Microsoft Office 365 Home $89 (5 users 1 Yr)
Email License, Free Shipping.
Microsoft Office 365 Home $89 (5 users 1 Yr)
Email License, Free Shipping.
Say I buy 5 of them will they last me 5 years?
Just reedem them into your account… max is 5 years ahead…
wow ok cool!
Sorry jv but I just had a chat with the store they said there is only 1 key for this product valid only 1 yr and we can't use them for 5 yr on one device. so you have to install on 5 devices all together as it will expire after date of first installation.
That's different, I've had 365 home for years and it's just like Xbox Live where you redeem the code against your account and it stacks up to 5 years. It's not device specific. I have just ordered this so when I get it I'll redeem, I then expect it to give me +1yr past my expiry date late next month.
@RickyCruise: thanks mate probably the person on chat didn't know. But he specifically said that you can renew your existing sub, but if you use it on 1 device and don't install it on others 4, than key will expire and you have to buy new one after 1 yr and it won't let you continue for other 4 yrs.
@tinku: Yeah mate so strange, I don't think that's correct as the subscription is tied to your account and lets you install on any 5 devices at any one time. So not sure how they'd police that if it were the case? I'll confirm once I input the code so we're all confident ;)
The license is for up to 5 devices.
You pay per year and it's up to you how many devices you register. You can even unregister a device and add another.
@jv: thanks mate, but my question was can i use same license again and again on one device instead of installing it on 5 different device for just one yr. sorry I mis-read the question @Turd asked to the doubt that i had.
but my question was can i use same license again and again on one device instead of installing it on 5 different device for just one yr
No, you pay for the time span, one year, not for the devices.
It's up to you whether you want to use it for 1 device of 5… You just add then to your account at any time, it allows max of 5 to be added. You can also remove them and add others at anytime.
No worries…
When there's a good deal, it's worth stacking up for an extra year or two as there aren't many MicroSoft cashbacks lately…
You can stack them into your account (I currently have 3 years from previous multiple 1yr purchases.
From your Microsoft account, it will show amount of time left in your Office365 subscription.
And from your account, you can install on up to 5 PCs (can add/remove anytime).
To install
- Access Office365 from the PC you want to install MS Office, and start installation.
- Send link to email from Office365 account management, recipient can install from email link.
You also get 60mins of Skype calls free every month with Office 365 (World 60 mins mobiles and landlines)
Cheaper on eBay from futuonline with 20% off code =$76
Wrong. This is cheaper.
This product is for 5 users. The one you are looking at from futu is only 1 user (…).
The same 5 user version from futu is $96.80 after 20% off.
Hmm. I swear it was 5 users yesterday haha. My apologies.
That's ok beaver I can't stay mad at you
If you have children who are studying, then you may also have free access to Office 365, which apparently includes downloading the app as well as using them online.…
Wrong, if you have children who are studying, THEY have free access to Office 365.
From my understanding of these education set-ups is that the administrator can access your files?
Some will work as well.
SaveOnIT has always been the cheapest standard price - apart from the odd special - should have bought more of this bad boy $54.10:
13 July 2017 $79
2 July 2018 $85
Yea, I've bought my last two subscriptions from SaveOnIT, price was similar both times. Mine is due again in November.
Re Home email,
Does that mean, you would get email address with your own domain?
He means the software key is e-mailed, rather than on the physical card (or somehow credited to your 365 account).
pricematch officeworks?
Officeworks has been $99 for this for a while. Can't see why they wouldn't?
They've done it for me in the past…
This is only for 1 yr for upto 5 users. For 1 device, it won't last 5 yrs.
I have got them to price match from “save on it” previously.
So, I've just tried to redeem the code and it is saying the expiry is exactly 1 year from now. Confused as I'd assume it would take my time remaining and add 1yr as it has done in the past, anyone else tried it since? Or does it just say this through the activation screen and add the year onto your account?
Call microsoft and they'll fix it for you…
Maybe your weren't logged in to your microsoft account?
Thanks jv, I'll give them a call later to sort it out. Was definitely logged into my account - I opened the office billing from my MS account screen and had to reinput my password for the same email to proceed to use the code. I'll confirm how I go.
Was your previous subscription for single user or home (5 user).
Changing subscription type would cancel out previous subscription I'd say.
This worries me a little… if I buy this can I add it to my existing "Office 365 Home" subscription and extend it by a year? Others are saying yes… RickyCruise seems to say it didn't work .
Can install Office 365 on up to 5 devices, lasts 1 year. Then if not renewed, copies become unregistered.
It's actually 5 accounts, and 5 devices per account. Includes 1Tb of OneDrive per account also.
So from what your saying is, by using this license I can have up to 25 installs of Office 365 by using multiple user accounts? Nice
Cheaper at Bing Lee ebay store.
$86.40 after 10% ebay-wide code.…
Cheaper still if you bother with ebay cashbacks
This comment is worth a post in itself. Works out to $85.57 after factoring 1% Cashrewards rebate.
I was thinking about my Office subscription and wondered whether OzBargain people would have any better deals than the usual auto-subscription rate that I've been paying for the past couple years. And lo and behold, I found this comment.
Thanks OzBargain! You guys never fail me.
Do these expire?
Say I buy 5 of them will they last me 5 years? or I have to re-new and pay RRP each year?