This was posted 6 years 2 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

10% off Sitewide @ eBay ($120 Min Spend, $300 Max Discount)


T&Cs here. Enjoy :)

Starts 10am AEDT Dec 9. Ends at eBay's discretion. 10% off the purchase price on all eligible items (exclusions listed) when you spend $120 or more in one transaction, up to a max discount of $300. A max of two transactions applies. Up to 10 items may be purchased in one transaction.

Listed Exclusions:

All items listed in the following categories: Cars, Bikes, Boats (9800), Car & Truck Parts (6030), Coins (11116), Gift Cards (184609), Other Lots More Items (88433), Real Estate (10542), Services (316), Tickets, Travel (11730); and

All items sold by the following sellers:
(1) Officeworks;
(2) Fantastic Furniture; and
(3) Target.

Click the related button above to see all PRESENTS10 deals.

Related Stores

eBay Australia
eBay Australia

closed Comments

  • +10

    When will we get 15% or with no minimum spend like the US site. Feel like getting discriminated.

    • More competition in the US. Similar to how uber can run at a loss temporarily in some countries and make the money back where they're dominant.

    • +51

      When will we get 15% or with no minimum spend like the US site.

      Probably the day after you make a big ticket purchase using the 10% code.

      • +2


        • That sounded like an evil laughter there! :)

    • +2

      Australian buying power is probably less than one of the bigger states in the US

    • +17

      If we stop buying, they would be 15%

    • +2

      I just want a REAL Sitewide code without excluded categories!! I mean does it really matter what the monetary value is coming off??? It's still money….

  • +5

    Classic officeworks weaseling out of a sale

    • +8

      They're probably sick of having to temporarily increase prices by 11%.

      • +5

        Don't be silly, nobody gets sick of jacking.

    • They would rather have all of their customers pay more, than have some of their online customers receive a discount… Even if someone else (eBay) is funding the discount!! lol It speaks volumes about the management.

  • +4

    Cheers thanks,,I think there’s been more days this year where a 10% has been applicable. They should just make it non expire.

    • +10

      And then the stores would all jack by 10% and we'd be back where we started.
      We benefit greatly from these time limited discounts.

      • And then the stores would all jack by 10% and we'd be back where we started.

        You've obviously never jacked, you never end up where you started.

      • This reminds me of Harris Scarfe all year sales

        • +2

          or 3 years of Rugs A Million closing down sale

    • +3

      Just a discount matching the GST. Kind of a crap discount really. I remember the days pre GST when you could get a trades person to fix or build something at the house and negotiate a decent cash price that was way more than 10% off. Then when GST came in, that cash discount was always 10% never more.

      • I thought that they only charge you 10% GST if you make online purchases from overseas? I don't get charged 10% GST from any local stores.

        What does that have to do with tradies and paying in cash for a discount? I haven't hired a tradie to fix anything for quite a while so I'd like to know what this is all about.

        • +1

          You've always been charged 10% gst locally… it's just that now you are also charged 10% gst on overseas items too. People liked to import from overseas since there was no gst before

          • @Iwilltakeit: Yes but what does that have to do with not being able to get discounts by paying in cash? Are tradies getting all their supplies from overseas or something? What happened to bunnings?

  • Seriously ebay, enough already. You're sending me broke.

  • +12

    10% off eBay, must be time to change our PM?

    • Nah this ones got another 6months left on the clock. May as well get our moneys worth

      Then it's Shortenomics turn.

  • Can I buy it now before 10:00 am and apply the code when it available?

    • +1

      I'm sure you can wait. Though the answer is yes.

      • So that really does work?

    • Computer says Yes.

  • +3

    Feels like minimum spend creeps up every time ebay does one of these..

  • More kickbacks.

  • +7

    Yawn.. that min spend disappointing.

  • +4

    Now target is also backing out?
    Also a $120 min spend is quite a bit now…

  • +4

    Car parts excluded?! What a grinch.

    • +1

      Car parts are always excluded.

      • Go through eBay UK to get 10% off car parts before 11am.

  • +8

    The 10% off really only removes the GST on the item (unless the seller offers free shipping) for foreign purchases. Otherwise you’re still paying GST on shipping. It really doesn’t do much. Only if you purchased the gift cards with 5% off can you receive a bit of a discount in reality. The US eBay has offered on occasion 20% off. However if enough people bite they will continue to offer only 10% or 5%. They realise that we are a small market but not so small to be ignored. As our population grows and we are separated by distance the demand for online will grow and eBay needs to make sure they keep business growing in Australia as they can’t crack our neighbors in the Asian markets nor China. That’s dominated by sites such as, lazada and alibaba.

    • Yea, I said that last time I saw this post about the GST too lol

    • +5

      Overseas sellers don't even need to offer free shipping. If they lie on their item description and say it ships from Australia no GST will be charged.

      • +4

        The other thing that annoys me too is that used items from overseas also attract a 10% gst?

        If you're buying a used item that has no competition from a local product then why are you charging gst?

      • That would be a win for us ozbargainers, but most people expect delivery within a week if something's stated to be within australia. Also, finding TRS deals will get a lot harder.

        • Easy way of checking is looking at the seller's profile as it'll show their real location. I used one to get my OP6 for cheap and it was delivered in under a week thanks to express.

          • @Clear: Lots of the high volumes ebay sellers have fake AU addresses.

    • So the Americans are getting roughly double the discount if based on tax, as the average goods tax there is 7.5%.

  • +11

    All these complaints yet still top deal… How? Lol

    • -7

      Voting for poster, not deal

      You should know that by now

      • Are you saying people like tight arse.

      • Hey EC you weren't at any of the OzB meetups. Shame because I was really looking forward to meeting you.

      • +5

        eBay has gone so downhill, did an annual check of spend, I think online share of eBay has gone down from 30% to around 5% this year. Amazon was the big winner.

        edit: this was for me, not Aussie wide.

        • +1

          Same. Amazon has taken most of my spend. Haven't used eBay as much since Amazon introduced prime

        • +1

          Yep same here especially with their very generous cash-backs added to Prime Day etc sales.

        • +5

          Amazon was the big winner.

          Problem is that Amazon doesn't have close to the same range.

          And for some items, they're way overpriced.

  • +5

    Oh what?! Another 10% off with a minimum of $120?! Oh eBay how naughty of you 😉

    FFS, do something like NO minimum for once.

  • +7

    Thanks TA.
    Just realized - No cashrewards from today!

    • +2


      Which leaves us with just FlyBuys @ an effective rate of 1% for Plus members and 0.5% for everyone else.

      • +2

        Not just cashback gone. All loyalty partners too (Qantas, Flybuys, the lot).

        • Not just cashback gone. All loyalty partners too (Qantas, Flybuys, the lot).

          Looks as if FlyBuys is still going.

          • @ash2000: For now. eBay partner network was suspended and that's the only way affiliates can work with eBay.

    • +4
    • As if we needed more incentive to shop at Amazon with standard cash-back 6% and 10%-20% during Prime and Black Friday sales etc.

  • No more cashrewards,shopback for ebay from today

    • ShopBack are still paying until 1159pm Wednesday through mobile app.

  • Why did EBAY stop cash back agreements??

  • +1

    How come there's no more cashback?

    • +3

      eBay pulled the plug on their entire AU affiliate network. So no more cashback, Flybuys or even Qantas.

      • They had Qantas points? When and how?

        • You've been able to earn points for years. All through the FF website with the rest of the stores that earn points.

          • @Clear: When did they pull the plug? Any link for the news?

            • @jacktator: Both CR and SB have it on their eBay pages noting that eBay AU have shut down their ePN. That means all other affiliate partners including Flybuys and Qantas will follow.

          • @Clear: oh !@#$

          • @Clear: Were you able to combine it with cashrewards aswell?

            • @Homr: No way. That would break the golden rule of cashback because that's exactly what it is. FF points back on a purchase.

              • @Clear: oh ok good, I feel better now because I always use cashrewards ;)

        • Like Cashback, you had to go through the Qantas FF site to Ebay

      • +2

        eBay cashback was my main source of cashback. Sad day :(

    • +2

      Cashback used to be 4% for eBay !!!

  • Can we still get the eBay gift cards for 5% off?

    Perhaps stacking the giftcards with the 10% and get 15% off?

  • +1

    No cash back is upsetting…

    • -1

      you're just easily upset xD

    • +3

      RU OK?

  • Does not work with ebay digital gift cards purchase seems? Don't worry, it's listed in the exclusion list :(

  • +2

    Wasn't Target's ebay store constantly giving 20-25% off few years ago? What changed now? They're not even participating 5-10% off ebay wide deals?

  • -1

    If I want something from eBay but shipping through Japan, how am I eligible to receive a discount?

  • So Flybuys is going too? Mine still showing

    • For now. eBay partner network for Australia has been suspended.

  • +1

    Does anyone know if car parts are always exculded?

    • I wrote to customer service, hopefully others will too and marketing will consider the people wanting to spend on car parts through ebay.

  • Related link not working or just no one has posted a bargain yet?

    • +1

      Probably just no deals worth posting lol @ ebay

  • i was browsing comments for the search link of this deal..anybody pls?

  • +1

    Thanks saved another 5% on a camera over the P5OFF one glad I checked this morning :)

    2 TG-5's left in stock @ $449 delivered after discount, 2 sold last hour…

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