• expired

[OzBargain12] $12 Bonus Cashback for New Users @ ShopBack


Hi all, let's wish OzBargain a Happy 12th Birthday :)

Today we'd like to offer a $12 bonus for new ShopBack sign ups. Sign up through linked page and you'll get a $12 bonus in your account right away.

Terms and Conditions:

  • The $12 Welcome Bonus Offer ends 29 November 2018 12PM AEDT.
  • The $12 Bonus can only be cashed out after you accumulate at least $10 confirmed cashback from purchases.
  • The offer is ONLY open to new members at ShopBack, not valid for existing users.
  • ShopBack reserves the right to immediately close all ShopBack accounts or decline transactions and / or any cash disbursement of members who are in violation or suspected of breach of our Terms and Conditions.

And here's a few offers happening at the moment:

Download the ShopBack App
Download the ShopBack Cashback Buddy Browser Extension
Participate in Our Treasure Chest Game to Win Exclusive Coupon Codes from Groupon, Chemist Warehouse & More

Referral Links

Referral: random (3582)

$30 for referrer, $5 for referee after referee qualifies.

Qualifying requirements for referee: 1. Made a minimum $20 online purchase (below exclusions apply), 2. Received a minimum $10 confirmed cashback online, 3. Added banking details to account.

Users will need to fulfil the referral criteria within 180 days from referee's sign-up date to unlock cashback. See all terms

Related Stores

ShopBack AU
ShopBack AU

closed Comments

  • haha, I just tried to sign up, as a new user (I am)

    I accidentally clicked sign up with no details entered /blank

    and I got

    sorry account exists!!!

    • Now try log in it said that but still logs in

      • yeah I managed to sign up all good

        just found it funny it sound account exists when the page was blank

  • sweet thanks

  • +1

    thanks got the $12 straight away

  • I also was told that my account already exists, except that I've never signed up, never been to the site, and have no emails from shopback.

    • Hi t3chshopper,

      We can check this for you - could you send over a private message with the email address you're trying to use?

      • I’m getting the same thing, same as my wife !. System issue

      • Same issue for me, but I’m not using a gmail address….

        • Despite the message, do you get logged in right after?

          • @gotyourback: Like others I closed the browser, and pretended it worked, and it did. Thanks

        • So i had the same issue but it just jumped me straight into my account with the $12 pending. Didn't even set a password haha

      • It's all good - I just did what other commenters have done. I assumed it worked, and asked to reset my password.
        Voilà - $12 in my account.

  • +3

    Haha, this five days after I signed up for Shopback. Story of my life.

    • I signed up yesterday :(

    • +3

      Same, I signed up for black Friday deals.

  • +5

    Dear ShopBack Rep:
    1. Is there any reason why it's such a hit-and-miss experience for cashback tracking? e.g. I've made 2 separately purchases through Shopback at Amazon Australia during the 20% black Friday flash sale at 23/11 00:00, 1 is tracked, 1 is missing. Not to mention a purchase that I made at Aliexpress during 11.11 has also lost track.
    2. Is there any reason why it's such a pain-in-the-butt marathon process to lodge/investigate/track for
    missing cashback?
    3. Is there any reason why the usual $11 referral cashback has lost track, and none of the CS is aware of this promo?
    4. Is there any reason why Shopback has shutdown the online chat function?

    • I have the same issue with shop back. 100% of my purchases are non tracking despite clicking on the website right before purchase. No issue with Cashrewards ever.
      And they take their sweet time (35 days) to get back to you.

    • Hi hsct,

      1. For Amazon - it could be due to the fact with having your items already in your cart after clicking through ShopBack; all items must only be added after clicking through. Also you'll need to click through ShopBack again if you are performing a new transaction. It's a similar case with AliExpress, items should be removed from your cart and only added to your cart after clicking through ShopBack.

      2. You can either submit a claim here or forward your invoices to [email protected], we do understand it might take some time but that's due to waiting for stores to actually get back to us.

      3. They should be aware of it but if you could private message us your ticket number we'll see what's up.

      4. Online chat is not always available as there may be a high volume of queries to resolve.

      • Just checking - does it process (only add the items to cart after click through shopback) applies to all stores or just Amazon and AliExpress?

        • +1

          Just those two.

          • @gotyourback: Hi Shopback rep,

            What about eBay? I purchased a laptop in July and used Shopback instead of Cashrewards and it never tracked :( Is there anything we can do about it?

            • @borealis: Hi borealis,

              The cart rule isn't applicable to eBay. And of course, you can file a missing cashback claim - please reach out to [email protected] and our customer service team will be able to assist (you can also attach your order confirmation to your email which shows your order ID plus the amount you paid).

  • +2

    Does this stack with the new user referral bonus?

    • Would also like to know

    • +1

      Hi hen dawg,

      This doesn't stack with referral bonuses.

  • +1

    Mine said email already used but then I refreshed and it life logged me in and cash back showing as pending. thanks Shop back. I was meaning to sign up for when the rates are better than cash rewards so that worked out well.

  • Money money money…

    Sorry I forgot how the rest of the song goes

    • "Must be funny….in the cashback world"?

      • For everyone else… That's ABBA

  • +6

    Kept seeing you guys offering some massive cashback offerings, was going to sign up but couldn't be bothered. Now you've dangled $12 in front of me. I can definitely be bothered for that!

  • +1

    Holding back for the 100yr birthday offer

    • By then $100 would be worth nothing

  • I'll wait until 28/11/3006 for the $1000 sign up bonus!

    • with the inflation, I'm afraid the $1000 at 3006 worth about $10 at 2018.

  • Where do we see the $12 .. I don't see it even after validating the email?

    • Hi Elijha,

      You can see it in your Cashback Overview.

      • Ok. Not on two accounts I tried to use.

        Follow me here if you will. I tried to use my standard gmail account which I put in to sign up (clickign the link form this site). I use the email and password and it let me straight in. No obvious message about verification or anything… I suddenly had an itching thought that maybe I had actually signed up in the past and simply not actually used your services since .. perhaps i had 'logged in' rather then signed up this time. I checked the Account page and there is no history, no credits, I then see a verify email link at the top of the page, which I action, I get the email and verify. I give it 5 min and no credit is displayed. So I still think maybe it's me maybe I did just login to an old account .. one that I never used or verified in the past .. maybe I just verified that old account - I can't see a date for account creation.

        So I think - screw it. I never used that account .. I am a new member .. I can scrap and forget about it and use my other email address - be a new member get the credit and actually use the account when the deals are there for me - the whole point of the offer. I also check OZB and don't see many others reporting issues apart form the gmail references at the top - so I figure its me.

        So I use a second email account , also not gmail - a private domain. And the process was the same lets me straight in, no balance, no history, says I need to verify the email under account, I then get the verification done and no credit. Likley because I logged out and in on this second attempt I didn't go through the right page I guess.

        • Confirming the sign up was done on this page - https://www.shopback.com.au/ozbargain12?

          The $12 should go in automatically once you sign up through that page, and no email verification is required. Since it's not the case - could you please private message us the email address(es) you used to sign up? We'll take a look and see the creation date(s).

  • I signup and there is no $12 received in my account :(

    • Hi maymyatlay11600,

      Did you sign up on the linked page? If not then this is why the $12 didn't come in automatically. If you're able to send over a private message with the email address you used to sign up we can fix it right away :)

  • +2

    signed up and $12 is in account immediately thanks…

  • What is the deal with Uber’s up to $15 cashback? When I click Uber I get sent to a page that says “Can’t find anything here!” :(

    • Hi novicenow,

      The page works fine on our end - would you be able to try again or give it a refresh?

      • It works using the ShopBack App, thanks :)

        • +1

          Yep no worries :)

          Uber is indeed an app only store, as it is with Ola Cabs too.

  • -7

    I tried to sign up and it reckoned both my email addresses had already been used, which is not true, I have never had an account with either email.

    • +4

      No reason to neg.

      • If it doesn't work is that not a reason to neg?

        • +1

          It's been sorted and I revoked my neg. Happy? :)

          • @de22:


            Yep :))

    • -1

      Hi Rastafarian, please PM us the email address you used and we can check.

  • Why not.

    Joined. Thanks OP.

  • Ok gonna let my account be idle and make a new one!

  • Hey I just signed up but I didn't receive the $12 sign up bonus

    • -1

      Hey ddelmedico78,

      Please send over a PM with your email address you're using on ShopBack and we'll add it to your account.

      Do note you must sign up through this page to get the credit automatically credited:

  • Just signed up all good $12 into my account..

    • I also signed up and got no CB :(

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