Click Frenzy 2018: Tuesday Nov 13 - 14, 2018 » All Comments

  • +5

    I got my tv today! Yay best thing ever!

  • Did anyone else get fraudulent transactions in the last week?

    Just saw my credit card and was hit with $3000 worth of transactions in the last week - think it started from Wednesday. Only thing I can think of was adding my credit card details to the click frenzy website.

    • Not me, but it seems like some serious shit happening. Everyone go check your bank accounts!

    • Won $200 Bunnings voucher but suddenly the pending charge has disappeared in my bank account…..

      • +3

        Mines also disappeared. Above someone says that’s what they did last year and then recharge the amount when the item ships. Not sure 🤷‍♀️

        • mine has been taken out successfully but still no confirmation shipping yet 😬

  • +1

    my bank debits have been reversed….does this mean I don't get anything and click frenzy messed up?

    • same here.

    • Same. Order page still shows ‘your order is confirmed, you’ll receive an email when your order is on the way’

      • Same with me… Any idea whats the go? Did anybody else win the Laptop?

        • +1

          I got the watch. I did a quick google and as the above poster said, they put a pending charge on your card however if they don’t finalise the paying within 5 bus days (approx) the funds are released from pending. The merchant can they re charge your card again (not sure on time frame, different sites said different things). So not sure in relation to click frenzy themselves but it is common practice that the funds are released and the merchant can recharge when they finalise the order properly

          • @Rahyne: Cheers for that.
            I guess no reason to panic if we all did it by the book - just I waiting game I suppose.
            Although hearing that other people have received their prizes does make me doubt it a little lol…

            • @Banditsteps: Fingers crossed for a shipping notification soon. In previous years it was usually within a week to two weeks that all orders were finalised. Looks like only 1 person who got a go wild deal on here has had a shipping notification, so for now I just check my link every hour 🤣

        • I won the macbook air

  • I was fortunate enough to win the 65 inch Sony TV. Pending payment has moved to a confirmed payment…. still no shipping details. Order status is still "Your order is confirmed. You’ll receive an email when your order is on its way"

    • I think all orders moved to confirmed payment - as above listed. Need to wait for shipping confirmation to confirm. Best of luck!

  • Click frenzy is soo slow at its job lol

  • +2

    Got the pending charge removed and now it is a confirmed charge.

    • That’s reassuring. Thank you :)

  • Still waiting to see if my Nintendo Switch order gets changed from pending to confirmed, ClickFrenzy don't reply to emails.

  • Very slow this year. I don't know what deal is.

  • Had a pending payment in bank transactions now it’s gone, no confirmation yet so possibly cancelled as no email either.

  • Update: My pending charge is now confirmed and click frenzy has it :((

    • Yeah my payment went through today but have no confirmation of shipping yet.

    • Mines disappeared from my transactions but no cancellation email. I did everything legit so can’t see why it would be cancelled anyways. Hoping for the best

  • Apparently there was a batch of order cancelled emails sent out earlier. I had a friend who followed the terms to the letter and still had his order cancelled.

    • Did they give a reason?

      • +1

        He has emailed them for a reason - will update here if he hears back

        • +1

          They don’t reply to emails so doubt theres a reason anyways

  • +1

    So is there anyone, apart from the two above that have received a shipping email yet?

    • +2

      Not yet mate

    • +4

      My friend got the GoPro and he just received shipping confirmation.

    • +1

      Thats 2 people now confirmed with a dispatch email. Anyone else?

      • +2

        Got my GoPro dispatch email and shipping info around 2pm today

      • Someone on Facebook got beats solo delivered 2 days ago

  • +8

    Hey guys, I’ve emailed them and they replied in 2 hours.

    My message:
    “Dear Click Frenzy,

    I would like to request the status of the confirmation of the go wild items. Are they half way done yet? Many people have their money taken out of their banks and there is still no shipping confirmation. Regards”

    Click Frenzy’s reply:

    “Hi [my name],

    We are currently processing a high volume of GoWild orders and are aiming to have all of the verifications complete by the end of this week. We are also aiming to have items shipped out by 30 November. If your order is verified, you will receive a confirmation email once your item is shipped out.

    Kind Regards,

    Refer to link below:…

    So I guess we’ll wait and see 😊

    • +4

      This is what is odd "a high volume of GoWild orders". There shouldn't be a high volume. Pretty much shows there was an issue.

      • +3

        There were about 1,000 prizes orders all up.

  • +1

    I got the Megaboom and it arrived this weekend. Shipping confirmation was only on Thursday.

    • +2

      Anyone else like me still eagerly waiting for the shipping confirmation? :(

      • Yeah still waiting

        • +2

          I'm sure we'll get our posted shipment notifications today @Alahnaa haha!

        • +1

          the suspense is killing me!

  • +7

    still nothin

    • +1

      this is so crap lol

      • +2

        I completely agree, however I’m glad there is quite a few of us or I would be super worried haha

  • Has anyone who won the apple watch or the TV received any confirmations ?

    • TV. Haven’t heard anything.

    • Apple watch, still waiting.

      They are always pretty slow. Looking at emails last year it took 2 weeks before order got shipped.

      • Last year I got my shipment confirmation a week after. It must be the same this year where they're rolling out orders over a period of time. I got the Dyson hairdryer this year and haven't heard anything. My friend got the Go Pro and his has been shipped. Another person mentioned they have received the Dyson hairdryer this year already, so it also doesn't seem like they're doing it item by item. It seems random to me.

      • Has your payment been processed through yet? Or disappeared?

    • Apple Watch. Nothing yet

    • +1

      I won the TV, and haven't heard anything either. Charge has gone through on my bank account.

  • +1

    I won the Macbook Air, no shipping confirmation is killing me

  • +2

    I finally received an email back from ClickFrenzy, I was told that if the payment has gone through your bank account, then you now just have to wait for shipping.

    Although they are still reviewing all the orders.

    • Their statement is soo conflicting lol

      • +1

        I guess it means, if payment has gone through then your order has been validated and waiting on shipment. If you payment has not yet been processed then they are still validating you order. Haha

        • As said before just wait until it's shipped for confirmation. People above had the payment gone through then receive the cancellation message.

  • Anyone got theirs today?

    • Nah, still haven't had shipping confirmation, waiting till hopefully the 30th.

    • Havent heard anything either :/

    • Nope

  • +3

    I received my shipping confirmation and tracking email yesterday for the Nintendo Switch. The email indicates it should come sometime this week so i will let you all know when it arrives :)

    • +1

      I managed to nab a Nintendo Switch also but still no confirmation on shipping :/

      • +1

        Good job grabbing one! Yeah from what it looks like they're just sending confirmations out randomly so hopefully you get yours soon.

        • +2

          I hope they're not doing by suburb, mine starts with Z :)

  • +1

    So I e-mailed them and they sent me a link for "a new account". The e-mail says "we created a new account for you. Click on the link below."

    To everyone who e-mailed them before, did you get sent a new account e-mail?

    Seems a tad suspicious to me so I don't want to click the link haha

    • +1

      Yeah I got the same thing. Clicked it and basically it’s just a site with some faq’s and then your email as I ‘ticket’ that they will respond to

      • +2

        Ahhh okay thank you. I am so paranoid about this entire thing. Like give us our prizes already 😂😂😂

        • +2

          Aye. Like if ur not gonna give us the prizes then just tell us so we donmt have to worry lol

          • +3

            @I Smell Pennies: Exactly. Even just an update on their Facebook or twitter letting everyone know what is happening. Last year they put up an announcement about timeframe. This year is nothing

          • +4

            @I Smell Pennies: Right?! Like i just want to know whats going on so I can move on with my life 😂

  • Found a general enquiries number on a website but think I might be there old one, this is getting ridiculous with them not responding.

    tel:03 9585 9869

    • I think an earlier email said they were trying to get emails out by the 30th? We were told up to 3 weeks. So they still have another week left.

      • Today is the 30th.

    • Did you call the number? Their response?

    • +1

      I got the dash cam and I'm still waiting on my shipping confirmation. Order page states "confirmed". I had the payment reversed from my account but no cancellation email. I contacted them, signed up to their FAQ ticket thingy and they responded (quickly) with "We're still verifying orders and are aiming to have them all sent out by the 30th." That said, as exc3113nce said the T&Cs state that items will be shipped within 3 weeks so still another week before I really start worrying.

      • +3

        My mate won the dash cam and got the shipping email 10 minutes ago. Hopefully you will get yours soon!!

        • Ooh that's encouraging. Thanks :)

        • Can I ask where in Australia your mate is?

        • Some hope yay

        • +1

          Yep, got the email for my dash cam an hour ago too!

      • I’ve been waiting 3 days for a reply to my email haha

  • +2

    They better not cancel my order having waited 2-3 weeks in curiousity and stress 😂😭

    • +2

      Right! My nerves wouldn't be able to handle it.

  • Has anyone recieved a shipping confirmation for the visa gift card? This is ridiculous

    • +1

      Nope, still nothing 😪

    • Someone on twitter posted yesterday they received their shipping confirmation for a gift card

      • A few people posted yesterday about receiving shipping confirmation for the dash cam. I'm still waiting for mine. I have a sneaking suspicion they're verifying orders by shipping address (suburbs A-Z) rather than item by item. It would make sense as it would be easiest way to enforce 'one per household' rule. If they are, I'm in for a long one, my suburb starts with "Z".

        • Im also still waiting for a notification for the dashcam. My suburb starts with H, my friend whose suburb starts with R said he got a shipping confirmation for his prize (Bunnings voucher I think). So I dont think its alphabetical by suburb.

          • @full0085: Geez, they really are keeping us on our toes, aren't they! The suspense is killing me!

        • doubt it, d suburb here with no replies yet

  • Anyone knows which Apple watch model it is?

    • +1

      Click frenzy replied to someone on twitter stating it was a series 4. That’s all they said though. Picture shows a series 4 gps + cellular. Not sure though because they cost like $750 and it went on sale for only $4. Usually the price you pay is approx 1% of the purchase cost, so it would make sense the Apple Watch would be worth $400.

      • +1

        Cheers mate.

  • +1

    Well I guess that’s 4 business days left to get all orders verified for shipment. GL Click Frenzy 😂

    • Haha I know right. Chances are they don’t work weekends. Seems like a lot of orders still arnt filled. Maybe they are having supply issues? Only thing I can think of

  • +5

    Good luck all winners! Hopefully we find out today!

    • +4

      Fingers firmly crossed that today is the day for all remaining verifications.

  • +1

    Sooooooooo they sent me this:

    Hi honeymoonavenue

    As we have lots of orders and products this year our review process is taking longer than expected. All order reviews will be completed hopefully by end of this week, or start of next.

    Thank you for your patience.

    • Had you emailed them beforehand? Or they just sent out a batch email, because I haven’t received one yet.

      • I emailed them last Thursday because I am sick of waiting for them to update us 😂

        • Did you have to sign up for their portal and your message was like a ticket? Because I emailed Tuesday and mines still ‘processing’ and no one has replied -.- haha

          Edit— I see your previous comment saying you did sign up. Wonder why I haven’t received a reply. That’s strange

    • +1

      Did you receive this today or last week? Just wondering if they mean hopefully completed at the end of this current week or last week?

      • +1

        Today at 12:40pm.

        • +1

          Damn, thanks for the update.

    • +1

      Received the exact same message. Must be a template. Lol.

  • still waiting, roomba here, how bout you guys

  • Did anyone see on Click Frenzy’s Facebook page? Someone actually received their GoPro

    • Wish they directed those resources away from Facebook over to verifying the remaining orders. Who knew waiting for the shipping confirmation would be more stressful than actually trying to get the deal.

      • Oh I one hundred percent agree. I also saw in the Community section of their Facebook page that they replied to someone who asked about confirmation assuring them they would receive an email

        • +1

          I'm finding this so stressful because I'm one of the people who had the pending charge 'disappear' from my bank account so I can't relax about whether they'll verify my order or not because they don't even 'have my money'. I saw someone posted above that they just re-charge it when they verify the order so I'm still hopeful but damn this waiting is so stressful.

    • My friend received ahipping confirmation for his $100 bunnings card yesterday, and it says in the email that once he receives it, they hope that he takes a photo of himself and the item and send it to them so they can post it on social media 😂

  • My Apple Watch order was cancelled this morning because I apparently "breached their terms and conditions". I'm pretty sure I didn't breach anything though. Ordered it genuinely.

    • That sucks. Did they give any specific details as to how they came to that conclusion? I'm not asking you what they were, just asking if they gave an indication.

      • Nope they just said I had breached one of their terms and conditions. Here is what they sent.

        Order # was canceled because we have reason to believe this order may be in breach of our terms and conditions, such as one item per user or one item per household, have been purchased via an automated method rather than following the terms of our promotion, or otherwise be fraudulent. The order will remain cancelled until our investigations are completed, which may take up to 4 weeks. .

        • +2

          That’s complete bullshit lol. Either they have no stock or they dont wannalose money

    • Yes, me too. They cancelled my Apple Watch too because of fraudulent activity. I think this is bullshit and they just can't fulfil these orders.

      • Can we take this up to ACCC?

        • Already reported it but not sure if they can do anything tho.

    • They just cancelled my Macbook Air as well

    • Did anyone from the same IP address/network as you order anything? I have seen it on previous Click Frenzy sales where people on the same network (e.g. work) have had orders cancelled because they come from the same public IP address but are bought by completely different people and different addresses

      • I’m still waiting on an email - partner and I ordered using the same wifi but to different addresses

        • +1

          If you and your partner don't live at the same address you will have to explain that to them.
          Same thing happened to me 12 months ago in the sale, I got an item on the Tuesday, my brother was at my place on the Wednesday and got the TV.

          My order got cancelled so I replied to ask why, was told that I breached the T's & C's due to same IP address for both orders.
          I replied stating what I said above and they called my brother to ask about it, he gave the same response as me.

          His order got cancelled after this, then I received an email apologizing for cancelling the orders and they would be reinstated at no cost.

          If you weren't doing anything dodgy to get more than one sale item at the same house, and both of you actually did the orders separately (not same person using 2 different accounts) you hopefully should be OK but it will take some explaining to them.

          Best of luck :)

      • I ordered to three different addresses using different names and acc under same wifi but all got cancelled :(

      • Only made 1 order from my IP address. The only thing I ordered was the Apple watch and didnt attempt anything else. It still got cancelled.

        • I would definately be demanding an explanation as to which part or the Ts and Cs were breached.
          Just hope someone isn't hijacking your WiFi and got an item.

  • +4

    I've received a shipping notification for the TV!

  • +1

    Shipping finally confirmed for the Macbook Air!

  • +3

    I got my ipad shipping notification!

    • +2

      Same for the watch. 😃

  • +1

    Received tracking for watch! Followed terms and conditions to a T. Charge was also removed from my bank and now will be recharged for anyone wondering. Thank you click frenzy!

  • +9

    Anyone still in #TeamStillWaitingForConfirmation with me ? 😂

    • +2

      still waiting for my watch

    • +1

      you are not alone. :)

      • Thanks guys yall are awesome - googling how to magically influence click frenzy to give us our emails 😂😂😂😂

    • +1

      Still waiting for my macbook!

    • +3

      Waiting for dash cam shipping confirmation. Go team.

    • +1

      Yep, still waiting for TV confirmation. Only ordered one item, so there should be no reason for cancellation.

  • Friend got a confirmation email about an hour ago

    • Awesome!! what item?

      • +1

        Apple watch.

        • +1

          @oodia - could you advise what model it is?

  • Still nothing for me, Mine was Nintendo Switch.

  • +1

    I received my Nintendo Switch in the mail two days ago! Shipping only took two days after the confirmation was sent through. Hopefully everyone starts getting their items soon :)

  • +2

    Lets hope that today is the day we all get our orders shipped. Their 3 week shipping time frame expires tonight.

    • +6

      Have I really been clicking a link every 3 minutes for 3 weeks now???

  • Just received email confirmation and shipping details for my apple watch. Should arrive within 1-2 days apparently!

    • Congratulations! Same here! Do you know the apple watch model?

      • Can't be sure without receiving it but they said on Twitter the Series 4

      • Cool! Hard to definitively say, given all it says is 1 x apple watch, but the picture is definitely a series 4. Don't know if it's just GPS or GPS + cellular, but either way it's $4 well spent!

        • 100% agree!

    • yep just received my email confirmation at 9:41 for apple watch too

  • +7

    It was 3 weeks since this journey began. I have enjoyed serving every minute with you people. I'm happy to report I just got my shipping details for the Apple Watch. I am so excited. I'd like to thank everyone here that supported me during this tough time and Click Frenzy for the prize.

  • Congrats to my #teamstillwaiting team members who have now scored their confirmation emails.

    Anyone else still waiting?

    • Yup im still here slowly losing faith 😂😭

      • +2

        The lyrics to Losing my Religion popped into my head …

        That's me in the corner
        That's me in the spotlight
        Losing my religion
        Trying to keep up with you
        And I don't know if I can do it
        Oh no, I've said too much
        I haven't said enough

  • Must of had my work vpn on while working from home as the cancelled the beats I won because my IP location didn't match my address :(((

    • Oh no!!! Where did you have it set, if you dont mind me asking?

      My vpn is usually set to the US

      • Just to Brisbane office, but that's like 1300kms away.

    • Could you ask your VPN provider to provide evidence of your originating IP address at the time of the sale?

  • +3

    FINALLY GOT MY ORDER CONFIRMED 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 Thank you all for waiting so patiently with me ! Fingers crossed for everyone else still waiting. Shoutout to @Bluellama21 ! I truly hope you get your prize!

  • Has anyone who got the TV still waiting for their confirmation? Asking for my friend

    • Yes, I am still waiting for the TV confirmation.

      • Let us know when you get yours confirmed 👍🏼

  • Still waiting for confirmation today for the Nintendo Switch

  • +1

    Confirmation received for the Dyson Hairdryer! Seems quite random but the wait shall be worth it.
    Parcel is insured with Temando and shipped through Fastway Couriers!

  • +2

    Got shipping confirmation for Apple Watch this morning. 4 emails over a few hours, 2 from Temando, 1 from Click Frenzy, 1 later from Fastway Couriers.

  • +3

    Wait for confirmation (Dyson Hairdryer) is over… finally. I was starting to get a little concerned, a lot like those who have followed T&CS wondering why it was taking so long.

    Now I dont need to stress over finding the Missus a Xmas Pressie, probably more stressful then waiting for Click Frenzy email haha.

    Good luck to those who are still waiting.

  • +7

    Another business day down and still no confirmation. Will. Not. Give. Up. Hope. Tomorrow will be the day. For sure.

    • Oh no 😱😱😱😱

      That gives me hope though that they still have lots of people to get through because my friend still hasnt gotten anything 👍🏼

    • Nothing so far today. Its very quiet in here which could either be a good sign or a bad sign…….. So frustrating

      • I know that someone has to be the very last to receive confirmation, I just really, really, really don't want it to be me. Are we the last two standing?

        Their latest update on the ticket thingy was on Tuesday, and they said they hope to have everything sent out by the end of this week or start of next, which I read that they still have quite a bit to go. I hope.

        • +1

          I’m still here 🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️

        • +1

          I also know someone who hasn’t received his item yet

        • My friend hasnt received confirmation either. Dw you are not alone !

        • I haven’t received anything since the first email for the MacBook, order details say confirmed and $$ were taken from my account a couple weeks ago.
          Was hoping to have it before Xmas!

        • Also still waiting 😴

        • still waiting :(

      • I emailed them last night and received their canned response this morning.

        Apologies for the delay. We are still processing a large number of Go Wild orders and anticipate that these will be fulfilled by the end of the week or early next week. You should receive a confirmation email once your item has shipped.

        • So I saw that someone on Facebook had written on the Click Frenzy page they hadn’t received heir confirmation. Someone from Click Frenzy replied them asking for their order number and promising their confirmation email would be sent through. But that was like november 22nd.

      • +3

        Don't loose hope folks. I got of shipment email today for UE Megaboom. I think they are working through it slowly.

        • +3

          I think you're absolutely right … but this reminds me of sitting in front of Santa and all the other kids have a present but you're name hasn't been called out yet and there's only like 3 presents left under the tree.

        • *lose

  • +2

    So it would appear there are still a few to go - I can't quite believe that everyone who got something is right here on this forum, we must be a few in a larger number. That's encouraging though.

  • Almost end of business closing times and still nothing… anyone else besides the UE Boom?

  • +2

    Anyone else waiting on Visa $100 gift card?

    • +1

      Yep still waiting!

  • +6

    Update: Switch has finally been shipped, good luck to all others waiting

  • +4

    Happy Friday everyone. I really hope this is the day for all of us who are still waiting. Can I see a show of hands who is still waiting and for what?

    • +4

      Visa $100 gift card still waiting

      • +4

        Fingers crossed for us both today.

        • Waiting for the $200 Visa card!

    • TV………………… still waiting

    • bunnings $200 voucher

    • Still waiting on my switch

    • Friend still waiting for tv !

  • Friend got an email confirmation for a $100 bunnings voucher this morning. Hang in there guys!

  • +8

    Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. I got my confirmation today! Huge thank you to everyone for keeping our spirits up during what could possibly be the most stressful 3 1/2 weeks of my life, haha. Special shoutout to @honeymoonavenue. We made it. Finally.

    Hang in there guys. I will wait with you here until you get your confirmations.

    No man left behind.

    • +1

      Omg yesssss!!!!!!! So happy for you!!!!! Congratulations 🎉🎊

  • It seems they are going item wise, my temando email says "Reference: booms" so I guess today is all bunnings voucher day judging from oodian's comment above.

    • I actually think the plural reference might be a typo, my reference says "Dash cam" singular. There were a few people who got their confirmation for the dash cam more than a week ago. That's why it's been so stressful, there just doesn't seem to be any logic or order about it.

    • I certainly hope not. Only up to B after 3.5 weeks. How long will it take to get to T for TV???????

    • nope roomba here got it today

  • +5

    TV Confirmed as shipped. Good luck everyone

    • +1

      Omg congratulations !!!!! I will let my friend know. He’s still waiting on the tv! Enjoy!

  • Still waiting on something (ANYTHING!?) for the MacBook….

  • Received confirmation for the $100 VISA card earlier today! But no separate shipping email like others have gotten here for different items… is it gonna be digitally delivered maybe?

    • I havent recieved anything about the $100 VISA card today, could you screenshot exactly what you recieved?


        (no such tracking number/info is on the order page yet though, maybe on Monday?)

        • Yep probably Monday - Tuesday for you.

          I received my $200 Bunnings gift voucher on Monday 3/12 which was sent out last Friday.

          • @applechewz: oooh sweet!! fingers are crossed :)

  • +1

    I'm still waiting for my $200 visa gift card

    • +1

      Same… Fingers crossed for Monday!

  • Another week for #TeamStillWaiting

    • Go team ! #TeamStillWaiting

    • Great to see we’re in the same team #TeamStillWaiting

  • Got the Apple Watch.. so it’s series 4, 40mm GPS only with white band

    • From the day you got confirmation, how long did it take for your watch to get to you??

      • I got the confirmation on Wednesday, and received the item just this morning.

        • Hmmm interesting i also got confirmation on Wednesday and haven’t seen any updates on the tracking. Hmmm hopefully I will see it soon. Thank you! :)

          • @honeymoonavenue: Got confirmation Tuesday last week and haven’t had any updates on tracking as well. It just says “Awaiting Pickup”

    • Thanks for the update! Eagerly awaiting mine. Was picked up Wednesday, but then was in transit from Melbourne (same place it was picked up from) on Friday afternoon. Spent over 48hrs sitting in melboune -.-

      Going to QLD

    • +1

      Same mine came today aswell. Series 4, 40mm GPS silver aluminium with White Sports Band

  • How are we going #TeamStillWaiting? Fingers crossed today is the day for you.

    Meanwhile, I got shipping confirmation on Friday and tracking update from Fastway this morning. How quick is that? Still not satisfied though - now I'm obsessively following my driver's little van around Brisbane as he goes about his work. Come on, Jason. I can see you're only a few streets away ;)

    • +1

      My friend is still waiting for his tv confirmation. Poor thing. Slowly losing hope.

      Oh i know what you mean. I had to redirect my parcel to a parcelpoint because i wont be home early enough from work and i dont trust my parcel to be left at my house 😂😂😂😂 but still keenly following my driver names “A” 😂😂

    • I received conformation on Friday as well, however my item is still awaiting pickup from Hawthorn (Melbourne). Hopefully it is picked up today and dropped at my house tomorrow. I live about 5 minutes drive from Hawthorn and would pick it up myself if I was allowed.

      • How utterly frustrating. Good luck.

        • Sorry, I meant I live 25 mins away. Not 5!!!! Still quicker than waiting for Fastway. It was due for pickup today, however it is still awaiting pickup. Delay after delay. No idea when it will arrive and now no one will be home here during day for the rest of the week to accept delivery.

  • Just got my $100 VISA card today! Good luck to those still waiting

    • oh wow, my $100 visa card hasn't even been shipped yet…..

    • +1

      told ya ;)

  • Still no email… but I did get one from Click Frenzy to confirm my subscription?

    And the waiting game continues.

    • Yeah I received a Click Frenzy confirmation email as well last night at about 8:30pm. Not sure what that was all about.

    • I got a confirm subscription email too.
      But nothing yet about the MacBook :(

    • +1

      I got a confirm subscription email too. I've already received my item from Fastway so I don't think it's specifically because you're still waiting for your confirmations. I just ignored it.

  • +1

    Should we get a chargeback from our banks? I'm scared they won't refund and this week is where the 30 day limit where you can dispute transactions?

  • Apple Watch arrived today. Was picked up from Vic on Wednesday and delivered today to QLD. So 4 bus days in transit

    • +1

      Congrats :)
      I haven’t got any confirmation yet for the MacBook and am in WA so a pre Christmas delivery is probably out of the question now :’( :’(

  • +1

    this is so sad :( #StillWaiting

    • Dw my friend also still waiting. I think I am more upset than he is that he hasnt received his confirmation :/

      Annoyed even. Like their time frame was three weeks , its almost christmas 😭😭

  • +2

    After receiving shipping confirmation on Wednesday last week, my Macbook Air arrived today around noon! Wishing those on #teamstillwaiting all the best of luck!

  • +3

    Good news. TV received yesterday. Good luck everyone who is still waiting.

  • +1

    Seems like no confirmations have been sent out this week… still waiting for my MacBook :( anybody from NSW received theirs yet?
    Pretty much lost hope at this point LOL

    • +2

      This is crazy, i ask their support and they always reply with a generic response " We are still reviewing a large number of Go Wild orders and it is taking us a bit longer than expected. We're hoping to get these done in the next week or so."

      • +1

        Omg this is exactly what i mean like we are just ab to head into christmas and they are still reviewing. I would think by now, if they havent cancelled, then they should just make all the remaining prizes happen !

    • +1

      Still waiting for MacBook too.
      I messaged them on FB and received this reply…

      “Apologies for the delay. We are still reviewing a large number of Go Wild orders and it is taking us a bit longer than expected. We're hoping to get these done in the next week or so. We will send you another confirmation email when your order progresses to the next stage.”

      So definitely won’t get to me (WA) before Xmas :(

  • +1

    445 Auburn Road, Hawthorn, Victoria, 3122 - office location

  • +3

    I've lost all hope
    Congrats to everyone that actually got theirs shipped

  • +6

    Still haven’t received my confirmation for shipping as well, then to see that they are now having a 7 days of Christmas giveaway (possibly the cancelled orders), now I’m really starting to lose my patience.

    • Wheere are these 7 days of xmas giveaway? I think there's still hope, they said "Apologies for the delay. We are still reviewing a large number of Go Wild orders and it is taking us a bit longer than expected. We're hoping to get these done in the next week or so. We will send you another confirmation email when your order progresses to the next stage."

      • +2

        Until you realise that:
        * They said they would have all orders shipped by November 30.
        * On December 3, they said they would have all orders shipped by December 7 or December 11 at the latest.

        It's now 30 days since the competition and they're still "reviewing orders" - I would take anything they say with a grain of salt because they've already lied twice. Plus, nobody this week has received a shipment notification.

        • both times they said 'hopefully', 'we AIM to', they never guaranteed it

          • +2

            @johnwinkle: Have you seen them proactively post a single update?

            • -5

              @ldstr: nope, but theres only a few dozen gowild orders, and by now its probably a dozen left that havent got their items. no point to broadcast to their huge audience

  • +3

    Still waiting lol

    • I'm still waiting too, haven't heard a thing since November 13 when I got the pending review email about the hair dryer. Would be nice to get it before Christmas since it's a Christmas present…

  • Is there literally anything we can do to get our orders?

  • +2

    It's a new working week, let us hope once more! #teamstillwaiting

  • +3

    Still waiting #teamstillwaiting

  • Just curious. Is there anyone still waiting who got their item sent to a work address?

    • Not to a work address but my item still hasn’t been picked up from the Hawthorn office..

      • Its fastway couriers, they don't have enough delivery drivers. My parcel has been attempted to deliver 3 times in 10 days. Each time they stopped attempted deliveries after 5pm. (But don't prioritize the late deliveries at all).

  • +1

    Click frenzy seems to be replying to a bunch of facebook comments, stating that they are working "as hard as possible" however are not stating an estimated time.

  • +6

    So it looks like they've started a new promotion already, I still think quite a few Go Wild orders still aren't fulfilled including mine. What a joke this has been.

  • +6

    Anyone complaining to Fair Trading?

    • +6

      Perhaps everyone who hasnt been confirmed can mount a mass complaint. I saw from previous click frenzy go wild sales that they hadnt taken this long to verify winners :/

      • +6

        I would be down for a mass complaint, this is ridiculous

  • +6

    MacBook shipped!!
    Just received email with tracking (awaiting pickup).
    Won’t arrive before Xmas, or prob even new year, but it’s on its way

    • +2

      Here’s to hope!

    • +3

      There seems to be some hope, took long enough gosh.

    • +3

      Mine just shipped too! Let’s hope to getting it soon!!

  • +5

    Guys my friend just got confirmed shipment for his TV !!!!! Woooo!!!!!! There is hope !!!!!!!!

  • +2

    Looks like today might be the day!

  • +2

    Click Frenzy Go Wild
    Your order is on the way

    Finally got the tracking info for the roomba.

  • +2

    Just got my confirmation for the switch! I hope everyone else has also gotten theirs or will very soon!

  • +2

    Damn, is there anyone else still waiting?

    • +1

      I'm still waiting for the $100 Visa gift card…

    • +1

      Yeah, still waiting on the hair dryer. I won't be getting it by Christmas unfortunately.

    • +1

      Still waiting for my TV :(

      • +1

        Still waiting for $200 Visa gift card

  • +1

    Yesterday I received a text from Couriers Please for a delivery but no confirmation email.. my partner received the same but in an email as well as his shipping confirmation from Click Frenzy.

    I’m not expected any packages at the moment either so I’m confused as to whether it’s my switch or not and if it’s a double whammy 😂 come on!

  • +2

    Got confirmation for my $100 Visa gift card today, took long enough! There is hope for those still waiting!!!

    • Still haven't got mine yet :(

    • +2

      Update: Out for delivery today

  • +2

    I got the shipping confirmation email yesterday around 3pm and received the Switch today around 9am. Good luck to those who are still waiting!

  • +1

    Received shipping confirmation on Wednesday and finally got my MacBook today morning! Best of luck to those still waiting and happy holidays!

  • -2

    Woo! My switch came today! But I had no email confirmation so for those who haven’t there’s still some kind of strange hope for you!

  • Just got my Roomba today (saturday), Awesome little gadget for only $6,

  • +1

    It is a new week once again, surely we won't have to wait for our email confirmations in 2019!

    • Still not holding my breath…

  • Hi all - did anyone have Allied as the couriers dropping their item off ???

    • Have you received your tv? How was your experience with Allied Express? Timeframe between pickup and delivery?

      • Hi there ! Yeah my friend received his TV on January 2nd. Allied Express was sooooo annoying. Click Frenzy had dispatched on the 19th of Dec and absolutely refused to drop off until Jan 2nd. Poor dude was ready to rip his hair out waiting.

        How about you?

        • Probably the longest 2 weeks of his life. Haha. Still with Allied to deliver. Waiting game continues.

  • Anyone else still waiting?

    • +1

      Yup! Hopefully this week, right?

    • +1

      My MacBook was shipped 19/12 via couriers please, still waiting on delivery :-/

      • Thanks! So delivery is just slow. They shipped mine too on the 19/12, but did not receive shipping confirmation yet. They just replied to my ticket saying they will ship it that day.

        • +1

          I received an automatic e-mail reply from them stating that their office is is closed from the 22nd Dec to 6th Jan.

        • I got an email from couriers please on the 19th with a tracking number.
          It has been sitting at my nearest depot since 27th :(

  • +2

    Sent them an email yesterday threatening complaint or legal action and today they shipped my $200 Visa gift card, lol

    • Teach me your ways

    • Damn, could you share that email? I'm still waiting on my $200 visa card…

      • +3

        Lol guys. I thought I was alone but nevermind. All I did was say:

        “Hi Click Frenzy. I have still not received my Go Wild order back in November 2018. What is going on?? You have breached your terms and conditions as it has been way past the stated 3 months of dispatch. Please get back to me as soon as possible or I will be seeking legal action or complaints. Thank you.”


  • Merged from Click Frenzy Prize

    Has anyone received their prizes for Click Frenzy back in November? Was supposed to get an email saying when the prize was shipped, but never got one.

    I did try to email them, still had no response

  • What's the latest everyone? Is there anyone still waiting? I know someone waiting for tv and not receiving any response from CF.

    • Still waiting for my TV as well. No response from CF either.

    • +1

      Still waiting for my hairdryer. Emails, tweets, and FB messages have gone nowhere.

      • I'm in a similar boat as you (with the hairdryer). I clicked on my order link from the confirmation email I got in November and it said it was cancelled on the 18th of December. I emailed them on the 23rd and they said they were away for holidays to get back on the 7th of Jan, so my email went unanswered and I still haven't heard anything back. The ticket says "Being processed" and is now 28 days old, I very much doubt anyone has looked at it.

        EDIT: I'll just add that I didn't receive an email informing me that my order was cancelled, nor does the page provide a reason.

    • Still got 2 mates waiting on stuff, one on a $200 gift card and one on the Apple watch. Both have tried contacting Click frenzy Evey way they can but no reply at all, Facebook messages keep getting left on seen. They have made reports to the ACCC and recommend everyone who is missing something do it as well so we can get noticed!

    • I am amazed!! They still haven't shipped remaining orders.

  • Anyone still waiting? Made complaints with ACCC and consumer affairs.

    • Yep, still waiting! Please let us know if you hear back.

    • Yup still waiting. They probably have no plans of shipping the orders.

    • So they have just cancelled both my mates orders.

      • Let me guess, they said "fraudulent"?

        • +2

          Yep, both were only ones in the House that won and won without any bots or something like the email accused them of.

      • Did they get a new email stating it has been cancelled, or was it from the original link we got so many months ago?
        Also will they be fighting it? I think they said you can email them if you think it's an error (though probably won't get resolved anytime soon)

        • +1

          New email, they have already emailed the support address so hopefully they can work it out, big pain to be waiting all this time.

          • @vstratosphere: My two support tickets have been closed (7 days ago and 3 days ago) without comment, my emails have been ignored, and I received absolutely no reason as to why my order was cancelled in the first place (no email, I only found out by clicking the pending review email they sent me in November). I think I'm going to raise another ticket…

  • +3

    Soooo.. Finally got my shipping confirmation for the Dyson! Woohoo

    EDIT: 2 Temando emails came first (insurance, parcel on the way), then about 10mins later the order updated. Super annoying that it took 2.5 months with 0 communication and me emailing one of the co-founders (who also ghosted), but at least it's coming…. as long as CouriersPlease don't lose it…

    • Same! Got an email today confirming it was on its way with the tracking number and a reply to my emails that I sent them a month ago just apologising for the delay.

    • Congratulations!

  • I just got an email from temando saying the tv is coming, i actually cant believe it

  • Just got an email saying my TV is coming as well! It's finally happening!

    • +3

      The TV just arrived. Sony Bravia!
      What a run it's been.

      • Can you write the model details please?

  • How this mob is still going boggles the mind…