This was posted 6 years 4 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Switch] Pokemon Let's Go Eevee $59, Nintendo Switch Console/Game/Pokeball Plus Bundle $559 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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These are the cheapest available right now.

Combine with these deals for better price:

Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu
Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu brings the experience of a classic Pokémon RPG to Nintendo Switch with gameplay that is easily approachable for newcomers to the series, but is also deep enough to keep veteran Trainers on their toes.

Let's Go Pikachu Exclusive Pokemon
- Sandshrew
- Sandslash
- Oddish
- Gloom
- Vileplume
- Mankey
- Primeape
- Growlithe
- Grimer
- Muk
- Scyther

Let's Go Eevee Exclusive Pokemon
- Ekans
- Arbok
- Vulpix
- Ninetales
- Meowth
- Bellsprout
- Weepinbell
- Victreebell
- Koffing
- Weezing
- Pinsir

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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Amazon AU

closed Comments

  • +4

    Now that is a post by the book!

    • +2

      Agree, not a particularly good deal though imo

  • Still waiting for my Let's Go Evee pre-order from Amazon that was supposed to arrive last Friday!

    • Same. Really disappointed tbh.

    • My irobot Vr ps4 game ordered 1.5 months ago is still not shipped yet.

    • My preorder arrived today. My daughter loves the poke ball.

      • Was that with Amazon prime? I preordered mine during the take20 sale and was posted 16th November and expected to arrive 22nd November. No prime though

        • I have prime. It was posted from NSW on the 15th to arrive on the 16th.

          As of Sunday it was in Perth! I'm in Melbourne

          It was sent express post as well, so according to Australia Post it should have arrived Friday. They even do Saturday deliveries with express.

          It's finally in Melbourne today.

          Tl;dr express post from NSW to Melbourne took 5 days and went via Perth!

          Good one Aussie Post!

        • I purchased mine through this sale

          Was scheduled to arrive between 21st and 23rd. I don’t have amazon prime.

          • @Amour: Got mine during the amazon20 sale:

            Price dropped for the bundle to 99 so I ended up paying 79.

            They only posted it 16th November 12:32pm (not prime member)

            Seems like they post a day early for prime members.

            Smash ultimate will definitely be an in store purchase for me just so I can play it on day 1

    • And it was leaked online before release date

    • I got my Pikachu version on Saturday. That sucks

    • I received the eevee version on the day - not played yet though…
      With prime if that makes a difference.

      • Also got my Eevie version on the Friday with Prime. Eevie seems to be the less popular version though which might have something to do with it. I notice they've sold out of Pikachu but still have Eevie's in stock.

        Alolan Ninetails is an absolute boss.

    • got mine saturday morning. ordered last june tho

  • Priced matched amazons $400 switch at JBHIFI and $99 for lets go + pokeball at target. Special edition console wasn't worth it.

    • So you regret about paying $400 for the Switch?

      • Not really. Went half’s with my partner. And honestly. $400 to get it straight away from a local store is worth the extra $. Switches just don’t go on sale very often. So it’s either wait forever. Or cop it up and spend the extra $50. Nintendo products :-/

        • Yeah pretty surprised by some of the prices people are asking for used ones, even on gumtree. Justifies the purchase of a new limited edition console + bundle a bit more.

  • Anyone tried price matching at EB for amazon?

    • Would be keen to know this also.

    • Yep, EB refused to price match Amazon.

  • Sorry but how does cash rewards work?

  • -5

    You guys probably already know, but this game is very casual and has what I consider to be some flaws, the biggest of which is having to catch pokemon to level up (rather than fighting them).
    By Viridian forest, I had like 3 pidgeys and 2 bellsprouts (yes, you can get them outside pallet town now).

    • +2

      I have actually found this as a positive, mixes it up and takes away a bit of the grind of battling to level up. With the Catch Combo mechanism it's a good way to work towards a high iv or shiny pokemon as well.

  • Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu price has gone upto $73.95

  • +2

    These prices have been fluctuating all day. Pikachu edition is $73.95 now, and you could get the bundle with Pokeball before for $99. Amazon will be doing a Black Friday sale, I can see them doing a lightning deal on these.

    Harvey Norman has both games for $59 each as well: Pikachu - Eevee
    And Target is still running their $99 deal in-stores, you can try to get a price match to the catalogue (page 29)

  • -7

    Too bad it's a crap game. Should've abandoned that stupid go flick mechanic

    • +2

      I'm actually really enjoying it. I've slowly gone off the Pokemon games throughout the years as they're overblown. Going back to the basics has done it wonders.

    • They abandoned the stupid wild encounter fights instead.

    • Lots of fanboys here eh?

  • I quite like it, Pokemon go and the new game combined with the Pokeball plus is the closest real life Pokemon trainer experience out at the moment. At first I was skeptical about the Pokeball plus but it really improves gaming experience and find myself using it exclusively now, definitely worth bundling with the game for $99.

    My hope is the upcoming mainstream game will combine traditional wild Pokemon battle mechanics with the catching mechanics of Lets Go, that would be perfect IMO.

  • Is Arcanine exclusive as well for let's go: Pikachu?

    • +2

      I have Pikachu and there's a guy that gives you a Persian for catching 5 Growlithe in a row. I'm imagining there's a guy in Eevee that gives you an Arcanine if you catch 5 Meowths in a row which would explain them both being left off this list

      • You're correct. 5 Meowths for a Growlithe. I've found those received pokemon have incredible stats too. At least it was the case with my bulbasaur, magikarp and charmander. I didn't check Growlithe's stats as I went the Charizard route.

        • Yeah my Charmander, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Pikachu and Persian all have really high IVs.

          Meanwhile this damn Abra I caught and want to use as a special sweeper only has two ‘Fantastic’ IVs (speed and special attack)

          Depending on the Pokémon it’s easy to use chaining to get good IVs. Got a sick Arcanine but like you am going down Charizard route for now.

  • Why can't they have Let's go Pikachu & Eevee 2 in 1

    Let's go Pikachu DLC features an ability to understand Pikachu with Ryan Reynolds voice pack

  • +1

    Seems like this edition of the Switch won't sell out anytime soon. Pity the scalpers.

  • Just in case you don't know who voices Pikachu

    It's Ikue Otani

    She is also the voice actor for Tony Chopper~~~

  • Harvey Norman already had these prices for the standalone games many days ago…

    • +1

      Correct, the base price is the same. However, there are a few reasons why this deal is better at the time of posting:

      1. You can get up to 11% cashback from Cashrewards. That's up to $6.49.
      2. There's the Amex statement credit offer going on right now ie. spend $100 get $15. That's a potential saving of $8.85
      3. You won't be supporting Gerry Harvey.

      All up is an additional saving of up to $15.34, bringing the price down to $43.66.

      • Oh yep I didn't notice the cashback and credit, cheers!

  • Come on morreeeee switch deals please!

  • I bought Pikachu Lets Go with a few other games yesterday, got lucky as I didn't realise the stock would run out the next day.

  • Price for consoles has gone down to $559

    • Thanks, I have now updated the post.

  • Sold out of Eevee now 😭

    • +1

      Stock is back

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