Suffered the displeasure of Watching Dave Hughes recently, probably the least funny person I've had the misfortune to watch.
Have no idea how these people make a living as comedians.
Anyway, vote on who you think is the most unfunny:
Suffered the displeasure of Watching Dave Hughes recently, probably the least funny person I've had the misfortune to watch.
Have no idea how these people make a living as comedians.
Anyway, vote on who you think is the most unfunny:
Cannot up vote this enough. An absolute weasel of an unfunny person
Not as bad as Akmal.
I watched a few of his appearances on Thank God You're Here, and he actually struck me as being a genuinely witty bloke
I saw his stand-up show perhaps 10 / 11 years ago, and thought it was pretty damn good; plenty of pre-prepared material, of course, but also lots of improv with the audience that was hilarious. I guess things can change with time though.
Yeah he’s ok
Wil Anderson*
I listen to him on Triple M and whenever he speaks, all I can hear is how forced and scripted he sounds.
On top of that, there seems to be a lot more forced laughter since he started.
Meshel Laurie
ooooooh, so she's supposed to be funny? Well I've learned something today.
Well, she seems to think she's hilarious (must be about the only one who does).
I didn't even realise who you were referring to until I Googled the name. What a bogan spelling of Michelle!
For anyone wondering, it's the obese blob, who looks like she lost a fight with a whipper snipper, from the right side of The Project.
@LUTSlit: I don't get it.
Twice you people want to see what I look like.
Twice I give you exactly what you wanted.
Twice you're silent.
True. She's a bit of a diversity checkbox.
They didn't mean funny to look at!
yokel Dave Hughes
Rove McAnus
the people on the Project, the dude with the egg shaped forehead especially
wouldn't pay a cent to see any of them
People only laugh at Dave Hughes out of compassionate medical concern because he holds his breath and strains his head as if performing a Valsalva manoeuvre with every "joke".
The real problem with today’s comedians is that funny is a joke about politicians. Problem is that like all jokes it gets done to death.
Then it’s not funny any more as it’s so predictable.
Humour needs to surprise you.
Of course there are some who will laugh because the joke matches their political point of view, but then that’s not really humour, it’s more a celebration of your ‘team’.
Just like jokes about say football team A being hopeless etc, is very funny to football team B supporters. And while the average Joe might find it funny even though they laugh initially, only team B supporters will laugh at the jokes every time.
If Dave Hughes is so bad why is he successful
because people want something to laugh at
Andrew Bolt
was funny when he smacked the two nongs that came at him
That was funny. Pity we couldn't see the expressions on their hooded faces.
Also funny was the response -
Watch the video, which shows exactly who attacked who.
Melbourne SSR
Scrooge McDuck
Fair point.
@Scrooge McDuck: Straight from the Spencer Street Soviet - Yes, we Victorians are the most socially liberal and up-ourselves folks in Australia
@Baysew: there's also the cost of being progressive tho:
being the capital of terrorist attacks, crazies using cars as a weapon, african gangs, 'sovereign' squatters on Flinders, home of 'heroes' who turned out to be criminals eg trolley man and Duncan Storrer
He should do a double-act with SHY.
Pauline Hanson - though her dedication to continuity with her on-screen character -.e.g moronic racist- has been brilliantly consistent for 25 years.
Hi Pauline.
no fish and chips for you!
Down-voters do not like the truth.
And reading your responses it seems like you are also adverse to any truth.
Election in May, there's a few parties/independents to vote for who have those concerns in their policies. (but everyone will vote for labour because Rupert told them too.)
Who else told them?
Rupert supports Labor? You must be more senile than him.
I thought about what you said and realised I hated the 4 years I lived in Japan. and the year I lived and travelled around Europe, and the 7 international holidays to 25 different countries which I've taken in the last 4 years.
I must not understand anything despite the fact that I have an undergraduate degree majoring in social science and the understanding societies/cultures and movements of cultures.
those 3 years only hardened my racist beliefs.
I must be really racist because I believe that a public figure who appeals to the lowest common denominator of society, whose beliefs at times mirror the shameful white australia policy, says stupid things.
..there is nothing more racist than seeking an immigration regime that dispossesses, disenfranchises and removes self-determination from the people already resident in the land.
they taken your jobs?
They took your jeeeerb!
@Scrooge McDuck: yep. was going for a job as a brain surgeon but some imigant from some other country got it.
You might contemplate on Japan's immigration program. You might contemplate on the UN declaration on the rights of indigenous people, and the UN declaration on genocide and how they relate to loss of self-determination, and why it is a critical breach of human rights.
You might then contemplate that loss of self-determination in a democracy is a mathematical equation, not a matter of feels or knowledge.
Lived overseas for 3 years, taught, studied & worked overseas. 42+ countries visited.
Masters Enviro Sustainability, Masters Human Development and the Environment. Bachelor Science, MBA.
You are racist. Incredibly racist. Because you disavow the right to self-determination for White people and other existing Australians (including Aboriginies) with deep connection to the land.
On the other hand the sentiment, ALL PEOPLE should have the right to unmolested self-determination on the lands their parents dwelled in, is not.
The fact you believe propaganda that says you are non-racist does not make it factually true.
The fact you denigrate people that believe in the right of self-determination as I expressed above makes you a low, & ignorant person.
How can one remove the self-determination of another? Self-determination.
Is that a serious question?
An example: Tibetan was a self-ruled province in 1948, it was ruled by Tibetans, and Tibetans determined the laws that would pass, the activities undertaken by the 'state', and collectively, without outside molestation or residence of outsiders, the culture of the people.
In 1949 they were invaded by China, and have not had self-determination since, as the rules they live under, and the culture present is not solely determined by themselves, but now, by people NOT FROM THAT BODY OF PEOPLE.
This is not controversial, no-one seriously disagrees the Tibetans have lost self-determination.
In the same way, if people were to vote 60/40 a certain way, and then another group is added to those people (from outside) in such numbers that when they vote the balance of the vote is tipped the opposite of what it would have been, the original people have lost their self-determination.
It is in this manner, that despite having democracy in Australia, Aboriginal people do not have full self-determination. One example, they are not able to solely determine what takes place on the lands of their ancestors.
This RESULT is repeated via mass immigration. It is a crime against the right of self-determination, and a crime against the people.
Immigration is only legitimate at levels that are too low to interfere with this right.
thought Fraser Anning is the new Pauline, sans frock?
Fiona O'Loughlin
Forgot her and Magda Szubanski.
I love fiona, she's one of my favourites :(
Except I haven't heard any new routines for a while, usually it is rehashed old stuff.
Is there anyone, apart from me, you don't love?
I <3 you too
I'm thinking Julia Morris, though to be fair I only seen her in the I'm a celebrity get me out of here show which the whole thing came off a bit cringe.
Then again I actually don't mind Dave Hughes like 40% of the time so I'm probably not the best judge.
I like Hughesy too
Same, thought so too, I really liked his show "hughesy we have a problem" way more funny and successful than most
I also like Hughsey
Hughesy leeeewwwwsss'es it!
I agree, Julia is horrible. No other comedian comes close (though Hughes is irritating)
Kitty Flanagan
Omg this
Argh I love kitty. I guess everyone has different tastes
I like her hair and face, think she's purdy.
So I get down voted for thinking she's attractive.
@Scab: Because you're perpetuating the stereotype that prettiness is a cis-gendered "thin" woman that subsribes to the traditional feminine presentation.
@[Deactivated]: I'm going to assume this is a joke. Because if it isn't, you'd be suggesting that prettiness isn't subjective, but objective…which would, ironically, completely contradict your thought. If beauty was objective how wouldn't it be "cis-gendered "thin" woman that subsribes to the traditional feminine presentation"
Also don't know why you felt the need to highlight the fact she's cis. OP definitely didn't mention anything about that.
can't believe 3 people accidentally voted Scab
I know right, some people are so ungrateful.
they must've read it as "Most Funny Comedians"
craig maclachlan
The footy show. How good was that.
All of them. Not you scab you're OK ;)
Thanks for the support.
Hannah Gadsby
I like Tom, I miss the old The Panel days.
I could be wrong but I think you're thinking of Tom Gleisner (host of Have You Been Paying Attention)
I am , I am tired lol.
Bring back the D-Generation and The Late Show.
Except his "neck tick" movements was/is distracting
Not exactly a comedian but Sam Newman.
Yeh, sooooo Dave Hughes, Ive been to a few comedy clubs across the globe in my time and I just dont get this guys sense of humour. Lee lin Chin is funnier on the evening news
Too late to add Peter Helliar?
Didn't know he was a comedian.Learn something new every day.
Didn’t see you name on the list
You stole this joke from someone
Will Anderson