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Free 6-12 Month Access to Google One for Local Guides @ Google


Those that contribute towards Google Maps may want to check your email to see if you've received this offer. I am a level 4 guide and received an offer for a free 2TB storage for one year.

If you haven't received an email, try the following suggestion from stickfingers. Thanks stickyfingers

We know Local Guides love Google perks, and here's a new one for top contributors: a free Google One membership for 12 months! You'll get 2TB of storage to use across Drive, Gmail, and Photos, access to experts for help with our products and services, and extra benefits across Google. Plus, you can share the membership with up to 5 additional family members.

Referral Links

Google One: random (188)

Targeted offer: Referee gets 75% off first 3 months of Google One. Referrer get $7.

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closed Comments

  • +25

    The perk must be random. I'm Level 5 and only get 100GB for 6 months.

    • +3

      I got offered the same, Level 6 and 100GB for 6 months.

      • +3

        Level 7, 100GB for 6 months

      • Same here, Level 6 and 100GB for 6 months.

      • Same

      • Level 5, 100gb for 6 months.

        I had trialled and cancelled Google One before.

    • Me too

    • me too

    • Same here

    • I'm level 5 and I got nothing!

  • -4

    well thats BS, I'm level 6 and got only 6 months and 100mg…..

  • +10

    lv6 100GB 6 months for me

    Signing up also gives you $7 in Google Play Credit

    • That's worth nearly $25. Was all the effort worth it?

      • +1

        We do it because we want to help others, and sometimes to vent/show off photos. But mostly the helping others thing :-)

    • +3

      Thanks for the heads up about the $7 Google Play credit, was on the fence about signing up, but will for the free credit.

    • OK. $7 credit only apples if you are first time on Google One…

    • I'm Level 6, got the 100GB but didn't get any google play credit.

      EDIT: scratch that, had to login to one.google.com and then there was an offer for it on there!

  • +4

    Level 5 here. No email unfortunately.

    • Level 6 and no email. I do already pay for 100gb so perhaps there is a hidden eligibility check.

      • I don't pay for anything. Never bought apps for more than $0.20 and have used up all the trials. Still no email.

        • +1

          same boat, level 5 no email and dont pay for anything :(

      • +3

        Also in the email it says "For new users only. Users with existing Google Drive paid storage plans are not eligible for this offer"

        • +1

          Not so hidden t&C then, couldn't see them cos I didn't get the email. I also only 'pay' using credit from opinion rewards :)

        • I've used a 100GB offer w/ a Chromebook, no wonder I'm email-less

    • Same. Level 5 and no email

    • Same here

  • Level 5, 100gb/6 months and $7 credit

  • +2

    Level 5, only got 100gb and $7 play credit

    Remember to cancel immediately if you don't want to be charged after six months!

    • +3

      Hey Google Guides, here's a free recurring debit…

      • I was thinking that.

        Clever business model.

        "Have 2tb…. Oh you used more than a free x MB we offer? Ok, money please" .

        Its a loss lead product…. For itself!

  • LVL 5. Nothing. Do I have to opt in to spam to receive this?

    • -2

      From the email:
      You received this message because you're signed up for emails from Local Guides about your program perks.

      So yes, you would've had to opt into spam to have received it.

    • I ticked it and still no email!

  • Level 9… Nothing! (I am signed up for Perks emails too)

  • Level 6 - nothing yet, signed up for all emails

  • Meh, measly 2tb of meaningless photos storage by letting them spying on your everyday whereabouts, and now they can spy on your data. And still have to watch their ads.

    • -1

      Seems egotistical to think a billion dollar international company would care about your photos and data.

      • +10

        And you seem incredibly naive about what Google does.

        Really, that is hilarious considering that all Google does is collect data so it can sell your attention so that you lose money.

      • their whole business model is based around caring about your photos and data…

    • You probably want all the services for free without ads too.

    • They could provide the services for free and with no spying.

      Then earn revenue honestly by up upselling add-on consumer services and business plans.

      Some other tech companies do that….

      • +1



        • +1

          He thinks marketing doesn't work on him.

  • +6

    But only for a year
    they hoping you use alot of storage that you have to renew to keep the space

  • +1

    I got socks a few weeks ago instead

    • Upvote! ;)

      • Not even joking though, my Google local guide socks are apparently in the mail

        And I got 6 months from this deal after I posted that comment

        • how long have you been local guide for? I didnt get anything =\

  • -1


    I have 30tb on mine.


    • That $10/month is tempting.

      • sign up a business account for 10/month with unlimited storage. why this???

    • I have a little bit more than 30.


  • Save your time and effort, just pay for it, it's a great service.

  • I tried to open one.google.com and noticed there was a block saying redeem $7 google play store credit. Clicked it and Woohoo got $7 in play store for free

  • +2

    Wow, I’m a level 6 guide and I only got offered 100gb for 6 months. I must be reviewing the wrong places…

    • +3

      Just don't review massage parlours.

      • +2

        Left the parlour very happy. 5/5 would come back again.

        • +6

          5/5 would come back again


        • One of the few places where saying: "I came here a few times" is a perfectly valid sentence - grammatically speaking.

  • Level 5 here and opted for perks and newsletters, still no bonus. :(

  • Nothing for me. But in the past I was given 2 years 1TB account, this was back in early 2016.

  • level 6, 100Gb for 6 months

  • +1

    Level 5, got 100gb for 6 months and no play credit

    • +2

      Check one.google.com on your desktop, not mobile and it’s down the page a little to redeem the credit. Mine was there even after canceling.

      • +1

        nice one. got the 7$ credit! happy days

  • Level 7, 6 months and 100GB.

  • +2

    Level 7, 100Gb for 6 months, and clicked on the $7 credit offer that appeared (after joining). Oh, and immediately cancelled so I won't get charged in 6 months time.

    • same here - but i dont see the $7 credit

      • It was one of the offers on the screen displayed after registering. If I hadn't been watching for something I probably would have ignored and missed it! Go back and hunt around - you actually have to accept it as it's not automatic….

  • Damn, level 7 here and no offer.

  • +1

    Level 7 and no offer. Already a Google One user though.

  • Level 6 and got 100GB for 6 months

  • +2

    Level 5, 100GB for 6 months and $7.00 credit offer.

    E-mail was from [email protected]

  • I'm level 4, nearly level 5, and got nada…

  • Level 6 and nothing I can see.

  • +1

    I have a Pixel 2 and get unlimited storage anyway for my photos.
    Any ideas why signing up for this would be any benefit over the already existing storage?

    • +2

      Google One storage applies to all Google products (Google Drive, GMail, etc) and not just Photos.

      In your case, uploading photos from your Pixel 2 would not consume any Google One storage quota.

      • +2

        Great, thanks!
        I doubt I would use any of that other storage.

        Plus, I always sign up for these "free" offers for X months and then forget to unsubscribe and end up paying for a service for years that i never remember I even signed up for. Happened with some Amazon eBook subscription.

        Probably should check my credit card statement more often! :)

    • +1

      Pixel 2 and 3 only gets 2 years of unlimited storage at original size.

      • Well, the offer lasts until 2020 according to what I had read.
        They don't remove your photos after that date - but you would probably need to sign up for the storage deal if you want to keep adding to it.

  • +2

    No joy for Google Apps (Google Suite) users.

  • I'm level 4 haven't received anything yet

    • Same - level 4 and nothing.

  • +2

    So people work for nothing for Google who is close to being the largest business in the world.



    • +5

      But them internet points and badges!

      In all seriousness though, I don't mind sharing my reviews and photos of places since I know I've gained my share of benefit from the community provided content. While yes Google isn't the only website to share these, you gotta admit it's the most commonly used. I don't really call it working for Google just as much as I wouldn't call sharing bargains and putting all that effort into formatting as "working for OzBargain."

  • +1

    I spoke to Google One support and they said:

    Google 11:24 AM
    Oh, I'm sorry about that. Actually, the promo is for non Google One members. This is so they can experience the benefits of Google One.
    CountParadox 11:24 AM
    oh :(
    what if I cancel
    will I then get the offer ?
    Google 11:26 AM
    I'm afraid that the system will still recognize your previous membership. I know it's sad because as a level 6 local guide you should have been the priority for any promotions.

    • That's interesting. I signed up a couple of days ago on the $2 deal to get the $7 back. I then cancelled the subscription and then get this email two days later. Weird.

  • Level 3 and haven't got anything.

  • Nothing, but I'm already a Google One member (in a family plan)

  • You won't be charged until after your free trial ends, and you can cancel at any time. See Terms & Conditions.
    For new users only. Users with existing Google Drive paid storage plans are not eligible for this offer.

    Don't forget to cancel before the trial ended otherwise it will start charging you. More detail info can be found on

    For those who got the invitation, are you using Android One device ?

    • Android One is a completely separate program and has nothing to do with Google One. Google is just retarded at naming things as they always have been.

  • Level 6, 100gb here.

    Claimed it, but can I cancel it now and keep it till May?

    Or wait till then to cancel? I reckon there's a solid chance I forget if I wait… Haha

    • +1

      You can cancel now and it'll stay active until the trial ends.

      • Excellent, thanks!

  • I already have a Pixel phone with unlimited photo storage haha I don't need thiss

    • Depending on which Pixel phone, the 2 and 3 only gets 2 years for unlimited storage at original size.

      • I have the OG, 2, and probably getting the three too 😂

  • I got 2TB for 12 months, I'm a level 8 contributor on Google Local Guides.

  • I already have 115GB of storage, used about 6gb.

    Anyone else finds Google One useful?

    Level 7 here. ended up with 85Gb extra.
    Total 200GB from the original 115GB

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