This was posted 6 years 6 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

FREE Access to 7,000+ Australian / International Newspapers & Magazines via Library PressDisplay


I find this website to be a very useful resource, it allows free access to content that some people quite happily pay for.

You can log in using a library card barcode, though as mentioned in the previous deal, almost any random 8 digit number will suffice, e.g.


I use a library card to gain access and would recommend others do the same, thanks to Riversdale28 for the comment.

A total of 7,294 titles are available at time of posting. Australian newspapers are limited in number due to News Corp disallowing access to their publications.

You can gain access to these newspapers using a VPN. If you don’t already have one, I recommend using Opera browser which comes with a built-in VPN.

A condensed list of currently available magazines is provided below.

Australian PressDisplay Titles:

  • 4 x 4 Australia
  • Australian Geographic
  • Australian Guitar
  • Australian House & Garden
  • Australian Traveller
  • BBC Good Food
  • Belle
  • Better Homes and Gardens
  • Classic Ford
  • Classics Monthly
  • Computer Music
  • Cosmopolitan
  • Cosmos
  • Country Style
  • Cross Stitcher
  • Diabetic Living
  • ELLE
  • Empire
  • F1 Racing
  • Games Master
  • Gardening Australia
  • Girlfriend
  • Golf Australia
  • Good Health
  • Gourmet Traveller
  • GQ
  • Guitar Techniques
  • Guitarist
  • Harper’s Bazaar
  • Home Beautiful
  • Inside Out
  • Inside Sport
  • Inside: donna hay
  • International Traveller
  • Linux Format
  • Little Angel
  • Lonely Planet
  • Love Patchwork & Quilting
  • Mac Format
  • Mania
  • Maximum PC
  • Men’s Health
  • Money Magazine Australia
  • New Idea
  • NW
  • OK!
  • Organic Gardener
  • PC & Tech Authority
  • PlayStation Official Magazine
  • Popular Science
  • Prevention
  • Procycling
  • Reader’s Digest
  • Real Living
  • Science Illustrated
  • SFX
  • Signature Travel & Lifestyle
  • Simply Crochet
  • Simply Knitting
  • Soap World
  • Super Food Ideas
  • The Australian Women’s Weekly
  • The Australian Women’s Weekly Food Magazine
  • The Knitter
  • Top Gear
  • Total Film
  • Total Guitar
  • TV Soap
  • Unique Cars
  • VOGUE Australia
  • VOGUE Living Australia
  • Wheels
  • WHO
  • Woman’s Day
  • Women’s Health

Previous deals here and here thanks to tonester and NancyCat.

Related Stores

Australian Traveller
Australian Traveller

closed Comments

  • +3

    Thanks always looking for free recipes

  • +2

    Thanks Op. Never knew about such a service and it's a great price :)

  • +1

    Who gave you permission to publish my library card barcode ???

    • +1

      I believe you own that premium library card 41111111…

      • +2

        Yes, I bought it as a custom library card.

        • 41111110 was gone… Damn FDR

      • Same as the first 8 numbers of my credit card

    • +1

      If you're not paying, you're the product

    • @jv - Isn’t your library card barcode 66600000?

  • So, are these archives?

  • +7

    Newscorp can't afford free reading because of all their charitable works

    • -3

      Is that you vegan?

    • +3

      Less trash to flick past to find something worth reading anyway.

    • -3

      Go back to reading The Guardian. Which is actually one of the publications you can access in this deal.

      As for criticizing coal how are you sourcing your income? Centrelink, union thug or do you have a nice Government job? Sick of Anti-Coal campaigners who really do not give a stuff about those employed by the mining industry.

      Reality check there are plenty of NEW coal fired power plants being built worldwide so prepare yourself for a coal resurgence as much as a second President Trump term! :)

      • +2

        …how are you sourcing your income?

        I have several batteries of ex-miners coughing into portable wind turbines, selling the energy back into the national grid.

        Serial Entrepreneur

        • +1

          You forgot the cigarettes you sell them. Which AKTIK watch did you buy?

  • +1

    This is beyond awesome.

    TQ OP

  • I love this! Can't seem to work out a way to download them (say as PDF) so you can view them offline eg. on a plane ride. Does anyone know if it can be done?

    • Screenshots worst case

    • +1

      Very hard way, but there is a method. There is a print option at bottom of the page, use cute PDF writer to save as pdf. BUT you have to repeat it for each page you want. If you want to you can download important pages by this method.

      • +3

        Full Page Screen Capture for Chrome PPL!

        Saves as PDF as well.

        If you like it, you're welcome ;-)

    • +2

      Sounds like a job for a Python scraping script.

      • +1

        Let us know how you go! I would like to be able to download some too :)

        • I probably won't get time to do it soon. But I've had good luck in the past with BeautifulSoup. Usually you can whip up a decent scraper in a few hours.

    • +1

      It appears that you can d/l with the pressreader app, but, logging in isn't as straight forward as the web based one (you need a PIN for the card number). If someone works out how to do it without a Lib Card please reply here.

      • I was wondering the same thing - can't login with library card details through the app which is where I would do the bulk of my reading.

  • +1

    No Choice magazine :(

  • +5

    No these are not archives, but the latest issues. You can read daily news papers of most countries with the exception of Australia, unless you are clever (unlike me) and know how to use a VPN or whatever those things are. ( Can access Aussie papers from abroad, so I'm assuming geoblocking software should work)

    • are you using an app or just browsing from web to access aussie papers?

    • +2

      Wait. You can access News Ltd papers from outside of Australia?

      • +2

        Big + from me for this throwaway comment, I had no idea you could access Auz papers like this. With my vpn off there are 397 titles, with it on, 467 including The Australian etc… Thanks!!

        • Is it still working for you with VPN on ?

    • This one comment just saved me hundreds of dollars.. thank you sir.

    • VPN no longer works to get Newscorp papers. It worked first time, but not any more. With VPN on I am only getting 398 papers now. Can anyone confirm this please ?

  • +9

    There's also an application called RB Digital that has heaps of good magazines available for free if you hold a library card.

    Search for 'RB Digital' on Google with the name of your state, or city to find if your library are paying them to provide this service to you. I know that all Western Australian library cards, and South Australian library cards have access.

    So does Sydney and Melbourne.

    It was a bit fiddly to get my library card connected, but once I did it's great to have free access to all those expensive magazines immediately after they are published.

    Their app sucks, but the magazines are great.

    • +8

      Yes their latest app is crap. Zinio before was soo much better.

      • You can still use Zinio with it now.

        • How do I enter my card number in Zinio? I can only see sign in with an account.

    • Online only ?

  • My local library card barcode actually doesn't work

    • I had to ignore the first character and only enter the 10 digits

  • +8

    Everything except newscorp… I'm definitely more inclined to visit now. I wish newscorp would just disappear from the Australian media landscape.

    • Get rid of them all. Left-wing media is even worse than right wing in some ways (such as the prolific volume opinion pieces pretending to be news). It's all gone down the crapper now all people seem to notice is what offends their sensibility… as if the news should give 2 hoots about that.

      • -4

        Some ways!? All ways.

      • +2

        Get rid of them all.

        that leaves propaganda and advertising. Good thinking.

      • left wing…right wing…all the same really, made in china

    • A world with only your opinions and views. We can but dream.

    • Why? Are you against free speach?

      Do words hurt you?

  • -4


  • +1

    Brilliant stuff! Thanks OP!

  • Yes, this is great! There's current issues.

  • Our local cards worked!…but is it just me or everytime I click on a next page of anything it reverst back to the home page?

    • Same here…

  • Thanks so much. What sort of account do you register for?

    • +1

      Register? I just put in my email and password then an 8 digit code, and I was in

      • +3

        Just fyi, you don't even need to use the email/password

        • Really? That's even better.

      • Thanks it worked

  • +7

    wow this is cool. Anyone know the history behind this? Is this content legal? Why is it all freely available and who maintains the site?

    Although, it's great to have access to them but I can't really see myself actually reading any of it - magazines are kind of dead to me. Especially, you can't seem to save it into a mobile friendly format like epub or whatever. Magazines are for airplanes and dentist offices etc. - I can't really see myself reading it in front of my computer.

    • +1

      Yep I feel the same — the magazine format is just not as convenient in a mobile/hyperlink world

  • +3

    I'm impressed. Thanks OP.

  • +2

    any FREE Access to Cairns Post?

    • Yes!

      Click 'Select Title' on top left, then 'By Country', then 'Australia', then scroll down to 'The Cairns Post'.

    • yes! the cairns post with its pay articles is very annoying.

  • +10

    Can access any of these app with the local library card:

    Cloud Library - Just need your Library card barcode

    Borrow Box - Need barcode and pin. (if you dont have a pin, just stop in to your local branch to request one)

    Press Reader (as previusly posted)
    Creating a new PressReader account
    Click Sign In, and select Library Card
    Choose your library from the drop down list
    Enter the number printed on your library card together with your PIN

    RB Digital (previously zinio as posted before) - each library have its own registration method google yours.
    here are some library……

    • +1

      Don't forget Libby. The librarian explained that Libby and Borrow Box complement each other - one is more international content, while the other is more Australian titles. The only problem is I don't remember which is which.

    • +2

      Kanopy is also a great service with Library/Uni accounts. A free netflix styling streaming service.

    • edit: pressreader- no need creat an account, just click on "sign in" at the bottom the yellow card icon next to all the social media icons

  • Can you read the New York Times on this

    • +1

      Not that I can see, but you can read the Washington Post which is another great paper.

  • +2

    Thanks, headphonejack, much appreciated. The Muscle Car Magazine has a great feature about the development of the Holden Monaro!

    Looking further into the website, it seems that it's a newspaper and magazine distribution company which partners with worldwide publishers to distribute their digital content under contract to audiences on airplanes, in hotels, on cruise ships, etc. Why they have a login system open to such abuse is odd, so not sure how long it will last, but it's great!

  • love this!

  • wowzah…

  • Amazing, but I sure I would forget about this tomorrow.

    I have heaps of free Kindle books, Udemy courses. I have looked at zero of them….

    There is not enough time in the world.

  • I've been using my library card for this service for quite a long time ( 2 years?) ever since it was introduced. wonderful resources online!

  • +1

    Q: How can I let my partner know I want to try being dominated in bed?

    Cosmopolitan, September, pp 137.


    • We're all hoping you have decided on a safe word that means stop.

      • Apparently Pineapple is a common word to use

      • +1

        Try yelling

        'schnell, schnell!'

    • +1

      How about page 79 of the same issue - "Inside the world's most powerful orgy" - which is about all-female orgies.


  • +1

    amazing. thanks OP

  • Is there any way to make this website tablet friendly? Can pull up individual pages but have to go back and right etc. For new pages…. kind of a pain.

    • There is an table app for RD Digital.

  • +1

    This is the best OzBargain post for me ever!
    Thank you, headphone Jack!

  • +1

    Mate, this post is legendary. Thanks.

  • Never thought it'd be this easy to get Inside: Donnay Hay.

    • Downvoted? I don't think so! We're not all stick in the muds with no sense of humour - have a +1!

  • +4

    This has gotta be one of the best deals I've seen, you're an absolute gem hpj, keep up the good work :)

    I've just started cooking heaps, so all these free recipes are going to come very handy!

    Also a big thanks to tonester for the original deal!

  • Guess this can't be read on phone apps?

    i tried to sign using ios press app, but can't see a field of adding my library card number only, like the pc website.

    • click on "sign in" at the bottom the yellow card icon next to all the social media icons

  • Can only view the cover & thumbnails of the magazines.
    Keeps going back to homepage whenever I try to view any page of a magazine.

    • Same here…

  • +3

    Hi Gang
    I love Ozbargain and look forward to it every day.
    Access to Press Reader is a function of your local library and they PAY for the privilege.
    So I would suggest that users get a library card - which is FREE - and support their local library
    rather than using random card numbers published above. Sort of more ethical I guess. :)

  • +2

    BTW, joining the State Library of Victoria FREE gives access to The Age every day and back issues for a hundred years

  • Okay, I do have a State Library of WA card, and can log in to the SLWA, but nothing I do allows it through on RB Digital? I also have another bar code number SLWA sent in an email a couple years ago when I signed up + a 4 digit pin. Nothing works?

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