This was posted 6 years 2 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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Free Video Streaming 18-24 December - Inspector Gadget First Season (65 Episodes) @ Twitch


Wowsers, one of my favourite cartoon shows. Brain for PM!

Episodes will be at 0624 and 0900 AEDT for an hour each.

We're showing the first season of your favorite 80s animated cartoon! Blocks of episodes will repeat throughout the day so that you don't miss your favorite episodes.


12/17- Inspector Gadget - Pilot + eps 1 - 9 // hosting /tested at 11:24AM and 2PM PT for an hour each! (0624 & 0900 AEDT)
12/18- Inspector Gadget - 10-19 // hosting /tested at 11:24AM and 2PM PT for an hour each!
12/19- Inspector Gadget - 20-29 // hosting /tested at 11:24AM and 2PM PT for an hour each!
12/20- Inspector Gadget - 30-39 // hosting /tested at 11:24AM and 2PM PT for an hour each!
12/21- Inspector Gadget - 40-49 // hosting /tested at 10AM! Inspector Gadget to resume afterwards
12/22- Inspector Gadget - 50-59
12/23- Inspector Gadget - 60-64 + pilot

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closed Comments

  • +2

    I watch that when I was kid, glad people still remember this show. Go go bargain upvote!

    • +2

      Didn’t work.

      “I’ll get you next time, upvote… mwhoohahaha!”

  • Upvote for wowsers

    • These days some people seem to use "wowsers" as an extension of "wow", but as far as I am aware in 'straylian it means someone who is against stuff like alcohol, gambling, lewd behaviour, parties etc who tries to make others conform with their traditional moral views…? Kind of like the next step up from a party pooper

  • +1

    I only watch this shit for chat reactions lol

  • GO GO GADGET HELICOPTER. Another childhood favourite!!
    I didn't really pay much attention to Twitch as a platform until they streamed the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers series. Glad to see they are still delivering the goods. Hopefully Masters of the Universe is next :P

    • OMG When was the power rangers on :O

      • March last year, it lasted 17 days!!

  • +1

    I was so into this when I was a kid. I had the theme song on vinyl

  • +1

    There were 65 episodes in the first season!?

    • Wasn’t uncommon for this era.
      I’d have to dig through my massive collection, but Masters was similar, by memory

      • Update:

        Season 1: 65 Episodes
        Season 2: 65 Episodes

  • I’ll get you next time Gadget!

  • I clicked the link and it is currently in a Hosting/tested show chunk. sigh

  • In the french version he had a mustache

  • It's incredible how Penny has this super advanced device, which kids today would just look on as a laptop or an Ipad.

    But still we haven't developed those things for talking to a dog yet like Brain had.

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