This was posted 6 years 4 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

½ Price Steggles Whole Chicken $2.90kg (Was $5.80) @ Coles


Indicated price based on approx. weight. Weight may vary between 1.75kg and 2.3kg.

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closed Comments

  • +10

    Jake says thanks.

    He loves whole chickens, His favourite part is the skin.

    • +2

      George likes his chicken spicy.

      • Costanza and his parents are awesome.

        Is that the episode where he makes a bed under his desk?

      • I have a spicy thread that could use your input

    • He did cry a lot when he was cut …

    • My favourite part is the whole/hole.. I'll get me coat.

  • +14

    Must be one of the cheapest you could find in the whole world.

    Considering our top notch average salary level and food hygiene and safety requirements this is actually very impressive

    • +2

      You haven't seen a typical chicken "farm" have you?

      • +1

        Nope, I live in the CBD. Sounds like a boring day trip.
        Have you?

        • -1

          Maybe you should go and see who's at the receiving end of your choices, bargains or otherwise.

    • -2

      Considering our top notch average salary level and food hygiene

      These are not Australian chickens. "Mixed origin" Probably Chinese? NZ?

      Coles do not sell Australian Steggles chicken, only woolworths: ($5/kg)…

      • Have you got proof of this? I thought all fresh chicken products were Australian grown? Other ingredients such as salt for brine would be foreign.

        • +1

          Why worry about imports? Our homegrown ones are bad enough.

          Lack of transparency and control on what they are fed is the main problem, if you ignore how they are raised and all the faeces that ends up in the system and the other risks associated with the spread of viruses/epidemiology. They are fed a chemical mixture laced with massive amounts of commodity antibiotics as this achieves the fastest growth rate (literally weeks from egg to pan), and is far cheaper than the hormones that started the industry down into its black hole (that more or less started with the adoption of cheapest production methods in the 60s).

          • @resisting the urge: Because imports could be all that and worse..

            • @Punkboy: Indeed. Or worse: Fakes- cheap copies.

              Not exactly sure how they could get cheaper than those Steggles things. There is barely any human effort in the farming or the processing, after all.

          • @resisting the urge: I hate this kind of misinformation being spread about the chicken industry. Broiler chickens bred for food in Australia are not "fed a chemical mixture laced with massive amounts of commodity antibiotics". I work closely in the chicken meat industry and antibiotics are often the last measure in treating a flock.
            The incredible growth rates have largely been achieved through selective breeding of chickens.

            • -1

              @chobani4lyf: Saying antibiotics is a last resort is untrue.

              They are an industry wide management tool used to reduce costs. If they were a last resort, they would only be given to infected birds. Instead they are given to all the birds in the last few weeks and often to counter the biological threat of accumulating faeces in the last few weeks, as it breeds bacteria and can threaten to spread infection at plague proportions.

              How much goes into the feed, and how often is directly related to risk calculations around loss.

              These are arguably related to hygiene, activity and environmental controls. ie Things like the cost of cleaning and moving the flock to the ability of the birds to develop their own immune system, be happy, etc.

              In most cases, there is no opportunity to do this, as they are all jammed together, getting trampled to death, having beaks removed, etc. The space and other costs involved in addressing this is seen as very high, and probably too hard- esp. when yield can be maintained by simply adding antibiotics to the flock's feed and funding lobbyists and industry PR exercises.

              To be really clear, the aim of antibiotics is to treat disease, not a lack of investment, care or effort, so feeding in a blanket fashion to an entire flock, even if only occasionally, is obviously overdoing things.

              To make matters worse for the industry, broilers are not fed on what any person would consider to be healthy food, and the reason the industry has so much trouble (apart from a history of extreme cruelty and abuse that is getting worse (globally speaking) is because it is not transparent about how birds are farmed, let alone what they are fed, and thus what ends up in our pans.

              So if you hate this and think it misinformation, change that. Encourage the industry to open itself up to some independent oversight or even better, best practice adoption and sensible regulation as a catch all to the worst abuses.

              Consumers respond to transparency better than the 'shooting of messengers', the 'locking of gates' and worst of all, the burying of all those beaks in the bull-dust.

              • @resisting the urge: Do you have links to your source for this information?

                • -2

                  @whitty: No I'm not about to write a paper on the subject. There are others that do this sort of thing. Search the web, you can find all kinds of gruesome details. The truth is out there, though it's not exactly talked about openly by those that live and breathe poultry, or analysed by funded bodies employing with professionals and SMEs. But yes, AFAIK it is publicly available info, you can find without too much trouble.

                  • @resisting the urge: You are watching too many american documentaries.

                    Same as cattle farms.

                    What you see on those films has little or nothing to do with Australia at all.

                    • @Jezzabell: I have visited several farms/poultry processors over the years and your point, if it is meant to suggest ignorance, is not well made. I did not refer to the US in any way. I don't recall seeing any docos on US agriculture but everyone knows that regulations in the US don't count for much, their entire system is based on maxmising profit and regulating only as a last resort, ie once people start filing suits because they are dying due to poor practices.

                      My previous points are well-founded- the neggers are just ACs who think the supply chain is all well and good when everyone knows how terrible industry-wide practices have become over the last few decades and how this is already causing health problems and birth defects in people let alone livestock.

  • 1/2 chicken, 1/2 …

    • +2

      whole chicken half price

  • +1

    Why did the deviant cross the road?

    • +1

      To get to CyberLife?

    • +1

      Because Tightarse was on the other side?

    • +1

      Was he stuck in the chicken again?

  • Now let get some chicken recipes :)

    • Put chicken in microwave
      Nuke for 15 minutes at 1000W
      Take out and enjoy

      • +1

        You should never cook chicken only using microwave, good way to get food poisoning.

        • Citation needed

  • Pressure cooked chicken for dinner tonight.

  • I personally don't like this one because it is injected with brine (salt water)??? but each to their own. Prefer to put seasoning I like.

    • More sugar than salt. But 90% chicken.

  • "product of mixed origin"

    How does that work? It doesn't look seasoned or am I missing something?

    • +17

      Multicultural chicken.

      • This cracked me up

      • Makes sense

  • hmm .. wish i knew how to make a good chicken rice.

  • +3

    Lot of water in them . May still work out the same as coles 4/kilo birds. Still bought 6.

    • 6??

      • +1

        With 5 kids I will buy another 6 on Monday.

  • +3

    I'll stick to organic. My breasts are already big enough!

    • Hands up …. it's FBI….i'll get me coat

    • +1

      Are you that person that buys organic potatoes and carrots by any chance?

  • -1

    Lovely bit of carcus full of cysts.

  • Does anyone know if it’s Halal?

  • How can they make chickens this cheap???? 🤔

    • They are on special, half price.

  • -1

    Dead link?

  • This fresh or frozen? I assume fresh

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