Click Frenzy 2018: Tuesday Nov 13 - 14, 2018 » All Comments

  • +3

    I'm running out of money with all these sales.

    • +31

      Don't forget to set aside some money for OzBargains 12th Birthday Sale.

      I am currently negotiating some special celebration deals for TaoTronics & RAVPower products with the SunValley Rep.

      And when I say negotiating, I mean I have the Rep in a pit and I am saying 'it makes the prices cheaper or else it gets the hose again'

      • +9

        Put the bargain in the f'n basket.

        • +4

          I'd price match me… I'd price match me good

      • Will the ravpower pd powerbank will be available?

  • +4

    Thanks for this. I'll keep an eye on it but generally the Black Friday sales are where the real bargains can be found

    • +3

      Yeah should be interesting and a busy month, we were surprised last year when Black Friday even beat Boxing Day for page views:

      Black Friday 24/11/17: 2,462,265 Pageviews
      Boxing Day 26/12/17: 2,406,724 Pageviews
      Click Frenzy 14/11/17: 1,715,115 Pageviews

      • Hi Hamza23, I am unable to post a deal for click frenzy but we are doing this today.

  • +3

    Hopefully some console deals!

  • +3


  • +3

    They posted a $4 Apple Watch and a $18 65” TV but I can’t seem to find the tweet anymore
    Edit: found it

    EDIT2: Interesting note from lifehacker

    As usual, you'll be sent an email indicating the time frames in which the deals will be available, and then you just have to log into the Click Frenzy website and wait for that push notification. The good news is this means you will no longer have to refresh the page all the time, so get your hands off that F5 key.

    Once the notification appears, you'll be required to answer a quiz question as quickly as possible to score the deal, so you might want to brush up on your trivia tonight! You can also get a $100 Visa card back by being one of the first 200 shoppers to spend over $500, so keep that in mind tomorrow night when the sale starts.

  • +2

    is it me or does click frenzy always require you to create a new account each time?

    • +2

      I get the same issue. Even worse, this time it's not working. When I get to the point of setting a password for the new account, it just says "null".

      • +1

        Same! Or “Invalid Token”.

      • that's so bad. I haven't even attempted to create a new account…

      • +1

        I am the same. I can't create an account….has anybody had any success?

      • Just tried again now and it works, so give it another crack if you haven't yet.

        • Thanks! Now working.

  • +26


  • Woohoo for 30% of groupon with code + cashback!
    Off to a good start.

  • I'm hoping for a good deal on an electric piano

  • +1

    Tried to sign up and it asked me to verify account. I click the link and it takes me to a "this site can't be reached" page lol.

    • Same thing happening to me right now, have you found a solution?

      • Me too, I contacted support who made me another account and gave me a new verification link… I was able to set a password, but it now says my account has been disabled when I try and log into the website. When I contacted support again they suggest making another account?! I made one by signing in with Facebook. No email verification.

        • I clicked sign in through google or sign up through google - not sure which one and it logged me straight in. No issues.

  • Will adidas have sitewide sale?

    • See here

      The frenzy code is just for free shipping though.

      • ah that sucks, but thanks anyway mate

        just used my 15% off code to buy a pair of NMD's

  • Anyone know the schedule time yet for each item?

  • When are the 99% deals starting? Tonight?

    • +1

      Tonight, after 7pm. Not sure about specific time

      • Do the clues come in emails?

        • +1

          Apparently from the site, but I'm not too sure. Haven't received clues from email yet.

  • +2

    So I go to and get this:

    503 ERROR

    The request could not be satisfied.
    The Lambda function associated with the CloudFront distribution was throttled.

    Never change Click Frenzy. Maybe retailers should just do the usual Black Friday Deals which doesn't rely on a centralised authority.

  • +3

    Keep getting 503 error, I'm logged in and no sales despite the 30 minute head start for members.

  • If you get a 503 error, just refresh the page.
    That's what works for me.

    • +1

      I did, about every 2nd refresh is a 503 error. Changed web browsers and 503'd a few times before I could even log in. Can you access any of the 99% off stuff?

      • +1

        There's not even anything on there yet.
        Just a countdown.

  • +1


    What fruit is on Arrowmasters' deal image advertising the Anolon Endurance 2 piece cook set? Answer in LOWER CASE and NO SPACES

    • wait, you got on?
      does anyone know the password?
      I didn't get a notification.

      • it says incorrect password for me though

        • +5

          "Too many failed attempts: Please try again in 10 minutes"

          • @Akya: me too; I got the notification as it happened too.
            rip 99% deals…

    • +2

      I've tried tomato, cherrytomato but none of those appear to work.

      • I tried "none", that didn't work

      • I tried tomatoes and cherrytomatoes, didn't work either.

    • I thought this begins at 7pm

    • +1
  • +2

    Did the website crash?

    • +1

      lolllll Clickfail living up to their name. How does this happen again after their previous experience? Just lol

  • +2

    503 ERROR
    The request could not be satisfied

    • +1

      Yep, I keep getting the same error too

  • +8

    the frenzy hasn't even started & the website is already down. lol

  • +2

    Website has shit itself already

  • This is hilarious

  • website is working now!..

    NVM, its down again :__:

  • Keep getting 'error' when trying to create an account.. ah well.

  • +2

    keep clicking F5
    You get there in the end

  • I wonder if the site will come back at 7pm

  • 503 Error lol

  • +8

    Everyone is getting this error right?

    503 ERROR
    The request could not be satisfied.
    The Lambda function associated with the CloudFront distribution was throttled.
    If you received this error while trying to use an app or access a website, please contact the provider or website owner for assistance.
    If you provide content to customers through CloudFront, you can find steps to troubleshoot and help prevent this error by following steps in the CloudFront documentation (…).
    Generated by cloudfront (CloudFront)
    Request ID: xn2Fl1O6fkYmhlAgiodXIQAMj_gEarai3-kghlH_T3YfU5lsNVA-AQ==

    • +1

      Yeah. They had one job…

    • Yeah been trying for a few mins. Not working.

    • yea it looks they cocked up it appears that aws lambda throttle at 1000 requests concurrency, it scales indefinitely but at 500 increase per minute. They should have contacted aws to lift the limit but oh well

  • +1

    it died as it went to 0.

    • +2

      It actually died 20 minutes ago for a lot of people.

  • +3

    Lol the website crashed how were they not prepared for this?

  • +1

    prior load testing the site would've helped.. silly muppets

  • This still works though but the password isn't tomatoes for some reason.

    • The password is the answer to the clue! :O

  • +3


    17s17 seconds ago
    Hi Click Frenzy Shoppers,

    We understand some users are experiencing issues accessing the Click Frenzy site. Our team is working to rectify full service for all users ASAP. We regret the inconvenience caused but rest assured we will be with you shortly!

  • +1

    This happened the other year and they got CRUCIFIED for it. Here we goooo again

  • +1

    from their twitter;

    "Hi Click Frenzy Shoppers, We understand some users are experiencing issues accessing the Click Frenzy site. Our team is working to rectify full service for all users ASAP. We regret the inconvenience caused but rest assured we will be with you shortly!"

  • got on.
    website is all corrupt though.

    • What password did you use?

      • I meant

    • not corrupt now.
      no clues for password though.

  • +1

    every year

  • The website is getting less and less functional as time goes on. The top bar which normally has your profile name and the notification bell is now missing.

  • +1

    Never change Click Frenzy, never change…

  • +2

    Try using a Proxy like - (this one's free), the site fully loads with no issues and you can see all the deals.

    • +1

      sweet, this actually works. thanks!

      • Glad it helped! :)

  • can't even login and the device i was logged on is suddenly logged out lol

  • +4

    It's back

    • password?

      • password still doesn't work

  • Website is fixed! Hooray.

    • lol no

  • +1

    LOL is down too….

    • still down for me

  • Finally in wowsers.

  • Wouldnt be a click frenzy without site problems

  • Piece of shit website. Cloudfront error on every click.

  • +5

    Hey toys r us, a $50 discount on $1300 items isn't a very good discount..

  • they fixed it

  • Is there anything that triggers you to receive a 'notification'? Never done this before.

    • Its a different system to what they've run previously. I'm going to guess you basically get a number (#) in the tab title.

  • has anyone gotten a password working yet?

    • +1

      I had to register again for it to work

      • for the notification?

        • To actually log in. I logged me out and wouldn't let me log back in until I registered again.

          • @milkyway91: Hold up haha I just realised what we were talking about. Sorry I only just got home. No I havent found the password yet

      • what password did you use

  • +1

    How does the notification deals work?

  • +1

    Where is the clues?

  • -1

    Running out of IP's trying to guess the password!!!

  • Does one need to keep refreshing or is the notification sent as a "push" without needing to refresh?

    • The FAQ suggests you don't need to refresh for them this year. Whether or not that works remains to be seen.

  • Anyone seen any of the fabled emails that are supposed to tell us when to expect the Go Wild 99% off deals?

  • I'm guesing the notification will tell you which pages to go to

  • +1

    The first notification must be an error, hence the password doesn't work.
    I logged out and logged back in and it was gone.

    • GHD…

      What fruit is on Arrowmasters' deal image advertising the Anolon Endurance 2 piece cook set? Answer in LOWER CASE and NO SPACES

      2018-11-13 16:31:29

      I got this at 6:32pm..
      And the time at the bottom of the push message says 4:31pm..
      I think this was a test done by their testing team to see if the push notifications were working.

      • Yeah given that it started at 7pm I don't think that is one of them…

  • Anyone knows which deal is first?

    • tbh I reckon it might be 730 (in Sydney)

  • Any new clues yet?

    • +1


  • How come no schedule time this year?

    • According to the FAQs on the website there is supposed to be emails with a timeline of each deal

      'Emails sent during the 24hr sales period will provide details about the timings for each clue. Once you get your clue via a notification, quickly find the answer to the clue. This answer will serve as the password to gain access to the product. At this point, simply check out by providing your payment details!'

      From this FAQ:…

      • We can't just sit and watch the website for another 23 hours 19 minutes 10 seconds

      • I dont know how much i would rely on this when the message sent to my email to verify myswlf didnt come til like an hour later

  • last year it was closer to the end of the hour… think it will be the same

    • have a feeling it won't come

  • +1

    bois where the 5 dollar switch at

    • +2

      you really haven't played before

    • +1


  • +7


    No GoWild deals have been released as of yet, look out for the first one later this evening! Reminder to keep push notifications turned ON. Good luck :)
    Via their twitter:

      • +7

        there should be a capslock button on your keyboard.

    • No-one has missed out on the GoWild deals.
      These deals have been pushed back and will be released later tonight.

  • Underwhelming. Sites crash every year. Every year up to 40% means actually 10%. I'm an idiot for looking.

  • +4

    The Click Frenzy website design belongs in 2006, just saying. Absolutely terrible.

    • +1

      I don't think it could handle 2006 traffic.

  • Do you need to refresh the page for the notification to show up?

    • If you turn on the notifications via your browser on the webpage it should show a little (1) Click Frenzy which will mean there's a notification!

  • any way to add payment details early?

    • +1

      Don't think so, but I use LastPass to quickly autofill it.

      • how does one add bank details to lastpass?

        • +1

          It's a part of fill forms, just look in there.

  • Umart is down. That didn't take long. :)

  • Anyone else having trouble checking out with paypal? e.g. on

  • I'm guessing click frenzy haven't paid amazon for mass email

    • They're using sendgrid which is pretty robust, but given they managed to fk up the verification URL earlier today, I wouldn't put it past them to have forgotten to send the email out.

  • -8

    I am definitely not wasting any time on Click Frenzy this year. It's just all hype.

    The Go Wild deals are not worth the time and there isn't any thing I really need so no point looking.

    • Neggers, find me a deal worthwhile please. I don't mind being negged if I'm wrong. But I've gone through this twice before and I always find better deals on Black Friday and Boxing Day.

      Guess it's all part of the fun though staring at a screen for an hour hoping you'll be the one to grab it.

  • Any gowild deals yet?

    • +1

      Nope. Gotta keep waiting I guess.

      • I just have the page logged in on a tab in the background and hope the notifications thing actually work.

        • +4

          which is - based on their history… unlikely

  • first click frenzy for me. what are the gowild and 99% deals? how much stock is there for each item approximately

    • +2

      There will be next to no stock, especially for the more expensive items.

    • +1

      It depend on the item. One usually for the expensive item.

    • +1

      very little and there is a new system this year. There used to be deals every hour but that isn't the case anymore

      • who will get the first item?

        • -1

          I doubt The Doctor cares about click frenzy.

  • +14

    Email came out:

    Apple Watches $4
    CLUE: Between 8:30 and 9:30pm

    Bunnings $200 Vouchers $2
    CLUE: Between 10 and 11pm

    • Any other details?

      • Nope, just saying to log in and check notifications

    • +6

      CLUE: probably 1 of each.

      • +2

        It's a plural, so there will be 2 lol.

    • +1

      thank you :) mine hasn't come through yet

  • +1

    Do you have to refresh the page or will the notification just pop up?

    • If it is built as a desktop notification (which I believe it is because Chrome asked permissions to enable Desktop notifs) then you do not have to refresh the page. It'll behave like you'd expect… as long as the PHP / AJAX scripts are working as intended.

  • Anything yet?

  • +1

    Wish theyd give exact times on the deals…

    • this is what click frenzy all about.

  • +4

    After 3 failed attempts you will be blocked and unable to enter passwords for 10 minutes.…

    • +1

      oh wow…given that it's lower case passwords that could be different combinations that's pretty lame.

  • +1

    Does anybody know if its one item per household per year? Or is it one Go Wild item per household for life???

    • +2

      per year afaik

  • +1

    anyone happen to know what series apple watch this is? I've tried looking at various new sites and click frenzy but it doesn't seem to say.

    • +2

      Looks like series 4 GPS+Cellular since it has the red ring on the crown

      • +2

        But if the 100% price is $4xx, that makes it more likely a series 3.

        • That does make sense, but the image also does look like the series 4. Here's hoping it is, however unlikely that may be!

      • thank you :)

    • +1

      based on the smaller bezels, it appears to be series 4 with cellular

      • thank you :)

  • crash?

  • +2

    403 forbidden error anyone else?

    • +1

      same D:
      edit: and its back

  • Does anyone know, for how long the notification shows up?

    • honestly i assume if you dont see and act on the notification in seconds it'll be over anyway

    • +2

      Until the site crashes again

  • +1

    Site down? It's back now

  • any news?

  • Any noteworthy deals other than the go wild stuff?

    • not that i could find - nothing out of the ordinary anyway

  • On the FAQ it says: There will be only one Go Wild sale item per household and items are not guaranteed as sold until your purchase is completed!

    Does that mean 1 item per household in the whole sale, or 1 of each sale item?

    • in the whole of the sale.

    • 1 item per household. I misunderstood last year and thought i'd nabbed 2 items but they cancelled both orders as it was a breach of the rules

      • -1

        does this mean if i get one item, i can make a new account for my girlfriend (who lives at a different address) and keep going?

        • Nope, they do it by IP address or something fancy like that. Apologies, I'm not tech savvy in that way

        • i heard last year it was based off IP address

          • +1

            @Rahyne: just use a VPN and set it to Australia

      • +1

        teach me the ways master sensei

      • +1

        Ouch. Did you get compensated at all (eg $300 voucher or something) or did you lose out on the items? Out of curiosity what were the items?

    • can you use paypal to buy quickly or do u have to enter ur card digits.

      • They've banned paypal this year. I use google chrome and ensure my address/payment details are autofilled, that's about all you can do to speed yourself up that I know of

        • That's a bummer…

      • Last year you could use PayPal. A tip to checkout faster would be to stay logged in to your PayPal account in another tab.

  • Has the Apple watch clue been done yet?

  • last 30 minutes

  • I just realised the apple watch wont work with android phones so i'll sit this one out

    • I'm too busy trying to win an Apple Watch to research this, but my understanding is you can connect but with more limited functionality compared to iPhones. Could be wrong though.

      • You need an iPhone to pair

      • Apple Watches must be paired with iPhone 5S or above. It can’t be connected via standalone Bluetooth but needs to be connected through the Watch app.

        • Not if its a cellular model

          • @Pulseless: Unfortunately even the cellular models need an iphone to share the sim number

            • +1

              @etns: As in you need a iphone 6 or higher for cellular

      • Ahh, must have been thinking about iPhones connecting to Android Wear devices. Apologies!

    • You could always sell it on gumtree.

      • +1

        Dont want to get in the way of other ozbargainers snapping up an amazing deal

    • +1

      someone trying to lure android users away, I believe ;P

    • +1

      Id only buy it to flog it off tbh

  • +2

    Good luck guys 20 mins left

    • +1

      As soon as it pops up I'm guessing the site will go super slow and non-responsive again haha.

    • +1

      wouldnt be surprised if it didnt happen at all lol

      • It happened before with the gift card

        • typical of click frenzy 😂


    What subcategory in fashion is Volley advertising its deals on International Canvas? Write your answer as the category appears on the website with NO spaces.

    • +2

      Answer: youth&streetwear (assuming they want the ampersand)

  • Watch is up

  • Damn

  • +7
    • +1

      Well done! Glad someone in the Oz bargain community snatched it up!
      I missed out. Too slow! Haha

  • gone :(

  • +13

    got the watch…. was quite easy in the end.

    • Congrats

    • Only tip - I didn't get a push notification even tho I had push notifications on (using google chrome and made sure click frenzy website was added in settings). So fortunately was sitting watching the icon like a loser and saw it come up and immediately clicked on it. Rest was just frantic typing and clicking.

      • What details in check out exactly did they ask for? Was it just address and card details?

        • email - name - address and card details. make sure you have auto fill on to make it quicker

  • They wanted the '&' and it's sold out.

  • +1

    gone just like that

  • +1

    Stuffed up, didn't realise no spaces. Congrats to the winners.

  • lol sold out in 1 second


  • +7

    got one!

  • Sigh..

  • lol didnt read no spaces


    What subcategory in fashion is Volley advertising its deals on International Canvas? Write your answer as the category appears on the website with NO spaces.

    2018-11-13 21:15:06

  • I missed it =(

  • omg couldnt type the pw correctly..

  • missing the & symbol at the beginning :(

  • +1

    How did you know which subcategory? Did you guess or did you search? I kept guessing. Guessed wrong :)

    • Just searched for International Canvas and it was the only entry

    • +1

      I just searched volley and the youth & streetwear was the only category listed for them.

  • You guys found volleys so quickly!

  • +3

    anyone else get one? that ampersand was rough

    • +1

      okay, so this is everything I did.

      I heard on their ClickFrenzy TV livestream thingy that the questions would be related to things on the website, so keep the main page open and the search bar clicked on.

      I had these tabs open on my PC: - Site to enter pw and complete order. with the notification tab already clicked on, so you can read it faster.
      notepad with credit card number listed, this isn't usually autofilled.
      used a browser with my postage address info already added, it autofilled almost everything.

      One other tip, SLOW DOWN and type the password right, you'll waste time freaking out and if you get it wrong 3 times then you're timed out for 10 minutes (i got it wrong once because of the ampersand).

      oh and GOOD LUCK!

  • I was in within 5 sec and allreaddy sold out what is the point in waiting this long for nothing

  • +1

    I searched in the men's footwear category and it came up, assumed it was this. Turns out the search is for a store-wide search -_-

  • +2

    What happens after you get through, do you need a separate account for the store? Can you quickly click through with PayPal or do you need to fill in lots of fields?

    • credit card (visa/mastercard) no paypal.
      Do not need to log in again, however you need to provide, email, name, address and card details. Mine auto-filled from having it saved in chrome

  • Didn't understand how to find volleys do I didn't even bother lol

  • youth&streetwear

  • +6

    Boom! Can't believe it but I actually got one! Had no joy last year, but got lucky this time around. I'd say having my address and card details saved on the browser made a difference.

    • Was it just address and card details that they asked for?

      • +1

        Hmm, let's see what I can recall from my panicked rush. After getting in with the password, think I then had to confirm adding the watch to my cart, then maybe asked for name in the first field, which prefilled the address details as well. After confirming that was the credit card details, prefilled as soon as I started filling the first required field, just have to enter the CVV which wasn't saved. Confirm by clicking maybe a couple more things, and think that was it! Best I can recall anyway sorry.

        • Great thanks! and congrats!

        • was the password youth&streetwear ? I got invalid password, but it could have been because it was already expired.

  • +1

    Congratulations to the winners!! Personally I froze and didn't even realize Volley is name of a brand…

    • +8

      took me a good 20 second to get what the question wanted

      • I searched and found it then had no idea how to figure out what category it was in lol

      • Same! 😭
        I had googled it instead of searching it. Clearly I don't do well under pressure 😅😂

  • +2

    Got the watch:

    Order summary
    Apple Watch × 1 $4.00
    Subtotal $4.00
    Shipping $0.00
    Total $4.00 AUD

    The $4 charge is pending on CC and got the confirmation email pending review.

    • +2

      Hide your order number or they'll cancel your order for being a "professional".

    • haha got the watch too pending review order

    • I don't think you should share your order number here - just to be safe.

      • +1

        Thanks, yeah good idea, removed it already.

    • Looks like a series 0 Apple Watch too.
      From what I can see??

    Buy a $100 Prezzee eGift Card, get a bonus $10 eGift Card. Limited offer

    You can then swap the $100 and bonus $10 for any other card available on Prezzee

    • huh…?

      • Just copy pasted one of the deals. There are several Prezzee deals, but this seems to be the best cos it's a gift card to Prezzee, and then you can swap for something like a Wish gift card etc. Either search Prezzee or gift card

        • so not related to Click Frenzy…

          • @Cisco123: It's on the click frenzy website, can only access from the click frenzy website (can't find it directly on prezzee)… I thought this page is general discussion for click frenzy (not just the go wild)?

            • +1

              @Akya: sorry didn't realize that. got one. thanks.

  • +3

    Next email

    Dyson Hairdryer $5 CLUE Between 10 and 11pm

    Bunnings $200 Vouchers $2 CLUE Between 10 and 11pm

    Garmin Dash Cam $3 CLUE Between 6 and 7am (Tomorrow)

    Echo Dot $1 CLUE Between 6:30 and 7:30am (Tomorrow)…

  • +5

    Next 4 Items:


    • Bunnings $200 Vouchers for $2, 10 and 11pm
    • Dyson Hairdryer for $5, 10 and 11pm
    • Garmin Dash Cam for $3, 6 and 7am (Wednesday)
    • Echo Dot for $1, 6:30 and 7:30am (Wednesday)
    • Does this mean there will be no 99% deals between 11pm - 6am tomorrow?

      • +1

        If it's anything like the past, then they usually stop at 11 or so and resume in the morning.

  • Where the hell was the sub category? Couldn’t see it on mobile.. clicked on it which took me to the volley website with the categories sneakers/adult sneakers/internationals

    • youth&streetwear

    • You had to find the category it was listed under on the clickfrenzy page. It was Fashion > Youth & Streetwear.

    • In one of the tabs under ‘FASHION’. In this case, “youth&streetwear” which was also the password to the store site. It’s much easier to do it on PC devices.

  • +1

    What is the point when they let bots through? Might have better luck with the Nigerian guy that emailed me earlier…

    • +2

      Sounds like someone missed out.

      • Of course, totally missed it! Seconds to minutes…how can I compete with single digits :)

        • +2

          There aren't bots guessing the password if that's what you're wondering.

          • @askbargain: In true whinger style…must be insiders then! :P

          • @askbargain: There's no way a bot could guess the password. Kudos to ClickFrenzy to finally making it near impossible for bots. Hackers on the hand…

            • +1

              @oodian: Nothing stopping someone from making more than 1 order with bots though.

              • @askbargain: Good point… Guess there's no easy way to stop bots but at least its a little harder this year.

              • @askbargain: yes there is. they have a one item per household per year rule. they check each address after the event and dq you if you have more than 1 gowild item. Next complaint please

                • @johnwinkle: If only there's some kind of technology that let's you enter a different shipping address. Hmmm. NEXT!

                  • @askbargain: enlighten me how a bot can have multiple shipping addresses. also they check ip addresses too.

                    • @johnwinkle: You clearly have no knowledge about bots.

                      • @askbargain: great answer to the question you can't answer!

                        • @johnwinkle: Not wasting anymore time arguing with a rock.

                          • @askbargain: amazing you commented so many times and didnt give a single explanation of how the bots could circumnavigate the measures

                            • @johnwinkle: Alright, I won't go into much detail but I hope this will help you.

                              The shipping addresses are just text input boxes. Bot just has to enter a different address each time. Similar to how the government sends out postal votes. Unless… they did that by hand??

                              IP addresses aren't hard to fake. Use a VPN or proxy to change it. You could also use 4G or run it on a server on a cloud.

                              • @askbargain: Firstly you need a separate shipping address every time they order something so regardless of how many bots you have the difficult part is finding a new shipping address. How would someone get more than a few addresses at most

                                Also it takes time for the person to firstly figure out the clue, then set up their bots to utilise the clue, go through the whole process, and switch vpns and repeat the process.

                                In these sales there's only a few stock and most and you're underestimating how quick humans are, a few humans would probably sell out all of the stock before you can even get one or two runs on a bot

                                • @johnwinkle: I can't help you with the shipping address issue, but it definitely isn't an issue. A bot is definitely faster humans. It seems you're underestimating what a bot can do. Yes, the person needs to figure out the answer like I said in one of my previous comments. After that, it's just telling the bot the password and then the bot would do the rest. Of course, someone would need to write the code for the bot.

            • +1

              @oodian: Click Frenzy had the Shopify system a while ago, up till 2017 Click Frenzy Go Wild. During this mid year's Click Frenzy, they used their own system which was utterly broken. Very happy they've gone back to Shopify otherwise I would not have bothered.

            • +2

              @oodian: There could be a chance. My attempt would be to set up a python script that would scan for any updates in the fi-cloud class. The script will then analysis the question through a bunch of true or false statement. For example, if it was a subcategory question ignore the first capital word and scan for the next capital word. If its a brand ignore and go to the next. Then search for the word in the search-bar class. Then using regex it can compact the correct work and copy it ready for pasting. Or if it's an image question you can use Bixby AI to scan for images, based on the tag inputted and return the result.

              But all this requires time, and you have to know the types of question asked.

              There are also a few bots that can already give you the correct answers in trivia game apps within 10 sec using AI. So maybe the use of bots is possible? IDK

    • Unsure how it works this year but in 2016 someone used a programmed bot to get the $1 Xbox, which was eventually detected by Click Frenzy so they ended up emailing the next in line for the deal to give them the Xbox for free instead.
      Perhaps that's why they're using the password this year to prevent same shit from happening

  • +3

    FYI - Reverse image search would reveal the Apple Watch to be the Series 4 44mm GPS + Cellular with White Sport Band.…

    • +1

      thank you! been trying to compare watches haha

  • +2

    that password didnt work for me….

  • I'm guessing they're only going to have one laptop. There seems to be a few apple watches.

    • it'll be a very old model Macbook Air so I would imagine they'll have a few.

  • did anyone got the watch? just want to see how this work. first frenzy

    • few posts back there is a few explanations from people as to what they did and what details they had to enter.
      in short - alert appears at the top (must be signed in)
      -read the clue, click on the link. while thats opening, find the answer to the clue
      -answer to clue = password, which is entered on the next page
      -add item to card
      -fill in details (email, name, address and c/card)
      -checkout and confirm

      • +1

        Pro tip, just have open so you don't have to click the link.

      • add to cart* not card

    • As in the comments above, I got one, as did about 5 others on here at least. Read through the comments for a better idea of how it works.

      • i understood most of that, just then when i put password in early on it didnt work thats all

  • How much is that hair dryer worth?

    • +1

      approx $500 from memory, sometimes on special for $450

    • +1

      $499 I think based on a Google search.

    • Thanks guys…it must be some special hair dryer for that price.

      • +1

        dyson is usually expensive haha. Haven't tried the dryer personally but its meant to not cause damage and dry fast ect

  • youth&streetware didn't work for me

    • +6

      wear* and it expired.

  • Anybody knows the password? I try youth&streetwear and it does not work.

    • expired

      • -1

        how to get the current working password?

        • It's sold out

        • it's sold out? you can't get it working. If you miss it, you miss it, move on

  • +1

    when it expired it will just tell you password wrong?

    • from my understanding, yes. That's what they indicated on their twitter page anyways

      • thanks

    • If you're quite early but not early enough, you may be enough to pull through and get to the product page but it'll display as 'SOLD OUT'. If you're late then the password will not work and it has in fact been changed to suit another product.

  • Any other good deals apart from the gowild ones?

  • is there any quicker way to fill in address details etc or is it a copy and paste type setup ready to go?

    • have it set up for autofill in your browser.

    • Use autofill?

  • +4

    whoa. bunnings went quick :'(

    • +1

      It went so quick!

  • +9

    Got the Bunnings voucher!

    • +1


  • +1


    Spotlight's "Jolly & Joy Tree Ornaments, Wreaths" includes garlands and what?

    2018-11-13 22:07:03

    ANSWER: wreaths

    But gone already.

    • +2

      Weird. I put 'stockings' and it accepted it but sold out?

    • answer was stockings

    • I had stockings as the answer.

    • Whoops sorry I meant to type stockings, did that a little too fast.

  • +1

    Haha. Got the bunnings vouchers within the few seconds. Clicked through. Sold out! Gold!

  • good job, do i need to autofill this or for getting them

  • Man… the Bunnings voucher sold out QUICK~! I recon some people get the page loading quicker than others….

  • +2


  • +1

    Answer Was : stockings

    ffs so quick

  • damn you adsl2

  • +1

    My internet is so garbage, it took me more than a minute just for the search result to come up lol

  • +1

    Order confirmed for $200 bunnings voucher

  • I was fixing my settings up.. damn

    • Was doing the same thing in Chrome.. haha.

      • +1

        I was moving my widescreen monitor to rotate to have dual browsers open, damn my timing!

  • +1

    I think a lot of people didn't know what they were suppose to do when the first one came out. Check the FB page - hundreds of people were asking what to do. So I assume people have now learnt what to do.

  • +1

    I put "stockingsandmore" and "stockingsandmore!" before I tried "stockings". Damn my overthinking.

  • Where's my Dyson!!!!! I need to blow my hair!

  • anyone track how quick that one was? wasnt watching at all

  • I think its going to be too hard now people have worked it out.

    Might as well call it an early night haha

    • +6

      Sure thats what you want us to think ;)

  • do you have to refresh the page for the notification to come up?

    • no it comes up both times for me.

      • Took 10 seconds or so on mine :(

        • yeah not sure when/how long it appears, but no luck as of yet:)

  • Order confirmed for $200 Bunnings voucher, but I got my postcode mixed up. Address is a business address though. ARGH only hope they still send it.. otherwise ALL FOR NOTHING!

  • +4

    OzBargain needs an IRC server/channel-like service attached to these forum posts, so we can read it in real time ;)

    • I'd be keen to setup a Discord channel for us all to use! ozbargain live chat

      • technically there is a discord but it's pretty vacant, feels like we could use a more "official" one to draw in people.

  • Guys whats strange is that even though it states the deal should appear on the hour, mine currently appear with these times:
    2018-11-13 22:07:03

    2018-11-13 21:15:06

    I assume this is the time the notification came through for me.
    Is everyone else seeing real late push notifications?

    • That's right - the deals are within an hour range rather than on the dot.

    • where does it say the deal should appear on the hour?

      • +2

        yeah, just assumed so.. but understand now that it could arrive at any time within the hour. Watch, the Dyson will be released at 10:59 :)

        • you're getting close…

    • We all have the same times released ;)

    • they dont do it on the dot so they dont ddos themselves. they give a 1 hour range and its randomly during the range

  • damnit :(

  • +12

    Waits for 10:59 patiently.

  • +1

    6mins… yikes this is gonna be so competitive lol

    • Yeh this will be home in seconds

  • What is the code on the deal advertising a biolite firepit.

    • +1


    • Fk, Sold out lol

    • That was the question. I tried to copy/paste/post quickly to alert everyone :)

      I missed it :/

  • Ridiculous

    Edit: was in within 5 seconds and all gone

  • +2

    This one was tricky.
    Code was 'clickfrenzy', remember; no caps!


    What is the code on the deal advertising a biolite firepit.

    That aside, ORDER CONFIRMED!

  • sold out. blah why did i bother?


    Didnt get it FFS

  • Damn sold out :(

  • sold out

  • Not even 15 seconds in and sold out….

  • +1

    gone in 30 seconds, didn't even get the chance to put in my shipping address…

  • too fast to be true

  • +1

    Sold out in 10 seconds…

  • +2

    I reckon they only had one

  • +1

    thought i was gonna snatch one for sure, nahhh

  • Added to cart and typed in shipping details then sold out… always next time

  • holy moly that was quick

  • +1

    bloody chrome covered their shipping address auto select with its own and screwed me up lol

  • +3

    Now I get to go to bed with a nice adrenaline rush!

  • This is such a load of rubbish! was sold out in under 10 seconds? really?

  • i didnt even get the bloody notification until 2 mins after…

  • The code wasnt coming up for me :( dont know why until a min to late.

  • This should be a competitive sport. Happily though, I managed to grab the hairdryer… let's see what actually turns up once the order is finalised.

  • +3

    got the hairdryer :)

  • Set up chrome with prefilled address and forgot to add email! so nothing got prefilled and I got confused and didn't even get to the payment details. Bah. Probably wouldn't have won, but annoying to sit for an hour and fail for such a stupid reason…

  • +1

    It came out around 10:58:17 PM (at least for me) and was gone really quick

    • Mine says 22:58:05 on the notification. Still no luck. Did others get different times?

  • +3

    I'm not sure if this counts as entertainment, but it kept me occupied. Congrats to all the winners! Hopefully I'll have some luck tomorrow!

    Good night!

  • +3

    58 minutes of waiting and it paid off! Got the email confirmation "pending review". I didn't have to enter any of my details (address or credit card) because I already entered it for the Bunnings voucher (clicked complete order and it sold out in that time).

    That may help anyone with the remaining deals. Good luck!

    • +1

      Oooh that sounds like an idea! The only problem with that is you need checkout before it goes to sold out, but not fast enough that you win the item (assuming you don't want the item)

      • Luckily for me I would have been happy with either the Bunnings voucher or the blowdryer. Blowdryer will make a great gift for the wife for Christmas!

        • Did you win both? Apparently you can only win one item per household :o

          • @botftw: Nah, I narrowly missed out on the Bunnings voucher. That's correct, only one deal per household. So, now I'm done for this year.

            • @meriyas: Congrats! Hair dryer is way better dude.

  • +1

    Wow. My notification just came through
    Was wondering what everyone was talking about

  • +1

    I don't bother with these, but massive props to all the players and winners, pretty awesome to see the excitement in here!

  • +1

    ORDER CONFIRMED! Missus will be happy! (I hope)
    I missed out on the Bunnings voucher, needing to type in CVV number on credit card, however after adding Dyson to cart and checking out, CC details were saved (including CVV), clicked confirm and CONFIRMED!

    I thought the slight pause when looking at my CC details and wondering why i didnt have the option to put in CVV would cost me but it didnt.
    I had details input via auto fill in Google Chrome for those wondering.

    Hope this helps someone snag a deal.

  • What payment methods are accepted for the Go Wild deals?

    • just cc

    • Visa and Mastercard (not sure about amex, Paypal is a no)

  • Is anyone else getting the password incorrect notification? I'm putting in the correct passwords!

    • +1

      Yeh it means you were way to slow and the deal finished.

    • +1

      it's too late

      • Cool, thanks guys much appreciated… maybe they could change their notification to haha you're too slow instead!!

  • Thank god none of the 99% deals interest me this year, don't have to waste my time.

  • Can someone please point out how it was "clickfrenzy" its late and I'm tired…..

    • the description of the firepit was

      Control flames with your phone on the almost smokeless fire pit & hibachi grill. Code: CLICKFRENZY

      • +1

        Right… Don't do half screen people… The important bit was missing on mine :-!

  • Anyone know of good Health Insurance deals please?

  • Was in but got delayed cause I realised I needed to fill in my email as well in the checkout screen lol. Next page showed it sold out. Definitely didn’t take more than 20 seconds from the moment it popped up at 22:58.05 to it selling out

  • +3

    Woo got a dash cam! :D

    • +2

      me too :D

      • +2

        The early bird gets the worm

      • Answer plz

        • platypus

          • @oodian: Thanks mate but sold out :-(:-(:-(

  • +1

    Scored a dash cam!

    Thank you to everyone posting their tips and advice earlier :D

  • Hi, anyone know what are the next few deals?

  • Got an Amazon echo! Answer was wanderer

    • +1

      I put wanderer and it said incorrect so tried bcf also incorrect wtf :(

      • Same. I was on to it within seconds of it hitting too. Wtf.

      • Password expired if it is sold out

        • If that is the case it must have sold out in under 30 seconds from the notification being displayed. Oh well.

          • @xyzzs: Any news on the next deal will be?

            • @Markhill: No idea, I was just watching the page when the Amazon Echo deal popped.

  • I got an Echo dot but I feel disappointed lol

    • Echo dot is $79 on amazon. It's a great device

  • +4

    $300 Webjet Vouchers $3

    CLUE: Between 8 and 9am

    GHD Hair Straightener $2

    CLUE:Between 8:30 and 9:30am

    Beats Solo3 Headphones $4

    CLUE: Between 9 and 10am

    Nintendo Switch $5

    CLUE: Between 10 and 11am

    Click Frenzy Visa Cards $1

    CLUE: Between 10:30 and 11:30am

    iPad Miniwi-fi 128GB $5

    CLUE: Between 11 and 12pm

    • +1

      Gg those of us who work :(

      • there are deals up to 7pm later today

  • Just a reminder:

    The limit of purchases for the entire duration of the Click Frenzy Go Wild sale (between 7pm AEST November 13, 2018 and 7pm AEST November 14, 2018) is one item per user and one item per household. Once any item is ordered during the 24 hour period, the limit for that user/household has been reached. Any purchases made in contravention of any such applicable restrictions or conditions may be cancelled by Click Frenzy and any monies refunded.

    • Yeh good luck I bet there are plenty of scum trying to order to friends/family houses etc :( there's always the small minority.

      • According to an earlier poster, they use IP to trace users. It's really not worth the risk if you won something.

        • most people have dynamic ip


    Search through the Outdoor, Auto & BBQ category and Fill the gap: "Love your leisure time? Then trust ________ to provide protection for your vehicle.

    2018-11-14 08:13:03

    • Answer: coverall

      Made it through checkout then took forever to verify my card. Completed order then sold out :-(

    • sold out coverall

  • Webjet Voucher
    Password was Coverall
    I got till the checkout but credit card prefill did not work. And then went out of stock :(
    Do you have to fill your card details manually?

    • no. Autofill

    • -2

      That'd be great if they've managed to disable autofill and copy n paste would make it alot mroe fair

      • what's stopping u from using autofill and copy and paste?

        • Websites can choose to disable it

  • When I was doing mine I was able to autofill. Using Chrome

  • I had the webjet voucher in my cart but when i clicked cart it said was empty?

    • Was your answer coverall? It keeps telling me I have the wrong answer.

      • +1

        Coverall was the answer. Was in my cart but when i went to check out said cart was empty?

        • Sorry to hear that mate. Don't think there is much chance of them reimbursing you unfortunately.

        • +2

          that's because it got sold out before you could check out

          • +2

            @johnwinkle: Darn. I thought once it was in your cart it was yours. Gotta be quicker next time i guess 🤔

  • Is anybody else unable to enter the Go Wild password correctly? The answer is clearly coverall but it keeps telling me I have entered the wrong password.

    • +1

      Sold out

    • +1

      It's over. Sold out. The password will not work. They change it for the next one

      • Ah okay. I knew it would have been sold out because I was late but I wanted to make sure I knew how it worked for further offers. Good to know thanks for the response.

  • +1

    Got an order confirmation but found out I didn't use the email address I used when I logged into Click Frenzy website. Anyone had the same issue?

  • -8

    Guys could I please ask for your vote? I'm one of the 30 Iron Shoppers and desperately need to win $50K by 7pm tonight. (partner just had back surgery and I'm skint)

    I'm Andrea Myles, the redhead 5th row from the bottom.

    Free hugs to all voters. Lemme know if you did!

  • +2


    • in my rush, i made a spelling mistake! >.<

  • +1

    that's so quick!!! about to checkout then it said sold out :(

    • +2

      The story of clickfrenzy for the past few years

  • Hi, just want to confirm that if you have won a deal, you are not able to try and get another one?

    • yes

    • Check the previous page comments down the bottom. I posted this.

  • i think i develop double vision for that bell now…

    • +1

      If only that bell makes a sound

  • sold out just when i pressed checked out, missed :(

    • same

  • +4

    Vote up if all you see today was the bell image

    • +1

      what is worK?

  • newyork

  • +1

    that was tricky, london was 10% off as well, not only new york

    • and so was malaysia!

      • yep, I tried all three… :[

    • +1

      it was one of the frontpage deals, didn't even need to go into the travel category

      • Yes you are right!

  • +2

    The Beats Solo3 Wireless On Ear Headphones wasn't specific enough. Although I did not try out because I've already purchased the Dyson Hairdryer; I still believe it would have been difficult for most of you.

    However the code was targeted at Cathay Pacific's 10% off Economy Flights to Tokyo, Hong Kong and New York.

    • +1

      this offer was in homepage sliding image if anyone noticed carefully. I searched first wasted time and then realised that. Too late

      • What do you mean by too late

        • too late for me to purchase, was sold out before i pressed check out

  • 1000AM-1100AM Nintendo Switch $5

    1030AM-1130AM Click Frenzy Visa Cards $1

    1100AM-1200AM iPad Mini Wi-Fi 128GB $5

    • are there no more 99% sales after 12am?

      • +1

        They haven't been sent out yet, but there is meant to be a macbook for $15 at some point. I don't think it has come out yet.

        • +1

          The MacBook will most definitely be the last item and also be the most limited I'd guess less than 5.

      • Last night they only mentioned up until the Echo dot, and the ones above was an email sent two hours ago.

        There's a few that haven't been on sale yet looking at the OP, so they'll probably send another email out in a few hours with the next batch of deals.

        Edit: So looks like the next batch is:

        Macbook Air 13”
        GHD Hair Straightner
        Go Pro Hero 7
        Garmin Dash Cam

        • +1

          They already did the GDH and Dash Cam;

          8 more hours and still to go:
          iPad Mini (11am - 12pm) $5
          GoPro Hero 7 $4
          MacBook Air $15
          LG Soundbar $3
          65" Smart TV $16
          DJI Trello Drone $1
          UE MegaBoom 3 $3
          $200 Gift Card $2

  • +2

    I'll try for the switch then give up for this year.

    • same

  • -2

    Hey guys I found the code, for beats but how do you enter it, tried it 20 times but still failed

    • it's over

  • +3

    this is just impossible!!!!!

    • +1

      I know right, it's like they only sell things well below cost for advertising.

  • Hate when I hit IronShopper and it lags… get a mini heart-attack

  • With the Click Frenzy Visa Gift Card is it a prepaid credit card or is it a gift card you have to use it on the clickfrenzy website?

  • samsung. (profanity)!

    • This was ridiculous.

  • I guessed android :))

  • +1

    Switch was way too quick.
    Answer to it was samsung

  • thought it was android, then tried samsung! added to card went to submit and out of stock :(

    • I didn't even get as far as adding my card, it was sold out already. I made the same mistake thinking it would be android /o\

    • There might have been only the one. I didn't even get to add it to the cart (not that would have made me feel better, sorry) =(

    • Same for like 3 deals already, has anyone actually got a deal

  • +1

    AH! My internet is not fast enough for this… !!

  • the add does not show up when searching ozsale! had to search for refurbished apple to find it. Could have probably guessed it.. didn't even get to add it to the cart.

    • click phone subcategory and it was the top ad

  • samsung

  • +3

    Actually made it to the product page this time…progress!

  • Deals are going out super quick this year. I think most people have faster internet now and are more prepare than previously.

  • Yes, same here - made it to the product page, I'm guessing it took me about 1 minute, maybe 1.5 mins from the time of the notification until I logged in, but already… sold out! Crazy. Must have to get password, log in, add to cart, and check out fully within 20 seconds to win… lol!

  • +1

    People are extremely fast this year. Must be perfect or else no product dang

  • absolute waste of time. nothing more than those 90% of rug sales scams for the masses

    • Not a waste of time if you get something

  • I wonder how many Switches they had… comment if you got one guys

  • I wonder how many of each product there are? That would be useful to know.. if it is like 10 items, not worth trying.

    • I think only 1-2 per item

      • With the Dyson worth $500 I think there were like 5 people on here that won that. So possibly around 10-20 per item?

        • They may have got through but it is still pending for approval.

  • +4

    It is nearly impossible if you are trying to win using a phone

  • Nintendo Switch just came back in stock for a few seconds

    • People that won them didn't like them, so they returned them already? (lol)

  • +2

    Switch restocked for a few seconds and i managed to nab one then :) I recommend a page monitor for everyone trying to get the deals!

    • LOL WHAT THE. WOW. Haha.

    • Good tip. If we get through, might be worth keeping the page open and refreshing - see if stock comes back online.

    • I wonder if its against T&C's/ if they will cancell orders.

      "use any software, routines or code (for example, bots or scraper tools) or other automatic devices to systematically access, monitor, copy, extract…."

    • I didn't have page monitor and was just refreshing the product page. i got booted out after maybe 5 tries and when i try to key in the password again, it is not showing as incorrect. it seems like there is a limited number of refresh before you're booted out so use them wisely!

    • If it restocked that definitely sounds like a glitch in their system. All purchases are pending.

  • +1

    Managed to get the Switch. I guessed samsung. Details were added already. That was quick!

  • +1

    Got one! $100 Visa Gift Card

    • nice one, it's really quick

    • Good work! I couldn't figure out the animal?? Seal, no, dolphin, no, merlin, no..??

      • penguin lol

      • It was a penguin!

      • penguin lol

    • Nice

  • Are these showing up at the same time for everyone? I just refreshed page and it was then showing notification but sold out. Then I see comment above about someone getting 2 minutes ago. Should I refresh page to avoid a potential delay in the notification?

    • I was spam opening the notifications, but i dont think it is necessary.

  • Notifications have stopped working for me unless I refresh the page and then they show up. Stupid work computer ain't playing ball.

  • that went very fast…bloody penguin

  • got the $100 :)

  • Notification showed up for me but penguin wasn't the correct answer…

    • +1

      you were probably too late.

  • Has the macbook happened yet?

    • nope

    • Not yet. scroll up and see what hamza wrote to see the deals that have already happened.

      • Thx

    • not yet

  • Thanks

  • +1

    egyptian and sold out

    I got to add to cart, and it was sold out before able to enter any details..

  • iPad gone…

  • Sold out iPad Mini, answer was egyptian.

  • Legit must have been 1-5 available

  • I wrote eqyption 😭😭😭

  • Ipads gone!!

  • The MacBook and the $200 gift card are the only things left aren't they?

    • Gopro also

    • And the GoPro 7

  • gone too quick!

  • +1

    they seem to add a few but they're gone as quickly as i click add to cart. :(

  • sold out just as i finished entering my CVV and hit enter… FML

  • What are the next deals time?

  • I was literally on the checkout for the iPad however I wasn't fast enough. What information is required at checkout? (May have accidentally closed the tab xd)

    • email, name, address, phone and credit card details

      • Cheers.
        Does PayPal work too? Don't keep my CC details saved in my browser.

        • PayPal has been removed this year, it has to be CC details unfortunately. It really helps to have your card info saved in the browser.

          • @meriyas: Oh damn. thanks for letting me know

  • Is anything coming now after ipad? no email yet. Maybe they'll wait until tonight.

  • how do you know what the password will be?

  • +10

    Upcoming for those wondering:

    $6 - Roomba Robot Vacuum CLUE: Between 12:30 and 1:30pm

    $2 - $200 Visa Cards CLUE: Between 1 and 2pm

    $3 - LG Soundbar 300W CLUE: Between 1:30 and 2:30pm

    $4 - GoPro Hero7 CLUE: Between 3 and 4pm

    $3 - UE Megaboom 3 CLUE: Between 4 and 5pm

    Seems like macbook will be near the end of the event

    • Thanks sixcurve!

      • no problem, good luck all

  • managed to nab one of the ipad minis, but still crushed about missing out on the switch; if anyone who got the switch is keen to swap, let me know hahaha

    • Ipad was the one thing I really wanted, to replace mine with a shattered screen. Got to checkout and sold out at end.

      Damn you :P

    • PM me

  • -2

    Overhyped sale!

  • forgot putting in cvv :(

  • My credit card started processing for the Roomba then it was sold out.

    • how did you know the password?

      • 'twas shipping

        • where did you find the password? trying to figure how this is working, - first attempt!

          edit found it on the notifications!

    • Well I guess everyone remember the giant banner on home page with free shipping written

      • I actually had to search it, probably would've got it if I just guessed shipping.

  • +2

    Oh cool, guess I have a roomba now for my tiny ass apartment lmao

  • +2


  • shipping, sold out

  • i can not believe it, click completed order and now what?? Out of stock!!!!

  • +1

    You guys are competing against others who are using scripts to pre-fill the checkout fields.

    • +1

      The only thing I haven't got pre-filled is CVV.

    • +2

      you can get everything prefilled without using any scripts and just using google autofill lol

  • +3

    i got into payment method for 4-5 deals, finally got a successful one in the roombas

  • +2

    hopefully all the fast typers got their share already and leave the macbook for us mere mortals…

    • Hopefully all the *unemployed

  • is that normal that it says password incorrect if they run OOS?

    • Yup, you’re quite late.

    • Yep, so it goes like this:

      1) They send notification
      2) +10 seconds later, you log in
      3) -5 seconds Goes out of stock
      4) +3 mins later, they change password
      5) Repeat above steps for the next item

  • FWIW:

    You can only get one item per household. In that case when you are reviewed post the event, only the first item purchased will be shipped. Hope this makes sense. Fred


  • Has anyone scored anything?

    Both myself and my boyfriend scored the $5 Nintendo Switch. Christmas is sorted lol

    • +2

      hope you put in a separate shipping address as what above comment states.

    • +1

      hope you didnt put the same address for both orders, congrats!

      • Both seperate card details and addresses. No rookie errors here

        • +1

          Hope you have different IP addresses because I got pinged last year and missed out on both.

          • @whall15: really???? they even get to that point just to catch out dupes?

            • @angelkulit025: Yes they log your IP address so if you bought from the same internet connection then expect to have one cancelled. If you did it from separate locations sounds like you'd be ok.

            • @angelkulit025: yep. it's weird since it excludes any public network like a uni or office

          • @whall15: A rookie error may have been made… lol

            • +1

              @themessenger: Yeah last year I won the $100 fitness tracker thing for a dollar.

              Then from that and a few other listings I figured out how they generated the links for each listing (they were the exact same as Harvey Norman including random numbers).

              So from there I guessed the link for the TV and had it automatically refreshing every 10 seconds. It changed from a 404 error to having it loaded about 5 minutes before they put the banner ad on their website. I had it in the cart and ready to go before the code popped up, just waiting for the code to fill in, I did it and then I won.

              I was very impressed with my ingenuity until two weeks later, both orders with different email addresses, names, and cards get cancelled.

    • did you send it to the same shipping address and/or use the same ip? it's one item per household per year only

    • I just asked on their twitter for you.

  • Is it just random on what item you might get the chance to grab? As i only received three clues to items. Cheers

    Can anyone help me on this? Would love to know Thanks :)

  • +1

    Got a $200 gift card for $2.

  • +1

    f*** visa cards Sold ouT!!!

  • martens,

    Got to fill in CC details this time! Still missed out though.

  • Dr martenssssssssss damnit

  • Dang, google didnt autofill my card!

  • +2

    dammit i put in dr comfort!

    • me to! then it was tooooooooooooooooo late! lol

  • literally can't hope to beat those using autofill :( so annoying

  • Märtens, i don't know whats the best search keyword for that :))

    • I searched dr footwear

    • "dr" and it comes up lol

  • +1

    ugh I give up on this :/

  • -1

    So will the soundbar be next?

    • +1


  • Does the "One item per household" apply to the whole event or just one item?

    E.g. Two Nintendo Switches are not allowed but different 99% sale items are allowed

    • no, only 1 99% item allowed per household. So if you win once you can't win any another

      • thank you for answering :)

    • Whole event. If you do secure more then one item - then they will only count the 1st purchase and reject any others.

      • can i ask you a question please…is it just random what item you get to secure or do you get a chance at all of them cause since yesterday I only got clues for some of them. cheers

        • clues are in the OP

        • +1

          you get a chance at all of them, everyone is supposed to get notifcations for all the products at the same time

  • basketball

  • basketball gone added to cart but sold out

  • basketball……and it's gone

  • Had it in basket aaaannnddd its gone ha

  • This is frustrating, but fun as hell

  • Are we thinking the GoPro will be White, Silver or Black model coming up next?

    • you can see from the email it's the white version (1440p)

      • Ah okay, thanks. I won't beat myself up too much if I miss it then.

        • +1

          Was silver

  • +3

    (profanity) this. I haven't done any work today.

    • -1

      well that's the point of this scam isn't it =)

    • +2

      well you better win a (profanity) 99% deal to make it worth it then

  • anyone know what happens to the orders that get cancelled? do the items get reraffled?

  • +8

    From click frenzy Facebook:

    We’re excited to reveal that the Click Frenzy event will be live for an additional one hour this evening!

    After receiving extraordinary levels of traffic during the launch yesterday, we understand the site was not accessible for a brief period. We want to make this time up to you, our awesome Click Frenzy shoppers!

    We are working with all our participating retailers to ensure as many deals as possible will be available right up until 8pm

    In addition, 2 massive Go Wild deals will go live in this final hour! The exact details will be revealed this evening, but we can confirm the two products retail for over $1,000 each and will be on offer for a fraction of that cost!

  • +1

    Is this getting poached by bots? or are that many people really that fast?

    • +1

      Honestly, that was over in 10 seconds

    • Lots of people and very limited stock on most deals by the sounds of it

    • I typed the right answer for the GoPro in less than 2 seconds and still sold out. Srsly wtf…

    • that was probably even faster than bots :P

  • Oh wow, I thought I was quick that time, as soon as it popped up, searched the term, guessed the spelling right first go but no… not quick enough.

  • jeez, chrome messed up my card, then i forgot ccv. rip

  • +1

    kept putting kardashians instead of kardashian,, BS!

    • lmao same

  • +1

    GoPro 7 Sold Out. Answer was kardashian.

  • dang go pro was a quick one sold out. I've clicked pay but didn't end up well :(

  • Got all the way to submitting my card details and placing my order… sold out!!! So frustrating argh

    • don't worry, it wasn't your fault, it happen to me 4 times…clickfrenzy only have 0 stock..

  • +1

    really poorly timed fire drill in my office taking me away from my computer at go pro time!

  • Guessed the answer and got it in my cart and through to checkout…..
    bam sold out :’(

  • +1

    lol this is bs, i would like to know someone from here who actually got one of the deals. Seems like a scam to me.

    • It might be a scam and no one is actually getting anything.

      • its not a scam i got something, but after like 4-5 attempts

    • read a few pages before, someone post the screenshot that they got the item

    • +1

      I provisionally got the hairdryer this year - but still need to pass the checks before it's actually confirmed.
      Last year I got the iPad Pro and received it.
      I'm not posting the confirmation screen just incase they decide to cancel it

    • Last year i got $100 myer gift card, but i don't think you will get more than $100, specially gopro, apple watch, tv, etc…

      Yes, it seems like a scam, because no one know who actually got it. And they can cancell your order if they dont have the item.

      I think $100 gift card,it just a bait

    • I received the google home last year and it arrived as promised. Worth $200

  • this time I didnt know what the answer is, dont know them at all

  • I put in the answer after it was sold out. 😭

  • +3

    Disappointment Frenzy

  • +3

    I got the GoPro7 :D

    • +1

      But they got sold out in like 10 seconds.

      • +1

        Right after I bought it, I went to the page and it was Sold Out. It's crazy! I think that what helped me was that I knew the answer to the question, so I could answer it quickly.

        • still a scam until you prove it

    • +2

      welcome member since an hour ago…

  • -5

    Is the new deal out???

  • +1

    already won one prize but want to go for those 2 final hour prizes :(
    oh well have fun guys will see yall next frenzy

  • +7
    • 5:00pm-6:00pm - $100 Bunnings Voucher - $1
    • 6:00pm-7:00pm - DJI Tello Drone - $1
    • 7:00pm-8:00pm - Macbook Air 13" - $15
    • 7:00pm-8:00pm - Sony 65" UHD Smart TV - $18
    • Wonder how many TV's Sony has given…? Surely low single figures?!

      Edit: also TV while awesome such a waste of postage costs for them haha they should have offered a camera/ps4 or something small. Unless customer pays postage?

      • probably 1 TV.

        • Tbh they should have to disclose number of items :(

    • macnook air link?

  • I scored a gift card earlier in the day… but I was at uni.

    Catching up on the comments, I may not get it because of the IP address? Should have paid more attention dammit.

    • Why would you be denied? Have u already won something before that?

      • I haven't, but someone else on the same internet connection may have.

  • endotaspa, all sold out

  • +3

    No way there isn't bots

    • +1

      literally 3 seconds sold out…

  • that went in 5 seconds.

  • UE Megaboom OOS at Checkout again…that's like the 4~5 times now haha

  • Missed it

  • haha this time I managed to get into payments, getting ready for that TV…

  • +2

    Damn so close.. apparently my CC details saved had expired and had to re-enter :(

  • Go to entering CCV and sold out ffs

  • +1


    Literally knew the answer, typed it in and already out of stock (15 seconds)

  • The "Alert" seems to take ~40 seconds to appear in my opinion, so smashing refresh might be the next plan!

  • +2

    It's actually sad because you just know someone has a bot set up for this there is no way that a human can submit it that fast my gf new the answer exactly and we were at payment details within 5 seconds.

    • yeah I wonder how much of these are bait and switch

    • how would they setup a bot? they would have to know the answers prior to the release of the hint

      • I mean one for once you have entered the password, like auto fills and clicks and everything

        • That already happens automatically in your browser, no bots required…

    • Well some people are really fast

  • +1

    lol, 100% a scam, the notification showed up, 30 seconds for the password, its sold out.. seems legit

    • +2

      30 seconds is way too slow, when i was took me <5 seconds flat and still barely got in

  • +1

    Got "UE Megaboom 3", got email with "Order confirmation - pending review"

    • show us a screenshot for us to believe you.

      • Click frenzy runs this competition every year. Lots of winners on this forum, myself included (previous years - nothing yet this time!). It's very hard to win for obvious reasons, but hardly a scam. Just read through this thread to see lots and lots of winners.

        • You say plenty but I fail to see how there is more than 5 of each item MAX for it to sell out that quickly

      • I won the roomba, hoping they dont make an excuse to dq me.

        Shopping cart
        Product image Description Quantity Price
        Roomba R637 Robot Vacuum1
        Roomba R637 Robot Vacuum
        1 $6.00 Scroll for more items
        Cost summary
        Description Price
        Subtotal $6.00
        Shipping Free
        Total AUD $6.00

        Got to checkout for 4 deals until this one was the successful one.

        • -7

          I believe you but not anyone else.

          • @Doovik:

            They also gave a receipt on their store site but too much personal info on that one

            • -1

              @johnwinkle: okay, maybe this is not a scam but there is very slim chances of getting something and it is probably filled with click frenzy bots.

              • +1

                @Doovik: it's not a scam scam but it's still basically a bait and switch, there's insanely small supply so the 99.99% of people miss out and they hope these people will buy their worse deals

  • +6

    what is with this password crap?
    if i want to solve puzzles i'll play candy crush

    • lol, I agree

  • Nacho Nacho Man dm me

  • -15

    I have joined this forum to address all the skeptics. And also because all the complaints here are laughable.

    This is definitely not a scam. This frenzy alone, I have won 7 items - 1 last night and 6 today. I have attempted every item. Last frenzy I won 6 items including 2x tier-1 items. The frenzy before that, I only won a few gift cards (the cheapest + highest quantity).

    Each frenzy is different. I never win the first item, but will have it figured out afterwards. There is no botting, no software, no scripting, no hacking, no reading of source code. It is purely down to how quickly you can answer the question, and how efficient you are in the checkout phase. The whole process from notification to confirm purchase is sub 10 seconds. Small efficiencies determine if you will beat the other guy who knows the system. If you can't guess the clue within 3 seconds of notification, you may as well give up.

    TLDR; Stop complaining, you're too slow. WAY too slow.

    Also I am not associated with Click Frenzy.

    • +9

      You're lying because they only allow one item per household. Didn't need to read beyond your second paragraph

      • -3

        What's stopping you from registering 10 different households and corresponding details/ccs?

        • +5

          There's no way you have 10 shipping addresses and 10 credit cards and you need a vpn with 10 ip addresses. If you do obviously you're doing something illigimate while you say that there's no botting or software. Next!

          • -5

            @johnwinkle: You can change IPs without a VPN. You also can have 10 friends and family with 10 cc's. They won't flinch at a $2 purchase.

            • +3

              @Gina Ron: it's theoretically possible but obviously you didnt. please stop lying thanks

      • create a vpn to dodge the ip trace and create another account?

    • +10

      Hope you enjoy all of your multiple purchases being cancelled while others have missed out!

      • -3

        None were cancelled last Frenzy, all items received, fingers crossed for this Frenzy using the same methods.

  • Where does it say that it is sold. Because it just fails the password but does not stay sold out for me.

    • If you go past the password page, there is a shopping cart. It just says soldout.

      • Okay, thanks but I have never been there. If the product is sold will it say the password is wrong?

        • Yep, after it sells out the password changes, so if your seeing "wrong password", your going very slow.

        • I think after a few minutes after it's sold out they change the password to the next deals one so it'll come up as wrong password

  • +1

    southaustralia, sold out :P

    • I had it in my cart, too slow lol

  • +1

    I think I got the Bunnings voucher?

    Redeemable for snags?

  • +3

    Finally I got something as well. Won the Bunnings voucher :D

    • +9

      ironic with your dp that you linked us your home address and name and order number

      • woops…thanks for letting me know. gone down now

  • +2

    Guessed southaustralia as soon as the notification popped up, carted and entered CVV all within 10 seconds, and it said it was sold out.

  • Do they accept PayPal for the checkout?

    • +1

      No just cc

      • +1

        Cool, thank you.

  • +6

    Why are people asking for proof that someone else won? It's legit. They just don't have much stock. I got mine fair and square (pending review, fingers crossed). You just have to be really quick, with really fast internet.

  • +1

    Yeah this is virtually impossible to compete with. Are there multiple of the items available or just 1? Feels like there is just 1 up for grabs, right?

    • Multiple from the comments

  • I wonder if it the closest to the server gets in first?

  • After a day of failing each time at work on good internet… Time to attempt at home, with my throttled speeds!

    Pray for me.

    • How did you do it from work lol

      • Office job - two computer screens and doing a chat service then later on a service point. I did miss one due to a client asking me something when one popped lol.

        • Did you curse at the client? You a dude or chick?

          I've wondered what chat service attendants do other than chat, especially when they ask me to "please wait while I…"

    • i've switched to hotspotting my mobile 4G.. as if that'll meaningfully improve my chances lol

  • Is there a way to enter your payment details before the item is available?

    • Yes - if you win I want a cut.. Kidding.

      Use chrome and go to settings to have everything autofilled.

  • Question: What item is worn on your face and is also shaped as an inflatable pool toy advertised by Clark Rubber? | Item: DJI Tello Drone
    Answer: sunglasses

    • did you get one?probably not because you had time typing this up,right?

      • +1

        Nope - I already got one thing earlier on in the click frenzy and I don't want my order cancelled lol
        EDIT: timing on this one was a few seconds before 6:54:14 PM

  • sunglasses, sold out

    • +2

      Rip i typed in glasses

      • I tried star first. I thought the little girl had a star in her hair :/

  • in like under 15 seconds… professionals

  • +4

    Got a drone! Finally! After so many failed attempts

  • Argh. got to the last screen.

    Ah well - GG

    Good luck to the macbook and TV players…

  • Final two deals. Good luck guys

  • +2


  • Guys try this, if you have a PC on and a Mobile phone and theyre both on different networks, see if the Timer at top page is in sync, Ive just seen my 4G is out by 10seconds!

    • lol,,mines the other way around..mac is 1 second behind.

  • +2

    My god some of you are winging little babies! Two years ago I won a $200 Webjet Voucher. Missed out on everything last year. This year I won the hair straightener. Yes you can win stuff. Yes they have stock(Yes not much). Yes you do receive it. Target low interest items at unpopular times. Use chrome with prefilled info. Give them all a go, as even if you fail it will remember you info for the next item and give you a better chance of getting the win. Also all items are listed in the first 10sec of the minute, so you then get 45-50sec to do other stuff.

  • Anyone know which version of macbook this is?

    • I'm going to punt on them not being the retina ones . So the 13' MBA non retina

  • +2

    What's the bet they'll both be within 5 mins of ending..

    • +1

      and both come out together

      • Na, they need a few minutes to secure purchase and then change the password.

    • nah,,one probs @ 7.30 and one at 7.59pm

  • charcoal, was in line as well wow. Funny, I predicted that it would be a bbq question!

  • +3

    wtf - the drone was still in my cart, which failed the purchase. I had to remove the drone, update cart, sold out :(

  • +1

    god damn, had the macbook in my cart and autofilled and before i could hit done, out of stock

  • +1

    DAMMIT. My email was rejected at last screen but worked fine second later. NOOOOOOOOOO

  • ffffffu i still have the megaboom in my cart. Didnt allow me to checkout!

    • Same here! bit ridiculous!

      • yeah, for others, make sure you empty your cart. Final attempt now

  • charcoal

  • Wow, that went quick haha.

  • so hard to understand the question :( I was super slow, bah

  • what they have 1 in stock?!

  • was in the cue but when got thru said sold out :(

  • +1

    Wtf how many did they have in stock? This wqs the only one i had the password for :(

  • +1

    Well that was pretty crap. I had it open on my phone and pc. On the phone it just didn't show up for like 3 min, and on the computer the link refused to open for ages. I had to instead go to the password website, where the password didn't work the first 2 times….

  • anyone got it?

    • nope

  • Lol!!!

    Been watching last 30min, decided to make sure my address was correctly filled in on the Chrome auto-fill, so for the first time I minimise the click frenzy screen.
    Go back to website 10 seconds later and the alert is there, too late already sold out.

    I can time these things.

  • +13

    oh sh*t I think I got the macbook!
    I have an order number and it says confirmed, the payment is showing on my card …..
    did I get it or is there a chance I haven't?

    • +3

      lucky bugger!!!

    • -10

      Post Proof Please?

    • +1


    • +3

      speedy boi

    • +2

      congrats! you did what none of us could

    • +1

      Sounds like you got it! Congrats. But keep in mind that it is pending. I remember Gumtree/Catch had a promotion like this similarly and due to everyone going at the same time multiples of products which had one quantity were sold.

      • that's what i'm worried about, haha the adrenalin is real!

        • +2

          Just wait to see if anyone else said they won. That's usually a good indicator. Most items seem to have 3 or 4. I would assume they would have maybe 1 or 2 of the big items.

          How fast were you?

          • @exc3113nce: from seeing the notification to confirmation prob 10 seconds, maybe less

            • @Cristobel: did you have to go through the shipping information screen and payment screen or just payment screen

    • +1


  • +5

    lol it came back in store and it was sold out by the time I had it in the cart. Sigh. At least I know the feeling of having an item on the cart, I suppose.

    • +2

      I got to last stage! but my saved details failed and I had to re-enter credit card info :((

  • +8

    Looks like the tv is gonna pop up at 7:59

    • +2

      Last chance. :P

  • +7

    Are we not going to talk about how Clarke Rubber sells inflatable sunglasses as a pool toy? Who thought that was a good idea?

    • +1

      wouldnt buy that shit even if it was one of the frenzy wild deals

  • +2

    20 minutes to go..

    • its coming out at 7:59

      • +1

        No it will totally be 7:56:31

  • -1

    Password - Incorrect doesn't matter how many times you put in the right one

    • +1

      New pw isn't out yet - it was reset

  • Looks like there are a lot more people competing in this competition of sorts this year :D
    Still kicking myself in the rear for not even considering taking part in this 2 years ago (when there would have been much less competition), thinking that there was only one of each prize and I didn't stand a chance in hell :(

    • +1

      It was the same 2 years ago…check out the thread

  • +2


  • +1


  • +1

    oh well! gg everyone

  • +2

    was not expecting that question. well whos keen for black friday?

  • +1

    Answer was luggage btw..

  • +1

    Sold out :(

  • +1

    damn was about to check out but it was out of stock :(((

  • +1

    luggage, and that's all she wrote

  • +1


  • +1

    luggage, sold out

    I'm out.

    Congrats all the winners!

  • +1

    Im so disappointed :(

  • +3

    Congrats to the winners, commiserations to the rest of us unfortunate souls.

  • +5

    luggage. i typed liquor and leisure :p

  • Luggage and all over :P

  • That was literally impossible

  • +2

    Wow… So I Saw The Macbook Air Notification Come Up, Swiftly Discovered The Password And Typed Out My Shipping Details And Credit Card As Fast As My Old Fingers Would Go, But Oh Dear! I Realized I Typed My Card Number Wrong, So After I Corrected It I Hit Order And To My Delight, Order Confirmed!
    Fabulous Bargain… I Will Be Back Next Year For Sure!

    • +1
    • +2

      You typed out everything? I'm guessing people would have autofilled a lot fast than that. I wonder if they messed up the last few that have gone up. I've seen a lot of people on here saying things were in stock then gone again.

      • You didn't use any autofill? Most people who autofilled still didn't get through in time and that would be much faster than typing all the address and credit card details. Very strange - maybe as it came back in stock you ended up right on the money!

        • I don't think it was suppose to come back in stock lol. Seems like a glitch in their system. I'm guessing that's why everyone that won - the email said pending.

          • @exc3113nce: No email always says pending - to check that you haven't got two prizes as one per household.

            Definitely a glitch that it comes back online and then sold out when you add to cart again - as that seemed to happen for all of them from what people were saying

            • @jock1017: Yeah that's what I mean. All the emails for purchases say pending for terms and conditions etc…

              They should release a list of official winners so we can confirm if we won. I won the apple watch yesterday.

              There's already 3 TV winners in here just in the last few mins lol.

              • @exc3113nce: I got apple watch also. Go to original confirming email and click the link. It will tell you if order confirmed (mine has since been confirmed).

                I remember last year the TVs they sold too many and had to reneg. I wouldn't be surprised if only 1-5 TVs and maybe a few more went out than was supposed to!

                • @jock1017: Yeah I'm pretty sure I clicked that link nearly straight after and it had confirmed there too. People have been reporting recently that items keep appearing after being sold out, so maybe the larger numbers today are causing the issues?

                • @jock1017: Do you remember what the link said before it said confirmed? Mine also says confirmed but I just assumed that’s what it always said haha.

                  Didn’t think they confirmed the go wild deals until after it was all finished

                  • @Rahyne: where it says "view your order" - I clicked that and originally said "Order Pending". Now it says "Your order is confirmed".

                    • @jock1017: Oh awesome! Thanks. At least I know it’s confirmed now. I also scored the Apple Watch. Click frenzy confirmed on Twitter it’s the series 4 XD I thought since it was only $4 it would be the series 3 (even though picture is series 4)

                      • +1

                        @Rahyne: Yeah I just saw that on twitter. That is actually awesome news.

                    • @jock1017: I just remembered I screenshotted my order as soon as it processed last night. Mines always had the message your order is confirmed

                  • @Rahyne: One thing I will add, is that if you go through the process once and get to the "complete order" stage and don't get it, the next time you try, you skip everything and just go to "complete order". No need to autofill.

            • @jock1017: There's now 4 or 5 on ozbargain alone for the TV lol.

  • I got to the last step and then when I hit pay, it took me back saying 'card authorisation had expired' so it wanted me to re-enter my card details. Had remembered them from previously but screwed me over :(

    • same here (for macbook)

      • It sucks, I wonder why that happened. If it hadn't pre-filled it and let me use chrome autofill for the CC, I probably would've had it. Oh well!

  • i want 40% off RL shirts

  • +12

    YES! Finally! I got myself a 65" TV!!!!! I don't believe it. I'm still trembling!

    • +1


      • Thank-you! Never done this before, so this is a very weird feeling!

    • +3

      Is there some twist where you just bought one outright, not through the Go Wild deal prize?

      • +3

        Nope, through Click Frenzy! I tried some other prizes…but then I worked out a little secret about an hr ago that almost scored me the Macbook Air….

        Don't rely on the notifications.

        • oooo tell us your secret!

        • Nice one!
          Hmm, your secret is as cryptic as the notifications themselves :)

        • No point being a secret now that it is all over….

    • +2

      SAME !!!! I am absolutely shaking with adrenalin!

  • +3

    My first clickfrenzy ever, was not quick enough for the Go Wild deals unfortunately. Hopefully I’ll be quicker and have faster internet the next time participating. Congratulations to all whom got the Go Wild deals, as for me I’ll just go and get myself something to eat now. ☺️☺️☺️

  • TV kept coming back, but always sold out :( think it's gone now

  • +1

    As a last min question.. anything worthwhile in the deals? Seeing as I spent most my time trying for the extreme deals haha

  • So… I think I may have the macbook and I'm stoked about it! …But the truth is my old man was really hoping for the TV. If anyone who got the TV is open to trading (I'm happy to pay the difference in click frenzy prices too lol) shoot me a message please!

    • +2

      I'll swap you for the Bunnings voucher ;)

    • Message me if you decide to sell the macbook, my kid needs it for his school next year TA! :D

  • +3

    Finally, after trying for so many items and being so close with the Macbook, I think I got the TV.

  • +1

    I'm still coping with the stress from last years Click Frenzy, i couldn't stomach to do it again this year lol.

    • +1

      Was it last year or the year before where they started planting fake prizes, accusing people of cheating and canceling orders?

      What a debacle that was. Hopefully it was better this year. Looks like a few people won, according to the comments. Congrats to those people!

      • +1

        Pretty sure that was the year before, could be wrong though time flies

  • my $100 visa card got canceled :(

    "The deals work like concert tickets in the shopify check out, if you haven't checked out in time they will sell out." Got a confirmation email and then about 3 hours later an email saying it was canceled :(

  • -1

    I managed to nab about 5 different Go Wild deals, only to check a page unrelated to ClickFrenzy that says its only one item per household? Their T&Cs have been down the the last 3 days, and their FAQ mentions nothing of this rule. Anyone know if this is real or..?

    • Say good bye to your orders, they will all be cancelled. 🤗

      • oh you're f'n joking.

        • how'd you get 5 when I couldn't even get 1!!

          • +1

            @18: I wish I could say it was a bot or something. It was all by hand, no autofill, just a man who works from home and can type very fast ahahahah.

          • @johnwinkle: Ahhh ok at least i get something. I don't follow their socials, and their FAQ + T&Cs were throwing me XML 'NoSuchKey' errors all week. Managed to get the Switch, iPad Mini, Soundbar, Bunnings voucher & TV. Haven't received any emails about cancellation yet.

            • +2

              @csassine1: jeez impressive. i only managed the roomba, tried for everything before the roomba since i didnt pass the 1 per household rule yet

              • @johnwinkle: Just spewin that I couldn't access their T&Cs. Actually tried for a good half hour after I won the switch, found nothing that was online and actually available that stated it. I saw one from an older event with a different name associated with the flash sale and thought it was irrelevant.

                • @csassine1: The terms and conditions are in the footer on their website. Where they have been accessible multiple times throughout the competition. I've accessed them plenty of times. The terms and conditions appear to be different to that which was their during the competition. There was a separate section for the competition in the terms before - I pasted the section above.

                  As a side note that's now I think 6 people on ozbargain alone that said they scored a TV.

  • +1

    Update for others. My order page now has ‘your order is confirmed, You’ll receive an email when your order is on its way‘

    Apple Watch . YAY!

    • My order page went confirmed nearly straight away - note the email though says:

      "Once we confirm compliance with our Click Frenzy Go Wild terms and conditions, your order will be approved and your item will be shipped. It will take up to 3 weeks to dispatch. If your order is approved, we will notify you when it has been sent. If we believe you have breached our terms and conditions, your order will be cancelled and your monies refunded."

      Which pretty much says once confirmed/approved it will be shipped out, and it looks like they can cancel your order up and until it is shipped. So I would wait until it is shipped for exact confirmation.

      • My order page originally had
        ‘Your order is confirmed
        we’ve accepted your order and we’re getting it ready. Come back to this page for updates on your order status’

        Now today it has updated to
        ‘Your order is confirmed
        You’ll receive an email when your order is on its way.’

    • Everyone that has successfully placed orders for any item has that exact same message. It is also the message you saw when you placed the order and got to the confirmation screen. A fully approved order would be when the item is dispatched. The email comes when it has been dispatched (this email was from last year's Click Frenzy Go Wild).


      We have verified your subscription to Click Frenzy and your parcel is on its way. Enjoy and please share the news using #clickfrenzy so we can keep these spectacular deals going.


      The Click Frenzy Team"
      At the bottom it should have:
      Click Frenzy
      ORDER #*****
      Your order is on the way
      Your order is on the way to you. Track your shipment to see the delivery status."

      • Ah okay. I understand the email/update about shipment. However I assumed since the message on the order message changed to the second message (as above) that it had now passed the verification steps and was just waiting on shipment (which can take up to 3 weeks). That’s how it reads to me anyways.

        • Did anyone get shipment emails yet? I've got one with a tracking number, but can't tell if it's from ClickFrenzy or not. Comes from somewhere else…

          • @mcor77: I haven’t. You can see if it’s click frenzy by clicking on the original email you received from click frenzy and seeing if it has a tracking number. If it doesn’t then it’s not click frenzy

            • @Rahyne: OK, so this must be it. I haven't bought or gotten anything else. So it must be that my TV is on its way. Arriving Monday…

              • @mcor77: I hope for you that it is the tv, that is very quick. Congrats on that win!

              • @mcor77: Did you get an email from Click Frenzy? Check your junk mail. The above poster shows the type of email they send out.

                • +2

                  @exc3113nce: Ok false alarm. Just realised what it is. Just still so excited to get the tv :(

    • I think Apple Watch winners will be fine. It was the first one that went up lots of people weren't quite sure what to do. The later ones where people said they saw items reappear not sold out etc… would be the ones if any that would issues.

  • Hi everyone, has anyone gotten any confirmation emails yet?

    • No, not yet

    • +1

      my order status now says "Your order is confirmed. You’ll receive an email when your order is on its way"

  • "Order #***** was canceled because we have reason to believe this may be fraudulent. The order will remain cancelled until our investigations are completed, which may take up to 3 weeks. and your payment has been voided" :(((

    • Oh no! Did you try for more than one prize or?

      • Nope, i heard about prizes not being honoured because they've tried for more than 1 so i didn't bother but somehow my one prize still ended up being cancelled

        • Well hopefully their investigation finds that it’s not fraudulent for you

        • +3

          That's what you get for having blazingspeed

    • +1

      where did you see this message? an email or the receipt page? The email has an email if you think they cancelled you for an illigit reason

  • +5

    Just received my delivery notification email (you'll get one from Click Frenzy and also one from the delivery carrier)

    • Can I ask what you won?

      • +2

        The Dyson hairdryer :)

    • +1

      Did they call you to verify anything before or you just got the email?

      • Nah I haven't received any calls from them, I just got the emails

        • Out of curiosity, has your original link in the order confirmation email been updated with a tracking number also?

          • +1

            @Rahyne: It has, under a message which says 'Your shipment is confirmed: We've accepted your order, and we're getting it ready. Come back to this page for updates on your shipment status.'

    • What carrier?

      • +2

        fastway couriers, just received my item today

        • Jeez, one day since tracking. That’s impressive!

          • +1

            @Rahyne: Yeah it is! To be fair though I'm not too far from the sender location

  • +4

    Sounds like we'll be finding out if we receive a delivery notification today! Good luck all winners!

  • +1

    I was lucky enough to be able to order an Apple watch and received a confirmation - pending review email. No update so far, so I got curious and checked my bank account. The $4 that was pending is no longer there. I get the feeling my order was cancelled :(

    • +3

      This happened last time too. It is recharged once they confirm your order, so no need to worry just yet. Lots of people won items in the this thread and only 1 has confirmed shipping, so I think they are just working through it all.

      • Very reassuring to hear. Thanks :)

  • +1

    I just can’t wait for the shipping confirmation lol, hope they don’t cancel my order

    • +3

      I check my link like 5 times a day 😂😂😂😂

  • +3

    Anyone else not get delivery confirmation email? :(

    • +2

      Not yet bud, I'm always checking haha but nothing. The suspense is real

      • +2

        I got a email yesterday as well, been checking like a crazy woman all day, checked again at 5:30pm and it’s in transit!! Can’t wait.

        • Wow congratulations! What did you manage to get?

          • +2

            @I Smell Pennies: I won a tv, I voted in the iron shopper, where you had to pick someone and answer in 25 words or less. I entered for the fun of it and got a winning email on Monday!

            • @amygirl: Damn I didn’t know you win something for voting?! What did you win? I thought you only win if we entered to be voted lol

              • +4

                @I Smell Pennies: I won a 55 “ lg tv! Yeah you needed to vote for an iron shopper and they ask you a question, I wrote something in the last half hour and I’m shocked I won! I never win creative comps. 😊

    • +2

      same here, so I guess no reason to panic yet. :)

  • +2

    Any news yet guys?