This was something I was looking for before. MicroSD to miniSD adaptors (as well as microSD to SD adaptors). It seems to be hard to find. $22.15 before postage (though it includes the other equipment as well, including the 2GB microSD card).
Not the best deal for microSD cards, but if I read it correctly, it's good if you wanted both the microSD to miniSD adaptor and a microSD to SD adaptor.
If you are looking for adaptors like I was, for:
- microSD to miniSD
- miniSD to SD
see Pauly's comment. Great find :)
Pauly hit the nail on the head and his find was far better for microSD card adaptors.
(I've ordered mine from DealExtreme)
If you are looking for good deals on microSD:
- this is not for you
If you are looking for a deal where you get all of the following:
- microSD to miniSD adaptor
- microSD to SD adaptor
- 2GB microSD
I'm not sure if this is good.
If you still have any dStore vouchers, it might end up being the best buy for you for 2GB microSD cards.
… anyone heard of any dStore vouchers recently?