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Cheap everyday price for users with above memberships.
Unidays and club catch membership required for best price.
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Lol yeah typing title from mobile is really difficult on this website
Out of curiosity what was the typo? Lol
$36.10 delivered
It would be nice if Ozbargain could have an official app so it was easy to put in entries on the fly. Something that ties in with the camera, to upload images, and has formatting that works well with phones/pads. Maybe the Ozbargain guys can run a competition. The prize could be some Bose/Sony earphones, eneloops and a t-shirt.
Since when are $300+ headphone a 'cheap' item to buy + catch membership for an uni student?!
I have never had problem buying anything while I was studying. Not sure why the sterotyping of all students being poor.
maybe due to this post :) Pretty good deal though, think I got QC35 1st gen for the same price
It’s not the buying that’s ever the issue. It’s the debt.
yea agreed. back in my day, that was a luxurious item that you would get as a present to yourself when you finished the degree maybe but it’s “normalised” now isn’t it?
Unidays is full of deals created through sponsorships which are actually not affordable for broke students at all. And I know plenty of them. Well maybe the Dominos deals are good but the rest are all expensive brand clothing etc. Unidays get commission for the sales they generate. Don't know why I bothered renewing my Unidays account.
Cotton on, Apple music, dominos, catch, Vodafone there heaps of deals that someone can use if they know how to. I would rather have it as an option in case I found something cheaper on any of the websites they list. Just because you are a student doesn’t means people should start donating you stuff.
These hardly seem worth it compared to the recent prices for the Sony WMX1000X3 based on the reviews I've seen.
I listened to both at JB on the weekend. Honestly couldn't tell the difference between them; then again I'm not an audiophile.
I tried them both at JB also. Very similar with the sample music they had hooked up. Unfortunately, I couldn't test them properly for noise cancellation with nothing playing (eg if using them to block noise for sleep). Some ANC headphones have a subtle whistle or whir when not playing music.
You wouldn’t be using either of these for sleeping. Unless you sleep like a plank.
Bose have some sleeping earbuds which are quite expensive but super minimal design.
@ben1680: For some reason I was only thinking of sleeping in a bed. I still find it difficult to sleep on planes with headphones, so that's where my QC30's come in.
Yeah I haven't actually heard the difference myself but plenty of reviews I've seen claim that the Plantronics Backbeat Pro's have better sound than the Bose (opposite for NC) and the XM3's have better sound and NC than both of them.
I have these are they are “ok” but comfortable.
My issue is;
- feel cheap
- sound quality and noise cancellation are good but the Sony is better (wasn’t the case when I got my qc35ii
- biggest issue is the latency watching videos (the sony’s Don’t seem to have this issue). I don’t recall mine having this issue out of the box, but after an update. Bose support say lag is normal under Bluetooth
- comfortable
- battery life ( builtin, so don’t have the battery cable break issue that the qc25 suffered)
- good call quality
- easy to change noise cancelling levels
Sony XM3 would be a better buy IMO.
Seems the 10% discount has expired with Club Catch - login shows price of $409
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Joined club catch hoping to combine with 20% off vouchers from Coles tomorrow…still a good price either way at $327 with the gift cards
Saw the initial typo in the title, could hardly believe my eyes !