How do I log the km from the moment I get a ping to where I pickup the pax? I know I can do this manually by looking at the km but that won't be very practical or are there better ways to do this. Thanks.
Uber Taxation - Log Book

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Thanks but I got smashed for that in a my previous post so to be safe I'll just count the km that I'm on trip with customer and the distance I use to pickup customer. The rest of the km I treat as private use if that makes sense.
What is the reason that you're driving around between pickups? If it is fully related to your uber activities (for example, driving to where there are more jobs available), then why wouldn't that be claimable?
If you are driving around between jobs for personal reasons (say to go to a friend's house, or to shop, or run personal errands, or even to get your lunch or dinner), then that will not be claimable.
As long as its reasonable incidental trips it honestly doesnt really make a difference - eg. Driving to maccas nearby to get lunch would be ok / wouldnt hit up any red flags. But driving across town to pick something up wouldnt be ok
Merged from Uber - Private Km and Business Km
My case:
Home —> (3km) Get ping —> (1.5km) Pick up customer —-> (3.5km) Drop off ——> (2km) Work place
How do I work out percentage of business use to claim uber expenses from above typical case. Thanks.
On the assumption that you are working from the point "home" to the point "drop off" (as evidenced by this is the period when you are logged in to the Uber network and therefore are working/available of work), I would suggest that is the portion that can be claimed.
As ever, take this up with your accountant to get their view.
If nobody wanted a trip, would I have to consider this whole trip as private or business.
It depends on why you made the trip, and if it was reasonable to have made the trip.
I don't really know how Uber drivers work. I know that you "log in" on your phone and then are given jobs until you "log out". But why would you drive around if you don't have a job?
If it's to get closer to potential jobs, then I would think that would be a legitimate business cost, even if you didn't actually get a job.
I used to drive taxis about 40 years ago. The general idea was that if you didn't have a job, you parked at a taxi rank and waited for a job - you didn't just drive around all night in the hope someone would hail you.
@pjetson: For me, I just want to pickup someone who is heading in the same direction on my way to work. That was my intention. Sorry for not being clear.
@love2buy: That doesn't sound claimable to me - you seem to be on a personal trip.
However, if you did get a job, then the job part of your trip would be claimable, while the rest would be personal.
Note that I am not offering legal or taxation advice, just my personal opinion! When the ATO comes knocking, tell them you got your advice from someone on ozBargain :-)
@pjetson: Thanks. That's reasonable. I don't know how much detail ATO looks into this. In the past I just used Uber's ontrip km x 1.5 to get an estimate of business km until I realise I have to keep a log book.
Alt view (not an expert see an accountant or ask ATO for a private ruling).
Home —> pickup not claimable as travel to first workplace of day.
Pickup—> dropoff claimable as work travel
drop off —> work claimable as a travel between two workplaces:….Assuming you do same in evening?
Work —> pickup claimable as travel between two workplaces
pickup —> drop off claimable as work travel
drop off —> home not claimable as final travel home.
Can anyone also help me with the rego. uber says stay on private rego, save money on rego and ctp costs. Gov website says business rego which considerably increases ctp , rego and insurance costs. What are you guys using? Staying private or moving to business rego?
If youre doing a whole shift for Uber then just write down the KMs from when you get into the car, to when you finish your shift? It doesnt have to be limited to the to/from with a customer