• expired

20% off + Extra 10% Buy 3 Cases Selected Beer (e.g. 3x24 x Asahi Super Dry $93.56 Shipped) @ BoozeBud


20% OFF & FREE SHIPPING SITEWIDE. One time use per customer. Ends 11.59pm 26 Nov 2018 (details refer to T&C)


Buy 3 cases and save 10% on selected beer. (add 10% cash back from shopback to make it down to $84.26 for 3 cases for the sample Asahi super dry)

More choice for the beer:


Another example is $84.92 for 3 cases (if add 10% cashback≈$76.5 for https://www.boozebud.com/p/tooheys/extradry)

Credit to "Robc" & "minniethemoocher"'s comment (below) for more discount:


'This is still active, 10 bucks for 50 dollars credit, 5 for 30. New users only, but most stuff works out a bit cheaper than save20. It stacks with 10% off 3 cases of selected beers.'

minniethemoocher: use code "weekend" to save %% from groupon.

$30 Credit (Min Spend $60) for $5/ $50 Credit (Min Spend $100) for $10 to Use at Boozebud (New Customers Only) @ Groupon
Booze Bud Black Friday 20% off
Up to 30% off @ Groupon (Exceptions Apply)

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2018

Related Stores

Bottle Stop (BoozeBud)
Bottle Stop (BoozeBud)

closed Comments

  • +5

    I don't know how they are making any money.

    • +1

      its classic bar tactics. They know once you are drunk you will buy the high priced stuff…

      • why is light beer on the list then :)

    • indulging our vice

    • isn't this how startups work now? burn through tons of cash with promos and freebies to get their brand out there, and then start slugging customers afterwards.

  • +2

    Order 3x cartons of 150 Lashes for $103.25 delivered. That’s Christmas sorted!

    Also this code isn’t listed on either CR or ShopBack, so wouldn’t count on it getting approved (although it still could do).

    • +1

      I got my CR notification already for both orders.

      • +2

        Just because it tracks doesn’t mean it’ll be approved.


        You may not be eligible for Cashback:

        If a gift card is purchased or used as payment.
        If a coupon code is used that is not listed on CASHREWARDS.
        If your order is not fully completed online or is later changed.

        Only CASH10 is on their website.

        Again not saying it won’t be approved, but don’t think it’s a given just because it tracked.

      • I don't know whether the cashback confirmation is somehow dependent on the retailer, or Cashrewards and Shopback have lifted their game lately, but I've got confirmation on Boozebud buys from both in under 5 minutes, and that's never happened before.

    • Need Cash Rewards &/or ShopBack reps to update us. They've been active in recent days! :) PMed the reps.

      UPDATE: Cash Rewards says not in their system so cashback is not guaranteed with them.

  • +2

    Three cartons of Little Creatures for $128.12 (before cashback). Thank you very much!

    • It told me Little Creatures was sold out. Put my order in and now they have stock again. Oh well, still a fantastic deal.

  • +1

    Still haven't received my pure blondes, postage method must be 🐢

    • I got mine as 2 separate deliveries. That was to Sydney… My 2 bighead are 'subject to a 2 day delay' Australia post delivered, so… Yeah slow.

  • +1

    Any chance you could add some dark beers to the list boozebud?

  • +3


    This is still active, 10 bucks for 50 dollars credit, 5 for 30. New users only, but most stuff works out a bit cheaper than save20. It stacks with 10% off 3 cases of selected beers.

    • +5

      Use code weekend to save 15% of Groupon.

    • Was just doing the math. It all depends on total spend. Can't use SAVE20 with this so factor in $10 for code, and shipping cost.

      • . 3 cases of corona work out at 93.45 with save20, and 85. 42 with the 50 voucher, including the 10 bucks or less for Groupon. Cheeeeep!

      • Yep this deal is great if you aren’t a new customer. But Groupon deal was better for me as new customer. 3 cases of Corona were shipped for $75.42 plus $8.50 for voucher.

  • +2

    great deal, was going to buy stuff, but most beers sold out :(

  • +3

    Used my $10 for $50 credit. 3x stone & wood pale for $152 is a great buy, Xmas Stock

  • +3

    just bought five cartons for $180 delivered
    * colonial small ale
    * xxxx gold 30 cans
    * little creatures pale ale
    * 150 lashes
    * coopers pale ale

    i am now logging off ozbargain for the week!!

    • +3

      Well, it won't be cos your drunk. Australia post and boozebuds dispatch times will keep you thirsty for another week and a half. ;)

  • +1

    Cheers. Grabbed 3 slabs for Xmas holidays.

  • +1

    Grabbed 3 slabs… Now thinking 9 may have been a better number!!! :-(

    Rippa deal, thanks op!!!!

  • +1

    FYI- 20% Discount is good on top of their current 10% off spirits > $100

  • +1

    Awesome Deal, grabbed 3 slabs of Coopers Session Ale for $117! That'll keep me going over Christmas. Thanks OP.

  • +1

    3 cases of Stella delivered for $100, great deal. Thanks OP.

  • OP user name doesn’t quite check out

  • " Min spend $50" ?? Actually im pretty sure its no minimum spend (ive got a six pack of Guinness extra stout for 12$ :)

    Should read "*Max discount $50. One time use per customer. Ends 11.59pm 26 Nov 2018. Terms apply.

  • Thanks OP, got 1 case Bulmer cider + 1 case peroni = $51.83 delivered (with $10 for $50 code = $51.83 +$7.5 = $59.53 delivered), not bad at all if the parcel comes before Christmas.

  • cant see an option to enter promo code

    • +1

      Just above total saving section.

  • +4

    Be aware that with groupon code you need to pay extra shippping.

    Might still come cheaper though.

    $10 Groupon code for $50 credit: a saving of $40
    less: Shipping with the groupon code: c. $7 = $33
    divided by: 20% saving withi code: $165

    I.e. for orders > $165 it's cheaper to use SAVE20 code.

  • Help please. I’ve bought the groupon voucher for $50 credit, I’ve added save 20. My cart is over $100. It has accepted my groupon voucher code. But when I go through to the checkout it is not showing the groupon $50 off ?

    • I think you may only apply one of the two, not both

    • Is it a new account? I'm pretty sure the Groupon only works for new accounts

      • Yup. I just created a profile for the missus 😂

  • 3 cases of Corona for $95 delivered. The 20% off applies to spirits too, got a couple of bottles for $30-$35 each.

  • Sold out of Little Creatures Pale Ale

    • Boozebud always seem to be sold out of the better beers.

  • -8
    • -1

      Going by your logic we would only be allowed one deal per every eBay sale.

      • +1

        Usually there is only one deal with the original voucher. I guarantee you can't come on and post the 5% code every single day of the 3 months it runs.

        Ridiculous negs, this exact deal was posted days before.

        • It is permissable within the rules.

          Would encourage you to ask the mods to explain

  • Is this brew in Japan?

    • Bottles usually aren't. The 500ml cans are.

    • It's still a good quaffing beer.

    • Made in China

    • Hard to buy brewed in Japan beers, which is a shame because the clones are crap in comparison, and I refuse to drink them.

  • I’m still waiting for the Heineken 3 to be delivered from a few weeks. Got an email saying it’s delayed but even that was a week ago!

  • Nice one OP. Got my 3 James Squire. All prepared for Christmas!

  • Any idea if there will be much time left before the best before date on these cartons or will they be trying to get rid of old stock with short best before dates?

    • Only way to be sure is to ask them. I did see a couple of comments elsewhere on OzB that (whatever brand it was they bought) were fresh. Had a similar concern but given the prices just bit the bullet. Figured if they are close to use by then I'll complain.

  • Damnit, I forgot to use someones referral code when signing up…

    • +2

      Can't use in conjunction with SAVE20 anyway.

  • The 15% of $60 spend on Craft Beers is pretty annoying as cases don't count towards the spend.

  • Don't know why this is showing as expired because it lasts until Sunday night.

    Chancer Golden Ale is very good price at $46.50 (Dans $51.95) less whatever discount you can get with the code. I got the max $50 with my other purchases all of which were cheaper than Dans. Great deals atm on Boozebud.

  • Got 2 cartons of Hahn Super Dry and 1 Boags Premium Lager for $74.84 after cashback. Few gifts sorted, thanks OP!

  • pity they didnt stock the cans brewed in japan, only the chinese stubbies,
    i even had a look at Kirin and they only sell single stubbies, wtf?

    • They had them but quickly sold out (greyed out means no stock). Check back before the deal expires they might have new stock.

  • I also added spirits to my order.

    Spend $100 to get 10% off your entire order.

  • Any idea about the expiry date of beer? want to get some Australia Day Party.Thanks.

  • Understand that they're busy but has anyone had advice that their orders are on the way? If so when did you order? Thanks

    • +1

      Ordered Thursday night, and haven't heard anything apart from the order confirmation email which stated "We’re currently experiencing extremely high order volumes. Your order may take 2-3 days to be dispatched from our warehouse, rather than the normal 1 day."

      Saying that, when I check the status of the order it still hasn't moved from the accepted stage.

      • +1

        i ordered a week ago, and I got that msg but with december 8-9 as the target

        • +2

          I had today/tomorrow as the target strangely, but that's clearly not happening

          • +1

            @paulieau: as long as I get mine in the next 2 weeks, im not too fussed

            • +1

              @Samsungnote10: I am still waiting for an order I placed on 13 November to arrive… :( they don’t have a contact number and they don’t reply to emails…

              • @IamMe: I did my first order back aboht then too but that arrived pronto

                Now you got me worried :(

                • @Samsungnote10: I placed my order on the 22nd and just got an email saying it's been picked up their courier. Strange that mine shipped before previous orders

    • +1

      Yes, ordered on the weekend. It’s coming today or tomorrow.

      • They claim that they can't give even a rough timeframe for delivery on my order and they're handling orders in chronological order. Obviously that's not the case. Even with the deluge I'm unimpressed that they don't know what order date they're up to as far as delivery goes. Suspect it something more than that - like inadequate stock???

  • +2

    Anyone got a partial order?, ordered 3 cartons and only one has arrived, website says Delivered.
    Edit just checked the tracking and the other 2 cartons are on the way still.

    • +2

      Theyre looking after your health, so you dont drink all of it!

    • Yup exactly the same with me.
      1 carton delivered ("Carton 2 of 3").
      2 cartons were not delivered.
      Website says "Delivered".

  • Just received my order and missing a case (only got 2/3). Anyone else?

    • It will be on its way. I had 2 cases arrive and the final one came the next day.

  • +1

    Just got an automated email from them.

    Unfortunately our warehouse and Australia Post are struggling to keep up with our order volumes which have increased by 8x in the past week. Our warehouse is working through the night to catch up. Australia Post is also experiencing delays and longer delivery times given the severe weather events in NSW and we’re working closely with them every day to do our best to reduce any delay.

    • And yet they thought it fine to extend their sale (and have numerous in a short time frame). Clearly some poor management going on.

      • Yep. They can't say what order dates they are up to, and can't tell you when your order might be sent. I'd bet good money that they were taking orders for stock they didn't have and are now trying to acquire it at the right price.

        Bit of background on them:
        https://www.boozebud.com/supplier-agreement (Sec 3 is interesting)

        I hope they get a toehold because competition is usually a good thing but they've shot themselves in the foot with this fiasco.

  • There is also a $25 off your firsr order promo on the site.
    Surely you cant stack with this one?

  • Am still awaiting my order purchased last weekend. I had 1 of 3 cartons scheduled for delivery today but have just been informed by Auspost that delivery probably won't happen.

    • Got the same notification from Aus Post for my 2 orders. Must be overwhelmed with the amount of parcels from these guys.

    • Which further confirms that their claim of handling orders in chronological order is nonsense. I placed one order on Friday 23, no movement whatsoever. They claim they haven't lost/forgotten the order but blah blah blah…..

      If the discount wasn't so good I'd already have dumped both orders and never given Boozebud another look. Very poor business setup.

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