• expired

AmEx 3000 Bonus Points (Adding Supplementary Card over Phone)


Similar to my previous deal www.ozbargain.com.au/node/377489

Get 3000 bonus points when adding supplementary card over the phone.

I believe there is a limit of 3000 points per Amex primary card.

Not sure when the promotion expires but likely to be end of August.

Edit: arctan mentioned Amex rep confirmed that this deal would apply to online application as well

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (2)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (10)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

American Express
American Express

closed Comments

  • +5

    hmm…can I add my 6 month old?

    • +1

      I believe there is a minimum age of 18 for supplementary cardholder

      • +2

        Thank goodness, my pet Jonathan is eligible !!

        • 18 human years, not dog years though.

  • Is it 3000 points of whatever rewards program you are part of?

    • That's my understanding

  • Does anyone know if this applied to companion cards like the Westpac Altitude Platinum AMEX?

    • Call them and please report back.
      Their phone number is 1300 132 639

    • +1

      It should work. I ordered a card for my wife on Wednesday on the phone. 3000 points have already shown up in the Amex app. This was on the black altitude Qantas card.

      • +4

        i like how you knew about this deal and didnt share with the Ozb fam bam :)

        • I figured it out yesterday, so why would I post my own thread when there's this one already here? Thankyou for your comment though - I appreciate it :)

  • You’re joking.. I waited months for this and gave in, ordered a secondary card online today

    • Just get another one. It's fine lol

      If you don't want another one you can cancel the first one and get it again.. or get another one for the same person, or even, yourself.

    • almost happened to me last night too !

    • I literally ordered one online a couple of hours ago. Just rang and they were more than happy to put it through again with the bonus points and stop the previous application going through.

      • just wondering if you got the points credited on your account?

  • +30

    Random tips:

    • Issuing a supplementary card to a partner/family member does not count as them having a AMEX card for the purpose of applying for first-time user sign ups - this is in reference to the fine print saying "you cannot get sign up bonus of 100k Qantas Points if you have held an AMEX in the last 18 months"
    • You aren't supposed to be able to get a supplementary card in your name, but it is possible. Tips to increase the chances of being successful with this are to try multiple times (honestly), because the ones that know what they're doing tell you it's not possible. And now I've just thought of this - are you telling me that there's only one other John Smith in Australia…? And that I, John Smith, can't possibly know another John Smith? If the answer is no, HUACA (hang up and call again)
    • Benefit of getting cards in your name: Good for times when staff ask to see ID.
    • Benefit of getting cards in other people's name: Gives other people the chance to buy on your behalf in case they're asked for ID, and/or for "legitimate" times when they're really spending
    • Benefit of getting supplementary cards: Each card has a unique card number that can be used to enrol individually for AMEX statement credit offers
    • This type of promotion comes up once every few months
    • 3000 Rewards points of whatever program you're in (as per some comments from above)
    • You can get supplementary cards for someone that has previously been a supplementary card holder on your account
    • You can issue more than one supplementary card for the same person, but might need to HUACA as well. Similar to situation above.
    • Trying to fabricate a name is probably not a good idea in case you are asked for ID. From my experience it's 50-50 as to whether they ask for ID.
    • Better idea is to ask a friend who hopefully is ok with you holding a Credit Card with their name. There is a bit of risk involved in this because you technically are holding a form of somewhat acceptable ID in their name, but from a cost/charges point of view, it's your card so you're liable for all "their" costs
    • Most AMEX cards have a 4 (or 5?) supplementary card limit, but this is not a technical limit. The technical limit is 99 cards. You can get more than 4. If they say no, HUACA.
    • Invest in a card wallet like this or this if you're gonna go nuts with the number of cards you get.
    • +10

      just don’t lose the card wallet or get it stolen doing an opal run

      Operator - what do you mean you had 20 cards in the wallet you lost?

      • +6

        Operator - Only 20 cards? What an amateur.

        • +2

          Rookie. Hand in your OzBargain membership.

    • +1

      Forgot a pretty important one!

      • You will only get 1 lot of 3000 points per primary card, regardless of how many supplementary cards you add to that account (edited)

      That is, assuming it's like previous promotions.

    • I just found out that the technical limit is … no limit. It is not 99 cards as I have thought since the system will just move the 'hundred' digit to the next one and the 99 count can start again.

      • Oh. Interesting. Lol how did you figure that out..? Could that make the limit then 999, which would be the number of unique numbers you could get from (the last) 3 digits?

        • +1

          Not the last digit, the last digit is checksum digit, then the next 3 digit is your card number.

          I have a replacement card and that is how I know that at least 3 digits are your card number not 2.

          P.S: I had a look at my card number and I think the card number is likely just 3 digits which means the technical limit is 1000.

  • Can I get a card in a minors name? ie. one of your kids?

    • only 18 yo above

      • +1

        Kids could be as old as 30, seems to be how long they stay at home these days.

  • Is this offer targeted? Do you have to tell them anything when you call up to get a supp?

    • As far as I know it is not targeted

  • +2

    Thanks OP! It worked ! and they didn't even ask for ID !!

  • I have 3 suppl cards already. Anyone know if I cancel them and reapply to get 9k points?

    • One lot of 3k per primary card only.

  • +1

    where did you see this deal? I don't see any mention of it on their website

  • Adding supplementary will it affect yout credit score?

    • +1

      No it won’t.

      • But what if the supp goes all Paris Hilton on you?
        Yeah, I know - that's hot etc.

  • +1

    Thanks op. Just added wife, operator confirmed the bonus points offer.

  • +1

    Can you guys please confirm that if a person already holds a supplementary card- are they still eligible for this offer ?

    • Would also like to know this

  • Not available for the platinum apparently

    • So platinum edge no good?

      • Also curious on the Platinum Edge before I try.

        Also thinking if my partner already has an Amex is she eligible for supplementary card off my primary one?

        • +1

          Hi Shibby, you can add someone as a supp. cardholder even if they have an account with AMEX in their own name. Enjoy the 3K (and get another 3K by having your partner add you as a supp. to her account!).

        • @Sean R:
          Sweeet! Thanks for the heads up Sean, will pair nicely with our $200 travel vouchers.

        • @Sean R: You mean I can add platinum edge card to myself and another one to my partner. I'll get 6k bonus points?

        • +1

          @arctan: You only get one lot of bonus points per "main" card that you have, regardless of how many supplementary cards you during this promo.

          Source: Previous promos

        • +1

          Hey illumination, does this mean I should wait for the next 3000 pts promo to add another supplementary card?
          Or is it max 3000 points for ALL supplementary card applications regardless of the time period (i.e. if this deal pops up again we won't qualify for the next section)?

        • +1

          @cwongtech: yes correct. Wait until the next round of promos to add another supplementary. It's not like a sign up bonus where if you've participated once you can't participate again.

          Alternatively, you can just… add whoever, and next promo, add more people. Or cancel and add again. Bit of hassle but it's doable.

        • +1

          Thanks for that!

        • @cwongtech: That's correct. I've added a supp during each of these promos, my Explorer and Platinum Edge have 9 supps each. My partner has also added me as a supp to her Explorer account and got the bonus points from these promos.
          We're yet to take advantage of this promo, but we can't wait to get 3 x 3000 points between the 2 of us.

        • +1


          My partner has also added me as a supp to her Explorer account

          Yeah she did the same for me.

          Said I was more anatomically mathematical than you are.

        • +1


          Said I was more anatomically mathematical than you are

          What's the diameter of your orifice?

        • +1

          Hey MathNerd!

          Thanks for that information!
          By the way, thanks for all the ebay gift cards you've helped me purchase during the last sale, the 7% savings is awesome, I overpurchased quite a bit though :(

          Don't currently hold an Amex myself, but will get family member to add a supplementary on their explorer :)
          So my next question is..cancelling supplementary cards randomly and then adding one in these type of promos work too? :D

        • @cwongtech:

          By the way, thanks for all the ebay gift cards you've helped me purchase during the last sale, the 7% savings is awesome, I overpurchased quite a bit though :(

          You're welcome cwongtech. Pleasure to be of help! The savings are amazing.

          Don't currently hold an Amex myself, but will get family member to add a supplementary on their explorer :)


          So my next question is..cancelling supplementary cards randomly and then adding one in these type of promos work too?

          It's a lot of hassle to cancel and then get another one, I'd recommend just adding another one. Doesn't hurt to have more cards than you need, and they're all free too! I've got a total of 6 supps that are in my name and the other supps have the names of my partner and two brothers. If they have a problem with using those names again, I'll just give them the names of my mum and dad :) Then rinse and repeat (you can get variations of first, middle and last name).

      • +1

        I got it only platinum edge on last promo. Maybe Tech5 means platinum charge?

        • Yea I meant for the platinum charge. I will try out my edge later

      • +2

        Platinum edge is fine, I just added one.

  • AMEX used to give 5000 points for adding a secondary card holder but it was hardly advertised.

  • Had already applied for supp card last week over phone. But wasn't aware of this offer at that time.
    So called AmEx Today and they took a moment to confirm I would automatically receive 3K points within 4 weeks or in next statement.

    Mine is Westpac Altitude Qantas card.

  • does this work for velocity platinum as they credit straight to velocity as opposed to amex points?

  • Commbank amex $10 supp card fee :(

    • +1

      This promotion doesn't apply to Commbank AMEXs anyway so not to worry

  • Just applied for my 8th supp card.

    1st call: Rep said I am only eligible for 3000 bonus points if this is my first supp card.

    2nd call: Rep said I will get the 3000 points and accepted my application.

    • how long is the process over the phone?

      • +1

        Probably around 10 minutes

    • +2

      This is the essence of HUACA (Hang Up And Call Again).
      Well and truly a professional.

    • Nice

  • +6

    Just had a chat with Amex rep online and confirmed if you add suppl card by yourself online you'll also get 3k bonus points.

    • Thanks!! Just did it only. Much more pleasant :)

      • Can you confirm you've received the bonus points for adding the supp cards online? :) Thanks!

      • What @MathNerd said — can you please confirm if it worked?

    • +1

      This is great -thanks. I have updated the post.

    • +4

      I just asked the rep on the phone and they said no. Apparently there was a similar promotion for online last month but this month is on the phone (according to this particular person). So YMMV

  • Does this apply for corporate Amex cards? I’m guessing probably not

    • +1


  • How long does it take until points are credited?

    • I applied online and the rep says it will take 2-4 weeks.

  • +2

    In case anyone was wondering how this progressed for others…

    I received my supp card in the post today. I then checked my AMEX net banking and noticed my 3000 points (QFF) was in there since 8th August.

    Happy days!

    • Hmm. This suggests (assuming that you phoned them) that online additional cards do not get the points. I dont see it in my net banking and I added the card (and have already used it) online.

      • Yeah I phoned through as per ‘original’ OP.

  • +1

    Has anyone tried testing the limit of max. 1 bonus per card?

  • +1

    Thanks OP. 7 minutes on the phone was all it took. The 3000 points showed up in my monthly summary of points earnt the very next day.

  • got points for amex Westpac Altitude Qantas card. btw how many additional cards are allowed on the amex issued Westpac Altitude Qantas card? i know most westpac issued cards it is only one additional card allowed. also amex rep said that if you have a platinum charge card or reserve you can get an additional card with out doing the id check for anyone. worked for my dad on the reserve. i asked if i could get one in my name again he said not for the reserve only the platinum charge card. i wonder if this is the same for the platinum edge if no id check is required for supplementary applicants? i suspect it is too as wife got a supplementary card for her mum and no id was required. but note all my other amex card supplementary applications did require me to supply id to be checked before they were issued. also note if you have multiple amex cards and the supplementary holder name applicant is already on another account just quote their card number when they call up to do id check so that way they can find it to skip id check as its already been done in the past. the good old days no id check was required wish i had ordered more back then for my dog lol.

    • I ordered a suppl card online and got it approved instantaneously(without an ID check) after i called them
      ordered one over the phone and was asked to supply an ID

      I was told by the rep that some applications are routed to get an ID check

  • Chatted with an agent via online chat and was told this is not valid for online applications, the last time i received an offer for online application was May.

  • +2

    Offer ends tomorrow, 31st Aug

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