Nice offer from Shopback for both new and existing users Enjoy :)
Not stackable with any codes.
Other options for New users to try these discount codes
Nice offer from Shopback for both new and existing users Enjoy :)
Not stackable with any codes.
Other options for New users to try these discount codes
$30 for referrer, $5 for referee after referee qualifies.
Qualifying requirements for referee: 1. Made a minimum $20 online purchase (below exclusions apply), 2. Received a minimum $10 confirmed cashback online, 3. Added banking details to account.
Users will need to fulfil the referral criteria within 180 days from referee's sign-up date to unlock cashback. See all terms
Those bastards camp outside my office building and I think subconsciously it has made me use ubereats less because of the negative thoughts they give me
I swear they literally camp at every bus stop, train station, traffic light or shopping centre in Sydney.
I have now got half a deck in alternating colours.. or would have if the bin didn't :P
Uber and Didi are also going head to head to be crowned the biggest nuisance in public places.
@Excelsior: And vegans lol.
I get handed on average around 3 pamphlets a day on animal cruelty etc.
Sorry vegans but it needed to be said
@pennypincher98: Umm, you don't need to take anything just because some random person on the street offers it to you…
@dojomojo: It's a similar kind of set up as Uber Eats. Also note that I didn't say "take" 3 pamphlets a day, I said got handed. I normally turn them down unless they literally shove it right in my face - in that case it goes into the next bin. Although sometimes I put them back into their massive box to give out :)
@pennypincher98: I must have a really mean face because I am never bothered by anybody.
If somebody shoved something in my face I would make sure that I chased after them and returned the gesture with a little more oomph…
@techboy: Hahaha maybe I should try that!
Their tactic is very clever though, you can either keep walking (and get it shoved into your face) stop (so it's held in front of your face) or take it (to get it out of your face). Picking option 2 or 3 is exactly what they want.
What is the code ?
Unique for each user ?
Its cashback.. no codes
So the code is: cashback.. no codes?
Hahah.. :)
When someone order in uber eats via shopback then you will get cashback.
Make sure it’s 3 dots instead of 2. No spaces either
don't think not ordering a meal with meat brings back an animal to life after it was already slaughtered but I'm no scientist
how does one give life back to something? if it's not bought into existence it isn't exactly saving a life but taking away a potential one. I suggest you learn what the cycle of life is and how its effected by predators which are part of nature.
^^ This is why people roll their eyes when you tell them you're vego. They already know the next words that come out of your mouth will be something like this.
Animals come back to life when you order UBER vegan?
No, you just don't pay someone to kill them.
How about if I kill them myself? Do i still get cashback?
Dude not the time or place for this lol, stop preaching
"Don't kill animals for unnecessary reasons." <—— PREACHING!
Fyi you're being pretty annoying, not exactly a good image
@fantombloo: If your goal is to get people to eat less meat, you're not doing yourself any favours by being so arrogant. Just saying, you're using the wrong technique here. All your doing is clapping yourself on the back and acting like you're better than everyone else
If your goal is to get people to eat less meat
Spoken by someone who is right now defending not eating less meat!
And so, if that was what I was trying to do, I'd listen to you on this point why exactly?
@fantombloo: Cause I eat a vegan diet and frankly you're embarrassing yourself, and I would rather you didn't make us look like preachy arrogant dicks. Educate when it is necessary to, don't ever condescend. You don't win people over with whatever you think you're doing.
@greater mimic: You eat a vegan diet? Good for you. So do many other nonvegans.
You keep doing your thing, I'm fine with being called a preachy arrogant dick for triggering those that kill animals for trivial reasons.
@fantombloo: No you (mod: personal attack removed), I eat a 100% plant-based/vegan diet aka I'm a vegan. The point isn't to trigger people, you don't effect change that way. It's like trying to get people to lose weight by making them feel bad about being overweight.
If you fail to understand this then I have to give up with you.
@fantombloo: In the same boat as jkerrigan - I am vegan and all he is saying is pick your battles and methods. No one is telling you not told hold your own beliefs, just remember who you’re talking to and why. This is a bargain site and there may be forums or even deals where raising some ethical concerns is appropriate. But just making a statement like you’ve made gives the impression that you’re just stirring. Then being condescending when others don’t understand or share your view is not helping what you’re trying to achieve. You’ve got good intentions but they’re not coming out when you do it this way.
The same animal would happily tear you apart if it was higher in the food chain.
I agree that meat consumption as it is today is bringing about the end of the world due to climate change which is irrational.
But everyone acts as though they're happy for their grandchildren to face the end of the world and most Australians are happy to doom their own kids provided they can keep flying, eating meat, taking escalators instead of stairs, driving their doomed children 3 streets to school because of non-existent stranger danger, mining coal and every other irrational thing that they support.
I don't have children so I basically don't care but these people are dooming their own children according to climate science.
The same animal would happily tear you apart if it was higher in the food chain.
Faulty "science" aside, I assume your appeal to nature is arbitrary. Or would you also kill your children, smell other people's arses, lick your balls and/or crap wherever you feel like it too?
Ahhh… another puppet falling for a SOROS funded and orchestrated social division
Oh look another vegan comment. What a surprise.
So does this mean if I order from ubereats via shopback I can get $5 back no matter how much I order? I am an existing customer.
This sounds like free shipping for all orders haha.
Any word on whether it works ok via mobile on iOS? Assume safest would be to use ShopBack mobile site then stay on UberEats mobile site?
Wondering when Cashrewards will get UberEats and Deliveroo on board too 🤔
Hey Chickenleg,
This will only work on the Uber Eats desktop/mobile site (not the Uber Eats app). To be safe yes you can use the ShopBack mobile site or ShopBack app.
We are however working on it to get it to work with the Uber Eats app :)
the cashback takes so long with shopback, why is this?
Hi Zedsdeadbabyzedsdead,
Often stores may only validate transactions in bulk periodically, or they wait it out a bit because they have returns/cancellations/exchange policies etc in place. This is there for them to avoid paying out cashback to those who have especially have their orders refunded. We do however work closely with the stores to try and speed up the process a bit as we understand it can be a while to have cashback confirmed.
@gotyourback: Hey, I'm unsure whether the shopback service actually detected my order. Does it show on my account instantly with the pending money or does it not show until 2 days later?
@gotyourback: Was the $10 meant to be for new ubereats customers or new shopback customers as I was only given $5
Will the $5 be credited if I use uber credit to pay for the complete order?
Hey arcticmonkey, that is fine and you will indeed be credited cashback.
Thanks op
Shopback verus Cashback the Great Cashback war continues
not sure if its even worthwhile, so far most shopback transaction never works or takes MONTHS, cashrewards are more reliable and efficient.
Hi Serathis,
We're not sure what stores you're referring to, but if you're able to send over a private message with the details we'll be happy to look into it for you.
Generally, overall experience have not been as reliable and efficient compared to CR.
Sure better "promotions" but never really come to reality most of the times for most stores, or still pending despite MONTHS later.
At least with CR, it always has been a good 90% success rate.
Until which date this offer is available and if there is any limit on times this can be availed?
Hi amsaini15,
This is just until tomorrow, and there's no limit.
Tomorrow night or early morning?
Hi aorusozbarg,
Yep until 11.59PM AEDT.
So I can place multiple orders and expect $5 CB for each, right? I'm not sure if his question was asking my question or if it's asking if there's a limited # available in total.
So I can place multiple orders and expect $5 CB for each, right
Does this work with everything or only select stores?
Hi Harvey Normal,
Any restaurant is fine!
Omg I saw this right after I placed my order :(
Oh, it’s cashback and not just a tenner off.
Unless the cash goes back directly into my accpunt immediately, no interest.
There's no minimum right? If there was (profanity) I (profanity) up
Soooo food is not arriving, it's been ready for ages but something's gone wrong and am Uber sad because it's been nearly an hour… Called restaurant and they said no one's picking it up even though it says 'arrived' for some reason from their end…
Finally something for existing customers!!!
All the "$10 off first order" codes that have been handed to me as I've walked by…