This was posted 6 years 4 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Whittaker's Chocolate Blocks 200g-220g $3 (RRP $4.80) @ Big W

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Really good chocolate from New Zealand. They sell it in bigger block sizes and have better discounts over there but this is the lowest I've seen it in Oz for a while. Almond Gold and Creamy Milk are my go tos. Enjoy!

Whittakers White Chocolate
Whittakers Dark Almond
Whittakers Creamy Milk
Whittakers Coconut
Whittakers Peanut Butter
Whittakers Rum & Raisin
Whittakers Almond Gold

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closed Comments

  • +10

    Great price, this chocolate is delicious.

    • +1

      You can still get inhouse brands for that price. It just depends on how much you value decent quality.

      • +3

        Is Whittaker good quality? How do they compare with others? I thought Whittaker is average.
        I'm not asking any kiwi :)

        • +22

          Whittaker's is far superior to Cadbury's.

        • +12

          Whittaker’s is the best fairly affordable chocolate I’ve ever had. Heck, it’s probably the best full stop. Haigh’s is pretty good but too $$$. If you can’t find it at Big W, try Woolworths. Once you try Whittaker’s, you’ll not look back

        • +2

          It is a great chocolate, but I stopped buying it because of their poor response to why they raised their prices. Instead of being upfront, they just used some lame excuse. Can't remember what their response was, but there was a huge backlash then. Beofre they put the price up, you could buy 1 block for $2.
          The good ol' times.

          • @bargainparker: Understandable, and if memory serves me right they all used to be 250g.

        • +1

          Used to be. They changed formuala 8? Years ago and increased their price. Too sweet for me now. My new go to is Aldi home brand.

        • -1

          Honestly, I won't be losing any sleep if you choose to save a dollar and eat some crappy homebrand.

      • +2

        what about aldi's chochuer

        • +1

          It's pretty good - some of it doesn't contain dairy, which is my main criteria. Whitaker's dark are also excellent for this.

    • +12

      hands in badge………….buys 4 more blocks

      • This guy needs more badges

        • +1

          Badges?!?!? You want badges?!? I’ll give you badges. Here. 99c each. I’ll sell you some

  • +1

    Almond Gold, Peanut Butter and milk are all good. Rum and raisin was pretty awful though, Cadbury's is better and thats saying something. Would be good to have an alternative with less sweetness, more cocoa and rum.

  • +7

    Good price and they are palm oil free too.

    • +4

      You enjoy your Made in China Kmart Chocolates.

      • -8

        Uh, where do you think you are? This is Ozbargain.

        For $1/100g, kmart chocolates are amazing, although at one point they had way more flavours in their range which seems to have been reduced to a few basic flavours now.

        Coles chocolates are $1/100g as well but it is nowhere near as good.

        • +1

          They were rather good - Belgian, but not top quality Belgian. Haven't they ceased that line?

      • China is so far ahead of New Zealand yet you think they can't make chocolate?

  • Almond gold is good. I don't know why woolies stopped selling them.

    Is this a new lowered price or is it a sale price only?

    • +1

      sale price looks to be until end of this month when I checked the sale tag.

      • Cheers mate.

  • +7

    Coconut is good. But I do miss the Golden Rough block from decades back in full size block form, now only sold in small pieces.…

    • +1

      yep it's my alternative to Golden Rough.

    • +1

      Man, that was the best.

    • Cadbury sell 'coconut rough' blocks but I can only ever find them in IGA. Might give these ones a try.

  • +4

    Safeway used to stock the white chocolate blocks (my favourite), then didn't for a year or two, then did again for about 6 months and now they're gone again.

    They are the McRibs of the chocolate world.

    • Technically, what you called white chocolate isn't really chocolate.

    • You mean Safeway, US?

  • +7

    The coconut one is soooo good

  • +9

    This chocolate smashes Cadbury's. If you get a chance I definitely recommend the smaller West Coast Buttermilk Caramelised White chocolate flavour!

    • The creamy milk also makes the second best hot chocolates i’ve tried, besides Lindt. Melt some into a cup and add steamed milk

  • +5

    Best retail chocolate in Australia, hands down, it's not sh!T as cardbury, nestle etc. Rubbish full of sugar, oils, and cheap health killing fillers, literally melts on the touch of your hand, no solid, nutritional ingredients at all. Love these chocolates, you can taste and feal the difference, doesn't matter which one you buy, hazelnuts, almonds, coconut, peanut butter, they are all great and loaded with it.

    • Once I ventured into an IGA shop and they had far more ranges than the local Woolworths, like strawberry, but they were pricey even then. I think normal price at Woolworths was about $3 while at IGA they were about $8.

      • South Hurstville?

        • +1

          Not quite, but you are close, though I think IGA stocks them nationally. Not quite sure about that and it's been long time since I went to another IGA. I know their range of flavours was what surprised me. Quite a bit more than Woollies and Big W.

          • @bargainparker: The range is less extensive in the Lower Hunter but as you described last time I looked in South Hurstville.

            • @PJC: Coles used to stock them. It seems Coles drives many other brands out of their shelves. And while Woolworths had them on special from time to time I don't remember Coles doing the same.

              • @bargainparker: I haven't seen it in my local Coles branches. Lots of Lindt though, and those Chinese M&Ms bars.

                • @PJC: Coles had them, but long time ago. I think probably 7-8 years ago. And suddenly it was all gone. They only kept small bars. It reminds me how Coles used to stock Browns 1 kg sour cream, then only half a kilo and small tub of 200g, then just the small tub. There was fairly big range of Berri juice, the 100% juice. Now only orange juice in plastic bottles.

                  • @bargainparker: Yes I've only seen small 40g or 50g bars in Coles, never blocks.

    • Pretty sure Lindt or Haighs make better chocolate than this off the top of my head …

      • not for $3

    • How does it compare with Lindt?

      • Close in quality but not quite as smooth.

  • +3

    These chocolates taste like they use natural ingredients. No funny aftertaste. The cocoa in the chocolate tastes more raw and genuine, not over processed like some other brands.

    • Lindt doesn't have a funny aftertaste either. Does it?

  • -8

    Lots of New Zealanders on here spruiking this stuff. Rather support an Aussie business.

    • +1

      its just chocolate man.. let it go

    • +3

      I'm neither, and no, I'm not gonna support cardbury or nestle or any of does scamming, killing, corporations, by the way Cadbury used to be British, now it's Karfts, American. And in all honesty it's getting under my skin and irritating me ,it feels more day by day like some mixture of nazi-comunisam wrapped and hidden behind a huge sign that says Democracy. That whole false patriotism that's only used for individual benefits to boost sales etc (man when I hear Harvey Norman and that idiot from crimsafe I wouldn't want to buy anything anymore in my life "big and true" patriots LOL!) . What do I have from it if it's Australian made, same grade of quality as an equal Asian product but 500% more expensive? Same machine used to make, same ingredients, material etc. Slapped with an Aussies flag.

      • like some mixture of nazi-comunisam wrapped and hidden behind a huge sign that says Democracy

        Actually we're a plutocracy (a government controlled by the wealthiest for the benefit of the wealthiest).

        Here's the ABC and the Washington Post agreeing with me:…

        And yet Australian's continue to vote for the two parties that are carrying out this disgusting behavior at their and my expense.

    • +3

      I’m not a NZ-lander and I like the choc. Is there an australian owned brand that makes a genuine australian chocolate that I should buy instead?

      • +1

        Haigh’s :)

    • I’ve bought blocks of this over and given it to workmates here and every one of them prefer Whittaker’s over any chocolate they’ve tried here. It’s just really nice stuff, I don’t blame them

  • +2

    ah nice, the peanut butter one! was a bit sad when coles and woolies both stopped selling it a while back.

    i swear they always take away the snacks i like (jalapeno and cheeseburger pringles, honey soy grain waves, non-caffeinated mountain dew…..the list goes on)

    perhaps i should eat healthier

  • +5

    can't remember if I got it here or overseas, but the Whittaker L&P's white chocolate mix was so damn good

    • +1

      A friend of mine gave me a small block recently, so good! I think she got it from IGA.

      • thanks, I'll check it out!

  • So who copied who… the names sounds eaxctly like Cadbury Old Gold collection

    I usually get these…

    • Whittaker's sounds like Cadbury Old Gold?

      Edit: Oh you mean the flavour names? No idea but I do like both brands

  • Where else do they sell the bigger packs of
    Whittaker's apart from bigw?

    • I was referring to the bigger blocks in NZ - 250g.

    • +2

      Coles now sells the 250g blocks. They even have the caramel flavour which is my favourite and as far as I'm aware wasn't available in Australia before. There's also a dark block that I think was also caramel which is probably the best dark chocolate I've had. The Coles I shop at had them displayed by themselves on the shelf in the chocolate aisle separate from the other brands of chocolate. Silly to not have them all together.

      • Is it a new addition? I just had a look at the Coles website and only 1 Whittaker's item is available (peanut chocolate slab)

        • +1

          Think they only started selling them about 2 weeks ago and may not be available in all stores hence why they're not showing on their website. Click here to see which stores have them.

          • @Taorei: That makes sense. You may be right.

      • Thanks didn't know that will keep an eye out for them at Coles.

  • +2

    Whittaker's Dark Almond is the best. Really decent chocolate for the money.

  • How does this compare to black and gold?

    • Both are legally called 🍫

    • There's Black & Gold chocolate? I've never seen that.

    • I wanna be next to you, black and gold, black and gold, black and gold.

  • +2

    Dark Almond and Rum & Raisin are both dairy free/vegan, for those interested in these kind of things.

    Although if you have a chocolate intolerance I'd stay away…….

  • +1

    Coconut. That’s all I want

  • spewing they stopped production of their cashew block… Just have to satisfy myself with their peanut slabs…soooo good

  • +1

    Thanks OP, just nipped down to Big W and bought way more chocolate than I needed!

    • +3

      Forgive yourself. Chocolate is a basic human right.

  • +1

    My local store does not have special price tag,but scanned at $3 anyway,SD 10% off plus 5% off eGC(Feel Winning!).

    Most of them have a long life till July 2019 onwards.

  • Choice as Kiwi chocolate awesome as too

  • How long are these on special for?!

  • +2

    Not advertised but scanned for $3 at my local
    Also now I feel sick but it was probably worth it
    Thanks OP

  • +1

    Love the Whittakers slabs almond and peanut. Much better than Crapburys.

  • +1

    Oh man, my last trip to NZ in August I brought back 8 big blocks and three of the fancy special blocks. I love these!! Great cheap chocolate, especially all the nut ones.

  • Peppermint not on sale? That is my fav.

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