Uber - Customer Rating

Not really a demanding Uber client - I'm quiet, I say hello/goodbye, usually load/unload the luggage myself, don't typically get involved in long conversations with the driver. All trips rated by me - 5, I'm happy as long as the driver does his job taking me from A to B.

However, as a customer, after 5 Uber trips, I've discovered that my personal rating is 4.4, this means, 3 trips rated 4, and just 2 rated 5. Seriously, what do you need to do in order to get 5 stars?

Not that I care much, but with Uber threats, to refuse service to those with rating below 4, I somehow feel discouraged to use the service and play the rating game anymore.

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  • +1

    Not that I care much,


  • +18

    Try offering the Uber Driver a Mentos or maybe a Mineral Water.

    Then, ask how their day has been.

    Perhaps you could vacuum the car for them while Car is in transit.

    If they are tired/drunk or using "substances" to stay awake, maybe offer to drive them while they catch a few Zzzz's in the back.

    If that doesn't work, jump out at the lights and do the windscreen.
    Tip: Don't spill the bucket water in the car.

    Also, think about what sort of Christmas Card you are going to send them.
    I know, how it is November (already)?

    • +6

      This comment rings so true.

      Nowadays some people like the fake social atmosphere and friendliness even though you may never see each other again in your lifetime.

      The number of people who are quiet in each other's company is dwindling imho and is usually reserved for public transport.

      So basically I suppose pretend like you are seeing family? Lol idk some people are impossible to abide.

      • +3

        Why don't people value peace and quiet these days

        • I usually ask the driver if they feel like talking and if they say yes I give them regular outs. I also usually invite them to initiate a topic; sometimes they ask me to go first but most often they, like all of us, love talking about themselves. If we're gonna talk I'd rather it's not completely banal. I've had some great conversations and the end of the trip can end with a handshake or other genuine gestures.

          • -2

            @fantombloo: why, you could've used the opportunity to drop some 'truthbombs' about how meat is murder, and have said driver unhooking your seatbelt, opening the door and kicking you out while car is moving


            • +2

              @payton: I don't mind the wackos as long as they are not annoying.

              They can talk about how eating crap is nutritious and cheap for you as long as they are not annoying and have a soothing voice.

              • +1


                you as long as they are not annoying and have a soothing voice.

                I wonder if some Uber drivers give lower rating to people whom have an annoying voice and/or accent.
                Like American females can like have like the most annoying like accent like and voice like and like just the way they speak like like .

                • @Flanders: Most definitely.

                  The Uber rating system is not based on any strict rule or guideline as far as I am concerned it is literally up to the individual so it kind of forces everybody to be nice to each other in what way they think is nice and gamble on good ratings.

                  It is a completely weird system but it is all we got right now.

                  Should really only have a report button not a thumbs up or thumbs down that is just weird to have for a driver imho (like which taxi's are bad which taxi's are good).

                  Ratings these days are so arbitrary and subjective at the same time it is weird.. many mixed messages I am sure especially in this day and age.

                  • @AlienC:

                    The Uber rating system is not based on any strict rule or guideline

                    You appear to be totally incorrect.

                    Please read comment by John Kimble

                  • @AlienC: Funny enough, I believe Uber may be making a silly mistake with that rating. After all, nothing stops me from deleting my account, recreating it using another email, etc. - while milking new first riders promotions… Wouldn't like to go that path, tho

            • @payton: Yes the first part happens sometimes. The reactions are usually much more cerebral than what you display here. I expect being in person rather than having the internet in between is a factor in how people interact. If you ever wanna get in a car with me let me know. I'll drive.

        • @nfr, unfortunate, isn't it?… we've become very noisy civilisation, I believe… my personal philosophy values listening higher than talking, as when I talk I only repeat what I know already

    • +1

      pure gold (tips fedora)

    • let's not forget about massage for the ones with the cutest moustache - we've got Movember after all! :)

  • +2

    Understanding your rating
    Ratings allow us to ensure a great experience with Uber for both riders and drivers. Just like you rate drivers, drivers can rate riders on a scale of 1-5 stars after each trip.

    How your rating is calculated
    Your rating is an average of the ratings you’ve received from drivers, and is measured out of 5 stars. Ratings are anonymous, so neither you nor your driver will ever see an individual rating you’ve received.
    Very few people have a perfect rating, so don’t despair if your average isn’t 5.0. Things that seem small to you can matter to your driver - it’s easy to accidentally slam a door if you’re not thinking about it. Knowing a little more about the things that affect a driver’s happiness can help you be a 5-star rider.

    Short wait times.
    Drivers love when riders are ready to go when they arrive at the pickup location. That includes making sure the location you entered is actually where you’ll be.

    Simple but true - it’s important that riders treat drivers and their cars the way they’d expect to be treated themselves. A positive attitude and considerate use of the car go a long way. That slice of pizza can wait.

    Drivers want to make sure everyone in their car is safe. Drivers shouldn’t be encouraged to break any laws. For example, every rider in the car should have their own seatbelt.
    Why your rating matters
    Ratings foster mutual respect between riders and drivers. This strengthens our community and helps everyone get the most from Uber. Just as you expect drivers to treat you with respect, drivers hope to feel the same acknowledgement from riders. A high rating is about more than bragging rights among your friends; it’s a sign that people enjoyed their time with you. Keep up the good work!

    • Well, I can assure you I'm meeting all these requirements… unless casual chit chat is mandatory part of the rating

  • +1

    You might have B.O

  • +1

    Why you care , ?

    • I'd like to avoid situation when I'm refused (delayed) the service when I need it, due to rating, that's it.

  • Don't get mad - get even

    • fart loudly while on the passenger seat, then rub it in

    • I may indeed lower my baseline for drivers to 4 stars as well, although not sure if such "revenge" makes sense

  • +4

    I got downgraded after several short trips and a driver explained to me that is common. Uber does try to penalize drivers who do this too often but it happens.

    Best thing I ever did was stop looking at my rating. People are petty. I don't want to care about something so trivial. Be polite and be yourself. Anything else is social engineering and screwed up.

    • +1

      Agreed, however drivers may not accept your request for a ride if it's too low. When I had a 5 star rating, I would get accepted straight away, now it can take a few minutes and the driver is quite far away.

      I read on a forum that some drivers won't accept your request if it's below 4.8 or 4.x. I got a poor rating for a short trip and it's very difficult to get it back up since I only take Uber occasionally.

      • +2

        Well, this is precisely my issue… I don't use it often hence I think I may simply request to delete account and recreate it from scratch, using all available first riders promos as reward for the effort… ;)

        • Good idea! When I'm overseas with a local sim, I sign up with that number for the referral credit and I don't care if the rating goes down due to my short rides.

  • Is there a way to determine if the last driver gave you a bar rating or not?

    My rating never changes, neither up or down, probably cause I have made over 1000 rides, so one low rating here or there won't matter, but I'm still curious to know if there is a way to substantiate low ratings with reasons like short trip or not talking.

    • You used to be able to, but now its something like a 7 day delay.

      You can easily figure it out if you keep an eye on it from the 7th day.

      • +1

        Not easy when I take about 20 Uber rides a week - its hard to identify which ride is the one where you got a low rating.

  • About 6 months ago I got into an uber and told the driver, "I always give 5 stars unless something really bad happens". That allowed the driver to chill out and we had since great conversation. And I heard some Ethiopian tunes. Take the anxiety away and enjoy.

    • Perhaps such introduction makes perfect sense and breaks the ice, that said, I don't quite talk much with the drivers.
      Also why would he be worried/stressed if I simply sit quiet?…

  • I'm the same, I've taken over 150 trips and my rating is 4.6 stars. I really don't understand why.

  • What are your pickup locations? Eg - are you waiting in legal place? That is - not in a No Stopping zone, or Bus zone? Might be ok if out in quite suburan area, but in City CBD area with high chance of rangers, driver might give low rating (or not even pick you up)

    Also, are you sitting in front or back? Sitting in front and being quite/not wanting to talk is a little strange.

    Also as mentioned - what length trips are you doing? If really short, some drivers might rate you down - but I don't agree with that idea.

  • I'm rated 4.76*

    I've have used Uber in about 12 different countries now - fantastic app especially when you don't know the language - and you know you will get from A to B without being ripped off.

    I wonder if the ratings I have from overseas use is counted.

  • dont vape whilst your passenger is in the car, they may contract cervical cancer

  • If they refused, I would go with taxify or ola. That's why we have competition. Vote with your money.

  • I agree. I was 4.3,4.4 and had less than 10 rides. My uber driver said he was surprised i was a low rating as he usually wouldnt pick up anyone below 4.5 but it was a 4:30am airport trip so the work was there. Supposed to him other drivers at normal or night time hours would shy away from sub 4.5 stars. So you might find a ratinf above 4 doesnt just cut it.

    Anyway i explained i had no idea why i was rated low and he thought i was a nice guy too. His tips were that my short trips overseas in asia (a few bucks trips literally)would havr me rated down. Supposedly drivers 1 star short trips as it isn't worth their time.

    I think its absolute bs. I mean i pay the 5 or 10 bucks for the trip. Uber should vet drivers doing this as why should i get 1 star because your short trip has offended them. Hopefully they dont become similar to taxis in refusing service for minor things.

    • I have now been taking a few more trips so ive been asking each driver to rate me 5 star as he advised i should. Luckily now Im up to 4.62 woo!

    • If they don't want to do short trips, then they shouldn't accept the job. Unless the Uber app doesn't tell them where you want to go when accepting.

      • Yeah i have found out from recent trips that uber ride requests only show where you're going after they accept.

        Only found out as i had an uber driver call me to ask where i was going when i was requesting an uber. Upon saying where he said ok see you shortly. No uber connected and when i requested and got someone else i found out some drivers supposedly call round as a tactic to find out where your going and wont accept if not to their liking.

        I forgot but i was meant to contact uber to report the mobile no as i dont think this sorta behaviour is acceptable.

        • nope. It's basically the reason why people ran away from Taxis. If Uber drivers start doing it, and Uber don't start banning the behaviour, everyone will move to a competitor.

          • @SirFlibbled: Agreed. Now that I'm aware of this tactic ill report the next ones that start doing it.

  • Hey Galileo how do you know you didn't get four 5's and one 2? I think that is more likely than three 4's and two 5's.

  • Maybe you're a door slammer

  • Does Uber eats ratings affect Uber ratings? If so, it could be if you don’t tip.

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