A nice eBay promo for select Microsoft products. Starts 10am Sunday. Full T&Cs here. Enjoy :)
Click related button above to see all PSURFACE20 deals.
A nice eBay promo for select Microsoft products. Starts 10am Sunday. Full T&Cs here. Enjoy :)
Click related button above to see all PSURFACE20 deals.
And even if you pause it (down the bottom) it still buffers half the ad anyway :(
Not a concern for me on wifi but for others it may be.
The world of autoplay annoys me too.
Maybe I'm old. I just don't like the always-on mentality that is being pushed at new generations, it does people more harm than good.
I thought everyone had too much data these days! I still remember when my 3G plan had 200MB data and I literally had to be so careful with every MB of it.
It doesn’t auto load for me.
If you have an iPhone, just install Crystal and it stops any pop ups, ads or auto loading
Happy surfing
Or brave on android
I've had this annoyance several times. I often open multiple tabs when researching something. Then I hear a video playing and it take ages to work out which tab is the offender. Sometimes way down the page!
Easy to find if you have Firefox installed. Just look for the tab with the speaker icon and that will let you know something is playing audio in that tab.
Link updated, no more auto play video content.
welcome to 2018..
Doesn't bother me with the auto play at all, guess I must be different 😉
Auto start with volume, that's so MySpace days. Trying to ad block it, which seems wasn't effective. Added the URL to my pihole blacklist, that stopped it. Hope that doesn't affect other MS services, oh well.
Selected items.. I'm not expecting much tbh.
It'll be ok I guess.. just needs the one X to transcend from ok to exciting. And I don't think they'll have the one X.
And I have to eat my words. X1x on sale :)
Fingers crossed it includes the Xbox One X. It should bring it down to $519.20
Any bargains?
Hopefully jack won't see this post
Is there another website that lists deals
Need a deal on an Xbox One S, well two actually. Need to pick two up this (coming) week for gifts and there haven't been any deals in ages when it felt like they had discounts on a weekly basis not long ago!
The irony
Well technically 2 neg votes were given
Hoping to pick up an Xbox One X. Anyone know if EB Games would be willing to price match a 20% eBay discount from the official Microsoft eBay Store?
Because I'd like to trade in my Xbox One S at the same time and knock some $ off the purchase price.
Nope, EB won't pricematch any store more than 5m from their front door…OK, slight exaggeration but they certainly won't pricematch an eBay retailer.
Figured they wouldn't :( Was hoping someone might say they've had luck asking.
Hoping for a one S deal. Holding off on Xbox One X as next gen consoles are around the corner. Upgrade from OG Xbox one would be welcome however.
I was hoping there'd be Windows 10.
^^This!!!^^. Legit window deals are really rare unfortunately.
If you have an old windows 7 or 8 license you can still do the free upgrade.
How? I tried this…
There are a couple of ways, try this first
Otherwise you can always sign up for the Windows Insider program. You will get a free copy of Windows 10 in exchange for trying out new features
Within the last 2 months I've upgraded a Win7 Pro computer and Win7 Home computer by inserting a flash drive with Win 10 on it and running setup … that was all.
Both came up activated after installation.
Oz Game Shop has been the place I've bought the last few for work through. Seem to a lot of the time have some code to drop another 10-15% off. $84.99 for Pro currently. Not fantastic, but better than the $100+ elsewhere.
20 comments and nobody mentioned our good friend Jack?
Easternculture posted 45 mins ago:
Hopefully jack won't see this post
I see I am getting a bad rap again.
Because it's Microsoft. I'd hope they wouldn't feel the need to follow the pathetic practice of price jacking.
Marvel game was $39 today $45
Is the extra grunt in Xbox One X, really worth the extra ~$300 over a Xbox One S?
If its your primary system and you got a good 4k tv then I don't see why not.
Probably not honestly, for me personally, the Xbox is not only a game console but it's my MAIN home entertainment unit. It's rarely gamed on actually, but used all the time for YouTube, Netflix, etc. YouTube 4k is available on the One X, but not on the One S.
IS that worth $300? No. But if the price was closer to the $500, and I got $250 or so for a trade in, throw in a couple of games to bring it closer to $200, sure.
Hence I haven't got one yet, it really has to be an excellent deal for me to bite the bullet.
I defiantly saw a huuuuggge difference when battlefield 1 released their 4K patch. 2 years too late though
Why didn't you just freely see the difference?
No. I regreted buying mine a week later and put it up for sale on Gumtree. Wouldn't mind swapping for an S plus cash.
I upgraded and didn’t notice any difference at all
Would this be smart to buy a Surface from this sale? Thinking of getting into them and upgrading from my disgustingly heavy heap of a laptop.
Wait 8th gen 4 cores CPU
You mean the 6 core ones?
None of Microsoft's products use the 45w H series processors, so none of them will be getting 6 cores.
Hopefully the new surface pro and surface laptop will have quad cores up from their current dual cores.
No wait for 10th gen. Much faster
Nah bro, 12th gen or you're just a pretender…
I recommend not getting a Surface. I support 30 at work and they are very problematic. Microsoft breaks functionality all the time with updates, you have to firmware patch all the time. They are a poor very expensive laptop with a bad keyboard, limited battery and very limited interface options including limited USB. They are a very poor very expensive tablet being heavy and Windows 10 is a terrible tablet interface. Plus it is return to them for repair with no onsite repair. Look at the HP or Dell options if you must have a device like a Surface.
+1 to this. Microsoft’s surface updates are also buggy. I had a BIOS update brick my device. Had to send it in to replace as no on site repair option. Lost data as a consequence. Never again.
Agree. Bought pro 4 before sold after 2 weeks. Too fragile and heavy, battery so so and the list go on. The only good things is my wallet feel light after buying surface.
Shame you can't pre order the Surface Go. It looks amazing.
damn, I want a spare power brick for my SB2
118 upvotes… Any deals? Just checked for a cheap surface but there's none available.
Would be keen for a first generation surface book for about a grand
Baa baaaaah
Have you any wool?
ScreamRide $5
Dead Rising 3 $5
For Honour $10
Titanfall 2 $10
Forza Horizon 2 $12
Halo 5 $16
Sniper Elite 4 is $16 delivered.
As is Ghost Recon Wildlands
Is it just me or does it not load when u click any of the catergory
Nvm might be because starts at 10am just realised that
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing, but if you google MS eBay then use that page it brings up listings, but I don’t know if those listings will be available in the sale, but it might give a bit of an idea I guess.
Its 10am now, still nothing
@misterpotatomato: Jonesey7707 reckons it was a safari issue on iOS, maybe try a different browser or a desktop?
Literally had one of the surface books. sold 29 seconds after 10am…
Sale code works on the Xbox One X, $519.20 delivered :)
FINALLY!!!! Got one :)
Nice xbox one s 1tb bundle for $263
Would you have a link please? My phone won’t load the console page.
Cheers but that’s the same link that won’t load. Turns out it was a Safari issue on my phone. Chrome worked.
Cheapest bundle I see is $279 though.
@Alpacino299: Argh…cheers. Looks like I’ll go to EB for the 4 game 1TB bundle and just sell the games. Might come out slightly ahead.
These deals are ok, nothing crazy though.
You can nab a Razer Blade 14 (last gen but still good - i7-7700HQ, 16Gb, 1060, 512 SSD) for ~1850 which is even better than the MS Store discount. If you're willing to roll the dice with Razer support….
boo-urns for no accessories.
Shame. No controllers on sale this time. Glad I got the Gears of War 4 Crimson Omen Wireless Controller $47.96 from a previous 20% sale.
It says 20% off Xbox controllers?
Still looking at $60+ though.
Thanks. Still expensive. The broken controllers link from the sale page made me think that controllers wern't included. Where as all the other linked categories show items when licked.
This deal should be downvoted purely because of that ridiculously obnoxious video that autoplays every time you load that page
EB Games are selling the X for $599 today.
I traded in my Xbox One S 1TB, and 5-6 old games I had lying around and I got $277 trade credit, bringing the cash price to $321 (Give or take a few cents).
Pretty happy with that. Would've saved more by going through that deal and selling privately, but I get the Xbox One X instantly, and I don't have to bother dealing with gumtree flogs until it sells.
Happy to get a One X upgrade for $320.
Need help deciding - Is 1TB Minecraft Edition for about $280 worth it? (as gift for my Minecraft addicted kids)
Considering it's gone for $199 twice in the past 2 months at Amazon AU?
I missed out on those deals and waiting for it to happen again, but there's no guarantee it would happen again anytime soon?
Should I hold out or pull the trigger on this deal instead?
So this doesn't work for the XBOX 1 X? I have tried a few times and it doesn't work for me?
Ok thanks I have tried to enter the coupon but when it enters says it’s not valid. I’m guessing you enter it at checkout in the coupons area?
Yes, that’s right.
Check the terms & conditions linked in the description above, it’s likely you’re not meeting one of the conditions (e.g. haven’t selected PayPal as your payment method).
Ive given it a so/lid crack, but I don't get why its not working…Have you tried going to checkout and applying the code
I tried it again on the mobile app, and it works fine.
Is your eBay account registered to Australia? There's been issues lately with people moving to the US with the bigger deals and forgetting to switch back.
Nailed it - thanks, it was due to my registration being in another country. Now corrected and order placed :DDD thanks gents
Anyone know Microsoft eBay's shipping timeframe? Ordered a couple of XB1 bundles + a controller early yesterday morning but haven't received any shipping notifications at all, although it does "claim" guaranteed delivery by this Friday.
Ordered a game midday yesterday WST, got the notification of shipped and tracking early this morning. Though that was just a single game.
Thanks for the reply. Received the shipped notification about an hour ago so all good.
A word of warning, a video will auto-start when you click the link, eating up a bit of your data. I hate this kind of advertisement just letting others know.