• expired

Xiaomi Mi Band 3 US $9.99 (~AU $13.63) Delivered @ GearBest


Black Friday special.

1st 200 units on 25/11 & 26/11 at 1000 UTC (25/11 2000 & 26/11 2000 AEDT)
Extra 1 hour deal - 25/11 & 26/11 at 1800 UTC (26/11 0400 & 27/11 0400 AEDT)

Proof 1

Proof 2

Need to be quick as you'll be competing against the world for one!

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2018

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closed Comments

  • what a croc

  • +1

    This will become one of the most negged post in ozb history.

    • just waste of time

  • Absolute trash, these 'flash sales' don't belong on OzB

    • I tend to agree, my Neg last week got cancelled as I received -15 votes for voicing my opinion. Funny that others are allowed to Neg the deal. Am glad this received -16 as I still stand by my opinion that these type of "Flash Deals" are silly (especially a week out)and are just a very cheap way of Advertising and not really an "OzBargain Deal" as such. Works well of Gearbest though. Just my opinion. Oh, you can have a +1 vote from me :-)

  • Is it still worth buying at $32.99 delivered? I want to buy one for myself and father. Or should I wait?

    • I'd recommend in just getting one to try out and then make your decision on whether it's worth getting two (although then you have to wait for delivery for the second)! There are often discount deals on it from Gearbest but more like perhaps AU$27. Is it worth waiting or looking for a few extra dollars off, is really up to yourself (as an Ozbargainer) or just bite the bullet and pay $32.99. Ignore the AU$13.63 price as that was a hearsay "flash blackfriday special" for the very few that managed to get at that price. If you like the look and bulk of the MiBand3 then they are great value. Check out Reviews and go from there.

      • Hey Borg! Thanks for the reply!! I've used the mi band 2 and it was fantastic! I've given it to my mum so she can track her pulse and steps. I think you're right. For a few dollars might as well grab it for the 32. Hopefully shipping won't take forever! Thanks again!

      • Also, would you happen to know if this is the Chinese version? Or International?

        • Best ask Gearbest via Live Chat or email as it doesn't really say and I believe there are subtle differences.

          Oh and if rushed, for even more $$ ($39.99 plus extra band)you could get quickly from here! https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/417046 but then you are moving out being a Ozbargainer looking for "best possible price". :-)

          PS: Choose US$ rather than AU$ if you have a Int'l Trans free Cr/Card & Paypal. Works out a little cheaper vr. selecting AU$. Oh & 2.45% Cashback via Cash Rewards!

  • +3

    I was watching the deal again today and took a video of it. Refreshing the page every second, never showed the $9.99 price until it refreshed saying sold out.

    • Haha should forward it to them and be like wtf is this..

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