Some of my fellow ozbargainers pressured me to post up a deal on the motherboard that I felt left out on in my last forum post, unfortunately it ran out of stock on eBay.However, that doesn't mean that there aren't any good deals to be had.
I found this board on msy at an even better price.
This board is an absolute steal for a last gen flagship motherboard, and with a bios update it is compatible with all 2nd gen Ryzen chips. It even has support for RAM OC of up to 3600…
I'd go with this over a B450 tomahawk any day.
P.s. this is my second time posting a deal so go easy on me
edit: MSY also do BIOS updates for free, so be sure to call them up tomorrow to get your bios updated.
Wow looks like someone has already reported u. IDK but ozbargain can sometimes be a really unfriendly place. Go easy on the guy it's his 2nd post. That's why im afraid to post anything anymore!