[NSW] MILO 1.9kg - 6 for $38.95 in-Store @ Bibina Foods, Warner's Bay


Bibina Warner's Bay. Wholesale Provedore, Retail walk in.

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  • +4

    Not bad for 6 serves

  • 50% of which is sugar

    • +9

      Wow, i never would have known Milo had sugar if not for this comment. Thank you. Very helpful.

    • +3

      43.6% but pretty close!

    • Honestly, considering that most junk food has more anyway and you don't eat Milo powder on it's own (at least I hope) but rather mix it, it's not really a problem…


  • +1

    Breakfast sorted for this week… but what about next week ?

  • Wow that’s wild cheap for anyone near there… nice find.

  • inflation is crashing.

  • The label says $38.95 per unit.

    Highly doubt that they're selling 6 tins (1 carton) for that price.

    RRP for 6 x 1.9kg tins is > $300 https://megaofficesupplies.com.au/nestle-102296-milo-can-1-9…

    • +2

      Unless it's a week out from use by then its $39 per tin.

  • Not a chance.

  • -1

    I bought a couple of these for ~$10 each from Amazon (with free delivery) during COVID.
    Has Milo really gone up that much?

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