• expired

iPhone 6S Plus 32GB Space Grey $617 @ Officeworks


By far the cheapest anywhere for brand new, AU or overseas. Stock seems decent but this model is out of production so may not last long.

Here are the reasons I bought it and you may want to consider it. AMA.
If these don't line up with your requirements, this deal isn't for you :-)

  • Has to be an iPhone, not interested in Android
  • You can live with 6S performance (improved under iOS 12, wife has one, it's smooth)
  • Your don't want to spend $900+ for the 7 Plus
  • You want a Plus model. Plus models don't just have a bigger screen, you get way better battery life, and the screen is denser and higher resolution, sharper than the non-Plus models.
  • Want peace of mind of 24 month AU warranty and avoid all the dodgy refurb deals sprouting up everywhere WTF
  • Travelling in next 60 days and can get GST refund
  • Can't think of a single thing you'll really miss compared to an iPhone 7/8
  • Headphone jack FTW
  • Think 4-figures for a phone is too much
  • Need a new phone soon

EDIT: Off to pick up mine from Officeworks, was a bit worried it's a stock error, but this confirms Officeworks does have them.

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closed Comments

  • +34

    3 year old phone?

    • +5

      iPhone, not just any other phone.

      • 3 years old compared to the latest iPhones that cost 2 grand or whatever yes.

        Apple is so far ahead of Android in some things that it's more like less than a year compared to Samsung S9, and ahead of Pixel 2.


        No idea re: cameras but I'd expect S9 is clearly better than 6S?

        (not sparking a debate, just adding some context, make the decision best for you :-) )

        • +5

          Wow looking at the chart iphone 6s is ahead of 7 in some things ;)

        • +15

          Funnily enough missus has 6s plus and I have pixel 2. Mine is way ahead of hers in everything, except size because Pixel 2 is a small phone. Not to mention the Pixel 2 camera is still comparable to 2 grand new iPhone.

          • +5

            @Bigboomboom: Yeah I have heard and read lots of good stuff about the Pixel 2 camera, I'd definitely lean that way if camera quality is important to you.

        • +14

          you have repeated yourself for many times - not sparking a debate? what you are doing is exactly the opposite.

          whether or not the latest iPhones are worth 2k is another topic, but 6s IS a 3 yr old phone.

          Apple may be "so far ahead of Android" in SOME things, but it is also behind android in something else.

          • @aec: I must be more than a decade older than almost everyone here!

            I think it has at least been that long since I cared about winning smartphone arguments online :-)

            • +9

              @scynaz: it's not about winning arguments, it's about explain why your statement is true or not. You cannot say a 3 year old phone is still ahead of something else, without any proof, unless you are still using Internet Explorer 6 to write, then you are right.

              • -2

                @ntt: I am an engineer (true story).

                From the link I posted:


                • @scynaz: people are funny.

                  • @Hunnypooh: lol love this site, someone whines about lack of proof instead of clicking the link, I post the benchmark image from the link and get 6 negs.

                • @scynaz: What kind of engineer?

                  • +2

                    @Pigsy3: Computer, now building distributed systems in the cloud, which is way more fun than arguing over benchmarks, I'm bothering to reply for others who may read this, it's fine to disagree, but it's genuinely hilarious to read I buy iPhones because I'm a luddite.

                    Actually screw this, being nice gets boring.

                • +2

                  @scynaz: Do you also want synthetic benchmark where 6s plus lagging behind SD835?

                  In standard speed test (running apps and game, not synthetic benchmark that, if you are an engineer you would know, heavily bias to a specific set of instructions and gives wildly different result due to different architecture), SD835 is comparable to A10, faster than A9 and slower than A12.

                  Funnily enough, A9 is faster in opening light app but seriously lagging behind in heavy app like games compared to any newer Apple chip.

                  • +1

                    @Bigboomboom: I literally said the 6S is probably behind whatever the latest Snapdragon/Exynos chips in the Pixels/S9s are.
                    Just not three years, I'd say less than a year.

                    Caring deeply about granular differences synthetic benchmarks scores is ridiculous and irrelevant for daily use, so no I don't want.

                    • @scynaz: SD835 isn't the latest Qualcomm chip. I don't even talk about S9 which uses newer Exynos/SD845 depends on model, Pixel 2 is last year, S9 family is this year.

                      Also you proudly proclaimed iPhone 6S Plus is ahead of Pixel 2. I'm sorry but that's completely false. Pixel 2 is ahead in every front, obviously because 6S Plus is released in 2015 and Pixel 2 is 2017. Any Android flagship in 2017 would be better. Sorry, Apple is at best 1 gen ahead, not what you were trying to make it out to be.

                      • @Bigboomboom: I literally linked to Anandtech, just go disagree with him, I'm not saying anything beyond what's in the article.

                        Anyone not locked in and not strongly inclined to go with iPhones like me should buy the Pixel 2 over an iPhone 6S, no question, even at a somewhat higher price.

                        • @scynaz: Not sure why I need to disagree with Anandtech, he has never said anything similar to what you Proclaimed, all he said is SD845 is comparable to A11 chip in iPhone 8/X, which by the way is 2 gen ahead of the old iPhone 6S Plus. The only comparison to Apple was in the review was OS Webviewer which is heavily biased to Apple, yet SD845 is extremely close. All other benchmarks are mostly Android vs Android.

                          Some engineer you are.

                          • +2

                            @Bigboomboom: Seriously man. Get over yourself. If you are willing to get so butt hurt over a guys phone choice or what he says about his choice, you must lead a pretty boring life. Are you 12?

                            • +3

                              @[Deactivated]: Lol this has been kind of interesting I haven't waded into this sort of thing for years.

                              Bit of a change from Twitter, but it just goes in circles after a while, so back to Twitter for me and it's ever evolving insanity.

                              One thing about Twitter is you can't bullshit the way some do here, you'll literally have a Google engineer telling you you're wrong :-D

                            • @[Deactivated]: "Are you 12?"
                              What a zinger. Keep that stuff coming man you really got him

                              • -1

                                @WinstonWithAY: Thanks for your triggered input. Really entertaining.

                                • @[Deactivated]: I'm not triggered. But you clearly were. Must just ooze creativity with comebacks like that. Keep em coming

                                  • @WinstonWithAY: ‘I’m not triggered’ lol, cool story bro. Just stop.

                          • +2

                            @Bigboomboom: Speedometer 2.0 is endorsed by both Apple and Google, which is why Anandtech uses it to benchmark.

                            But no lets just go with a fanboy whine about it being "heavily biased to Apple".


                            • -1

                              @scynaz: Yeah sure, why not use Antutu or Geekbench as well, in which SD835 would summarily stomps on A9, and SD845 would be even much faster? Even Apple advertised Antutu score in their presentation.

                              FYI Pixel 2 is 200k on Antutu and 6S Plus is 145k. Pixel 2 is actually within 10% to iPhone 8 plus at 220k, and they are same year albeit SD835 is older by several months.

                              For an engineer who seek not to sparked a debate, you seems awfully full of misinformation and readily fanboying over Apple old tech.

                              • +1

                                @Bigboomboom: Ok last comment on this since I wasn't completely clear and you all seem to take this really seriously.

                                6S is ahead of the Pixel 2 in single core performance, which probably explains Speedometer web benchmark wins and obviously the higher Geekbench since core score. While this matters a lot you're right overall the Pixel 2 is more advanced, and for like the 4th time I would seriously have considered buying a Pixel 2 or 2 XL if either was $650.

                                Yeah it's a better phone, enough to tempt me to go back to Android if it wasn't stupidly priced most of the time.

                                The US has way more regular Pixel deals.

                                Antutu is probably due to better 3D performance of the Pixel 2.

                                • @scynaz: never in a million years 6s could be better than pixel 2. my s8 is faster than my missus 7 plus. i have literally tested several apps in both 7 plus and s8 simultaneously. not a single app starts faster in 7 plus than galaxy s8. You are comparing 6s with pixel 2 which is faster than s8.

                                • @scynaz: I just wanted you chime in here with a question - do these synthetic benchmarks even matter?

                                  My phone has zero performance issues in day to day use with a mid range SD660 and stock Android.

                                  All that matters is the usability of the phone, and while I think the 6s plus is (was) a great phone, 32gb is almost a crippling amount of storage.

                                  Also while the processor may be grouse and all, I seriously doubt you a are going to be doing any 'power user' type stuff.

                                  Then there's the average battery life, lack of expandable storage and iirc it doesn't charge very quickly either.

                                  It just seems like a high price and a lot of sacrifices just to be part of the Apple ecosystem.

                                  • @remedycrd: They don't. And you're actually making my point for me.

                                    I only brought up synthetic benchmarks to argue against the "it's three years old bla bla" rhetoric.

                                    A 6S Plus is nothing like a 3yr old Android phone that saw it's final update years ago and is a honeypot once security updates stop.

                                    6/6S Plus battery life is better than any Android phone I've ever used, maybe modern ones are comparable, I'm fine with 32GB & the charging.

                                    Not really feeling the sacrifices here, and none of the hundreds of dollars cheaper comparable Android phones I was told about materialized.

                                    This place is basically a hundred people going yeah good deal, click plus. And a hundred fanboys frothing ITS THREE YEARS OLD YOU'RE GETTING RIPPED OFF YOU ARE DUMB without making a single point of substance.

                                    • @scynaz: To be honest, I could not care less what phone people use. Use whatever makes you happy I say.

                                      But considering the website we are on, I personally cannot fathom how this can be considered a bargain.

                                      Also here's the thing, you don't need to compare a 3 year old iPhone to a 3 year old android phone because you can simply buy a new one for less coin. It's a comparison that doesn't need to be made.

                                      Something like a Nokia 7 plus runs stock Android, has genuine 2 day battery life, expandable storage et al and it can be found for $450. Oh and it won't shatter when you breathe on it too heavily.

                                      You like the phone and that's cool. But there are not just better value, but better overall phones at this price point (and below).

                                      • @remedycrd: "Can be found for $450" lol

                                        One whole day of fanboys and I am one step closer to the mythical Android phone that's hundreds of dollars cheaper that I should be buying.

                                        The problem isn't that you're dumb fanboys, the problem is you're all just sad people.

                                        A whole day of hearing about AMOLED and awesome Android cameras and Snapdragon 835/845, we're down to an LCD phone, Snapdragon 660, a worse camera, basically a phone comprehensively worse than the iPhone 6S Plus that is nowhere to be found for $450. LOL.

                                        • +1

                                          @scynaz: Whoa. No need to start calling people names now.

                                          I just searched 7 plus and found $406, $436 and $456.

                                          Plot twist - iPhone 6s plus was my daily driver for two years back before I wisened up and still had a phone on plan. Modern midrange Android phones are objectively better in all tasks except photography.

                                          The iPhone is an LCD phone too?

                                          Didn't you say in an earlier post that you don't care about camera or phone speakers?

                                          The SoC smashes everyday tasks while returning 4 times better battery life than your iPhone. No shit. Also you wouldn't need to use up data swapping files in and out of the cloud because you found a cheap 128gb SD card on OzB.

                                          You're kind of arguing yourself into a hole here.

                                          You don't need to justify your purchase to the people of the internet, but it's the way you're going about it that's prompted my response.

                                          • @remedycrd: Everyone will be mad if someone gets the price wrong in a bargain yet literally no one calling me dumb and telling me to buy cheaper better android phones has provided a link to one AU stock and brand new.

                              • +1

                                @Bigboomboom: You make some interesting and relevant points about the underlying technology and speed tests. Your ad hominem attacks, however, are inappropriate and unacceptable.

          • @aec: I agree, Apple are missing features that I want in my Smartphone now. Older generation tech used in the 6s is weaker in various areas compared with other same era hardware. It comes down to what you want and value in a smartphone. Every OEM does this, they focus on being best certain aspects and tradeoff in others. After updating my iPad Air 2 to iOS 12, I personally wouldn't want to purchase an Apple device that only had 2gb of ram because of performance reasons. It's really hard to recommend 3 year old tech unless you must have an Apple product.

            • +1

              @Ronnnie: I've generally read positive reviews of the iPad Air 2 under iOS 12, you may want to try a backup reset then restore.

              But it's not an equal comparison, it has the A8X while 6S has A9. I doubt RAM is the limiting factor, even the iPad Pro 9.7 has 2GB.

              • @scynaz: SoC differences are irrelevant with my performance issues, Websites and apps are reloading regularly now on my iPad air 2 on iOS 12. This wasn't the case with earlier versions of iOS on this device. I'm expecting iOS 13 to be a major new redesign which will come at the detriment to the performance of older devices. It'll require more ram, devices with higher resolution screens and less ram will notice the impact more. From a performance standpoint, you are probably better going with the standard iPhone 6s and avoiding the plus models or even the SE because of the lower screen resolution. The iPad air Suffered this issue from when it was released because of the 1gb ram choice combined with higher resolution screen.

        • +4

          I’m just trying to work out why spend $647 on a old iPhone. With Apple stuff might as well get the newest one or don’t get any. Save The $647 for next year release mate.

          • +1

            @Michaelz101: I have a Samsung S7, response time is almost instantaneous, so in reality, if a iPhone is ten times faster or a million times faster, it makes no difference to me, especially since the time it takes my eyes to move from the keyboard to the screen is greater than the lag.

          • +7

            @Michaelz101: Because the iPhone is miles ahead of Android in terms of delivering updates, supporting old hardware, your Android phone once you stop getting updates is just a massive security hole.

            Because Apple's commitment to privacy and guarding user data is deeply ingrained organizationally and ground up in iOS. Most importantly, there's no conflict of interest, they don't monetize your data fullstop.

            You don't have to constantly be on your guard for apps acquiring ridiculous permissions, and when you want to understand, you go to apple.com and read plain english privacy policies like this: https://www.apple.com/au/privacy/approach-to-privacy/

            Because it just works and you get two years of walk in painless support at Apple stores, and moving your family to iPhones means never having to do tech support. Playing with ROMs used to be fun, I've got bigger toys now and stuff to build.

            Because the integration across the Apple ecosystem is nice, yes I'm pretty locked in to Apple, you don't have to be, but I need stronger reasons to dump it all and go back to Android.

            Because I've used a 6S regularly, there's one in my home already, and I've never felt a need for more performance.

            I nneed a phone now and there's nothing around that I would get more value out of at $650 or even a couple of hundred dollars less.
            If a Pixel 2 was this price I'd be tempted but probably still go iPhone, honestly pretty satisfied in the Apple world atm.

            • -2

              @scynaz: your ignorance is outstanding.

              • +9

                @[Deactivated]: Everything he said is true. So unless you can actually explain wtf you mean, you’re just throwing out salty comments because you’re an android fan girl.

            • @scynaz: You can always buy oneplus 6. timely update, iy has got 9.0 now.

          • +2


            I’m just trying to work out why spend $647 on a old iPhone

            Losing $1500 buying the new one wasn't a good enough reason?

            • @Diji1: I just love the musty smell of mothballs as I open my 3 year old fossilized phone specimen, scrape off the barnacles, and peer through the thick cracked glass.

        • Yes camera is better on androids than iphone. Also battery life is significantly better on newer iPhones and Androids. Also get other little things that power users use like stereo speakers, brighter screens for use in daylight, faster charging, more than usb 2.0, just basic things

          • +2

            @onlinepred: I can't imagine a single situation where I'd care about stereo speakers in my phone. Any place I can use speakers there's real speakers around!

            • +2

              @scynaz: I just listed positives. If you don't use battery, screen, speakers, charging etc then I can see it being not worth it.

              • +1

                @onlinepred: Fair point. A brighter screen definitely would be good, it's crazy we still can't build screens readable in sunlight.

                As I said in another comment, I would easily recommend the Pixel 2 over the 6S for a similar price for anyone not committed to the Apple ecosystem. Other Androids I'd only look at if they come close to the Pixel in terms of clean software and updates.

                Motorola used to once upon a time. Does any Android manufacturer these days?

                • +1


                  Because Apple's commitment to privacy and guarding user data is deeply ingrained organizationally and ground up in iOS. Most importantly, there's no conflict of interest, they don't monetize your data fullstop.

                  Commitment to privacy.. anyone remember "The Fappening" when iCloud was hacked and private photos of celebrities were leaked?
                  Annoying iCloud subscription..
                  Monetizing their services to store your data, without alternative.
                  Isn't that conflict of interest?

                  • +3

                    @cwongtech: Anyone who chooses Apple over Google for privacy had clearly not done much research.

                    • +1

                      @onlinepred: I meant iOS over Android not Apple over Google.

                  • +1

                    @cwongtech: Not a hack. The accounts were phished, iirc people figured out security questions.

                    Apple improved and increased security requirements including compulsory 2-factor since, but it wasn't a breach/hack of iCloud.


                    Not sure why I even both but man this place is full of people with so much confidence and like zero insight.

                    • @scynaz:

                      Not a hack. The accounts were phished, iirc people figured out security questions.

                      It was brute forced, no captcha for repeatedly failed attempts and detection of brute force attack.
                      Google security is actually very tight, if you try to sign in on another device you MUST use an existing device to verify.

                      • -1


                        Google security is actually very tight

                        Hahaha, you're hilarious.

                      • +1

                        @cwongtech: Oh for heaven's sake this is public info there's a court case and everything, don't just throw a phrase like brute force around I can't even tell if you don't know what it means or you've got a false account stored in your head you're convinced is true.

                        You could like copy paste stuff and appear way smarter.


                        "Each of the hackers gained access to other people’s accounts through phishing — sending their targets fake password-reset links, and then using that information to log into their accounts."

                        And Apple does the 2 device thing too and I didn't ever argue Apple's cloud networks are more secure than Google, just that Android is much more opaque and leaky with your data and app permissions, and a big difference in Android vs iOS security is updates.

                        • @scynaz: You have seen the recent news in regards to China right? Apple linked to Chinese chips in their servers. Ouch. I hope your phone is your since it means nothing

                  • @cwongtech: I think those talking about privacy are referring to what data Apple collects and what they do with it, not how susceptible accounts are to hacking. I don't think it was ever revealed how the accounts were accessed, but it was probably poor security or social engineering. iCloud itself was not "hacked".
                    Edit: If your password is poor enough to get brute forced I'd argue that's on the user, but it's ridiculous they had no limits on that.

                    Anyway, I don't know why anyone would argue that $650 for an iPhone 6s is good value, especially considering Android options unless you must be on an Apple device and in that case, why not get something recent? Seems like there are decent deals for last gen Samsung phones every now and again, which pack a high resolution display, an AMOLED panel, much, much more RAM to keep things running in the background, expandable storage and so on. As for updates, I believe Samsung provides 3 years of security updates from a device's launch, less than Apple's 5 or so years but it's enough for most. OS updates aren't nearly as important for Android devices as they are for Apple devices, as applications are updated individually rather than requiring an entire OS update.

                    • @SammySJ: Thank you re: data.

                      I didn't say anything about it being good value or make a generalized argument about value.

                      But the idea that only numbers like storage and RAM and benchmarks and stuff can correlate to value is plain ridiculous.

                      • @scynaz: It's all of it together that is what I'd consider to a device's value.

                        Your average consumer likely won't care about an app starting .2 or however much faster (unless it's painfully slow, such as on lower end Android devices), they might care about how long an app is kept running in the background but I doubt it's enough to warrant any actual consideration. Things like the display's colours and resolution is where most of them would immediately notice the difference, even my tech illiterate friends could tell the difference between an older iPhone and the S8, or an iPhone 6 and the iPhone X for a more mainstream comparison. Samsung produces some of the best panels and the same is true for the display on the iPhone X which imo looks better than Samsung has put out to date. If you consume media heavily on your device, I'd recommend against something with such a poor resolution, especially at this price.

                        There's also the camera, which is likely more valued than even a display, I'll be honest and say I have no clue how the 6s camera performs, but I doubt a 3 year old device is up to snuff there, especially when compared to the Pixel line.

                        iPhone has its own benefits of course, the 6s will probably get updates until iOS 14 and if you're deep within the Apple ecosystem their integration between devices is unmatched, though I do use a MBP and Note 8 myself (Apple can't really be beat when it comes to laptops). Again, I'd recommend getting a more recent Apple device rather than spending $650 on one now and replacing it in 1-2 years unless you really don't care about using outdated tech. I'd imagine the 2GB of RAM will become an issue sooner or later, I know that much is downright unusable on Android.

                  • @cwongtech:

                    1. iCloud wasn't compromised, the users were.
                    2. iCloud subscription is optional. 5GB free without "subscription". It's cheap (50GB is $1.49 a month). It's secure. It's private. And you don't have Google "analysing" your data.
                    3. As opposed to using an OS made by a company that records and monetises every action you perform on your phone? No alternative? You can not turn on iCloud and integrate Onedrive, Dropbox and probably Gdrive pretty seamlessly into iOS these days.
                    • @atronic: Just keep in mind a few things. 100gb on Google is $2.50. Apple cloud is stored on Google infrastructure. You are still using Google on an iPhone therefore no difference in security there. All Google apps get priority updates on Android. Google is privacy focused, they were created that way, Apple was created for profit only. They are selling ads to markets, they are not selling your data. Apple does this too by the way.

        • -2

          Android is a just poor man's iPhone IMO

          • +1

            @OzBrogains: We all have money to get an iPhone, just that Android users also have the brains to recognize the value proposition an iPhone brings is way below the monetary payment required to obtain it.

            The "resale value" argument for apple products only holds true because enough people believe in it. I expect my phones to serve me and me only, it's service life is for my usage, not to be resold to some peasant who wants an iPhone but can't afford the latest iPhone (why else would they buy your second hand PoS). I buy the best technologically advanced products, just for phones I don't need to spend $2000 to make calls and message others. My flagship Android can do the same at half the price.

            I can buy a Mavic Drone (best portable drone) and a flagship Android phone for $2000.

            Why bother for a 3rd tier iPhone when you can go for a 1st tier Android flagship that can do so much more?

            The "Ecosystem".. Being jailed in iTunes, those who have lived in a cage will never know freedom.

            iPhone to AppleTV
            Android was capable of doing that more than 4 years ago, even without Chromecast dongles. Miracast technology came into the world 2012-2013.

            Paying exorbitant amounts for old, mature technology is really laughable, but hey, I guess there's a market for that.

          • @OzBrogains: Only about a decade late with that one.

        • Here's a good video that shows those speed tests are flawed.


  • +6

    Could just use tin cans and string. No deal.

    Apologies in advance bohn https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/406801

    • What OS do you have with that setup? Is it a Plus?

      • +3

        WiredOS 12

        • Google is releasing one of these with a Snapstring 845, but it’s running Cup(cake)… :-/

      • +3

        Yeah on one side it’s canned Peach 6 (375ml), on the other it’s Peach 6 Plus (500ml)

        • +1

          Just out of curiosity, does the can have deep groves throughout?
          I'm using a plum plus on my end, but keep getting drops in signal; only difference to the all fruits model my girl is using is that here has can is straight walled.

          • +1

            @Salmando: You should Lidbreak your Plum Plus using CanOpener or similar. Allows a lot more flexibility in how you can use it.

          • @Salmando: I can't keep up with all this technical jargon

  • +1

    Is 32gb sufficient for normal use?

    • +1

      normal checking emails/browsing fb/messengers/LINE/what'app and a couple of thousands of photos should be fine. just don't put videos on it but the work around is to have a large mobile data plan so that you can access to the content from the net/server easily.

    • +1

      If you download / play more than a couple of games, probably not.

      Otherwise it's manageable with a decent data plan, 10+ GB, these days aim for 20GB or more.

      I've been using a 16GB iPhone. It's a bit of a pain but there's nothing I'm completely prevented from doing.

      Use Google photos to sync photos/videos to the cloud. More free space than iCloud and you can bump up to 100GB (maybe 200GB now) for $2.50 a month.

      iOS automatically offloads apps if you're low on space. 32GB will do just fine for me with ~50 apps, drone videos, audiobooks, podcasts, and a couple of downloaded Netflix videos.

      Use Vodafone so you have $5/day intl. roaming :-)

    • I would say no (because it puts too many restrictions on your use to be …. useful). I struggle with 128GB (photos, podcasts, …, 1GB apps etc).

  • +18

    $600 for an iphone 6 lmao, so many better choices out there for the money or even half the cost but i guess normies are after social status so they'd buy the 5 year old iphone instead.

    • +19


      • +6


    • +6

      There is no social status when you pop out a 4 year old iPhone. That only comes with the latest models and only for those who upgrade every year for it.

      • -5

        no, people still show off what their iphone 5 can do still.

        • +13

          I show off with my original iPhone (first generation).

    • +1

      FWIW I design and manage production systems and write code for a living. I control and monitor infra in the cloud thru my iPhone and iPad. I coded a little RISC microprocessor in uni :-)

      I don't game and I use an RX100 for when I care about camera quality. Apart from that I'm very much a power user.

      Haven't hit a single use case that would make me consider spending hundreds of dollars extra, which I can use for my laptop budget instead.


      • You literally just decided you want to spend hundreds extra to get an iPhone over other phones that are better in nearly every way and cheaper

        • +1

          I love how no one has given me a single reason why my use is better served with whatever Android I can get for the same price.

          You're all so funny. People have different use cases, priorities, and if there's Android options overwhelmingly better, lol tell me FFS, I'll go return this to Officeworks, I like gadgets, it's not hard to tempt me if you can give me reasons to want a different phone!

          But stereo speakers? LOL

          • +2

            @scynaz: I just love you how go on how you are old and have a family and don't care what you get and don't compare, yet here you are offering comparisons and caring a lot which phone you get, the only thing you don't care about is price apparently ;-)

            You went to the effort in finding websites that compare stats, so I'm sure you can google best android phones and see what prices they are at.

            If you NEED an iPhone then go for it, there is no reason to put up comparisons, and say that you don't compare phones, that you are above comparing phones as you have children or something else, just say that here is an iPhone lol. It's clear you compare phones and want to get a good one at a good price, you don't need to go telling everyone a lie. I mean you said you don't want to argue about phones, and then you go and argue about phones. Just weird man.

            If you don't care about camera, then the OP6 is the logical jump for you. If you like old phones like the 6s, then look at the OG Pixel XL. It really depends what you want, but all the things you listed can be had in new or near new androids for similar or less. You could go to JB and buy a nokia 7 plus brand new for the same price.

        • +1

          Which are the phones hundreds cheaper better in every way?

          • +2

            @scynaz: I don't think they understand that not being a data collection device for the world's largest data collection and advertising business is better.

            • +1

              @Diji1: If you buy an iPhone it is clear proof of a serious mental condition that should be listed under DSM. It should also destroy your credit score forever because you make terrible financial decisions like not choosing phones based on RAM but based on which one does what you want.

              • +2

                @scynaz: Choosing based on what you want (Emotions and emotions alone) = Retail therapy, brand loyalty, and potential bankruptcy-causing personality trait (Will still buy items from brand even if they need to sell their kidney)
                Choosing based on price and price alone regardless of functions = Cheapass
                Choosing based on value (subjective) based on utility = OzBargainer
                Choosing based on mix of value (subjective) and emotions = Normal person

                Voting liblab = Typical lazy Australian

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