This was posted 6 years 3 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

20% off 57 Stores @ eBay (Lenovo, Dell, Videopro, Grays, Sony, Sydneytec, KitchenAid, KG + More)


Starts 10am Dec 19 through to Dec 28. T&Cs here. Merry Christmas. Enjoy :)

Allphones Online
Appliance Giant
Apus Auction Express
Beta Media
Camerastore Australia
Clearance Palace
Click Depot
Console mate
Crazy Victor
Custom Home Theater Solutions
Cut Price Gadgets Australia
Dell Australia
Eastlakes Electronics
Flora Livings
GraysOnline Australia
Instyle HIFi
Iworld Australia
KG Electronic
My Phonez
NES Printers Specialist
Nice Lena
NO Frills
OLC Direct
Oz Electronics Inc
Oz Supply Centre
Shopping Express Outlet
Sony Australia
Tech Expertise
Tech Fast
Tech Mall
Tempered Glass King
Treasure PC
Videopro Australia

Click the related button above to see all PLUGIT20 deals.

Related Stores

eBay Australia
eBay Australia
Appliance Central
Appliance Central

closed Comments

  • +79

    Search Link

    1) Tech Mall Added and Re.Definition aren't valid stores by the looks of things
    2) auscamsales looks like it may have an old link, new store link is

    Edit: Tech Mall added

    • +53

      Read auscamsales as Au Scam Sales..

      • +41

        Lol me too. Not quite as bad as when Pen Island got their first web address though!

      • +3

        Good nickname if they price bump

      • I think it really is a scam. They list pre-order DJI Osmo Pocket for 749.00. After 20% off becomes $599.20, normal price everywhere.

        • Curious, on their listing it says they are an authorised DJI dealer. I wonder if they can legally over price the RRP on the product, to then discount it to the normal price? I’m very curious.

          • @Unorthofox: They can legally price it as high as they want to.

        • Best price I've found so far is $590 delivered.…

          The new DJI store at World Square (Sydney) was happy to price match but I'm going to hold-off in the hope of a better buy after Christmas.

    • Oooh i've never seen that comment pin feature before. Nifty.

    • am i being retarded or have eBay changed their search feature

      using the search field in the search link above resets the selected seller filter, pretty sure eBays search use to maintain the pre-existing filters before?

      • works fine here. make sure you're on desktop mode.

  • ouch my wallet cant rest….

    • +3

      You need to plug it!

    • +1

      Get a new one so it's not so exhausted.

  • +1

    Merry Christmas.

    Are you dressing up for Christmas, Tighty?

  • -7

    And here comes the comments complaining about people complaining about price jacking, thought I better get in there first to complain

    • +5

      You win one month's OzBargain Premium every time you bring it up first!

      • -4

        those 4 people who neg voted me are just jealous I got the free monthly premium

  • p is for pricejack


    • +9

      is there even anything good to buy

    • +7

      Just an FYI, the 20% doesn't cover their excessive "warranty/"determine if there is a problem" charges.

      I've made a post on here recently - but I'll just recap quickly: $135 for me to send it "if there was nothing wrong with it" which they are the ones to evaluate it. Warranty card is shorter in the box. Box itself was in terrible condition. Unit inside developed problems a few months in.

      • Grays a scammers. You have been warned.

        • yeah grays are very scammy… just looking at the fine print on their policies and additional charges tells the story

          that being said i did managed to get a q-acoustics 5.1 speaker system for $500, they kind of (profanity) up tho and sent 2 items for auction at the same time, one of which was buried in the wrong search category, win

          • @desync: So I bought an IdeaPad 720s Ryzen version. Looks like there's only one left so at least one person had the same idea…

            I bought a Miix 700 off them a while ago and it was perfect so I'll keep my fingers crossed for another smooth run this time.

  • +24

    PLUGIT20? More like PRICEJACKIT30!

    • @Allphone @Ausluck :-)

    • +1

      … or another 4 letter alternative beginning that comes to mind?

  • +5

    Wish ozbargain has 'take a break' option.
    My wallet is being fd a lot.

    • +2

      Resistance is futile.

    • +1

      My wallet is being fd a lot.

      You can always buy another one on eBay mate =p

  • +19

    Will trade +vote for search link

    • +2

      Posted below, pretty sure it's got all stores besides 2 stores that don't exist

      • Cheers mate

  • Wait another hour for another eBay promotion coming up.

    Thanks ta

  • Will make the DJI Spark Fly More combo $646.40, not bad…

    • +2

      Futu Online so price will probably be jacked up 10% before tomorrow.

      • -3

        No they won't. They are jacked up all the time.

        They are not allowed the jack up the price days before the sales begins. But they can jack up the price since day 1, and participate is every single 20% sales.

        • +8

          They are not allowed the jack up the price days before the sales begins.

          and yet they do so EVERY SINGLE TIME

        • Yeah it's already jacked at $808, you can get it for $749 from HN/JB.. but the thing is you can't get it for $646 from HN/JB so Futu still gets the bargain deal.

    • Or this
      Discount promo was sent to my email, thus not targeted.

  • Yeah … time for a 28" IPS 4K monitor …the 32" QHD is too wide for office use and looking from left to right edges as I work. Probably OK for gamers.
    who will get my money, Futu ?

    • +3

      First world problems. Don't forget to give me the 32".

    • Totally agree and wanting the same.

      All the ultrawide stuff sucks for document based work where you need that vertical resolution.

      Frankly, ultra wide just plain sucks, even for gaming. Big 16:9ish is better (I have a 43" IPS 4k for my home pc, I don't do much work on it)

      • +8

        Rubbish. I use my 34 X34 for work (and gaming) and it's easily the best I've used. Dual RDP sessions, XLS and multiple word and browsers, its only slightly surpassed by having multiple screens.

        And I've used a lot of screens (24's, 27's, 32's, 43's..)

        • -2

          For a chubby slacker like me, moving head / neck regularly is too much. And, I am greedy, I want 2160p.

        • +1

          Agree with you. A lot of hate towards UWQHD and usually its from people who don't even own one. Steam forums are a hotbed for it.

          I have the Agon at home, and at work i have a x4 21" screen setup. I much rather have the single Agon tbh.

        • +2

          Rubbish. I use my 34 X34 for work (and gaming) and it's easily the best I've used.

          How dare you challenge their subjective opinion!

        • Pfft.

          If you're using a single excel file or outlook, sure.. ultrawide is great. The horizontal res is it's strong point.

          Vertical res is it's weak point. If you want 3 word docs next to each other, it's very limiting without great vertical resolution. Which you're not getting on an ultrawide.

          My 3x 24" portrait oriented setup was actually better than my 43" 4k because although the res is about the same, the 3 screen setup imitated a curved screen. That's for my usage scenario of writing technical documents with all sorts of reference documents visible at one time.

          If you get a 4k 16:9 or similar ratio screen then you get both vert and horiz res. A curve would be the icing on the cake, but currently not available AFAIK.

        • Where can you buy 34x34" screens, unless you mean you have 34 34" screens?

      • +1

        side by side on an ultrawide is perfect for documents, while full 21:9 is perfect for games/movies. 4k is pretty crappy for gaming even with the top end gear, low fps from the gpu and low hz on the monitor, 1440p is the sweet spot at the moment on pc.

      • 16:10 is better still

  • Plug what exactly?

    • You know…… it

  • TechFast? Ooohhh I can see a lot of upcoming deals.

  • Could this be the deals we are looking for..

  • shoppingsquare

  • +4

    20% off TechFast! If we buy a PC from them now will it be ready for next Christmas?

  • any decent camera deals ? sony 6300 looking to upgrade my trusty nex3!

  • -1

    its been over 30 mins and no search link!!

    • It was there for 11 minutes before your post. :p

  • That's more like it.

  • +2

    But-pluggedit20 is so yesterday. Can't they be more creative.

  • +2

    Nice one - let the blind upvotes begin before we actually see any deals

    • +33

      There's nothing stopping you posting more than one deal every 8 years if you want to see something different.

      • +21

        Agreed with WatchNerd - getting sick of all these new/non-contributing members going and crapping on other people's deals.
        People need to realise that posting here is a big effort and takes a lot of time to put together, especially deals that have a large benefit.

          • +6


            … the "large benefit" is highly subjective at best and in this instance it remains to be seen

            The sole reason any benefit will be seen is due to OP's contribution of effort and time.

        • Big effort lol. Perspective please. Making your way out a a war ravaged country to be imprisoned and/or denigrated by Australian politicians is a big effort. Giving time and or significant money to decent charities is a big effort. Working every day in hospitals or in social services is a big effort. Posting deals on OzB is a VERY VERY small but not insignificant effort

        • +13

          I'm a very low contributer, I don't even average one deal post a week, but instead of whinging that nobody was posting enough watch deals I decided to do it myself.

          • +3


            I'm a very low contributer, I don't even average one deal post a week,

            Don't know why you bother.

        • +5

          If posting deals gets you up in the morning then good on you, glad you're doing something you can be proud of

          If nobody did, this website wouldn’t exist.

        • +2

          If posting deals gets you up in the morning

          Tightarse gets me up every morning.

  • +2

    Thanks to all these sales I've been selling lots of crap I don't use lately. Some of the stuff is still unused. Makes me think twice if/when I buy anything anymore

  • +1

    If the 20% off applies to the techfast Ryzen 7 2700 RTX 2080 8GB 480GB SSD 8GB DDR4 750W Gaming Desktop Computer currently being sold for $1900 after I bought myself the Ryzen 2600 package with BFV I'm going to neck myself lol.

    • +6

      Not sure any of these stores sell rope 20% off.

    • Buy a gpu get a comp free

    • On top of the 10% off gift cards….

  • +4

    Waiting for Computer Alliance 20% sales.

    • I’ll take 15% tbh

  • is there a way to only search the stores listed?

    • +2

      Check the top comment for the search link

      Shouldn’t you be looking for US eBay deals?
      Also, when are you going to hook up with Diane? She’s free now…

  • Do any of these sellers sell Nvidia Shield TV with controller.

    • +1

      Thanks to Matt-97 search link, did a search…
      Search Result

      Note: Some sellers put "no" controller in the title… those will still be returned.

      • Thanks.

  • +3

    I hunger for the Sony WH1000-XM3 deal! Does any of these do?

    • Looks like refurbished XM3’s for $319.20 delivered from Sony themselves.

      • +2

        thanks guy!

      • +2

        I've never bought refurb before.. tempting but I'm hoping bit better for boxing day

        • +2

          I’m personally waiting for a $299 delivered publicly available deal. That will make me pull the trigger straight away (and probably 10000 other Ozbargainers as well!) I don’t desperately need them until May (my next international flight) but would love to buy them sooner for the right price.

        • +1

          I'm a bit worried about refurbished items also, perhaps wait for boxing day too

    • they never price jack
      they are the best

    • +1

      You have not provided a reason for your neg.

    • it has stayed this way.

  • +1

    So sick and tired of the price jacking from some of these companies the day of/before the sale

    • The good guys just did it yesterday. I should have screen shot it. Item I wanted went up from 63$ to 80$. All DJI items were taken offline.

      • So did appliance central. Hisense 43P6 went from $575 to $699

  • Any good gaming laptops? Dell G7 is not great.

    • +1

      I have my eyes on this one:…

      Combine with the ebay gift card, this comes out as $2300ish which is not a bad price.

      The laptop itself is almost perfect, 8gen i7-8750H, gtx1070 max-q, 16gb memory(1 stick, can easily upgrade to 32gb), 512 nvme(again, has 2 slots), good 144hz screen, thin bezel. Only downside is the camera which I personally never use.

  • I see Sony WH-1000XM3 headphones showing $395 price n ebay. If above coupon works, it may cost ~$320.
    Is it worth buying or is there a chance of it being price reduced further?

    • +1

      is that a new one or refurbished? I only see refurbished $399

    • My QC25s cost 319 when I brought then two years ago and now they are 200 so yes they can go lower if you wait. For years.

    • wait i will check my Crystal ball. i will be able to let you know in… around 1 year time

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