This was posted 6 years 5 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

(QLD, WA) Australia's Biggest Strawberry Sale - September 29-30


Not sure if this is a legitimate bargain but I think it's a worthwhile cause.
We're all bargain hunters but we can all do our bit to support the farmers.

Some of the discounts that I've found -
Chambers Flat Strawberry Farm - 2kg tray for $10
Strawberry Fields - 2 trays for $10 (weight unknown)
Pick Your Own Strawberries - $10 per tray (5-6kg per tray). $2 entry per person.

Participating farms -

QLD - inc Central Qld

Strawberry Fields
133 Laxton Rd, Palmview QLD 4553
Sunshine Coast, Queensland
Facebook - @StrawberryfieldsAustralia
Opening Hours - 8am-4:30pm

McMartins Strawberry Farm & Strawberry Lane Ice Creamery
105 Sports Rd
Bli Bli, Queensland
Facebook - @mcmartinsfarm
Opening Hours - 8:30am-4:30pm

Chambers Flat Strawberry Farm
912 Chambers Flat Road
Chambers Flat QLD
Facebook -…
Opening Hours - 8:30am-4:30pm

Cooloola Berries
856 Tagigan Road
Wolvi QLD 4570
Sunshine Coast, Queensland
Opening Hours - 8am-5pm

Jarvis Fresh Strawberries
445 Rochedale Road
Rochedale QLD 4123
Facebook - @jarvisfresh
Opening Hours - 8;30am-5:30pm
*NB - No Pick Your Own

15 Zinks Rd
Bundaberg, Queensland
Opening Hours - 9:00am-5:30pm

SSS Strawberries
11 Rosedale Road
Oakwood, Queensland
Facebook - @SSSStrawberries
Opening Hours - 7:00am-5:00pm

Bundall Farmers' Market
135 Bundall Road
Surfers Paradise, Qld
Facebook - @bundallfarmersmarket
SUNDAY ONLY - 6:30am-11:30am

Braetop Berries
75 Young's Road
Glasshouse Mountains, Qld
Facebook - @BraetopBerries
No PYO - Farm Direct! - 9am-3pm


Berry Sweet Strawberry Farm
47 Davidson Road
Bullsbrook WA
Facebook -…
Opening Hours - 9:00am-5:00pm

Pick Your Own Strawberries
263 Old West Road
Bullsbrook WA
Facebook - @pickyourownstrawberries
Opening Hours - 9am-5pm


Coming soon - Picking season starts later

C'mon Ozbargain, let's get behind our farmers!

Related Stores

closed Comments

  • +26

    FYSI, I am using egg slicers to cut the straberries . Simple, quick and safe !!

    • +4

      Make sure you go criss-cross else there may be a chance the needle will slip through the gaps if you only go one way lol

      • +1

        Not just criss-cross as it could be facing downwards in one of the cubes you have cut.

        I believe a better method would be to turn it clockwise by 90° then rotate it by 90°.

        • +3

          Haha I just pictured cutting it like a rubik's cube

        • +6


          Or you could just smash it up like those avocado lovers do. Maybe this could be the answer… smashed strawberry, twice the price but guaranteed no needles.

        • at which point you may as well put them in a blender

        • +14


          Depends, the blender could be so strong that it blends the needles into little shards within the strawberries

        • +3

          @montorola: then stir a magnet through it?

        • +11

          @Syn88: Use a gold pan to separate the heavier needle pieces out.

        • +5

          @gooddealmate: I just quit smashed avocado to save up for a house, but this seems like a better choice!

      • MAGNETIC !!!

    • +1

      This is the final straw.

    • Local Coles have them for $1.20 for 250g punnet. I thought the farm would price it a little better considering it’s pick your own. And agree with comment above with the egg slicer. Works well!

  • Maybe we should host an Ozbargain Strawberry party?

    • +16

      Strawberry Party? I hope we don’t find any needles in lemons then.

      • +6

        2 ozbargainers 1 cup

      • +8

        I found 3 refugees in a lime earlier today.

    • Lemon Party

      (don't Google that)

      • +1

        Lizard Spock already referred to it above lol

      • "The Lemon Party of Canada was a frivolous Canadian political party which has operated on a federal level, and provincially in Quebec. "

        That's disgusting :P

      • i just looked it up lemon party. I could smell the citrus undertones from my PC.

  • +2

    Pick Your Own Strawberries - $10 per tray (5-6kg per tray). $2 entry per person.

    FYI: this is their standard price.

    • This is what I found on their Facebook page. Not sure what it will be on the 29/9.

  • We got 4kg for $5 just before the needle scare in NSW

    • Wouldn't the needle scare make it even cheaper as the demand for it will drop?

      • seems to be getting rarer and more expensive now, since Coles/Aldi don't have it, and Woolworths barely stock it.. Had to buy it for $2 / 250grams.

        Sydney Suburbs, YMMV.

        • Same experience here in north Sydney

    • Where in NSW you found the srawberry farm? please share.

      • I think it was in Erina Fair - not 100% sure.

  • +1

    109 Turnbull Rd, Wamuran (qld) current prices are $2 per kg, 5kg for $10.

    $7 for a tray if you pick yourself.

    • +25

      Before I clicked on this deal I knew the discussion would be about strawberries. We are quite predictable.

    • +4

      You’ll have to go to the back of the line now

    • -1

      User name checks out.

  • -4

    Probably a good idea to put all fruit through a juicer and then strain the juice before drinking it.

    • +1

      Bit of a novice idea

      • +3

        Haha good one :)

    • +1

      So instead of needles (which is such a low chance) now you have needle fragments.

      Extra iron I guess?

      Wouldn't recommend putting needles in a juicer if you are that worried.

      • -1

        Juicers don’t juice metal. The needle would remain in the filter. You wouldn’t get “needle fragments” in your juice.

        Anyway, everyone should just be careful whatever way they see fit.

        • +1

          I think you underestimate how weak sewing needles are. The tips snap off quote regularly from normal use. They aren't made of titanium.

        • +9

          @Crowdedthehouse: That’s a good point and I wasn’t aware that they are quite brittle.

          Thanks, and I appreciate you countering me with a valid and factual explanation without being sarcastic. Cheers!

        • +2

          Thanks, and I appreciate you two keeping it civil with valid and factual explanation without being sarcastic. Cheers!

  • +3

    I could definitely eat 1kg of strawberries.

    • How many Antz have you got?

      • +2


  • +1

    we need some deals on metal detectors.

    • +1

      Expired now but it is now $39.95 + $9 - $20 delivery depending on where you are and what type you pick. Only $10 more but I mean still kinda cheap.. otherwise eBay.

    • +9

      Pick your own strawberries then. Unless you don’t trust yourself with contamination

      Edit: hang on. I remember you

      • +3

        Good memory Elephant Spock

    • +1

      In Soviet Russia, contaminated fruits come to you!

      • +2

        In Soviet Russia they appreciate the extra iron nutrients in their diet!

    • I'm sure they wouldn't buy you either!

  • -3

    I never thought my cheap metal detector from zapals will come in handy for Strawberry purchases.

    • -2

      Finally the first 'good' needle joke on this post… ;)

      • Not a joke, I actually check my strawberry this way before I put it in my kid's lunch box. He doesn't like them cut up.

  • Just to add , Ikea egg slicer with good quality is only $2.

    • Or a knife already in your drawer, I can rent it to you for $0.39

      • +2

        And your own eyes, they are free - an Ozbargainers favourite word!

  • +7

    Good. Keep buying. More chance of winning the lottery than finding a needle.

    • +1

      If you mean winning a decent division 1 prize ie, over a million $. Then there's only been 4 since this strawberry fiasco started. There's been more than 4 confirmed cases of contamination. 😉

  • +6

    This deal should be pinned for visibility

    • This isn’t a vBulletin, thank goodness.

  • -2

    Great post, and made even better by the multitude of choices for WA! :P

    Just be careful not to draw the wrath of the mods (because some do seem to think that they are actually gods, and they can be sensitive little darlings, lol).

    Has anyone had any legitimate problems with finding foreign objects in their locally grown produce, or know anyone who has?

    • be careful not to draw the wrath of the mods

      It’s getting ridiculous

      Has anyone had any legitimate problems with finding foreign objects

      Around 100 people apparently.

      The way I look at it, it’s a lottery chance of finding one. Then add the probability of not seeing it. Then add the probability of not finding it when you cross cut. Then consider even if there is something in there, what is the chance of actual serious damage rather than just a prick in the mouth (no potty humour please)

      • +1

        I don't even think that it is 100 cases. I thought that hundred value included the unconfirmed cases, such as attention seekers who put it in themselves and then go and tell everyone they were affected. i think one of them was a 12 year old girl showing it to her friends?

        From last I heard it was only 4 confirmed incidents.

        • Thanks for eliciting a clarification (I’m not being a jerk I do like to be as accurate as possible)

          I’ve checked and it’s “more than 100 reports” according to the ABC.

        • +1
        • -1

          @buckster: Exactly, essentially a distraction from the truth….

        • +1

          First person caught (hoaxer or culprit above age of a minor) should be sentenced to max. prison term as an example.
          Then an amnesty declared for the remaining 99 to come forward to be provided immunity from prosecution with name suppressed for 30 years.

          Personally, I think the original needle was placed by a neighbouring strawberry farmer to reduce his local competition in SEQld but failed to foresee the copycat effect.
          Remember prices were at an all time low (ie. glut) before this all started.

    • you have no idea how good we have it here when it comes to Moderators
      As level as a spirit level, they can do bricklaying with both eyes closed

      • -1

        Then why do they even own a spirit level? :p

        To be completely serious, I have noticed that over the last few days there has been A LOT more down voting going on, which is just a bit odd.

        I like to keep things pretty light-hearted, and love to have a joke wherever it's appropriate.

        Unfortunately, as you can see from my original comment, people are just not in the mood.

        • Then why do they even own a spirit level? :p

          they dont! thats the joke, they dont even need a level :)

        • +1

          @payton: Lol, I got you man, my question was meant to be ironic.

          Personally, I come here for the community first, and the bargains second.

          However, if certain people need to down vote my comments to help them deal with whatever is currently going on in their lives, then I welcome and encourage it.

          I will somehow find the strength to survive.

  • +17

    I'm one of the crazy people who are just eating the strawberries whole from the supermarket. The whole thing has been blown out of proportion.

    • +3

      Yep, perceived risk of finding a needle is magnitudes times larger than the actual risk.

      The bigger risk is the adverse effects of the pesticides they use on strawberries.…

      Strawberries are more likely to be contaminated with pesticides than other fresh fruit

    • +2

      Same here, I was reading the news about the needles while eating the strawberries whole.


  • For anyone near Port Macquarie in NSW Ricardoes had strawberry picking at half price last weekend. Could well be cheaper than that by now. Not as good a deal as the OP but the fruit was very good.

  • Yay, happening at Surfers Paradise Sun 30th.

  • +1

    Ahh man I feel sorry for the innocent farmers affected by the actions of some evil people. Is there any way to help them out like flick em a few dollars without buying the strawberries?

    • Sure

    • and likewise the drought affected farmers ? Been doing it tougher for longer. Lets add 10c/L to milk & $1/kg for meat - govt gets 10% for a start - farmers'll get bugger all AGAIN.
      and the…
      and the…
      and the…

  • +1

    Just started the Carnivore diet, these ain't too useful unless they got bugs.

  • +2

    Theres one SOR in WA!! Super bummed that I can't go when theres finally one near me :(…

    • oops, thats for this weekend.

      • I do not have facebook can you tell us what this deal is please

        • +3

          Pick your own is back this Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd.
          Location: 1021 Thomas Rd, Anketell, 6167
          Time: 9am-3pm
          LIMIT - 2.5kg-3kg maximum/TRAY (there WILL be extra charges if over the limit, there is an picture for example of how full it should be)
          $10/Tray We provide the trays Bring your own box or basket to transfer your strawberries over, otherwise buy a box for 1$ also we will look after your box/bag/containers/baskets
          Parents with children 3 years under - please look after them and try not to pick green strawberries thank you.
          NOTE: Everyone please park safely, if parked on side of Thomas Rd

        • @Who is she: Cheers for the info, as I also don't use FB, so I often miss out on things.

          I don't know if people didn't understand the joke in my original comment, or if they are just "very special", but having a SOR option is fantastic!

          Note: It is approximately 77km or 56 minutes (with mild traffic), between the two locations.

  • +1

    I thought about buying strawberries just before the needle scandal but they're always bad tasting and I never finish the punnet.

    • I think the general public haven't tasted good strawberries before so they wouldn't have known better.

  • I think mashed strawberry is on the menu boyssss! Back at Easter my folks bought 60 punnets for like $10 or so from the local markets and we made tons and tons of strawberry flavoured stuff. Strawberry jam, strawberry ice cream, strawberry cheesecake, strawberry thickshakes, strawberry smoothie…

  • Any organic options?

  • +2

    Related but different method - they're having an ekka strawberry ice cream day in King George Square in Brisbane to raise money on Wednesday the 26th. Best way to get the ice cream without having to pay for the expensive ekka tickets ;)

    • +1

      Instead pay for expensive ice cream but it's worth it!

  • +4

    Shout out to the (mostly migrant) fruit workers that suffer terrible conditions and wages that border on slavery

    • +1

      Mate - show some patriotism! Just think of the poor farmers who are doing it tough out there - they're just your average joe trying to make it in the world. Ain't nothing wrong with illegally hiring people at a pittance and then taking it all back through 'accommodation' fees.

  • +2

    Time to cook up a big batch of ScoMo's famous strawberry curry!

  • +2

    Wanneroo Strawberry Picking Farm (WA)…
    First weekend open
    $7 for 3kgs+ box (smaller box then Bullsbrook) but no other entrance fees.

    really good strawberries, not too crowded, and unpicked rows.…

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