UsenetExpress Block and Unlimited Specials
Use coupon if you already a member otherwise the link should automatically apply it.
* 500GB block for $US5. Coupon 5For500
* 6 months unlimited for $US18. Coupon 6for18
* 12 months unlimited for $US35. Coupon 12for35
They are :
* Tier1 Provider (not a reseller)
* US servers (with EU servers planned for the future)
* Retention : 1100+ Days
* Connections : 50
* SSL : included
* VPN : Included with unlimited accounts. Add-on for block accounts.
* Payment : Credit card, Paypal, Bitcoin (via Bitpay so i don't know if this counts)
I don't know exactly when this will end but according to the Rep on this Reddit post, sometime towards the end of the week.
It looks like for the Unlimited accounts that you get to keep this special price when it comes time to renew, but only if you pay by credit card or Paypal.
Can anyone tell me if this is a good deal?