This was posted 6 years 6 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired
  • targeted

Test Drive a Hyundai Santa Fe or Tucson & Receive 5,000 Velocity Points @ Hyundai


Got an email from Velocity advising of their new partnership with Hyundai…

Drive away with 5,000 Velocity Points when you test drive a new Hyundai*
Thinking about a new SUV? There’s no better time to consider a Hyundai, whether you are looking for the perfect 5 seater or a spacious 7 seater. You won’t want to miss out on the chance to test drive one first hand.

The new Tucson has enough space for growing families, and navigates city streets with ease. Or why not check out the new Santa Fe with industry-first technology.

To celebrate our new partnership with Hyundai you will receive 5,000 Velocity Points when you book your test drive by 20 September 2018 and take the new Tucson or Santa Fe for a spin by 30 September 2018!

From the website…

Book a test drive.

Book your test drive by 20 September and take a Santa Fe or Tucson for a spin by 30 September and earn yourself 5,000 Velocity Points.

Hyundai will call you to confirm your test drive has been completed and then your Velocity Points will be awarded into your Velocity membership account.

Please note, the name you enter below must be the same as the name used for your Velocity membership account.

Also disclaimer, I'm not sure what you sign up for in terms of your details being passed to other parties etc.

Edit: link to Hyundai’s full t&c’s

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Hyundai Australia
Hyundai Australia
Velocity Frequent Flyer
Velocity Frequent Flyer

closed Comments

  • nice! currently at 800 velocity points

    what can i do with 5k velocity points? cant transfer them to flybuys

    • +1

      Worth about ~$50-$60 if you sell them via Classifieds… Lower end to the likes of Tuvs, or higher to others.

      This is just an example of one of many options and worth, not suggesting one to do so!

    • I used around 3300 points to get $20 off when I fill with BP

      • Yeah, it's a low value way to use them. I've done it too.

  • +8

    take the new Tucson or Santa Fe for a spin by 30 September 2018

    DAMN IT! NO i30n! >:|

  • +1

    Does the sales guy have to be in the car with you?

    • +6

      What are you planning on doing in the car??

      • +17

        a Turd

        • +1

          Username checks out.

      • An uninterrupted appraisal.

      • do some grocery shopping instead of using a goget :)

  • When I fill the form it can not validate my velocity number gives an Error.
    can not book

    • Probably targeted. I get the same. Which goes to show their targeting is not so good: I am in the market for one lol

      • I got the email and it doesn't accept my card number. Is said the name has to match exactly with the card so trying a few variations now

      • Don't think it's targeted. I didn't get an email and it accepted my Velocity Rewards# & sent me a confirmation e-mail.

  • I didn't get the email but worked fine my velocity number thanks OP

  • Doesn’t work for me :(

  • +2

    Worked for me - looks like I'm going for a test drive with zero chance of buying a new Hyundai!

    • +5

      That's what they want you to think ;)

    • +20

      'What advantages does this motor car have over say.. a train. Which I could also afford?'

      • Comment of the year!

  • Nearly as good as a couple of years ago getting a couple of hundred of dollars for test driving a Renault lol

  • Sweet! Get to try out a new car and get points… win!

  • +4

    prepare to deal with the constant email and voicemail harassment from the salesperson about buying one afterwards.

    • +1

      A simple assertive “I’m not interested” generally suffices.

      I recall a few years back there was a Nissan Pulsar test drive promo I took up which gave a $50 eftpos card after the test drive, no obligations to purchase.

      Got the eftpos card a handful of weeks later after confirming the test drive. After receiving confirmed I was not interested to buy and never got a single call back about it again.

      Hopefully this is the same case with Hyundai.

      The only catch is whether you deem the points to be worth about an hour or so of your time during a weekend arvo or similar.

  • So which is the nicer car? Tuscon or Santa Fe?

    • +9


    • +1

      Santa Fe

    • Santa Fe is a 7 seater and more expensive. Tuscon is a 5 seater. Different segments. The Tuscon has recently been updated to have the same infotainment system and safety features as the Santa Fe.

    • my mum bought a demo Tuscon and i really like it.
      i think its a good size medium SUV with the 5 seats and the Santa Fe is a bit big unless you plan to have lots of kids or really need the space.

      wonder if the Tuscon is 4x4 so i can drive it to the snows (but oh man i'd be so worried getting it scratched or dirty if it was a new car lol)

  • Thanks :) More points are always welcome.

  • +4

    What advantages does this motorcar have over say, a train, which I could also afford?

    • the Santa Fe has a heated gas pedal to warm your feet.

  • +3

    I get an error saying that my Velocity membership number is incorrect.. Is anybody else experiencing this issue?

    • Yes

    • Same here too.

    • No
      Accepted mine

    • Yes. Everytime I've used your Velocity number, it's rejected it.
      Happily accepted your credit card however..

  • +1

    Had a 2017 Tucson as a work car recently, enjoyed driving it. Big turbo lag but once you get used to it and preempt it, no dramas.
    Great leg room for driver, I'm 2m, however it leaves little room for rear seats when I'm driving.
    Bluetooth was a pain to manage as everytime you turned the car on it defaulted to radio. My phone, Moto G5, and podcast app, Player FM, constantly had issues connecting and playing.

  • +2

    Eww SUV.

  • To all that are saying they are getting an error, are you using the same name as per your Velocity card, and meeting the following t&c’s in Hyundai’s link?

    Entry is only open to residents of Australia aged 18+ who:
    a) are existing members of Velocity Frequent Flyer (Velocity);
    b) receive an electronic direct mail invitation from the Promoter (eDM) OR follow the hyperlink, available through a banner advertisement or social post appearing on Facebook or Instagram (Website Link), to the offer microsite enabling them to participate in the offer (Offer Microsite); &
    c) hold a valid full or provisional P2 driver’s licence & have legal capacity to operate a vehicle (Participant).

    Judging by b) it’s not so much targeted as it’s also advertised on banners and social media, so unless you aren’t a Velocity member or not matching names I can’t see why you’d get a error.

    Or unless it’s not valid for particular states/territory?

    • I get the issue and tick boxes a and b (clicked the ad at top of this post). Tried caps, non caps, including my title, no luck.

      • Hyundai hates you.

  • is the new tucson out yet?

  • does anyone know if you have to take the car for a test drive to get the points? or can i book and not show up. got the targeted email but have no interest in either car.

    • Read the OP - says they'll call you after which, presumably, there's some mechanism to report attendance to Hyundai.

  • Awesome!

  • +1

    Anyone got a call yet to arrange the test drive after the registration?

    • I did. Got a call today and booked the test drive. :D

      • I haven't yet. Located in Sutherland.

        • I'm in WA.

    • Me neither. And guessing not you from your question.

      • yup .. haven't received a call from Hyundai yet.

    • Just got a call from Hyundai to book me in. Seems they have got the ball rolling

      • Awesome. I did my test drive today and the car is awesome. Now I'm just waiting on the aftercall so I can get the points.

        • I did it almost two weeks ago haven’t received any calls I actually tried calling them to which they didn’t know Bout it and would call me back that was a week ago and nothing

        • @bansharkfin: I still haven't gotten my call as well. :(

  • Just got my phone call (pre-test). Was told that I cannot book a test drive on a weekend (won't get velocity points if I do that). I don't see anything in the T&Cs about that, so will push the dealer for a weekend slot.

    • Got the same call. Except she said the weekends were booked out so needs to be done on a weekday.

    • same, told me the exact same thing, so annoying !

      please let us know if you have any luck getting a slot for weekend

      • Turned out I had to go that way anyway, so I just went to my weekday slot. Worryingly the dealer had no idea who I was or why I was there (and wasn't ready + didn't call before to confirm as Hyundai told me they would).

        Doesn't inspire confidence for prospective organisation and ownership and I expect I'll need to chase the points…

        • Yeah same, the dealer was confussed when I turned up. He looked like he didn't know what was happening. I also still haven't received my points.

  • Anyone get points or seem like they will? Sounds so far like it's shambles and might not happen

  • I got a voicemail from Hyundai telling me to call back, but if weekends seem to be gone I probably won't bother.

  • So I had my test drive booked Tuesday just past but never received a call from the dealership beforehand as I was advised I would, so I didn’t rock up based on some comments from others indicating dealerships had no idea about this offer.

    Today, I received a call from the Hyundai Test Center following up about the Tuesday test drive and I advised it didn’t eventuate as I didn’t get the pre test drive call. After some further chit chat I won’t bore you with she then rebooked me in for a later date and told me to just rock up if I don’t get a call beforehand from the dealship, I’ll still be in the appointment system.

    Best thing is, they are now doing weekends as they changed the “unofficial” no weekend rule to better accommodate customers. And confirmed we are entitled to the Velocity points contrary to what was previously advised.

    I’m booked in for 15/09 (Sat)!

  • I did the test drive on 30th Aug but have yet to be credited with the points. T&Cs on website states…

    To participate during the Offer Period you must:
    a) access the Offer Microsite via eDM or Website Link;
    b) fully & correctly complete & successfully submit the online booking form through the Offer Microsite in the manner required, including providing a valid Velocity membership number;
    c) complete a test drive of the 2018 Hyundai Santa Fe (Active, Elite & Highlander models) or Hyundai Tucson (MY19) (Go, ActiveX, Elite & Highlander models) at an authorised Hyundai dealership in Australia (Dealership); &
    d) participate in a follow-up phone call from the Promoter to receive offer reward (Offer Redemption).

    I have yet to receive a follow-up phone call from Virgin regarding the offer reward :/

    • You missed this bit…

      Velocity Points will be awarded to the Participant’s Velocity account within 28 days of the completion of such validation and verification

      …but yes, I think there's a high chance no points will ever come our way (almost 2 weeks after my test drive, I've received a generic follow-up call from the dealer, but not a peep from Hyundai).

  • +1

    Booked test drive. Phone make an appointment time. Was even asked on the phone if I was just after the points or genuinely interested. Turned up, salesman wasn't interested or didn't care. No follow up phone call. Doubt I'll recieve the points.

  • +1

    Point # 5 from the confirmation e-mails states:

    If you need assistance claiming your Velocity Points please contact 1800 186 306 [Hyundai customer service contact #]

    I've already called, to no avail as yet, but will be trying again.

  • Doesn't seem like anyone is getting these points…..
    Test drive or not.

  • 5000 velocity points credited to my account. Thanks for posting this offer!!

    • Did you test drive? Have a follow up call? Have to follow up after?


      • +1

        1. Booked a test drive.
        2. Did a test drive the same week
        3. Hyundai called me after couple of weeks to confirm my test drive had been completed. They also confirmed my velocity freq flyer # on the same call.
        4. Points credited last week. 👍🏽

        • +4

          Huh? I'm still waiting on my call after the test drive.

  • My points were credited on 2 October, despite not receiving a post-test drive call!

    A poorly organized promotion, but credit to them for coming through with the points (I genuinely thought they wouldn't).

  • +1

    Still no points for me. Called them and also left a message on Social Media. They promised someone from the promotion team will be in contact - but no contact so far!

  • Wow, those that registered but didn’t actually go in for the actual test drive check your Velocity account anyway… You may find a nice surprise!!!

    • What date did you receive your points? I did the test drive and still waiting!! A very poorly managed promotion I must say.

      • +1

        5th October

  • Still no points for me…..pathetic

    • I called the number listed above 1800 186 306 and the lady mentioned there is a delay in posting the points. She will follow it up with the promotions team. So I encourage those who are waiting to probably call up and put forward your details and velocity number for them to escalate.

      • thanks

  • Looks like they are catching up… got mine credited on 25 Oct 18!

  • Still waiting.

    Test drove on 5/9

  • Points finally arrived last week.

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