½ Price Nestlé Milo 1.1kg $6.99 @ IGA
64¢ per 100g
This special appears to be available only in QLD & NSW IGA/Supa IGA stores, you can check your local upcoming catalogue here.
½ Price Nestlé Milo 1.1kg $6.99 @ IGA
64¢ per 100g
This special appears to be available only in QLD & NSW IGA/Supa IGA stores, you can check your local upcoming catalogue here.
Don't think I've seen half price on these, and it's half price from a decent base price, so.. good deal!
starting tomorrow ?
they say milo distributed at different countries taste differently
is that true ?
Could be due to the milk?
You have yours with milk!? But…doesn't that dilute it?
The technical term for it is 'cut'
Yes different formulas for different countries. Australians mostly drink it cold so we have one formula where as I believe New Zealand formula differs as they mostly have it hot. I believe there is also differences in sweetness and milk content due to area preferences
True, Milo in the Philippines does not taste as good.
Personally, Milo in Malaysia and Singapore tastes the best!
They contains more sugar than OZ version! Yucks.
They also predominantly use hot water and powdered milk as fresh milk is expensive
I disagree. I mean, when you sell Australian Milo in Singapore, it speaks for itself …
Malaysian Milo just tastes blergh
make sure to check best before date.
How early do IGA make catalogues available now? Is it Monday 5pm like Colesworth?
Yes, I’m pretty sure it is.
Nothing in WA?
Just another day in WA. :p
Just another day in paradise…
The Nestle gods have decided that WA is already fat enough.
I only found out that there were different types of IGA stores when I tried to purchase the 10kg SunRice Medium Grain Rice at the Haymarket IGA in Sydney - no such deal there. IGA website above suggests there are localised store catalogues.
Sadly my closest convenient IGA in Homebush, NSW doesn't have the Milo on special.
Is there an easy way to find which stores have them at the special price?
Even cheaper to just buy this & stick in down your throat
Wait, you mean Milo isn't health food and is actually bad for you?
It doesn't cause inflammation across the entire body exacerbating physical pain and doesn't affect levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin causing depression and loss of social ability though surely?
Everything is bad for you. It's just a matter of what's less bad for you
Oh yeah… then explain this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_osqW_cz8k
Not to mention the packaging is green. Checkmate.
Only consume if alternative is worse.
Everybody knows Milo is bad for you but feeling like crap can sometimes be worse.. it is always situational guys
By the looks of it they removed the 4.5 Star Health Rating. Does that mean it's less healthy now? /s
*if you use skim milk
Lol I didn't realise that's actually how it was calculated. This article also pointed that beer battered chips has 4 health stars. What a joke.
Yeah. They could have mixed the Milo with an olympic sized swimming pool of water and given it 5 stars. The star rating system was supposed to be independent of the corporations but they chucked enough money at the government to get it modified so they can manipulate the system. So now it is useless.
You can probably thank the ABC for that.
At that price I'll be backing up the truck, the way my kids eat Milo. (Yeah you guys! I know you are both on OzB)
I have tried a few different postcodes but this promo is not shown across the catalogues. anyone know which store in sydney has this?
As Milo is 47% sugar that would make this a bargain by 3%. Don't get me wrong I love Milo.
most of them are natural sugar from milk powder & malt
can you have milk without its' sugar ???
250ml of fresh milk has over 10g of sugar
This is like a lucky draw in sydney….not across all stores. What a joke.
life is always a lucky draw
Excellent price!