This ever popular deal is back again at the same price. If you missed out last time, this is your chance.
Don't forget 1% cashback with Cashrewards & Shopback.
This ever popular deal is back again at the same price. If you missed out last time, this is your chance.
Don't forget 1% cashback with Cashrewards & Shopback.
For the lazy
Short answers no. It's a sennheiser HD 4.50
Their website sells it for $418. While the eBay code provides it for cheaper, isnt this price-jacking?
Maybe, but they have to account for fees etc in eBay pricing..
Was cheaper a couple of days ago and will be again no point rushing to pay more
Will be even cheaper if you go and get eBay cards at woolies today.
Therefore making it $320 + $18 = $338 total :) Plus you'll get 1000 points before over for your next purchase.
Wow, impressive doweyy!
I have tried to buy eBay gift card with woolies egift card with no luck. Can't buy gift card with gift card. This is in Brisbane
You don't need to buy gifts card with a gift card, the deal this week is 1000/2000 points with $50/$100 card. Which you can then use to purchase other gift cards with on the next transaction.
If you're able to use eGift cards it makes it even better, worked for me last night in inner north Brisbane.
$30 cheaper worth that much of troubles?
if u don't like it or something wrong with it the refund process is gonna be painful.
Can this be done online or do I need to go in??
I'll answer my own question :P eBay gift cards aren't available online
Came here just for this.
Just a reminder that these only come with 30 days warranty, anything more you have to go through the manufacturer.
Australian consumer guarantee would say otherwise
That's what I thought but if you don't believe me, just message their eBay team and they'll tell you the same.
They might tell you the same but it still doesn't mean they can enforce what they said.
Ask them if they’d like a discussion with ACCC
MSY tried a similar thing - didn’t work out too well…
Man, people really do not know their consumer rights.
i have to disagree with that, lots of ppl misread the "Australian consumer guarantee", it does not enforce distributor to provide more then 14days warranty. After the "DOA" period,the only responsibility with distributor is to contact manufacturer for you.
how do i know? coz fk harry norman throw that damn thing into my face.
You got scammed msy tried that line didn’t work out very well for them did it
“The retailer can’t refuse to help you by sending you to the manufacturer or importer.”……
no is harry norman, the laptop i bought won't charge after 3 weeks, when i try that line to their customer service they got a full "Australian consumer guarantee" printed out ,highlined and explain to me how this is not their fk problem, they will contact the manufacturer for you as they ar doing you a favor, so u should calm down and kiss their ass.
ya u should read carefully and make sure u understand the full story, msy fked up coz they don't give u DOA and they don't contact the manufacturer for you.
read carefully, the Consumer guarantees only enforce the manufacturer to give out long warranty, for distributor only a DOA.
and btw the link u got there is Consumer guarantees, thats the DOA, depends on the companies this guarantees only up to 3months, and by law they could just set it to 14days.
after that then u have to claim the warranty, Consumer guarantees and warranty ar totally different.
You got scammed for a major fault they have to repair replace or refund the choice.
They (Harvey Norman) have to provide repair refund or replacement
You need to call the ACCCmaybe they can explain it to you - no where does it state that the only requirement is to send it to the manufacturer. Quite the contrary
“The remedies you can seek from the retailer who sold you the product include a repair, replacement, or refund and in some cases compensation for damages and loss.
The retailer can’t refuse to help you by sending you to the manufacturer or importer.”
Msy did multiple things including no DOA no refunds no repairs they flouted all the rules and basically said not their problem
hey im not trying to troll here, i just want to point out the fact the retailer only need to give u "Consumer guarantees" and that peroid is between 14day to 3months. and during the time yes they will kiss ur ass.
but after that u move to the warranty part, that 1year+ by law. this got nothing to do with the retailer, the manufacturer have to give u this by law. the only role for retailer is to contact manufacturer for u. they don't even enforced to ship it for u.
there is no need to call ACCC becoz is all written there, HN is not wrong. all the thing u have said is in the "Consumer guarantees" peroid, so they have to repair refund or replacement for u, but what im talking about is after the 14days to 3months "Consumer guarantees" peroid, they dont have to do anything.
yes they have to repair replace or refund, but during the "Consumer guarantees" period u deal with retailer, during the warranty u deal with the manufacturer.
when u deal with the manufacturer u need to do lot more then retailer, i hate this as much as u do, but this is the law, sometimes retailer will play nice but its not enforced.
Mate as long as you are happy to be scammed thats fine
the consumer guarantee lasts for the length of the expected life of the product not 30 days 14 days etc
in the case of a laptop that would be 2-3 years at a minimum
you need to call the ACCC and get better informed
"Products must be of acceptable quality, that is:
safe, lasting, with no faults
look acceptable
do all the things someone would normally expect them to do."
im not trying to troll here, this is the fact dude. u need to call ACCC and get better informed coz after HN piss me off i DID contact ACCC, and they sided with HN!
once again
when u buying something from HN the first 14days u ar protected by "Consumer guarantees" thats here…
if it got any problems, HN will kiss ur ass and do a repair refund or replacement for u, by law.
after the 14days then u move to the Warranties which is here…
and u need to kiss HN's ass to beg them contact manufacturer and do all the shippings for u.
oh btw maybe is not 14days now, but u get the idea.
anyway i won't try to argue with u any more, one day u will facing this problem in real life and then u will know im right…unless law have changed.
my surface pro got some software issues after 6 months and they had to give me a new one, Harvey Norman!
when u said "they", is not HN, HN got a tech reapir area in every damn store, when u walks in with a faulty item, the tech will contact the manufacturer and ask them promission to replace or refund. NH only contact the manufacturer for u and Microsoft is the "they" nice enough to give u a new one, HN did make a call be4they offer u a new one, am i right ??!!
but thats not always the case, some manufacturer won't pick up the damn phone, some will need you to ship it back, then the bad news started.
what happened to my laptop is the manufacturer won't pick up the damn phone, i waitted there for 3 hrs, at the end HN just give me a damn number to call and kick me out, the next day i call the manufacturer myself and they did pick up the phone thsi time and they want me to pay for the shippings ! thats about $50 with returns, i disagreed i went back to HN and this is when they should me the printed copy of the "Australian consumer guarantee", and kick me out… Then i went to ACCC and they sided with HN.
and btw Microsoft is NOT always this nice witht the software issua
Consumer guarantees and warranties is in 2 different pages of the ACCC website, u ever wonder why if they ar the same? if they ar not the same then this is back up my stories, and what u replying now just to troll ?
one thing im agree with u, trolls gonna troll!
im trying to tell u the fact, look at urself now !
samelight, I work in consumer law and I'm sorry but you are completely wrong and spreading misinformation.
Re 'consumer guarantees' last for 14 days and then it moves to a warranty, this is totally false.
Consumer guarantees are enshrined in Australian law and last as long as it reasonable to expect having regard to factors such as the nature and price of the item. They are independent of any warranty offered by a manufacturer.
Manufacturers are under no obligation to offer any warranty, but many do offer a 12 month manufacturer warranty.
When there's a problem with your product, you have the choice to claim under the manufacturer warranty, or under the consumer law/consumer guarantees. If you are claiming under the consumer law, you can choose to deal with either the manufacturer or the retailer who sold the product to you.
If you are claiming under the manufacturer warranty, this has nothing to do with the retailer and you need to deal directly with the manufacturer.
Good info. I have a Breville Food Processor and the bowl developed a crack at the spindle just over 12 months of use. I went to Myer, where I bought it from, and they directed me back to Breville (maybe because I was asking about manufacturer warranty). Myer said after 12 months they dont deal with items anymore. I went to Breville and they told me they classify the bowl as a 'consumable' and wanted to charge me $100 for a new one. As soon as I mentioned 'consumer guarantee' they offered to send me one for free 'just this once'.
Companies will always try to get away with it.
Why? The are 100% non-grey import:
100% of our product range is genuine, local stock and comes with full warranty and support from the Australian manufacturers/distributors - no grey imports! This warranty is typically 12 months however; please feel free to ask one of our friendly sales staff for more information.
Should report to ACCC with screen cap
Thanks OP! Was looking at these earlier, perfect timing.
Sony have a new model coming out shortly, would get those over this. Personally not a fan of the Bose signature sound.
I my opinion even the WH1000XM2's are better than the Bose. The WH1000XM3 will make that official. Sound is subjective but I agonised over the decision until I got to try both side-by-side. The Sony's have more features, they sound better out of the box and have better ANC, if you don't like the sound they have an EQ that you can adjust to your liking (cant to that with the bose). Overall, my Sony's are the best purchase I have made in 2018.
Cant see any deals XM2 for quite some time now.
How do u find the Sony's for comfort? The demo unit in JB seemed really narrow today, atleast for my size ears!
The XM3 have the same price as the XM2 and deeper earcups.
And when will it be $350? Thí month next 2 years? Come on. 360$ Bose is best
Was 359.95 a couple of days ago
I meant about the Sony they are talking about
Was waiting for release of the Sony x1000Xm3's but tried the x2's on in JB today and they seem way too slim (I have big ears).
Anyone comment on whether these are wider or if the new Sony's maybe are? Really want some but worried they'll make ears ache bad after an hour or so!
Both this and the new XM3’s have wider muffs than the XM2’s.
Bose has been considered as the more comfortable option over Sony but early reports suggest the new XM3 is as good if not better than the QC35.
I’ve been looking to get the XM3 but apparently Bose may be announcing a new model (QC35 III?) this month.
What's the expected launch price for the XM3/QC35-III? Surely it'd be $450+ right?
Easy. It's $348US on Amazon US which is $490AUD using today's exchange rate. I'm guessing rrp will be $599AUD locally.
Will Myer price match this item?
not working during coupon application, "We ran into a problem. Please try again later."
hey everyone,
decided to try a bose qc35 II at my local jb for the first time ever to see what the fuss is,
im no audiphile, and have never tried the sonys but this is what I found
sound quality
bass was ok, but treble sounded average for the price
noise cancelling was great, was shocked to see that it blocked virtually all background sound but still allowed me to hear main sounds (when music wasnt on)
however the bluetooth dropped out twice in the space of 2 mins
was the bluetooth issue random?
and am Iexpecing too much for sound quality?
I wouldn't say you're wrong in terms of sound, I demo'd them at JB on multiple occasions and never saw the wow factor, found them rather flat. On top of that, the cabin pressure was unbearable - which apparently you get use to it after awhile.
Ended up purchasing a pair of XM2, really wanted to try the B&W PX but couldn't find one to demo anywhere and read rather mixed reviews.
With regards to Bluetooth, I have found my samsung Bluetooth earphones drop out in areas of heavy use. If im in the city, my Bluetooth drops out at mass gatherings, such as pedestrian crossings. No where else. Dont know if there where lots of Bluetooth devices on in the area for you?
I think the Bluetooth dropout at JB is due to how they setup the demo music. It drops out/disconnect every minute or two. Doesn't do that with a retail set you take home.
I purchased a QC35 Bose headphones on the 22/09/2016 from Videopro ebay. Two weeks ago I noticed a major fault with the headphones - every time I turned the headphones off, the headphones will turn back on by itself.
I phoned Bose and they requested me to update the firmware which I have done, however the issue still persist. They offered replacement for $380 and then $275. I explained this was unacceptable as I paid full price for the headphones and the product did not work for a reasonable amount of time (less than 2 years).
Could anyone assist as to how I should get this fixed / replaced? Dont think I should be paying $275 for a faulty product.
Are these the same headphones you get with a herald sun subscription?
they prob arent just look a bit similar anyone know?