This was posted 13 years 10 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

12 FREE Mills & Boons! ;) + 19 Harlequins.


Paranormal - Suspense - Bonkbusters - Erotica - Relationship - Historical - Fantasy - Romance

Don't be shy. Download an ebook from the doyens of romance.

Enter new worlds.

Read on your phone, iPad, itouch, PC/Mac and most eReaders.

[Edit] + 19 free Harlequin titles also available: courtesy melmac77.

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closed Comments

  • mills and boons? they are still around?

    • +1


    • Thank you good sir, I had been wondering if there was an auto-revoke on positive votes if they got below the threshold.

      I've given you a + to reflect my appreciation of what was obviously an experiment to check, since it was bothering you too :)

      (note sarcasm, but I have actually been wondering that lol)

  • +1

    its a plus for me

    fluffy chick books ftw!

  • hmm this requires an e-mail addy, which I did

    to get 1 of the 12 "randomly determined"

    but it seems to be the same everytime

    am i missing something?

    • On my mac … they just downloaded (in seconds) without any need for an email address. Clicked on the cover & there it was ready to read … any one I wanted (I tried two) … or all twelve.

      I haven't tried it on the phone yet.

      • +2


        I have shooed my husband with his computing qualifications off the computer (he was "helping" me)

        all good now - no probs with downloading

        although he will have to get them onto a useful device

        • no worries

          I just downloaded one directly onto my ipad from the browser, and it worked on the first ereader i tried, stanza.

          So I guess that it should work exactly that way on phones too.

  • +5

    Yay this means I no longer have to be on the waiting list at my local pulic library to get my hands on one of these err

  • +1

    Heh. You always find these at give a book take a book stalls. I wonder why. They are disgusting to read.

    • Maybe its partly because a Mills & Boon gem is sold every few seconds ;)

      • +3

        Those amazing short descriptions of each book has begun to entice me. Guess I didn't know what I was missing out on.

        Might be my cup of tea indeed

      • +1

        I like the Blaze series ;)

      • +1

        Oh so they are about getting women's hopes up and then bringing them crashing down with reality lol ;-)

      • So they really are porn for women.

        Playboy manipulates mens' weakness for visual stimulation, and Mills+Boon manipulates womens' weakness for emotional stimulation.

        In both cases the viewer/reader is trained into holding unrealistic expectations of the opposite sex.

  • +3

    There was a post about free Harlequin ebooks a while ago looks like they're still avalaible :)

    • Very nice. 19 of them.

    • I liek..(borat style)

    • +1

      I've added 'em in, hope thats ok.

      • No Probs wasn't my OP it was on here a month or 2 ago, didn't get as many posts as this one but I think the titles/descriptions sounded better although having read a few in my time after a while they're all the same anyhow :)

    • +4

      I am wondering what Google ads might come up if we stayed on that topic :)

  • In know someone who works for BigW and every wednesday they throw out all the Mills and Boons for some reason??

    • +1

      To make way for the HUGE weekly delivery of hot new titles.

    • +2

      As a public service? ;-)

  • +2

    No deal. Showed these to my missus and she says she's read them all.

  • +1

    She may resist his bite, but she can’t resist his charms…

    Werewolf princess Blu won’t allow her seductive husband to consummate their marriage with his bite, marking her forever. Blu curses the marriage arranged to bring their rival nations together, especially since Creed calls out to her darkest desires.

    Yet when Blu uncovers her pack’s secret plot to destroy the vampire nation – and Creed – she is forced to confront her growing feelings for him. Will she choose the only life she’s ever known or accept his sensuous bite?

    Twilight anyone? (above is from one of the books available on the list… the vampire husband…lol)

    • +1

      I havent read mills and boons in so long. I used to read them when I was 12. They felt naughty then. After 4-5 they ended up being the same. Hm… so tempted to dl one now… which one?
      NOT the vampire husband though =P

  • +1

    "Electronic sales of the bodice-rippers have more than doubled over the last year and have now overtaken actual paper book sales.

    While the company refuses to reveal the total number of downloads sold, official figures show it must be more than the 3.3 million paperbacks purchased in 2010.

    Amazon, the online retailer, added that the Mills & Boon title "The Temp and the Tycoon" was one of their most downloaded romance novels to date.

    The sales have been such a success that Sony has designed a rose-pink version of its reader, complete with M&B logo, for those proud to be seen reading the novels.

    Mills and Boon, which boasts it sells a book every four seconds, put the boom down to their early adoption of the new technology."

    The Telegraph 4 March.

    • +1


    • +1

      wow….this deal was posted yesterday, you knew about this approx 1 day ago

      do you really take that lonG?

      • +1

        and now that issh can see what I've written via email sub, I can edit my post so that I don't get friendly chats from the mods :)

        • lol i don't sub to ozb

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