This is an excellent rye and a fantastic price!
See comparison prices @…
This is an excellent rye and a fantastic price!
See comparison prices @…
singing this'll be the day that I die…
Not a bad Rye.
I personally prefer and would recommend Bulleit Rye myself, which comes in at a cheaper price (~$60) for those that are interested.
Bulleit is awesome for the price. If you can find a First Choice that has it in stock it's $45 there.
You are right! It has been quite a while since I stocked up, so forgot how great value it is. So good for $45.
I'll eat when I'm hungry, I'll drink when I'm dry,
If the hard times don't kill me, I'll lay down and die
Rye whiskey, rye whiskey, rye whiskey I cry
If you don't give me rye whiskey I surely will die
Want some rye?
Course ya do!
I got Dan Murphy’s to match this price, in case anyone wants to click and collect:…
…the good ole boys wwre drinking whiskey and rye…..