to see that it's been sold to China lol.
          It was a great April Fools joke, think Scotty and the mods won so they are the fools lol!

          • +1

            @Wystri Warrick: He'll have to do a PC April fools joke next time. Can't have Oz in the name anymore as thats discriminatory slang term for Australia. Abolish voting as some store reps may feel offended that their deal has received less votes than their competitors.

            Basically as extreme as the haters were this year.

    • or sin-bin a certain user for one hour for only $8!, another $8, another hour!
      tell your friends!

      let's see which money bucket fills up faster

      /not serious

  • Welcome to today's society

  • -1

    You soon begin to realise that the forum is buzzing with activity simply due to

    I'd say those threads wouldn't exist without the endless queue of people with petty (perceived) grievances to whine about, much like you're doing here.

    So don't be modest, you're doing your part too.


    All in all. is it possible maintain a positive environment within forums or at least keep advice forums, a place where legitimate advice is shared?

    You're conflating "positive" with "being saccharine sweet". I don't see much of anything other than blunt advice and banter here. I'd say it is a generally positive environment. If you can't handle non-sugarcoated stuff, maybe that's your problem and not anyone else's.

  • +2

    Seriously OzB can you at least prevent the new users to make new threads and posts. So many either hit and runners or mind boggling dumb threads these days with no commitment to the community.

    As mention above look at OCAU, they have remained unchanged for decades because the community stays.

    • +2

      +1 I ignore all forum posts from new users who joined less than 24 hrs ago.

  • +2

    "replace the water"…….. why are you on this website if you can afford to replace clean water?

  • Get used to it - it is now School Holidays!!

  • +4

    for me, i get tired of the posts which would only require a basic google search.

    or "help" posts that are soooo vague -


    Title - "I need a car"- Description - "hello, I need to buy a car. please suggest the best car"
    Title - "I need a holiday"- Description - "hello, I need to go on a holiday. please suggest the best holiday"

    help us, by adding detail ,so we can help you.

    simple details like for a holiday - price, how many people, what you think you want to do, domestic or OS, length, etc. of maybe at least that you can't decide on which of those and are open to suggestions.

    also incorrect use of there, their and they're
    and my biggest peeve at the moment is when people post "I need advise"

    • +2

      also incorrect use of there, their and they're
      and my biggest peeve at the moment is when people post "I need advise"

      Eh. gramer nazi's need two get an life

      • +1


    • Maybe they wanted opinions?

      AS for the typos, they either can't be bothered spellchecking, little kids typing on here or in a rush…

  • +2

    For some members the culture is either one of:

    • "clueless" or
    • "learned helplessness" or
    • "entitlement"
  • +1

    I wouldn't say it's toxic there are definitely sites that are much worse and "toxic" should definitely be reserved for those sites.

    I do get what the OP means though, OzBargain isn't always the nicest place around but some of that lends itself to the culture of OzBargain and if you aren't used to it you might take offence to stuff that isn't meant to be offensive.

    It isn't that dissimilar to a foreigner not getting Australian humour right?

    EDIT: There are times where I wished OzBargain posts\comments were more focused though and less spammed full of troll\sarcastic posts.

  • +3

    i dont know how you can expect a positive environment anywhere.

    you can definitely make one for yourself and those around you, and always comment helpfully, but dont be so soft to think anywhere on the internet (or a workplace) is going to lack sarcasm, wit and criticism. No bubble-wrap here. High expectations come with the territory.

    Its a skill to always discern essential information from any text. Some users/comments are helping you always by providing their 2c that you should absolutely disregard. you need to know the difference there.

    With experience and understanding in this community, just like any online community, you become a better contributor.

    and for the record, a lot of the toxic comments here has helped make me more considerate to spelling and grammar in general. sometimes its the best way to learn.

    • +2

      Please use apostrophes when writing contracted words. Especially "it's" which has a different meaning to "its".

      • +3

        And you're giving him a pass on the Capitalisation (or lack there of)?

        Can any self-confessed gramer nazis please provide evidence that they have a life beyond policing minor typo's in obscure and soon-to-be-forgotten forum posts?

        Feel free to put that bonus apostrophe to good use. Your welcome.

        • Grammar critics are far too easy to appreciate these days.

          For some, its the only way (they/their/theyre/there) going to learn.

          • @DarthAntz:

            For some, its the only way (they/their/theyre/there) going to learn.

            How's it going for you?

            • @D C: always learning

              • -1


                always learning

                No capitalisation, no punctuation.

                Best learn faster before 'those-without-a-life' aka grammer nazi's see your posts. Or just tell them to sod off and do something useful with they're live's.

                • @D C: hope youre doing something with your life between comments

                  • +1


                    something with your life

                    Like the gammir nutzi's I have no life either.

                    I have decided to dedicate my life to making pointless forum posts, but not as pointless as:


                    • @D C: with (you are) life?

                      "your life" is possessive, so use "your".

                      i taught a class of 20 students 10 new words and 3 new grammar points, then read a book on developing talent for an hour.

                      (Your/you"re/yous) grammar is going to be just fine.

                      • @DarthAntz:

                        "your life" is possessive, so use "your".

                        It's a joke, son.

                        Like all forum posts, don't put too much thought into it.

                        And if you're going to give grammar lessons as well as claim to teach, at least capitalise your sentences; otherwise you come across as a crap teacher.

                        • @D C: Took me a while.

                          Im not a crap teacher, I just use a poor standard of Oxford English Grammar on the anywebs. And similar to you, pointing out mistakes, intentional or not, is part of the learning process.

                          What"s the purpose of this thread again?

                          Keep up the good work DC

                          • @DarthAntz:

                            Im not a crap teacher, I just use a poor standard

                            I didn't say you were crap, but the way you write is crap considering your claim of teaching.

                            Lead by example and all that.

                            Obviously hit a nerve judging by the negs. Lol, why bother.

                            And similar to you, pointing out mistakes,

                            I really don't care all that much and so don't do the 'gramma nazi' thing, but when someone who writes poorly and then posts "For some, its the only way (they/their/theyre/there) going to learn.", well, why not poke them a bit.

                • @D C:

                  before 'those-without-a-life' grammer nazi's

                  Your poor spelling, punctuation and grammar is not evidence of "having a life", just lacking intelligence. It's not proof, but they do correlate highly, so people will judge multiple errors.

                  FFS, using an apostrophe for a plural!? "Nazis" please.

        • And you're giving him a pass on the Capitalisation (or lack there of)?

          Criticism is often not well received when offered all at once.

      • thanks scrooge, actually i cant find the button on this japanese keyboard. i would if i could.

        Grammar ftw

  • +3


    "the dumping of toxic waste"

    So lots of environmental vandals and attempted murders here?

  • +7

    Yeah there are some toxic people on here, through private chat some have said that arguing is part of the fun of Ozbargain.
    Feel sorry for them, if arguing is what brings them joy they certainly aren't living life.

    • +2

      I disagree.

      • +1

        Arguing can be healthy, especially if they're in the right and want to make the other party aware of their wrong doing or incorrectness….unless you want the forum to have mis-informed facts or comments?

        • Yes, that's constructive arguing.
          These people just argued for the sake of it, they actually enjoyed it :(

          • +1

            @Wystri Warrick: Oh…well I guess they have nothing better to do in their daily lives then…….

    • +1

      if arguing is what brings them joy they certainly aren't living life.

      It appears you do not know what the word "argument" means. It is not a quarrel.
      Perhaps English is not your first language?

  • +1

    This is one of the great paradoxical aspects of social media, to a certain extent, in that nobody takes ownership or responsibility (largely) for their comments, as this medium is largely anonymous, thus one is given the option of attacking other people without fear of being rebuked or held accountable for their words (again, to a large extent).

    I’ve seen many, many wonderful comments on this forum, and I’ve also seen some awful, hateful, upsetting commentary, which I suspect would potentially be replicated IRL, to a certain extent, the difference is that all interaction is essentially anonymous, so perhaps comments are less held back or censored.

    So this poses a question, is it that we are dealing (in the case of toxic/hurtful comments) with a few of the majority who are toxic, or are we as a society not saying what we wish we could or would say to others IRL, or is it a bit of both?

    We really don’t know how social media is going to affect society, there just hasn’t been enough time, but that electronic messaging/communication distances us from the hurt we might cause others is a concern of mine. For instance, young people who cannot, or will not, separate themselves from the medium is cause for concern in that it is able to penetrate, or bypass the mentoring or censorship of a parent who might otherwise be able to advise their child.

    We must remember, though I’m borrowing this from Joe Rogen, that those who say nasty or hurtful things, are themselves hurting, and we must remember that the choice lies within us to listen or not, though of course easier said than done, and some people are just more resilient to these things than others.

    For instance, on Reddit, I’ve seen many, many threads where folks seek help or advice about being suicidal or they are identifying that they may self harm, and the number of positive responses has been overwhelmingly uplifting and encouraging.

    If OzBargain does have a culture of toxic interaction I think the issue lies within the greater degree of society that we allow ourselves to interact within.

    • is it that we are dealing (in the case of toxic/hurtful comments) with a few of the majority who are toxic, or are we as a society not saying what we wish we could or would say to others IRL, or is it a bit of both?

      It's definitely the latter. I'm a shy prudish introvert offline.

    • +4

      I read the forums a lot, and it seems vanishingly rare to me that there are hurtful comments.
      Maybe I have a higher bar on what is hurtful?
      I think the idea that anonymous posts have low thresholds for decency works both ways - who cares if some message board troll calls you a noob?

      In any case, I agree with your broader point that we should aim to be the change we want to see in the world, and hold ourselves to personally high standards.

  • +1

    Try Liveleak comments if you want to know toxic culture.
    Ozbargain is fine.

    • Try Liveleak comments if you want to know toxic culture.

      Or youtube! Debating on youtube is like competing in the Special Olympics.

  • +3

    I've been thinking this for a long time. You need to spend too much time constructing a post hence why I rarely bother due to the criticism received.

    • oh, I was thinking of the forums rather than the deals. Yeah to be honest I thought it was too difficult to post deals acceptably so I didn't try. When I finally decided to, I was late anyway (deal already posted).

      I don't think I've given it a fair go though. After I post 100 deals, I'll see how much grief I've copped, then decide whether my initial thoughts were founded.

  • Humanity is a toxic culture. Oh snap.

    Happy Festivus.

  • -3

    I posted once and will NEVER post again, also highly unlikely I will ever visit Ozbargain again.

    Yes it's toxic, full of keyboard warriors with nothing better to do then be miserable. I didn't need to post in great lengths how to help people re a Red or Gold Westfield Gift card but I did and for what? Recognition? No because my profile is Judge Judy. I saw people were confused re the westfield gift cards so I wanted to help and clear up any confusion and yes it was in detail.

    What needs to be removed straight away is this whole 'neg' or 'minus' on someones comments, If like me you are giving away 'too much' information these so called 'professional ozbargainers'… please give me a break lol, will all 'neg' your comment until it disappears, if you respond to their "I've got nothing better to do than sit on Ozbargain all day and be a b$tch" comments, then they will also "neg" your response - Facebook removed the unlike button for a reason maybe it's about time Ozbargain did so too.

    Most of the comments were also on the length of my post, how I put too much of it in bold or that what I had written was "already known" ( yeah by 5 fat guys in Perth - woo hoo. ) funny thing is I own and run my own SEO company, I guess it's kind of well known and I was looking forward to keep on sharing my secrets with ozbargainers - WAS.

    It's a shame and disappointing but why would I waste my time and energy on a company who values trolls over people trying to help the community.

    No Thank you - ciao.

    • +3

      The downvote is great. We only get 5 per day, so it's not like it can be abused. When I get a heap of downvotes, I take the unsubtle hint - what I said is not popular. I'm a big boy, I can take that.

      I do a lot more upvoting than downvoting - that doesn't seem toxic to me.
      I think it comes down to what you post.

      • When their profiles are linked to their Facebook like Airbnb - so it's not anonymous, sure then they can down vote. Also the fact that you think your opinion on a 'deal/ bargain hunters website' is not popular due to down votes is really crappy. rather than a 'click' they should have to give a reason, otherwise here you are thinking you've said something wrong - which is wrong in itself…

      • +2

        Shame there's now a limit on upvoting :/

    • I just checked the post you're upset about, and I'd say you were received more positively than negatively.

      I think there was some fair criticisms that you didn't handle very well, which will always invoke some downvotes.

      I don't think you're going to make it online if that was unpleasant for you.

    • +1

      Yearh we should also reveal the names of the people who downvoted us, so we can take revenge! ☺

    • I posted once and will NEVER post again, also highly unlikely I will ever visit Ozbargain again.

      So long, farewell.

  • +1

    My experience (might be considered limited by few) of few years on this forum had been largely positive. People do give you good advice and the community does help out each other largely. Some names here are already household now and are looked upto for advice.

    You get what you want from the forum. Anything too negative, I ignore and just move on to the next bargain or useful forum.

    It's easy to be addicted here. Like I said ozbargain is a religion.


  • +3

    For the most part no. Occasionally people are a bit negative. Maybe they are having a bad day or can’t understand someone else’s POV for some reason. But I find most people to be cheerful and helpful beyond expectations.

    Some people can be rude and ungrateful. I posted by mail free movie tickets to three individuals and not one said they received them. It actually cost me money and time with no regard from them. Then again, there are some very patient souls on here that answer my possibly ridiculous tech questions with kindness and understanding.

    I LOVE ozbargain. We are family and every family has some black sheep

    • -1

      Why does it have to black sheep? Why do you have to associate the colour black with bad/outcast?

  • +1

    I don't think it's toxic.

    If I need help with a deal or have a question, 9 times out of 10, someone will answer that's helpful, and if not helpful, they will make a joke (which could be seen as helpful).

    And if there's a debate, it's generally well-researched and challenging, people put their sources and are respectful.

    The only issue is the + -. Sometimes, you might not have the popular "opinion" and users would give you a down vote. Whether that's good use of the down vote or not, I am not sure.

    Other than that, it's healthy here.

  • +2

    No more toxic than many other basically pleasant places on the internet.

    Trolls and whiners usually downvoted into oblivion.

    People usually manage to disagree furiously without insults or name calling (sure there's a lot of sarcastic and passive aggressive responses, but it's the internet not a marriage, what's the problem).

    Mods clamp down a little too much on the politics for my liking, but they also catch the insults and tirades.

    At least people speak their mind instead of the BS and pleasantries which are so tiresome IRL.

  • +1

    Of course it does, this is the internet! Being behind a screen brings out the worst and most stupid parts of a lot of people who in real life would be laughed out of the room like the jokes they are.

    "why are you on this website if you’ve got 60k to drop on a new car?"

    This is a particularly good example of dumbassery. Anyone who's spent even any time here knows that the majority of users actually have consistently high incomes. You can't take advantage of bargains if you don't have money to drop on anything and everything in the first place!

  • +1

    If you think Ozbargain culture is toxic then you need to visit other parts of the internet.

    To me, Ozbargain culture is Marry Poppins, Unicorns and Rainbows.

  • +1

    Some of the post and comments made in some threads obviously did not involve the use of their brain. Probably never had to due to being spoonfed all their life, so once they get called out, they get all sensitive and play the victim card.

  • How many "first post, please be gentle" do we get which tells you how anxious people are to post. I am not saying its a bad thing to be anxious a little, but what if we had all new posters know that their posts would be helped along by a veteran oz buddy before it goes live. That would help people feel confident in hitting the submit button.

    • but what if we had all new posters know that their posts would be helped along by a veteran oz buddy before it goes live.

      Or they could just not be snowflakes, and feel their whole world collapses when someone else has a different opinion?
      This is a new phenomenon.

      It's OK if other people disagree. It is even OK to be wrong! How else can we learn efficiently?
      Much better than never expressing an opinion.

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