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NVIDIA Shield 4K HDR Media Player with Remote $215.20 + $15 Delivery (Free with eBay Plus) @ Computer Alliance eBay

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They sell this without the controller? Are other controllers compatible?
I've never used my controller. It's an extremely powerful android tv box on its own.
If you want to sell your controller, PM me. I'll take it.
@proudwanderer: You can get them for around $80 new at the moment so it depends how much you want to take off that price to make it attractive. Remembering there are alternative controllers.
I've never actually seen a 2nd hand controller sold but haven't gone looking too hard. I own 2 Shield Tv's, 1 controller completely failed and the other is on the way out so I wouldn't want to buy second hand unless I was fairly certain it was near new.
Yep. The stand even costs extra.
Are other controllers compatible?
List with compatible USB Adapters and Gamepads for Shield TV:
What I'd want in a compatible controller is microphone, something we use frequently with ours.
Google Assistant, so you can ask it various things. Mostly my daughter uses it for YouTube searches though.
I use it in Kodi to search for videos I want to watch. It's a time saver convenience not a crucial feature but I'm used to having it.
I've heard the cheaper Xbox One S works perfectly with a cheapy microphone AUX added in the front, works out half the price of a genuine nVidia controller and battery life might be better for those with 1000's of Eneloops around. I must admit I like the convenience of just plugging in the Micro USB cable and charging it though.
Any bluetooth controller works
The controller has a headphone jack for anyone that needs it.
its a great android tv box.
eBay has finally added free shipping for plus members
Do you mean Computer Alliance?
From the rep's previous posts, it was eBay responsible for adding shipping costs. Apparently there are a lot of inconsistencies with plus at the moment.
Hmmm …. such as???
I think a feature is the inability to load kodi from the app store.
I don't think Apple has porn on it.
Don't know why so many people negged tanksinatra. But a little detail:
Apple TV 4K:
+ Nicer interface (IMO)
+ Dolby Vision
+ Better upscaling to 4K
+ Colourspace switching
- No digital out for HD audio streams (though it does output as LPCM)
- No automatic res switching (as in, if you play a 1080p file, the Apple TV upscales it to whatever you have set the system output to, though that isn't much of an issue since the upscaling is great)Shield TV:
+ Kodi from the App Store (though the Android specific SPMC is no longer supported, as the dev has joined MrMc, and the official Kodi build is lacking many Android specific features of SPMC since the Kodi team don't believe in the future of the Android platform in the living room)
+ Automatic res switching (output 1080p material to 1080p, and leave upscaling to the tv, which might be bad if your tv sucks)
+ Digital output of HD audio streams
- No Dolby Vision support
- No auto colourspace switching (though it is improved in the latest Android, it is still not as good as native switching)
- Poor(er) upscaling
- Standard GUI is blurry on 4K tvBasically, as far as Media players go, the Shield TV is better for audio passthrough, and the ATV4K has better HDR colourspace handling.
Don't assume someone recommends an Apple product because they are a "sheep" or some bs like that, and understand that if you instantly dismiss a product because it is Apple than you yourself are a "sheep".
Don't assume someone recommends an Apple product because they are a "sheep" or some bs like that, and understand that if you instantly dismiss a product because it is Apple than you yourself are a "sheep".
Welcome to OzBargain.
Hmmm …. such as???
The big one is frame rate matching. None of the android media players have it.
The ATV also has a Dolby licence and can output 5.1 DD only audio from streaming services.I'm not saying that the Apple TV 4K is a better box, but its about the same price and significantly newer and more powerful.
The Shield has far better Kodi support and games.
Features such as?
Which is?
I assume you're talking about auto frame rate matching - good to have the option for those few who need it (the Shield has it for Kodi and Plex), but it's not well supported by app developers / content providers - eg: it breaks Optus Sport / Amazon / Stan etc.
The Apple TV is just too closed and inflexible for me, and has some other gotcha's:
- No USB / local media playback
- No Kodi (and I believe you have to pay $11 for MrMC and $23 for Infuse?)
- No audio passthrough
- No Dolby Atmos or DTS:X support
- Munted remote
- No Foxtel app, and Foxtel Now airplay broken (stops playing if microphone or speaker activates)
- No YouTube 4k
Thanks for the info Kirt.
Looking at buying a Shield at the moment and read up on this and the Apple TV for the first time this week so very new to this.
Apple TV has a Dolby licence and Shield does not for 5.1 on Netflix for instance if I have read correctly.
Apple TV does Dolby Vision but Shield does not if I also read correctly.
May not matter to some, but I guess it would to others.
Feel free to correct me if I have misread.I'm still reading up on them, but I think the Shield might be the way to go for me.
Apple TV has a Dolby licence and Shield does not for 5.1 on Netflix for instance if I have read correctly.
Correct, although I don't believe it's a biggie for most, as the Shield has audio passthrough, so the TV or receiver can do the decoding.
Apple TV does Dolby Vision but Shield does not if I also read correctly.
Correct - Shield supports HDR10, although recent rumours are that Dolby Vision is coming to the Shield.
Yeah I was referring to auto frame rate matching.
I wasn't trying to start a religious war, just pointing out that the Tegra X1 is getting pretty old (2015).
I agree that the Shield is a much more flexible machine.Not sure why that was worth 22 downvotes :/
Seems like some people got triggered?
Come back when there is Kodi support, so keep your kids toys to yourself, the adults are talking here.
I have a couple of Mi Boxes and don't really play games (could always start I suppose). Are there any good reasons to replace them with Shields? The only one I know of is that there's a native BBC iPlayer app for the Shield, but not for any other Android TV platform (a situation which shouldn't be allowed btw).
Why not use a fire stick for BBC iPlayer?
Or just cast to the Mi Box from iPlayer on my phone.
The problem is my mum, who is 200 years old. I have to make everything easy for her, on the basis of us having the same hardware. She wouldn't be able to cope with casting, switching devices/inputs, etc, etc, and I don't want 3am calls from Scotland asking how to catch up on Eastenders.
I need one device that does everything she wants, from the same UI.
I personally think it's a disgrace that Google allows iPlayer to run on one of the ATV platform. Imagine if Office only worked on Asus PCs. It should be a license violation.
Just replaced my Mi Android TV box this week.
Firstly, its the latest version of Android TV, huge launcher overhaul which is really good.
Performance is night and day for loading, graphical performance is also a huge difference, even more so at 4K (Which the Xiaomi struggles with quite a bit).
Seems more stable so far, not a single thing hasnt done what i asked right away, my Xiaomi seems to be getting worse by the month.
Managed to fix my issues with CEC which was a huge deal for me.Didnt get the controller, cant see myself getting back into games until my son is a little older anyway though.
Basically, this is the fast & refined western version, the Xiaomi is the Chinese version. We have all been there…
Xiaomi will be going into the other room now, its still a very powerful box and being a google household with a music and Wiggles obsessed toddler, our life seems to revolve around it these days.
Have you updated the Mi Box firmware recently? Both of mine are running Oreo with the new Leanback UI, which became available as OTA updates about a month ago. Can't say I've seen any big issues so far. The single only gripe is that it won't run iPlayer.
Mi Box have just updated to Android TV 8.0 tho personally i not a fan of the new layout
This is just a more powerful mi box, so if you only watching movies, there is no benefit
You can try and side load the appHow does the mibox handle big 80gb remux 4k's? I only have a shield but interested in another box, was thinking of a mibox or vodatv.
Mibox won't be able to handle it on Kodi, mine struggled with even high bitrate 1080p content
Ok thanks, might give it a miss for now and just keep using the CC
Basically 4k/HDR and/or if Netflix etc. stop working (or starts limiting resolution/features etc. due to incompatible DRM etc.) - Shield is by far the best supported 'it just works' box for any service and/or codec
Replace them with Vodaphone Tv boxes
What can you do with this
Watch porn
Ultra porn
Say no more
Too expensive for that purpose I think….
Everything. It’s the best Android TV device hands down.
There goes another $215 … damn you op! :)
In all seriousness, these are great value with Kodi on them.
Might not be hardware superior, Would xiaomi’s android box does all this as well?
In all seriousness, these are great value with Kodi on them
Wouldn't it make them not good value if all you are using it for is Kodi?
Does this have all the TV Channel apps 7 9 and ten?
Can be side loaded, i installed some but they seemed like mostly catch up stuff with ads and about as annoying FTA if not more so.
What are the shield exclusive android games like on it? I had the shield portable way back in 2014 and it was expensive and fantastic but Nvidia basically stopped supporting it and never released the sequel. I wonder if they will ever update the internals, it’s the same model since basically 2016.
Ummmm, this or 4k Apple TV…
depends on a) your level of technology interest and b) required interest in doing things outside a fixed ecosystem.
If all you want to do is 'pay and play' then apple is for you.If you want to do more than this, then I personally would recommend the android based device..
Context: I have both. If I was buying something for my parents, apple hands down.
Same as everything else, if you like the pros of android over ios it kicks ass. If not and you just want to be spoon fed the apple experience then apple tv.
What are you doing with it, and what is your current environment apple or android
As a non-game playing Mi Box owner, are there any benefits in upgrading to this?
Ok… So it looks like the Shield is an improvement in all respects except for the absense of audio/spdif out and an inferior remote.
Pros for shield (other than speed) include usb 3.0, Ethernet, and native access to Prime video.
The Shield can also run Plex server, and you can record FTA directly to internal / adoptable storage.
FTA via network tuner?
How do you find the shield remote, specifically no power button? And slider volume?
FTA via network tuner?
Yeah - I have tested with a HDHomerun (although I believe there may be a few USB tuners that work with the Shield?).
Direct FTA recording to local storage using Live Channels was also recently enabled, however there's no EPG for us Aussies just yet:
Some other random FTA info:
How do you find the shield remote, specifically no power button? And slider volume?
I haven't actually used the Shield remote, as I'm currently borrowing a Shield, and using my Harmony Elite over bluetooth to control it.
Thanks for the links Kirt. Having a read now.
You seem to know alot about this device, particularly given you are just borrowing one at this stage!
Yeah - I've picked up a few Android TV boxes over the past few years, and have been researching the Shield for a few months now - it definitely lives up to the hype ;)
Thanks OP. Got one for auto frame rate switching.
I have a mibox playing 1080p, don't really need 4k but I thought the new oreo update was going to add auto frame rate switching which it hasn't yet. Can't handle the judder any longer! It's a pity because mibox does the job fine otherwise.
Is this the Aussie version?
Sorry, I haven't catch up with the latest tech.
I want to play 2160p remux uhd bluray mkv movie file Dolby atmos sound.
Can this nvidia play the above audio and video without any issue?
What is the connection that I need to do?
Use nvidia via usb connection to an external hdd or NAS (where I sore the mkv file) then nvdia hdmi connect to a home theater amplifier and from hdmi out amplifier to the TV.
Am I correct that is the connection that I need to do?
Please let me know. thanksMy nvidia shield plays back 65gb 2160p files with HDR on kodi flawlessly via 1000mb Ethernet to NAS. Skipping back and forth is instant. Looks exactly as though I were playing it via a 4K UHD bluray. Tested 2 days ago on multiple files and came away super impressed!
Can you set the dns server on Wi-Fi settings? Ie use getflix when travelling
If anyone bit the bullet too early. Ebay are giving $15 voucher back
More info on this? I bought this yesterday with controller for $307.80 with the "PHENOM" code =(
Only if you bought it from Computer alliance and you are an ebay plus member
Anyone using these for live Free to Air ? Can't seem to find much on getting it to work in Australia without HDHomerun or pretty complex sounding setups..
It looks like you need a separate usb tv tuner plugged into it, the shield doesn't have a tuner in it. https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/shield/shield-tv/ 4th item from the bottom in the list
I use free to air via KODI SERVERWMC plugin connected to a WMC HTPC. This plugin and FTA also works on my mibox. I'd say this setup is classified as "complex"
that cable seems like a massive rip-off.
It would seem so, but I don't think IR control is possible any other way, plus if you are using a control system, I think this is also the only way to add it.
FLIRC is a pretty popular choice to enable IR on the Shield for use with Harmony's etc:
This. I use FLIRC to access the KODI options that don't map through the shield remote, eg on my Harmony remote Info sends IR info command to TV, holding down Info sends IR command "i" to FLIRC which shows the KODI info screen
Now if CEC was 100% reliable …
None left :(
I bought one when 87% were sold, went back to the page and there was only one left - all within the space of 10 minutes.
There website still says in stock but unsure if that's tied into their ebay store/stock.Not as good, but going for $231 delivered with code PHENOM here:
I've got it in my cart but it lost the eBay Plus listing. Ebay are saving the listing changed and therefore it lost its ebay plus listing. WTF?
Hey has anyone ever had an Error Code 70296 pop up when trying to purchase from these guys? Tried a few times this weekend to grab one of these finally but it keeps saying "The seller isn't accepting bids or offers from you". I've only ever purchased from them once before & returned the item as an Ebay Plus member. Had no issues with that transaction so surely they haven't blocked me for it? Got the same message by hitting Buy Now & Add to Cart. Pissed they've sold out now!
Had my one in the cart for my son and went and cooked dinner as it was getting late. Came back to it being sold out FFS.
Really need to put bargains before petty family needs like hunger I reckon.I added it when it was ebay plus, then at the checkout it was $15 postage, so i removed & added back, still $15postage. Good old ebay plus chat, kept me on for 25mins saying that the listing changed, so ebay plus status changed. I asked what changed "we can't say, you'll have to ask the store", so the store decides ebay plus listing "no our system does". So who do I complain to about this? "You can't"
After another 15mins of back & forth explaining that "bait amd switch" is illegal here, and who can I complay to (no one apparently) I'm informed "the item is out of stock anyway".
I should have jumped on earlier, but this ebay plus isn't going to compete with Amazon on customer service, thats for sure.
Mate eBay plus is hopeless
If you have a UHD 4k smart android TV with Kodi and other streaming apps - is this necessary?
Not really… This has better hardware and performance… Supports advanced sound formats that your TV can't pass to AVR… Video streaming however would be better in TV inbuilt apps.
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Back in stock. 7 available before just went to more than 10 available.