3L Sistema Container for $3 Expired again
Edit 1/9: Deal available again (previously expired 13/8)
3L Sistema Container for $3 Expired again
Edit 1/9: Deal available again (previously expired 13/8)
Worth it. I got one about 2 weeks ago.
Thank you. Added
If only the 1L were this cheap :/
Only $5 for microwave and oven-safe glass at IKEA:
Thanks, didn't even think to check IKEA!
I'm not really comfortable putting the plastic ones in the microwave so the glass ones are great for me.
@nurries: they also sell the wood and silicone lids (the silicone ones work a treat in the microwave).
For the round glass containers I’ve noticed in store they now also sell glass lids.
Also, you don’t have to buy the lid with the container. They are seperate in store and you can choose which lid you want. The plastic lids also have replaceable seals which you can buy for cheap in store as a pack.
Got the glass IKEA ones instead. Great quality.
I came here to recommend these glass IKEA 365 containers too. They are fantastic value!
I asked IKEA support if these are freezer to oven safe and they said yes.
To confirm I filled them up with icy salty water, let them get cold, then tipped it out and poured boiling hot water in straight away from the jug.
Once the container got warm from that I tipped it back out and put more icy salty water in.
The container didn’t make a noise from this stress and didn’t have any cracking, unlike some of those Pyrex containers made from soda-lime glass.
These non-air tight containers are good for many things, except foods.
The blue seal makes them air tight….
Not really, they don't even claim that.
My grandma made me some great soup, which I stored in these blue sistemas with cling wrap inside and around. On my 1 hour drive home with the container in my bag, turning and braking and accelerating caused it to tumble around.
Never got to drink that soup but my bag smelled delicious for a while.
No it doesn't. I don't know why it's there as it doesn't do anything.
Put water in one and tip it over.
Then its useless rofl, you could see why id think that though
Yeah, it definitely looks waterproof but I have a few and they are absolutely useless for anything liquid. Not even close to sealed.
I use Lock & Lock for transporting liquids.
I prefer Lock & Lock for sure. Never had them leak once. Sistema's seals are pretty terrible imo, probably fine for storing stuff in the fridge but not transporting it. The unfortunate thing about Lock & Lock is their price. You get better value out of the "packs" that include a few different types, but I find that most of the sizes I never use so it's pointless. If you know a good place to get individual particular sizes from then I'd be very interested to know :)
I got the 15 piece without dividers here (https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/239706). Incredible value and although I wasn't sure when I bought it I use all of them frequently. I bought a couple as gifts for free postage.
Aldi sell some rounded bottom ones (10 piece for $20). They're good value and a handy size too.
The 400ml for $2 seems to be out of stock, showing $6.09 for me now. Anyone else able to confirm?
3lt full price now
Yikes! Now $12.46.
That's the price coming from Amazon US, the listing by Amazon AU is gone.
@PJC: Amazon US now sell on Amazon.com.au as well stupid as it is.
"Ships from and sold by Amazon US."
I'm not a huge fan of these. They are not water tight, the blue seal wears after a while and they don't stack.
I have them stacked in my cupboard
They definitely stack
Woolworth's have the 2 litre for $3.10 https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/160295/sis… with all of these https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/search/specials?searchTer… being half price at the moment.
Once you go glass you can't go back.
Once you have one shatter on your kitchen floor, you consider alternative storage options.
Nah robovac sorts that.
Until you have kids.
Don't bother with these imo:
- glass ones much more affordable these days, no more colour stains
- as mentioned these aren't remotely leak proof so bad for liquids or sauces
- since not airtight not ideal for long term dry food storage either
I have a few Sistema containers but they're the last in line to be used and only for non-liquid stuff.
One older plastic container that has been leak proof for me and ironically enough has no rubber seal at all is Decor brand.
Plastic containers don't cut as much when they fall and break on your tiles.
Or your children.
Use them for storing lego
I have a whole lot of these I've been using for years to store all sorts of different knick-knacks and equipment.
This. Great for storing electronics/hardware and Nerf internals. Not so great for storing food.
Roughly the same price when Big W has 50% off (which is quite often)
Received the 2lt containers today, cheers OP
Available again (thanks perfeksionitst)
Price is $12.14c on the link given.
So it would seem it didn't last long.
Merged from Sistema Klip It 3l Container $3 Delivered for Amazon Prime Members
It’s back on, time to get your garage organised.