• expired

7 Meals for $49 Delivered @ Youfoodz

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Found this code while planning my meals for next week.

Edit: You'll also get a free 'Block Winning Curry' with deliveries between 22/9-29/9 (21/9-28/9 in BNE, GC & TWB) according to the home page (it'll be automatically included with your meal delivery, don't need to add to cart). So 8 meals in total for $49 if delivered on or before 29/9 (28/9 for BNE/GC/TWB).

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$200 off split between 1st 5 boxes: random (171)

Referee gets up to $200 off split between the first 5 boxes. Referrer get $40 credit.

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closed Comments

  • +11

    You'll also get a free 'Block Winning Curry' with deliveries between 22/9-29/9 (21/9-28/9 in BNE, GC & TWB) according to the home page (it'll be automatically included with your meal delivery, don't need to add to cart). So 8 meals in total for $49.

    • This should be added to the deal title and description.

    • +1

      I missed out on the curry as I got my delivery today which is after the deadline, but they added the 2 free meals from this deal https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/405616, happy with that. Also added was a coconut/chocolate protein ball, free plate and cutlery. Their box will make a handy esky too.

  • +13

    $7 each? no thanks. $5.50 and i will buy

    • +1

      Definitely. The record was $4.90 per meal.
      Meals are tiny at 200-300g. Ok for a light lunch but definitely not enough by itself for a dinner.

      I recommend giving My Muscle Chef a try. $8.50 for 400-500g. Lots of variety and large enough for dinners. Good amount of protein too per meal vs. Youfoodz.

      • +12

        this gets posted every deal
        not everyone cares about the protein. also the food tastes pretty damn good. Just add a side of rice and you get a nice balance between diet (caloric deficit) and feeling full

        this deal is cheaper than last time assuming we get the free curry

        • +2

          And should be reposted as its factual.. Just highlighting the poor value of youfoodz compared with competitors.

          The average youfoodz meal is tiny, less than 2000kj and made of cheap carb heavy fillers like rice, noodles and pasta.

          The average recommended RDI for an Australian male is 8700kj. Of course this varies a lot depending on your level of activity. Meaning you would need to eat 4-6 Youfoodz meals a day. https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/kilojoules

          They taste "good" because of the relatively higher level of fat and salt compared to other frozen meal alternatives.

        • +5

          @plasmapuff: most users are not replacing their entire meals with this anyway

          great for a lazy weekend meal, or cheap lunch option

          for that purpose its acceptable value

          i just had a look at muscle chef, it looks like theyre not any better regarding adding alot of carbs as filler
          their servings appear to be bigger to make up for the protein difference

          However the menu options dont look as appetitising

          maybe if they ever did some bargain promo deals we'd give it a try

      • +4

        200-300g is more than enough per meal.

        If youre concerned about counting macros then start your own meal preps.

      • Muscle chef looks good but its minimum 12 meals i only want like 5 for work every now and then :(

  • Just got this via text as well. Was gonna post, but you beat me to it.

  • +1

    Perfect timing, I just put in an order in last night .. :p

  • Nice!!! Just a tad better than 20% for my 10 items. Thanks for the post!

  • +4

    Why is it 7 for 49 when the code says `7for40'?

    • Oh snap. That's a legit Q.

    • +1

      It won't give you 7 for 40 sadly. I tried!

  • How long do you have to use this?

    • Offer ends 26 Sept 2018 per their website

      • I mean once bought, how long do you have to use the 7 meals? Is there an expiry date?

        • +1

          Each meal will have a different expiry date. Most are at least 7 days. But some meals keep better than others…some people freeze meals like the lasagna or pastas.

          The sooner you eat them the better really.

        • meals last about a week in the fridge

        • +1

          @kenunderscore: I freeze, zap then for 5 mins when I want to eat

        • +2

          @vietbargain: i freeze
          defrost in the fringe over night. zap for 2 mins

        • @furythree: I also freeze and reheat. Tastes a lot better than frozen meals like healthy choice etc.

  • Are the meal sizes actually sufficient for an average male for dinner? Assuming an average person may eat 3 meals per day with 1 or 2 light snacks in between…

    • +2

      Probably not. But I think OK for lunch or breakfast.

    • +3

      Depends. They are kind of light. If you goto the gym nearly every day I wouldn't want more than one of these a day energy wise.

      They do taste good in their defense though and force me to eat vegetables I usually hate buying.

      I get these whenever they are on special and I've probably had like nearly 60-70 individual meals now I imagine.

    • +1

      Its really hard to say. But i could have two meals for dinner easily, but should i…comes down to your daily calorie intake and how active you are.

      From the higher calorie meals i purchased recently. Most meals (which i picked) hover around the 250-300g mark per meal. Coming from a European background, it's not a big serving.

      Best to try it at least once, and see how you go. Or pop down to a retailer that stocks them :) to give you the best idea (my local IGA stock them).

    • +1

      Try to choose the options that give you more calories, and that have more protein instead of carbs. I'm 188cm and 90kg, and I am usually happy eating one meal. At times, I add something else, usually salad, sometimes brown rice, and that's fine. I eat for lunch, and I usually have a break around 3-4 PM when I eat some snacks, yoghurt, etc. Sometimes I eat them for dinner, and again I eat something else after ~3 hours. Some creatures reportedly eat 2 to 3 meals at once, which is probably fine if you are like Michael Phelps but not the case if you are a "normal" person. I guess give it a try…

    • +1

      I just add some extra veggies to them. Doesn't add much to the cost/effort.

      • Thanks everyone for the helpful comments

  • I've read that IGA also stocks Youfoodz, how much per meal are they typically?

    • Normal retail is $9.95. Sometimes you can find them discounted closer to expiry date. As they tend to discount them before their next delivery.

    • +2

      then read the comments above? You can get an 8th meal if you order by 28th (bris) or 29th (other cities)

      • -5

        Didn't read comments - just looked at title and description

    • +8

      Well, I hope you're ready to click that green plus button…

      hamza23 1 hour 10 min ago new
      You'll also get a free 'Block Winning Curry(youfoodz.com)' with deliveries between 22/9-29/9 (21/9-28/9 in BNE, GC & TWB) according to the home page (it'll be automatically included with your meal delivery, don't need to add to cart). So 8 meals in total for $49.

  • Thanks mate. Ordered

  • Do these come delivered all in one box together or like one a week?

    If it is just 7 meals for $49 delivered I have a feeling coles will be cheaper and larger even maybe.

    If it is one a week then I can see the benefit in this.

  • +2

    From a previous order.
    Just a warning to everyone about delivery.
    I live in an unit. My delivery was left downstairs in an unsecured area of my building & was stolen.
    Make sure you put notes in the order to deliver to your door directly not left downstairs.
    The first order got delivered to my door. So Didn't think I needed to do anything extra. Just very unlucky to get a different delivery driver.
    I rang them up & they are sending a replacement.

    • How did you get a replacement? I was told by customer service that if my package went missing after the driver confirmed it was delivered, they could not guarantee a replacement/refund.

  • +1

    Bummer, it's not free delivery to Perth. $20 is too much

  • +3

    Have used their service ten times now, but had an issue with my recent delivery. Got the usual text that my meals were delivered, but I went outside and didn't see the box. I checked a outside the houses up my street, and found the box on the outside of a house, three houses away.

    I contacted customer support to say that this was a (profanity) up, but could be understandable if the delivery guys were slammed busy. I then asked YouFoodz customer support the hypothetical question - If my neighbours opened the box, or if they took it inside and I never found it, would YouFoodz take responsibility and offer a replacement/refund?

    They replied and said that they cannot guarantee that I would be compensated, because the driver signed off saying it was delivered to the correct address.

    This isn't important to most of you, but it was enough for me to stop using their service. Maybe reconsider your use if you have unethical neighbours.

    • asking them a question like this given the circumstance is pretty much a warning sign for them that you'll attempt the shifty "they open and ate my goods" but they really didnt scam.

      Most of these delivery drivers need to take a picture of the product left, this would have GPS enabled. I suspect if you actually needed to outline that indeed something happened they would reissue the box/send a refund.


      • Yeah that's good to know! I used to get photos from other meal delivery services, but never from these guys. Might need to chase it up.

    • I think they might have changed their system up, when they delivered my food, the delivery driver took a picture of my front porch and the box next to the front door. If you say yours was 3 doors away and they took a picture like they did me, then you can argue a point

  • +1

    FYI there is also another offer via Suncorp Rewards which works out to 8 meals for $39 (incl. free Block Winning Curry)

  • Thanks OP, perfect timing!

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